Assignment Cover Sheet

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Faculty of Health & Wellbeing

Programme & Module Adult Nursing programme

Caring Encounters
Module Code
Student Name:

Student ID No.

ML: Christine Wright

Module Lead/Tutor’s
Name: Tutor:

Assessment Type 4000 word written assignment

First Submission/
Submission Date:

Word Count: ……………………………………………… (excluding abstracts, appendices,

direct quotes, diagrams and illustrations)

Students must sign/enter name here ………………………………………… to show that they have read and
adhered to the University plagiarism regulations as stated in the student handbook.

Please read these instructions carefully:

Your assignment MUST be submitted through Turnitin by the required date and time to avoid penalties.

Please ensure you have a secure back-up copy of all your work and that you have downloaded your Turnitin receipt.

Copies of any concession’s documents (extensions, special needs etc.) that you may have received from the Programme
Director or student services must be inserted after the front sheet.

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