Isl202 Assignment

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Assignment No.

Name: Abdul Rehman Zubairi
VU id: BC220406160

Question Number 1: Sincerity is the spirit of worships and actions. Allah Almighty
accepts only those actions that are based on sincerity. One of the most important
characteristics of the believers described by Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an is that
their acts of worship and deeds are only for the pleasure of Allah Almighty.
The Quran States:

ِ ِ‫َو َمآ اُ ِم ُر ٓوا اِاَّل لِيَ ْعبُدُوا اللّ ٰـهَ ُم ْخل‬

)‫ البینۃ‬98:5( َ‫صيْنَ لَـهُ ال ِّديْن‬

Translation: And they have been commanded no more than this: To worship Allah,
offering Him sincere devotion.
In view of the above-mentioned statement, you have to describe five ways/sources by
which we can develop sincerity in our worships and actions.

1. Intentions;
When we have sincere intentions, we are aware of Allah, the Almighty, and what pleases
Him continually. This is because, contrary to what we first intended, we now seek to serve
Allah Almighty rather than ourselves. We must be honest in our devotion and conduct by
seeking Allah's favour rather than our own.
2. Truthfulness;

Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Said;

َ ‫شنَا فَلَ ْي‬
" ‫س ِمنَّا‬ َّ ‫" َمنْ َغ‬
Translation: “He who cheats is not one of us.”
Truthfulness must serve as the foundation of our lives. We must maintain consistency
between our private and public lives. Sincerity in our worship and deeds will grow as a result
of the truth.
3. Taqwa;
When we live with Taqwa, we perform our daily tasks and acts of worship with sincere
intentions. We perform acts of worship because Allah has commanded us to, not because we
want to satisfy ourselves or be praised. This will strengthen the sincerity with which we
perform our acts of worship and strive to achieve the true goal of both.

4. Keeping oneself from boasting;
Allah Almighty Said;

“ َ‫ض ُّرعًا َو ُخ ْفيَةً ۚ ِإنَّهُ اَل يُ ِح ُّب ا ْل ُم ْعتَ ِدين‬

َ َ‫”ا ْدعُوا َربَّ ُك ْم ت‬

Translation: “Call upon your Lord in humility and privately; indeed, He does not like
We should refrain from praising ourselves for our positive deeds. When performing good
deeds, we should make sure that the other hand is kept in the dark if we donate something
from one hand. The essential purpose of our action and worship is wasted when we brag.

5. Asking Allah for help;

Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬Said;

ْ ‫سَأ ِل هَّللا َ َوِإ َذا ا‬
ْ ‫ستَ َع ْنتَ فَا‬
‫ستَ ِعنْ ِباهَّلل‬ ْ ‫سَأ ْلتَ فَا‬
َ ‫ِإ َذا‬
Translation: “if you ask, ask Allah, if you ask for help, ask Allah.”

This hadith instructs and demonstrates that if we have any requests, we should make them to
Allah. Since only him has the power to give us anything we ask for and to take anything
away from us at will. We must supplicate to Allah with sincere acts of prayer. If we
genuinely ask him, he will give us anything.

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