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(Ms. Atim Patricia, Ahumuza Dianah Ateenyi, Dr. Ronald Kakungulu Mayambala)

LL.B. II, 2018/2019



Foulkes, Administrative Law, 7th edition, Butterworths, London, 1990
Wade, Administrative Law, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, 1988
Garner, Administrative Law, 7th edition by Jones, Butterworths, London, 1989
Bailey, Cross and Garner, Cases and Materials in Administrative Law
Oluyede, Administrative Law in East Africa.


Daniel D. Nsereko - Police Powers & The rights of the individual in Uganda
de Smith - Judicial Review
de Smith - Constitutional & Administrative Law,
Graffith & Street - Principles of Administrative Law
Schwartz & Wade - Legal Control of Government
Jackson - Natural Justice
Yardley - Principles of Administrative Law
Yardley - A Source Book of English Administrative Law
D. Hood Phillips - Constitutional and Administrative Law
Paul Jackson - 6th Edn. Sweet & Maxwell 1978.
P.P Criag - Administrative Law, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1983.
Hugh Corder and Tiyanjana Maluwa - Administrative Justice in Southern Africa 1996
Hugh Corder and Linda Vander Vijver - Realising Administrative Justice – 2002
Public Accountability and Good Governance – Kituo Cha Katiba-Editor – S.Tindifa 2009.


1. The Advocates Act, Cap. 267
2. The Civil Procedure (Amendment) (Judicial Review) Rules, S.I. 75 of 2003
3. The Civil Procedure Act Cap. 71 vol.4
4. The Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act cap 72 vol.4
5. The Commissions of Inquiry Act Cap. 166
6. The Constitution of Uganda, 1995
7. The Employment Act 2006
8. The Evidence Act Cap.6 vol.2
9. The Government Proceedings Act Cap. 77 vol.4
10. The Inspectorate of Government Act cap 167 vol.8
11. The Judicature Act Cap.13 vol.2
12. The Judicature Amendment Act No. 3 of 2002

13. The Judicature (Judicial Review) Rules SI 11 of 2009
14. The Labour Disputes (Arbitration and Settlement Act) 2006
15. The Local Government Act, cap.243 vol. 10
16. The Medical and Dental Practitioners’ Act, Cap. 272
17. The Tax Appeals Tribunal Act cap 345 vol.13
18. The Uganda Communications Commission Act 1998


- The Constitution of 1995 (152-160)
- Public Finance and Management Act
- National Audit Act
- Inspectorate of Government Act, 2002
- Leadership Code Act, 2002
- The UN Convention against Corruption
- The Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Act 2003
- Procurement and Disposal of Asset Regulations 2003
- The Anti Money Laundering Act, 2015

General Foulkes pg.314-402
De Smith - Judicial Review
Common Wealth Law Bulletin. July - Oct 1996, pg.725-734
Common Wealth L.B Jan., 1995, pg.40-41
8th Edn. Foulkes: Judicial Review 337 - 361
R vs Devon County, exparte Baker & Anor (1995) 1 ALLER
R v Football Association Ltd (1993)2 ALLER 833
Silva Nabugere v. Faalo s/o Sukura 9 (1993) 2 KALR 131
Grace Bamurangye Baroroza & Others vs Dr. Kasirivu & Others C.S. Mp/ 44 pf 2008.
Re Retirement of Bashakara – High Court – M.A No. 48 of 2001.
Kaggwa Andrew and 5 Others V Minster of Internal Affairs.
John Teira & Grace Ruto V Makerere University Council M. A. No, 49 of 2018/2010
Kyamanywa Tumusire V Re IGG M.A 243 of 2008.
John Jet Tumwebaze V Makerere University Concil M. A. 353 of 2005.
Proline Acadeny Ltd V Lawrence Mulindwa & Others M.A. 459 of 2009.
Hainna Sekabira vs Makerere University Students Electoral Commission & Others M.A. Case
No. 70 of 2006.
Anup Singh Choudhry v. AG (HCT-00-CV-MC-0057-2012)
AG v. Tinkasimiire & Ors (CIVIL APPEAL No. 208 of 2013)
Kanyeihamba v. Nile Construction General Contractors Ltd & Anor (MISCELLANEOUS
Mbabazi Roselyn Tusiime v. AG and Anor. (MISCELLANEOUS CAUSE NO. 0061 OF 2019
Civil Procedure (Amendment) (Judicial Review) rules, 2003
In Re: An Exparte application for leave to apply for judicial review & In Re: Afro Motors Ltd
& Anor v. Minister of Finance Planning and Economic Planning & Anor (MISCELLANEOUS
CAUSE NO. 203 OF 2006)

Lin Jeng-Liang & Anor v. Ag. Commissioner for Land Administration (Miscellaneous Cause
No. 184 of 2009)
Royal Group of Pakistan v. Mavid Pharmaceuticals Ltd (HCCS No. 383 of 2010) [2017]
Clear channel Independent Ltd v. Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets
Authority (Misc. App. No. 380 of 2008)
Nampogo Robert and Anor v. AG (HCT-00-CV-MC-0120 OF 2008)
Sejjusa v. AG (Miscellaneous Cause No. 176 of 2015)
Inspector General of Government v. AG (Misc. App. No. 744 of 2014)
SMS Empire Ltd v UCC and 2Ors (Misc. Cause No. 104 of 2018)
Lukwago & 13 ors v. EC & 2 ors (Misc. Cause no. 431 of 2019)
Nakabuye v. Uganda Revenue Authority (Misc. Cause No. 372 of 2019)

Appeal and Review

Wade 33 - 48
Foukes 314 - 315
78 L.Q R 241
85 L.Q.R 198
Criag pg. 166 - 170

Commissioner of Income Tax vs Menon C.A. No. 19 of 1981

Anisminic vs Foreign Compensation Commission (1969) 2 A.C 141
R vs. Nat Bell Liquors (1922)2 A.C 128
Karinani Restaurant vs Embu Liquor Licencing Court, (1967) E.A 426
Sargala Investments vs Norwich Corporation (1971)2 QB 614
Kiggundu v. AG (1993) 5 KALR 80
Uganda Blanket Manufacturers (1973) Ltd v. AG (1992) KALR 151

Procedural Defects
Foulkes 7th ed. 250 - 301
De Smith 122 - 130
Foulkes 8th ed. 272 - 321
Dent vs Kiambu Licencing Court (1968) E.A 8
Cullimore vs Lyme Regis Corporation (1960)2 K.B 488
Haward vs Environment Secretary (1972)3 WLR 51
Maina vs Nairobi Liquor Licencing Court (1973)3 All E.R 383
Gullamhussein vs Lila
Wing vs Epsom UDC (1904) KB 798
R vs Wakiso Estates (1955)7 ULR 137
Mwangi vs R. (1950) 24 (1) KLR 72
Nazarali Hassanali v. Edward Mperese Nsubuga (1994) 6 KALR 50
Ronald Kajara v. Hassan Ali Ahmed (1993) 5 KALR 63
Edward Frederick Sempebwa v. the AG (1992) KALR 93


a) Substantive ultra vires

Foulkes 314 - 31
Oluyede 84, 85
Kanji vs Tanga Township Authority 1940 1 TLR (R ) 239
Mbiu vs R (1951)2 KLR 130
Sheik Bros vs Members of the Control of Hotels Authority (1949)23 KLR 1
A.G vs Fulham Corporation (1921)1 Ch. D 440
The Union of the Benefices of Whippingham (1954)1 All E.R. 22
R vs Panel on Take-Overs and Merges, ex parte Guinness plc (1989)1 ALLER 509
Williams (Co) Construction Ltd vs Balckman (1995) 1 WLR 102 Waitakere City
Council vs Waitemata Electricity Share holders Society Inc (1996)2 NZLR 735
(HC)/Commonwealth L.B July & Oct. 1996, pg.728-734.
Commonwealth L.B July & Oct. 1996, pg.728-734.
Harley Devt Inc & Anor Vs Commissioner of Inland Revenue (1996)1 WLR 727
John Kasheka Muhanguzi V Songhor
John Ken Lukyamuzi V A.G & Electoral Commission Constitutional Appeal No. 2 of 2007
(Supreme Court)
Balondemu David Vs LDC
Amuron Dorothy Vs LDC

b) Sub-Delegation of Functions
Wade 50 - 95
De Smith 263 - 272
P.P Criag 372 - 383
Constitution, Article 99
Bernard vs National Dock Labour Board (1953)2 QB 18
Municipal Board of Mombasa vs Kala (1955)22 E.A.C 319
Dunkely vs Evans (1981)3 All E.R 285
Winder vs Cambridgeshire County c. (1978) LGR 549
Osman vs Govt of Malysia (1973)2 M.L.J 143
Roberts vs Hapwood (1925) Chap.578
A.G vs Great Eastern Ry (1880)5 A.C at 470
A.G vs Southwick Corporation (1932)1 Chp.562
A.G vs Crayford UDC (1962) Chop. Pg.246
Shah Vershi Devshi vs Transport Licencing Board (1971) E.A 289.
In Re: Captain Mike Komakech Mwaka (1995) 3 KALR) 71

c) Abuse of Discretion
Wade 70 - 88

i) Improper Purposes
R vs Leigh (1897) QB 132
Sydeney Municipal Council vs Campbell (1925) AC pg.338
Westminister Corporation vs L.N.W.R (1905)AC pg.426
Webb vs Minister of Housing (1965)2 All E.R 193
Birmingham & Midlands vs Worcestershire C.C (1967)1 W.L.R 422
Ibingira vs Uganda (1966) E.A 306, 445
Hanson vs Raddiffe U.D.C (1992) E.A 400

Honey vs Harris (1995)1 NZLR 64 (H.C)/C WEALTH LAW BULLETIN Januray 1995, pg.41 & 43

ii Irrelevant Considerations
Fernandes vs Kericho Licencing Court 1968 E.A 640
Roberts vs Hapwood (1925) AC 578
Prescott vs Birmingham Corporation 91954)3 All E.R 698.
R vs Great London Council Ex. Bromley L.B.C (1982)2 WLR pg.62
R vs Barnett & Camden Rent Tribunal (1972)1 All E.r 1185
Padfied vs Minister of Agriculture (1968) A.C 997
British Oxygen Co. vs Board of Trade (1970)3 W.L.R 488
McEldourney vs Forde (1962)2 All E.R 1039
Ibrahim (1970) E.A pg.162
Ex P. Matovu (1966) E.A 514
Stringer vs Minister of Housing 1970 1 W.L.R 1282.
De Smith (1972) 35 M.L.R 415
R vs Commissioner for L. Admin expacte Croydon London Borugh Council and Anor (1989)1 ALLER
R vs Inner London Education Authority and West Minister City Council (1986)1 QBD.

iii Unreasonableness
P.P Criag. Pg.358-359
Maxnams Properties Ltd. vs, Chertsey (1964)1 QB 214
Congreve vs Home Office (1976)2 W.L.R 291
Secretary of State vs Tameside U.P.C (1976)3 W.L.R 641
Liversidge vs Anderson (1942) AC 206
Cummings vs Birkenhead Corporation (1971)2 All E.R 881
Associated provincial Picture Houses vs Wednesbury Corp (1948)1 KB 223
Sharp vs Wakefield (1880)A.C 473
Re Bukoba Gymakhana Club (1963) E.A 468
Kruse vs Johnson (1898) Q.B 91
R vs Hermitte (1938) 18 K.L.R. 55
Uganda Cotton Co. vs R (1933)5 ULR 57
Kanji vs Tanga Authority H/O
Hall vs Shoreham UDC (1964) All E.R 1
Westminister Bank vs M.O.H (1970)12 All E.R pg.
Patel vs R (1961) E.A 79
Changanlal vs Kericho D.C (1965) E.A 371

Iv No Evidence
Ross Clonis vs Papadoupolis (1958)2 All E.R 23
Coleen vs M.O.H (1971)1 W.L.R 433, (1977)34 MLR 561
Tracey (1976)50 A.L.J. 568

V Fettering Discretion
General Policy
Department Policy

De Smith 277-279
P.P Criag 371-372
Amphitrite vs The King (1921) KB 500
Ayr Harbour Trustees vs O/swald (1883), 8 App. Cas 623
Birkdale District Supply Co vs Southpost Corporation (1926) AC 355
William Corpy vs City of London Corp. (1951)2 KB 475
Fernaddes vs Kericho Licencing Court (1968) E.A 640 pg.640
Stringer vs Minister of Housing (1970)1 W.L.R 1282, pg.1-82
Soutcliffe Investments vs Bourmouth Corp. (1910)2 Ch.12
Crown Lands Commissioners vs Page (1960)2 QB 274 at 291-292.
Dowty Boulton Paul vs Wolverhamption Corporation (1971)1 W.L.R 204
Kenya Alunimum vs Minister of Agriculture (1961) E.A 248
Lavender vs Minister of Housing (1970) W.L.R 1231
R vs Torquay Licencing J.J. (1951)2 K.B 784
Padfield v. Minister for Agriculture


MICHAEL ADLER. (2006) Fairness in Context. Journal of Law and Society 33:4, 615–638

a) General Introduction

P.P Criag pg.425

Joint Antifacist Refuge Committee vs Macgrath 341 U.S 123 (1950)
R vs Chancellor of University of Cambridge (1723)557
R vs Electricity Commissioners (1924)KB 171
Ridge vs Baldwin (1964) A.C 40
Marshall, Natural Justice (1959)
Jackson, Natural Justice (1973), 2nd Ed 1979
Annamunthodo vs Oilfied Workers Federation (1961)A.C 945
De Souza vs Tanga Town Council (1961) E.A 377
Murigan vs Transport Appeals Tribunal (1959) EAI
R vs Road Transport Appeal Tribunal (1959) E.A 440
R vs Gaming Board (1970)2 W.L.R 1007
R vs Architects Registration Tribunal (1945)2 All E.R 31
Re HK (An Infant) (1965) AC (201)
R vs Dixon exp. Prince and Oliver (1979) W.L.R 116
Coperative Retail Services vs Sec. of State for Env. (1980) 1 W.L.R 271
R vs Barnesley Metropolitan Borough Council Ex Hook (1976)3 All E.R 452
Cinnamond and Others vs British Airport Authority (1980)2 All E.R 286
Annebrit Aslund v. the Attorney General High Court Mics. Cause 60 of 2004

b) The right to be heard - Audi Alteram Partem

Notice of the Charge

Arlidge vs Local Govt Board (1915)AC (201)

Board of Education vs Rice (1911)A.C 179
John vs Rees (1969)2 W.L.R 128
Stevenson vs United Road Transport Unon (1977)2 All E.R 951

Nature of the Hearing

Attorney General v. Tinyefunza Const. Appeal No. 1 of 1997 (Supreme Court)
Zachary Olum & Anor v. AG Cost. Case No. 6 of 1999
Attorney Gneral of the Gambia v. Jobe (1985) LRC (Cost) 556 (The Gambia PC)
Martin v. Tauranga District Court 2 (1995) LRC 788 (New Zealand)
DPP v. Tokai (1996) 2 LRC 314 (Trinidad and Tobago, Privy Council)
Sookermany v. DPp (1996) 2 LRC 115 (Namibia H.C.)
Fisher v. Minister of Public Safety and Immigration (1997) 4 LRC 344 (Bahamas)
Akonaay v. the AG of Tanzania (1993) 4 LRC 327 Tanzania CA
AG v. Kabourou (1995) 2 LRC 757 (Tanzania)
R vs Chichester J.J Exp Collins (1982)1 W.L.R 334
R vs Birmingham City J.J. (1970)1 All E.r 945
Patel vs Plateau Licencing Court (1954)27 KLR 147
Immigration Control Board vs Singh (1956) KLR 40
University of Ceylon vs Fernando (1960) 1 W.L.R 223
Nakudda Ali Jayaratne (1951) A.C 66
Hadmor Productions vs Hamilton (1982)2 W.L.R 322
Petty vs Greyhound Racing Association No.1 (1969) QB 125
Enderby Town F.C vs F.A (1971) ch.591
Cowasijje Dinshaw vs Sowasijee Dinshaw Employees Union (1963) E.A 84
Lake District Special Planning Bd vs. Sec of State for Environment (1975) E.G 417
R vs Leyland J.J Exp. Hawthorne (1979) QB 283
R vs G.O.R.E exp Cottrel & Rothon (1980)3 All E.r 265
R vs Board of Visitors of Blundeston Prison (1982)1 All E.R 646 (DC)
Lloyd vs Mc Mahon (1947)AC 625 (1987)1 ALLER 1118
R vs Amiu Board of the Defence Council, Exp. Anderson (1991)3 ALLER 375

Adequate Notice, adjournment

R vs Panel on Take Orers & Mergers, exp Guinners plea (1989)2 WLR 863 CA
Re M. (An Infant ) 1968 WLR 1897

c) The Rule Against Bias

P.P Criag pg.291-298

Distinguish between “pecuniary” & non pecuniary bias
“Reasonable likelihood,” and the “reasonable suspicion” tests?
Does bias make a decision void or voidable?
R vs Surrey JJ (1924)1 KB 256
Deut vs Kiambu Liquor Licencing Court
R vs Camborne JJ (1955) QB 41
Cooper vs Wilson (1937)2 All E.R 762
Metropolitan Property Co. vs Lannon (1969)1 QB 877
Hannam vs Brandford Corporation (1970)1 W.L.R 937

King vs Saskatchewan University (1969)6 DCR 3rd at 120
Wilkonson vs Barkin Corporation (1948)1 KB 721
Franklin vs Minister of Town & Country Planning (1948)A.C 87
Meadowavale Stud Farm vs Stratford Country Council (1979) N.Z.L.R 342
Tumaini vs R (1972)E.A 441
R vs Kent Police Authority Exp Godden Supra
Taylor vs Nat Union of Seamen (1967)1 W.L.R 532
R vs Altrincham JJ (1975)2 W.L.r 450
And see Cranston, (1979) Public Law, 237
See also Tracey “Disqualified adjudicators”, 1982, Public Law, 623.
R vs Cough (1993)2 AC 646 (1992)4 ALLER 481
R vs Seven Banks Dist. Council, exp Fery (1985)3 ALLER 226

c) Scope of Natural Justice

Cheborion Barishaki v. the AG, M.A. 851 of 2004 (High Court)
Denis Bireije v. the AG, M.A. 902 of 2004 (High Court)
Wycliff Kiggundu Kato v. AG (1992) KALR 125
Fox Odoi and James Akampumuza v. the AG, C.P. 8 of 2003
Gladys Aserua Orochi v. Kabale District Local Government C.S. 93 of 2002
John Kashaka Muhanguzi v. Kapchorwa District Council H.C. M.A. 129 of 2000
Board of Education vs Rice (1911)All E.R 179
Irrigation vs Minister of Heal (1935)2 All E.R 395
Charles Ollo vs K. Posts & Tele C.A No.56 of 1981
Nakkuda Ali vs Jayaratne (1951)A.C 66
Head of Military Government vs Military Governor of Mid Western State Exp. Obiyan (1973)
S.C (NIG)23
Ndegwa’s case above
Sheik Bros above
Re Marles application (1958)E.A 259
Ridge vs Baldwin (1964) AC 40
De Souza va Tanga Town Council (1961) EA 377
Postsalla vs Secretary of State (1898)AC
Ree H.K (197\67)2 QB 615
Schmidt vs Home Office (1968)3 All E.R 7950
R vs Aston University (1969)2 QB 538
Ivaranjan vs Race Relations Board (1976)All E.R 12
Maxwell vs Board of Trade (1974)QB 533
Fraser vs Mudge (1975)1 W.L.R 1132
Maynard vs Osmond (1976)3 W.L.R 711
Re Bonaface 1, Arinne et al V The Commandant of Entebbe Aviation Police Misc. case No. 172
of 2006.
O’Toole vs Scott (1965)A.C 9390
Devraj vs Patel (1955)28 K.L.R 143
Steven vs United Road Transport Union (1977)2 ALLER 941
R Royal Institute for Advancement of Learning exp. Takete (1979)2 D.L.R
Glyn vs Keele University (1971)2 ALLER 89
Durrayapah vs Vernando (1970)2 Aller 152

R vs Gaming Board (1970)2 W.L.R 1009
Edwards vs S.O.G.A.T (1970)3 W.L.R 713
Peera vs Della Santa (1969) E.A 618.
Norwest Holst vs Dept. of Trade (1978)3 All E.R 580
R vs Sec. of State, Exp. Hosenball (1977) W.L.R 766
Padham vs Honse Tax Assmto (1954)2 T.L.R 77
Mallock vs Aberdeen Corporation (1971)2 All E.R 1278
Re Liverpaol Tax Owners Association (1972)2 QB 299
Gaiman vs National Mental Health Association (1970)2 W.L.R 42
Bates vs Lord Hailsham (1972) W.L.R 1373
Wiseman vs Borneman (1969)2 W.L.R 706
Pearbeig vs Varty (1971)2 All E.R 552
Varty Inspector of Taxes (1972)2 ALLER 6. Natural Justice
Furnell vs Templeman and Others (1973)3 All E.R 569
R vs Hill Prison Board of Uistors Exparte Sto Germain (1979)3 All E.R 545
Chief Constable of North Wales Police vs Evans (1982)3 ALLER 141

d) Duty to give Reasons

Foulkes 8th Edn. 324-366
Padfield vs Minister of Agriculture (above)
Ward vs Shell (1951) All E.R 9CX
Breen vs A.E.U (1971)2 Q.B 175
Re Poyser (1964)2 Q.B 467
Fontaneau vs Chesteiton Times 20th August, 196????
See generally 33 M.L.R 154
R vs Crown Court at Krighsbridge (1981)3 All E.R 417

e) Effect of Denial of Natural Justice

Annebrit Aslund v Attorney General (supra)

Aserua v. Kabale District LG (supra)
Muhanguzi vs. Kapchorwa District (supra)
Bireije v. the AG (supra)
Durrayapah vs Fernando (above)
Mpungu & Sons Transporters vs A.G. C.A No. 17/2001 (Supreme Court)
Byrne vs Kinematooraph Renters (1958)1 W.L.R 762
Wood vs Woad (1874) L.R 9 Exch. 190
Chite vs E.A.C (1970) E.A 487
Stevenson vs United Road Transport (1977)2 All E.R 951
La Knche vs Secretary of State (1974)2 All E.R 112B
Amisminic vs No. F.C.C (above)
De Souza vs Tanga Town Coucil (above)
Denton vs City of Auckland (1969) NZIR, 236
Ridge vs Caldwin (above)
D.P.P vs Head (1959) A.C 83
Hauslow C.C Twickenhem Developments (1970)3 W.L.R 558
See also 83 L.Q.R 499

84 L.Q.R 95
(1968) Camb L.J 83
(1968)31 M.L.R 2, 138
(1974) 90 L.Q.R 436
(1975) Public Law 43


a) Error of Law and fact

Wade 88-106, 260-262 (1966)82
L.Q.R 226, 263, 505
Francis Mateka Civil Appeal No. 19 of 2000
AG v. Abdul Karim Winyi (1992) 3 KALR 15
R vs Nat Bell Liquors (above) (1922)2 ATCD 128
White and Collins vs Minister of Health (1939)3 All E.R 548
Bunburu vs Fuller (1853)9 Ex Ch.9
Special Commissioners of Income Tax (188fl) 21 QO 313
R vs Shoreditch Investment Ass (1910)KB 859
R vs Ludlow (1947)1 K.B 634
R vs Woodhouse (1906)2 K.B 504
Ex. P. Phillipe (1950)2 All E.R 211
Anisminic vs Foreign Corporation Commission (1969)2 AC
AC 147/1969 1 ALLER 208
R vs Crown Court at Knightshridge exp. Int. Sporting Club (1981) All E.R 4170
Ashbridge Investments vs Minister of Housing (1965)1 W.L.R 1320. (1965)3 ALLER 371, 374.
R vs Medical Tribunal, Expart Gilmore (1552)KB 5740
Pearlman vs Keepers of Harrow School (1978)3 W.L.R 736
Re vs Northuberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal (1959)1 KB 338
R vs National Insurance Commissioner (1977)2 All E.R 426
Baldwin & Francis vs Patent Appeal Tribunal (1959) All E.R 426
R vs Governor of Crixton Prison ex p. Ammah (1968) A.C 192
R vs Southampton JJ (1975)2 All E.r 1073
Ex Parte, Moore (1975)2 All E.R 807
“Jurisdictional Review after Pearlman” Rawlings, 1979 Public Law 404
“Time Limit Clauses and Judicial Review” Gravellis, 1980, M.L.R 173
Leish “Time Limit Clauses and Jurisdictional Error 1980 Public Law 34.

b) Estoppel in Public Law

De Smith 88-91
Yona Kanyomozi v. The Movement SCCA No. 15 of 1995
Southend Corporation vs Hodgeson (1962)1 Q6 416
Wells vs Minister of Housing (1967)1 W.L.R 100
Lever Finance ve Westminister Corporation (1970)3 W.L.R 732
Tamall Industries vs Customs & Excise Commissioners (1968) E.A 471
Norfork CC vs Environment Secretary (1913)1 W.L.r 14060


Prerogative Orders

Certiorari & Prohibition

Judicature Statute cap 13 vol.2
R vs Electricity Commissioners (1924)1 KE 171
R vs Woodhouse (above)
Shiekh Bros case (above)
R Bukoba Gymkhana Case (above)
Ndegwa case (above)
Kobwome Mera v Attorney General Miscellaneous Application 26 of 1998
Re Marles (above)
Nakuda Ali case (above)
R vs Manchester Legal Aid C’tee ex.p. Brand (1952)2 QB 413
R. Milling Ordinance (above)
R vs Paddington Valuation Officer (1966)1 QC 380
R vs Criminal Injuries Compensation Coard (1967)2 QB 864
Jayawardine vs Silva (1970)1 W.L.R 1365
Farmers Bus Service vs Transport Licensing (1959) E.A 1959
Re vs Post Office Ex.p Byrne (1975)1 I.C.r 221
Re vs Board of Visitors of Hull Prison Ex.p St.
Germain (1978)2 W.L.R 598
Denis Bireife vs Attorney-General MISC. Application No. 902 of 2004.
R vs MacColl (1974)42 Del R. (3rd) 7630
R Paddington Ualuation Officer (1965)2 Aller E.R 836
Devshi vs Transport Licensing T. (1971) E.A 289
R vs Herrod Ex.p. Leed City Council (1976)1 All E.A 273, 292.
R vs York JJ (1956)1 W.L.R 254
Railway Corp. vs Sefu (1973) E.A 327
R vs Hendon R. D.C ex.p Chorley (1933)1 KO 696
R vs Hradford - Avan UDC (1964)1 W.L.R 1136
R vs Secretary of State for Environment (1981)1 All e.R 788
R vs Thames Magistrates Courts (195?) 44 LGR 129
John vs Chatalos (1973)3 All E.r 410
Javda Patel v. URA (1993) KALR 10
Harriet Grace Magala v. Board of Governors Makerere College (1994) 1 KALR 10
Kawenja, Othieno &Co. Advocates v. Xavier and Sons M.A. 109 of 2003
Aslund v. the AG (supra)
Gustro Ltd v. the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority High Court M.A. 21 of
MDG Khan v. Islamic Union of Uganda (1994) 16 KALR 64
Uganda Bankers (Employers) Assoc. v. National Union of Clerical Employers (1995) 4 KALR 30
Stephen Byaruhanga v. Mbarara Municipal Council (1995) 4 KALR 62
Mugabwa v. Kisembo Muleju (1996) 3 KALR 8
In Re Mustapha Ramathan (1996) 5 KALR 86
Mwesigye Enock v Electoral Commission (1995) 2 KALR 107
Byakatonda v. Board of Directors of Banyankole Kweterana Coop Union (1995) 5 KALR 34

Bireije v. the AG (Supra)
Cheborion Barishaki v. the AG (supra)
Clear channel Independent Ltd v. Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (Misc.
App. No. 380 of 2008)
Lin Jeng-Liang & Anor v. Ag. Commissioner for Land Administration (Miscellaneous Cause No. 184
of 2009)
Sejjusa v. AG (Miscellaneous Cause No. 176 of 2015)
Royal Group of Pakistan v. Mavid Pharmaceuticals Ltd (HCCS No. 383 of 2010) [2017]
Pauline Nakabuye v. URA (Misc. Cause no. 372 of 2019)
Lukwago & 13 ors v. EC & 2 ors (Misc. Cause no. 431 of 2019)
In the matter of an application for judicial review by Walugembe (MISCELLANEOUS CIVIL CAUSE
NO. 231 OF 2018)

R vs Met. Police Commissioner Ex.p Blackburn
Re Fazal Kassam (1960) E.8 168
Paddington Valuation Officer (above)
Passmore vs Oswalthwhistle U.D.C (1898) A.C 387
R vs Hereford Corporation (1970)1 W.L.R 1424
C vs Manchester Corporation (1911)1 KB 560
Shah vs A.G (1970) E.A 543
R vs Bank of England (1819)B & ALD 62
R vs Inland Revenue Commissioners, exp. National Rederation of Self-Employed and Small Business
Ltd (1982) AC 617.
R vs Russell, exp Beaverbrook Newspaper Ltd. (1969)1 QB 342, 348
R vs Hereford Corporation, exp. Hanower 91970)1 W.L.R 1424
Brother Peter A.G (1980) H.C.B 107.
Firemaster Ltd v. Uganda Railways Corporation (1998) 2 KALR 23
Uganda Blanket Manufacturers v. AG (1997) 5 KALR 118
Mera Kobomwe v. AG (1998) 1 KALR 26
Administrator General v. UPTC (1993) 4 KALR 106
Clear channel Independent Ltd v. Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (Misc.
App. No. 380 of 2008)
Nampogo Robert and Anor v. AG (HCT-00-CV-MC-0120 OF 2008)
Mbabazi Roselyn Tusiime v. AG and Anor. (MISCELLANEOUS CAUSE NO. 0061 OF 2019
Sejjusa v. AG (Miscellaneous Cause No. 176 of 2015)
Inspector General of Government v. AG (Misc. App. No. 744 of 2014)
SMS Empire Ltd v UCC and 2Ors (Misc. Cause No. 104 of 2018)

Equitable Remedies

Injunction & Declaration

Government Proceedings Act Cap. 69 vol.2. cap 77 vol.4
Civil Procedure Rules. Cap.65 vol.2 Statute No.13 of 1996, cap 71, vol.4.

American Cynide vs Ethicon (1973)1 All F.R 504
Birmingham Corpne vs Perry Stadium (1972)1 All E.R 725
A.G vs Block and Another (1959) E.A 180
Sazamazo vs A.G (1960) E.A (1955)Z QO 207
A.G vs Harris (1960)1 QB 31. On Appeal (1961)1 QB 74
Cox vs Green (1966)Ch 216
Odhiambo vs Odenyo (1973) E.A 416
Immigration Control Board vs Singh (1956)
Sungai Wangi Estates vs Uni. (1975)1 M.L.J 136
Chutram vs Mystery Model (1972) E.A 525
Couriet vs Unton of Post Office Workers (1977)2 W.L.R 3100 CA): (1977)3 W.L.R 300
Dyson vs A.G (1911)1 KP 410
Barnard vs National Dock Labour Board (1953)1 All E.R
Pynx Cranite Co. vs Minister of Housing (1960) A.C 615
Matalanga vs A.G (1972) E.A 518
Less vs Showmans Guild (1952)2 QB 3Z90
Barraclough vs Brown (1997) A.C 615
Ealing B.C vs Race Relations Board (1972) A.C 342
Healey vs Minister of Health (1955)1 QB 221
Imperial Tobacco Ltd vs FH-Gen. (1980)2 W.L.R 466
See also, Cane, “A Fresh Look at Puntons Case” 1980 M.L.R and (1979)
Public Law 2940 and 1984 Public Law 22
Puncon vs Minister of Pensions No.2 (above)
Opolot vs A.G (1969)
Anisminic Ltd vs Foreign Compensation Commission (1968)2 QB 862
Boath and Co., (International) Ltd vs National Enterprise Bd (1978)3ALLER 624
Lonrho Ltd vs Shell Petroleum (No.2) [1982] A.C 173
Banis vs Bethell (1981)3 WLR 874
Buxton vs Minister of Housing and Local Government (1961)1 QB 278.
Arsenal Football Club Ltd vs Eride (1979)A.C 1
R vs I.R.C (1982)AC 617
Francis Mukama vs Uganda Wildlife Authority Civil Suit No. 290 of 2002.
Ug. Moslem Supreme Council vs Sheikh Mulumba & Ors (1980) H.C.B 110.

Ordinary Remedies

Government Proceedings Act cap 77, vol.4
Evidence Act Cap 65 vol.2. Statute 2 of 1996, cap.6 vol.2
Phillips. P. Jackson 7th edn, pg.699
Bayne - Government Liability for Torts by Officials E.A.L.R
De Smith 31-38, Ganz (1973) Public Law 84
Metropolitan Asylum Co. vs Hill (1816) app. Case 143
Hammersmith Ry Co. vs Brand (1816) LR 4. H.L 171
Geddis vs Proprietors of Bann Reservior (1873)3 App. Cas 430
Dun vs N.W Case Board (1964) QB 866
East Suffolk Catchment Board vs Kent (1914) A.C 74

Cooper vs Wandsoworth Board of Works (above)
Wood vs Wood (1974) LR 9 EX 190
Davies vs Bromley Corporation (1908)1 KB 170
O’Connor vs Isaacs (1956)22 QB 328
David vs Abdul Cader (1963) All E.R 79
Kimani vs A.G (1969) E.A 29
Home Office vs Dorset Yacht Co., (1970)2 W.L.R 1148
Minister of Housing vs Sharp (1970)2 W.L.R 802
Dutton vs Bognor Regis. U.D.C 91972)2 W.L.R 299
Gohil vs A.G (1967) E.R
West Nile District Administration vs Dritoo (1966) E.A 324
Tamlin vs Hannaford (1950)1 KB 18
A.G for New South Wales vs Perpetual Trustee Co., (1955) A.C 457
Abbot vs Sullivan (1952) All E.R 226
Conway vs Rimmer (1968) A.C 910
R vs Lews JJ (1972)3 W.L.R 279
Cromtons vs Customs & Excise Commissioners (1972)2 QB 102
Tampion vs Anderson (1973) V.R 715
Roncarelli vs Duplessis (1959)16 D.L.R (2 nd) 689
Sirros vs Moor (1974)3 All E.R 776
Anns vs Merton I.B.C (1977)2 W.L.R 1025
Lonho vs Shell Petroleum Co. Times March 13, 1980, C.A
Burmah Oil Co. Ltd vs Government of Bak of England (1979)1 W.L.R 473
Takaro Properties (in recievership) vs Rowling (1976)2 N.Z.L.R
D vs Nat Society Prev. of Cruelty to children (1977)1 All E.R 589
See also Nott, (1980) Public Law 10
Bowman & Bailey “Negligence in Public Law” 1984 P.L 277
General Reading of Remedies by P.P Craig, pg.461-496. Remedies: II pg. 527-557
John Kashaka Muhanguzi vs Christopher Songhor HCCS No. 94/1999 (Mbale)
Pius Nuwagaba vs Law Development Centre HC Application NO. 589 of 2005.
Charles Kabagambe vs Uganda Electricity Board Constitutional Peth NO. 2 of 1999.
Chapter Ii of the Constitution.
Leadership Code Act, 2002
Inspectorate of Government Act 2002
Reports of Inspectorate to Parliament (Twice yearly)
Public Accountability and Good Governance in East Africa Kituo Cha Katiba – Editor Tindifa –
The Whistle Blowers Protection Act 2010.
The Anti Corruption Act 2009
The Access to Information Act 2006
John Ken Lukyamuzi vs Ag. & Electoral Commission.

Structural Interdicts

CEHURD Vs Mulago Hospital

Amama Mbabazi Vs. Yoweri Museveni & Ors. SC No. 1 of 2016

NON-JUDICIAL REMEDIES – Ombudspersons, Commissions of Inquiry, Parliament

Garner, Ch. 5, pg.98

Wade 13
Inspector of Government Statute 2. 1988, SS.89, 10
Rules of Prcoedure of the Parliament of Uganda
Norton (1973)1 C.L.Q
R vs Local Government for Administration (1979) QB 287
Annual Reports of the Permanent Commission (1967) etc Seq.
Commissions of Inquiry Act
Decree 6 of 1971
Oluyede - “Development through silent Redress of Grievances in Tanzania”.... 1972 8 E.A.L.J 141
Kakuli “Ombudsman for Kenya” (1970) E.A.L.J
Duncan vs Camell Laird (1942) AC 624
Rukwaro (1) “Redress of Grievances: the case for an Ombudsman in Kenya” (1973) E.A.L.J 141
(2) “Kenya Sessional Paper No.5 of 1974 and the Ombudsman” (1974) E.A.L.J 115.
R vs Dixon exp Brince & Oliver above 7(a)
“The Select Committee on Parliamentary Commission” 1982, Public Law, 49.
Justice, “The Citizen and the Administration” (1969)
Our fettered Ombudsman 1977
Also see, “Maladministration - a judicial sighting of the golden fleece?” 1979 (95) LQR 488
Daymond vs Piymouth City Council (1976) AC 609
R vs Liverpool City Council (1977)1 WLR 995
R vs Local Commissioner, the Local Commissioner exp Eastleigh BC (1988)
R vs Local Commissioner for Admin. exp. Brandford MCC (1979) QB 287
Fox Odoi & Anor v. AG (supra)


The Government Proceedings Act (Cap 69 Laws of Uganda (GPA)

The Limitation Act Cap.70 Laws of Uganda
The Civil Procedure and Limitation (Miscellanoue Provisions) Act No.20/69

Amphrite vs The King (1921)3 KB 500
Robertson vs Minister of Pensions
Churdiward vs R (1865)1 QB 173 1949 1 KB 227

Muwonge vs Attorney General (1967)EA 12
Mukwese vs Attorney General (1972) ULR 29
S.6 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisons) Act
Fisher vs Oldhan Corp. (1930) All S.R 96
Attorney General vs Church 1972 EA 392
Katikiro of Buganda vs Ag. (1958)EA 765

Sengendo vs AG (1972) EA 140

Procedural Matters
Statutory Notice - S.1 Civil Procedure and Limitation Act
S.11 G.P.A
S.12 G.P.A
Bishop vs AG (1966) EA 463
Raichura vs Sodhi 1967 EA 624
The Limitation Act Cap.70 Laws of Uganda
S.2 Civil Procedure and Limitation Act
Civil Procedure & Limitation (Misc.) Prov. (Amendment) Act
Twagira vs AG 1998 HCCS


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