Manual de Aleaciones Meehanite

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aaaes nn | MEEHANITE METAL | MANUFACTURING PROCEDURES FUHDICION LAS ROSAS irropucTion ‘Te Moshanite process isthe result of mere than Dear api owitaoe inte ecient find uses fe Own methods of process ont, thaughout the wore. The prooess ha, In as results n an improvement f the anowisdge an Utiizethe Meehan process as weno t fod. ‘manel with an in-depth lacussion ofthe met [argeat Taste that govern the menutature. ef fast fon in general Much the knowledge Siscusced nara was developed by Mesranie their constant search to develop a better product his fs why Yau il find same repetition in te dasergion of the Meahante process tht follows theintrodsctionto the Matlurgy of Cast on Ba FONDICION LAS ROSAS FAAS, HOCHETTE BALC, MEENANITE METAL MANUFACTURING PROCEDURES (Metals! Intuetions) comPaNY Nawe: ReGisten NO. 222 ‘The Information contained inthis apo is contdentil to foundries manutecturing MEEHANITE* METAL nd is intendad oni fer ther private ue, Thlerapot ie nota publsaon and isnot avaible a the publ Any fubleaion af claclasure of the contents heat it shout the writen consent oF MECHANISE OAL DWIDE, Bvsion of Meshanite Metal Cemporation, i ren ited (Copyright, 1977, by MEEHANITE WORLDWIDE, Deion ef Meshanite Metal Corporation, Chatnooge, Sennoses, rntdin ie United States ot Amariea TABLEOF CONTENTS itRoouCTION PARTONE: PRACTICAL GAST IRON METALLURGY |The Solditieation of Cast Irons ‘The Constitutional oisgram ‘ype of Flake Grape. Neston and Uneseeoing ‘The Formation of oat Grape. Gooling Rat. Stary ‘Compesiton, Undercccing& Chil Valuas ana ee ee aaa cong he Chill Values in Producing the Ossred Chil Values Tne Rote of Graphite Unasreseing im Cupea eiing UUngercooling in Elie Matting Nucleation snd the inal Cn Walae Summary Nodular Soquonce Variation inthe Neds Seuss ‘The Ete! of Tramp Elements ‘The Etlect of Cooling Rate The Matrix Sructire PART TWO; “THE METALLURGY OF THE MEEHANITE PROCESS 1. The Various Types of Menaite Met Mh The Regular Fake Graphite fons Fo" Tesh ‘The Corect Chemistry hasge Session PAGENO, 6 16 e 2 SNONR a a ledge Cantal Procedures Procaloy Adcltions and Gonil Tests Sequence af Testing Selecting the Contet recsci “The Heat Resisting Ty MF. Charge Selection Type “AQ® Meshanite Type "Aas ‘The Wesr Resisting Types Type "W" Meshanite Type “WSH" Neonat E Type swe ‘The Coron Resisting Types Types “CR" end “CRS Mechanic Propetes and Structures of “Te Flake Granite rons (@ Types) hs Nodslr Grapite rons Tysee) Wosr Resisting Types Wir faraening snd Corrosion Resisting Types FUHDICION LAS ROSAS ane, FOCHETE SAIC. PART ONE: PRACTICAL CAST IRON METALLURGY ‘THE SOLIDIFICATION OF CAST IRONS 1A, Te Constitutional Diagram: ‘cast on is an aioy containing more than 1.70% SRore hay convenenty bs csesitod as ory earn hel exeta carbon Sacre 98 se Tike light e nodular cao won nore iis excess eeimeccure fe nadules, or su whit cast ron Sire it ecous. as ion carlde or camentt TRS se‘sloa many varetieg to between these Cawsticatone produced by Intent or By mistake edn watetosfctuge gry eon wiih undercooled Seevlin oder on with compacted. flake Sespite, asd mottieg ron eontaring cares Sahp winavi types of graphite, In actual practice, east ron seldom conta ess ‘han a0Se toa! caoon and furerelassteation T Sfacescconing tothe won/eareoneaullnium iar, Wtnout lecuasing terestive mort Setrany “ot renvoarben sgrams. the one "Eventfonely sed-and adequate fr the pute Soaea of iis lscusion ig town a8 ine dovble Ponfearbon diagram, The ts called. &. double ‘ream because cmon may pecitate rom the figs’ on as ron camide, as raphe, Tis HeiGulr eloprar (igure 8 binary oagram Beaing only wit carton ana fon. in ecual fact, Se? Ro aloe contain sieon ang sos con Siicton may batter be appreciated by using 8 ‘binary on/earbon/ sean agra. The teary Sega Sar Ieeaon ofthe eral sores. The cast ton metallrlct can also take Bee'or the. uation ‘by using the “carbon PRivalgnt 8 (Eso Se TG. + 179% Sie ‘Sead ete carton content aigne. This, In avery Hacica way lows forthe inlosnce of icon “Tye moat important point on tis agra (Figure Tis" evectie point “C" at 4.90% carbon, oF Rion equlalen-Gan rons coniatring ess than ‘Satectic rons; wherang those wi more than 3558 carbon equiva are known as. hyper teticirons 1 ais oidert om iis diagram, eutettuents int enst at solidieation undergo Ranges at fowertempertures and that the frat Smet eiferent fom ha existing mediate ‘Water saiieaton. For easier practical Interpretation of this phase Site ond to nave working tool that may Be SeBiinine menutactureot cat ron, is beter to saa snes gra suc that shown in Cnc! fst the case of a cast ion of hypo Sera caron and ace te changes tat or Sse sojgitian, 2% carbon ogulvlen, (or ex Shple Hau on wil cool dawn to about 2000°F ‘SBin ime, rstas of svete ll opin to Soper A a mpeg cree Mein carton moving ncompoction towards the (catcetiseompos on t 4 30% catbon equtalent Sls’ occurs baslely eocause austen aa & tomer carvon-sluten capably than igi ron, Vitor th sorposton ote hud conarivales Sater dopestiog from solution of carbon She austenite, The. ckzon that depos may SBhslt of won carbide nthe cas ot white ron, Gras rapmtein ne eace of gray Fons. On further Coating. tne oniginaly sepasied austenite wil {fenton to pantie owactold of ron carded Sratre of 4a00-F is ranoned. Ths exec tem Fioys" eg. lieon, manganese, no on ih the In the cas ofan ton of hypeceutetic compos omasove-420% carbon equate eli tBton couuenee fe somenna ifrent. Consider, {Sr oromple, carbon equialant of about 50% Ath th ember fale fo the elds, Intl SRiicaven eons ta depetion of ron the case of gray one” The remaining auld be. mee loweted in caraon content ahd whe fetches the 430% congantrtion, futher sot ‘Slion’ovewe. aa a, eluate ef carbon and fustente, Ar about 1960°F, the austenite will iransorminto peste, The factors il determine whether an iron of {won cornposton wil so}sty e98 ay Iron, oF Payne. on, or both. These are. the Zbncentaion of shicen, the cooing rate of the 25ting. ane the oecureqen of the phenomenon frown és underocoing. Sacause ofthese factors, Nigimost impousibie to contel the structure at {aston meray by ving lagram such a8 given lie 2 ncaa 20, oe foumed and jon now vious compositions shi ‘She factors wilt iiuance ‘ls formation of ents, lron-Carbon Equilibrium Diagram Revied 1966 ate Per Gt Caron og « 5 90 1 ‘ate aay riguae2 Figures represents a double ron carbon slagram tng Tri eat oct of expan ‘han 430% earbon eaulaiont) Ina very aplly {Cooled sample 9 aus or, al the carbon al mpl, all ihe carbon wil osu a8 graphite. At fan'intermediate rate, a mbture of graghita ard arbi ould be expected. ‘Tho lower the temparature at which carbon ie Precipitated (lose to eutcte composition, the Iroveclonty the metal must be costed to prevent ‘he formation. of ewbide. oF to. promete. the Termetion of gratite. As the. brokon tne on Figure 2 is eached fet, the Tendency "eo ‘epost graphite ass fist step Inthe coving of fyperoutecti ity, What happens is that pro (tisciloearbon (carbon precipitated before tect) fe dorowte os grapmsta ana wih arher Socreae In empertue, tho eutectic carbon ie deposited as embides, o as erent, depanding onthe rate ot e2olng Innypo-utectie alloys, the broken line rprasont- Ing apne cepositen is closer to the carlos line go these alloys show a greatar tendency to oly win cables” Cootiag rales: to endure ‘aprile, muet te siower tertore than ea ave with Mype-eutectscompostins. tue bo borne in ming tat the eutectoia point ‘own Ie Figure 2 and 3 also comes nfo play. This pon! fereserts tho caro content ot uatente farmed during init soliestion” At Fiaune 2 the gutectold temperature of approximately pated to higher temperatures will tantorm to Pearle by oliatcation of altsmete leyers of Fonte and rom carbide or seat Excess carbon is deposited from the austenite as Ireools and this deposition in affected by graphite Siready presen. Winat happens. le that new Sephite Sapoalts on the exiting graphite and faxes the form of the granite andy presont per to compet, ft soldieation. This fat fs urhops tho most important consderstion to boat Fremind when attempting to contol the shepe ang Fomor ihe grepite hat exitein grey cast fon (Once graphite is present in a soiiying atl, t cls ae anucleue to promote further deposition of Graphite. such neta! are aboent, It maybe Aiteut to ota he nal fermaton of graphite In typoutectc ays, no graphite precipitates Geo trom the mat Telows, therefore, that these dompostione require 8 alower ate af 20h Ingto cause graphitete forma thecutectc, In nypercutesticaioys, the graphite is deposited ‘enthiy tom the met ans fit favors mare de Bosten "ef graphite ae cooling progresses, Because ct ns carton normaly poste the ‘esuitng i ee fete Inthe strcture. Por this ‘easomy nypoceutactc compositions are much tore "peatite in. nate than hypareuiectic

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