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SAS # 6

CFU (Check for Understanding)

Alburo, Christian Anthony B. BSN 2- B3

1. The principle that deals with the need to tell the truth.
RATIONALE: Being accurate, true, or true to oneself is the definition of veracity.

2. The legal principle of a right to privacy is matched to the ethical principle of

RATIONALE: Only those who are authorized by confidentiality have access to information.

3. The use of placebos is most problematic when you are considering the principle of
RATIONALE: One of the primary moral and ethical civilization norms is truthfulness.

4. The famous admonition “If you can’t do the patient good, at least avoid harm,” speaks of the two
important principles of beneficence and
RATIONALE: The nonmaleficence principle states that it is wrong to harm other individuals.

5. “Nurses should practice nursing and allied health specialist should only practice within their specialty
areas” is an application of the basic principle of
RATIONALE: Role fidelity concerns a person's responsibility to be reliable and submissive in their
dealings with others.

6. When one person has a right, others have obligations to either refrain from hindrance or provide the
required goods and services associated with the right. What type of obligation is this?
RATIONALE: When someone possesses a right, others have a responsibility to either respect that right
without interfering or to provide the goods and services required to uphold it.

7. Perhaps the most famous moralized contractarian theory of rights that includes the concept of an
original position comes from the work of _______________.
RATIONALE: Because they are sensible and rational individuals, those who consider themselves to be
free and equal should be able to accept and support the morally justifiable standards of justice that
guide our fundamental social institutions and personal conduct, according to Rawls.

8. What rights are generally equated to the law of God?

RATIONALE: fundamental truths that are understandable and knowable by human reason only.
9. We have different Golden rules across religions, what religion has its golden rule which says “Hurt not
others which you would find hurtful?”
RATIONALE: Buddhism encourages high moral standards, but it also recognizes that these standards
need to be adjusted to take into account the reality of daily living.

10. He is an English philosopher where in his model he assumes that the state of nature was a state of
social chaos, and that the origins of law, which are simultaneous with those of morality, are in social
RATIONALE: Hobbes is credited with developing the social contract hypothesis, which uses the
agreement that would be formed amongst rational, free, and equal people in the proper situation to
justify political ideas or agreements.

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