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The Educational and

Developmental Psychologist
Teaching reading through Direct Instruction:
A role for educational psychologists?
Kerry Hempenstall
School of Education, RMIT University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Original Article Abstract

Cite this article: Hempenstall K. Teaching Educational psychologists can play a number of roles within education settings. They are often
reading through Direct Instruction: A role for called upon to assist with the assessment and treatment of disability issues, student behaviour
educational psychologists? The Educational
and Developmental Psychologist doi: 10.1017/ and mental health problems, parent and teacher liaison, and counselling, to name a few. Less
edp.2020.13 frequently pursued is an active role in establishing and evaluating both general classroom and
remedial literacy instruction. A lack of success in the literacy domain can have far-reaching
Received: 6 March 2020 effects on students’ educational and social and emotional development. Further, it has been
Revised: 15 May 2020
Accepted: 18 May 2020
noted in national and international reports that the accumulated evidence for effective literacy
instruction has not had the impact on policy that it deserves. Educational psychologists are well
Keywords: placed to assist schools to develop an evidence-based perspective that can provide a marked
Direct Instruction; educational psychologists improvement in the literacy development of students. One such model with a long research
Author for correspondence:
history is Direct Instruction. This article will describe the model, and consider how it might
Kerry Hempenstall, be profitably employed in schools.

Closing the Gap in Literacy

For quite some time it has been clear that our education system has been unable to close the
gap between high and low achievers, despite regular increases in funding (Holden & Zhang,
2018), but the resultant community concern has heightened and broadened in recent times.
Three findings, in particular, have produced significant concern. The Australian Industry
Group (2016) reported that 44% of Australians had reading skills below the minimum
required to cope with the demands of workplaces and society. Recent scores on Australia’s
National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) have shown that the
achievement gap has even widened (Goss & Sonnemann, 2016; Holden, 2019; Holden &
Zhang, 2018). Further, international assessment through the Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA) found that the reading performance of Australia’s adolescents
has declined since 2000 (Thomson, De Bortoli, Underwood, & Schmid, 2019).
There has long been an unfortunate disconnect between empirically derived research find-
ings on literacy and the practices typically occurring in our classrooms (Hempenstall, 2006).
Education has a history of regularly adopting new ideas, but it has done so without the widescale
assessment and scientific research that is necessary to distinguish effective from ineffective
reforms. This absence of a scientific perspective has precluded systematic improvement in
the education system, and it has impeded growth in the teaching profession for a long time
(Anwaruddin, 2015; Carnine, 1995; Hempenstall, 1996).
As other articles in this special issue have made clear, there is a great deal known about the
development of reading skill and the means of effectively teaching its constituent elements.
This knowledge seems to exist in a parallel universe, having yet to make its way into the teach-
ing profession in a meaningful way. A number of factors relevant to this situation have been
explored. For example, educational policies over many years have lacked an evidence-based
culture. Carnine (1991) viewed educational policy makers as lacking any scientific framework
and inclined to accept proposals based on good intentions and unsupported opinions. In more
recent years, policy makers have begun to exhort the profession to take into account the
research findings (e.g., National Inquiry into the Teaching of Literacy, 2005; New South
Wales Parliament Legislative Council, 2020); however, many teacher education faculties have
yet to modify their programs to reflect this policy shift. Buckingham (2019) reported several
disturbing findings regarding initial teacher education. Just 4% of the 116 literacy units in
reviewed education faculties included a specific focus on early reading instruction.
Further, only 6% of those units included all five of the recognised elements of effective early
literacy instruction.
© Australian Psychological Society Ltd, 2020. This absence of emphasis on beginning reading has led to new teachers having little knowl-
edge of how optimally to teach reading (Fielding-Barnsley, 2010; Hammond, 2015; Stephenson,
2018). Studies of both preservice and inservice teachers have noted a lack of knowledge about
early literacy, and also personal literacy concerns among a higher than expected number of
teachers (Cohen, Mather, Schneider, & White, 2017; Meeks & Kemp, 2017). Those in the latter

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2 Kerry Hempenstall

group are doubly impeded in that their low level of understanding There is ample evidence that the explicit approach to reading
of the structure of language and personal literacy difficulties com- instruction is under-utilised despite being superior to other forms
bine to preclude effective instruction in the phonological processes of instruction for basic skill development, especially for low
central to evidence-based initial reading instruction (Stark, Snow, progress students (Alfieri, Brooks, Aldrich, & Tenenbaum,
Eadie, & Goldfeld, 2016). 2010; Archer & Hughes, 2011; Clark, Kirschner, & Sweller,
So, the evidence indicates that the Australian education system 2012). Apart from the definition provided in Joseph (2019), a
is not doing enough to ensure all students have the opportunity to teacher characterised direct and explicit as: ‘Instruction, and I
reach their potential. For example, there is a gap in student don’t mean facilitation, I mean stand-up-in-front-of-the-class,
achievement between advantaged and disadvantaged schools put-it-on-the-board, do-it-this-way-because-it-works-best, practise-
that increases between Year 3 and Year 9 from 1 year 3 months until-you’ve-got-it-right instruction.’
to 3 years 8 months. Across Victorian schools there is an average Direct Instruction (DI) programs were among the first to incor-
attainment gap between the top students and low progress stu- porate explicit teaching as their delivery system, but additionally
dents of 7 years (Goss & Sonnemann, 2016). they provide carefully structured curriculum content to maximise
Although literacy research has had little penetration into the impact on student outcomes. The DI reading programs, such as
Australian classrooms, there are exceptions. ‘About 5% of schools Reading Mastery, have been acknowledged as exemplars of the
are routinely doing better than we would expect given their stu- National Reading Panel’s five major components of early reading
dent population mix’ (Goss, 2018). Some of these schools are instruction listed by Joseph (Stockard & Engelmann, 2010).
disadvantaged. The DI model has a relatively long history in reading education,
These schools tend to have several discernible characteristics: the first program (DISTAR Reading) having been published in
1969, and new programs have been published up to the present
1. School discipline. Based on high expectations, a clear set of day. Initially, the programs were intended for struggling students,
consistently applied classroom rules, and a centralised school but others are designed for whole classes. The most frequently used
behaviour policy. emphasise reading, spelling, language, writing, and maths. For
2. Direct and explicit instruction. New content is explicitly information about any of these programs, see National Institute
taught in sequenced and structured lessons. It includes clear les- for Direct Instruction (2018).
son objectives, immediate feedback, reviews of content from The programs share a common teaching style readily observ-
previous lessons, unambiguous language, frequent checking able to any classroom visitor. The instruction usually takes place
of student understanding, demonstration of the knowledge or in small groups (4–15) with a teacher directing activities with
skill to be learnt, and students practising skills with teacher the aid of a script, and students actively involved in responding
guidance. to a fast-paced lesson during which they receive constant
3. Experienced and autonomous school leadership. Stable, long- teacher communication, questions, and feedback. Choral (uni-
term school leadership, and principal autonomy to select staff son) responding during part of a lesson keeps students on track
and control school budgets. and provides feedback to the teacher if any students are falling
4. Data-informed practice. Using data from teacher-written, behind. Also noticeable is the frequent use of a model-lead-test
NAPLAN and PAT assessments to improve teaching, track stu- sequence during instruction. Some may know it as ‘I do, we do,
dent progress, and facilitate intervention for underachieving you do’. Programs are designed according to what, not whom, is
students. to be taught. Thus, all children work through the same sequence
5. Teacher collaboration and professional learning. Collaboration of tasks directed by a teacher using the same teaching strategies.
among teachers and specialist support staff to cater for the often Individual differences are accommodated through different
complex needs of disadvantaged students, with a focus on entry points, reinforcement, amounts of practice, and correction
teacher professional learning, involving peer observations, strategies (Gregory, 1983).
mentoring, and attending practical professional development
activities that help refine literacy and numeracy instruction. Assumptions
6. Comprehensive early reading instruction. Including five nec-
essary elements of reading instruction: Phonemic Awareness, DI programs extend beyond the principles of explicit instruction
Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. (Joseph, and into the curriculum domain (Becker, 1977). It is assumed that
2019, p. 2). all children can learn and be taught; thus, failure to learn is viewed
as failure to teach effectively (Engelmann, 1980). Children whose
These characteristics are uncommon in our schools, and their progress is delayed must be taught to learn faster because catchup
adoption is unlikely to occur without expert encouragement and at a later stage is very arduous. This acceleration is achieved
support, for reasons outlined earlier. This vacuum provides a through a focus on features designed to improve the efficiency
potential role for educational and developmental psychologists of instruction. So, DI is not simply a program of what to teach,
in the school system. Apart from Characteristic 3, these school but also how to teach each element.
qualities represent a rich vein of opportunity for our practitioners
to play an important role in school improvement and thereby stu-
Teaching Methodology
dent attainment. Because of their training, which differs from that
provided in education courses generally, psychologists enthusias- Curriculum is designed with the goal of ‘faultless instruction’
tically seek out research-based practices, are practised in dealing (Engelmann, 1980, Engelmann & Carnine, 1982), that is, sequences
with data, and collaboration is a strong part of their work style. or routines for which there is only one logical interpretation. The
The main focus of this article is on Characteristics 2 and 6, designer’s brief is to avoid ambiguity in instruction — the focus
which emphasise direct and explicit instruction and early reading, is on logical-analysis principles. These principles enable the organ-
although 4 and 5 also offer a rich and related field for psychologists. isation of concepts according to their structure. It is intended to

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The Educational and Developmental Psychologist 3

answer the question: what types of student-teacher interactions relationships and phonological blending. Teaching these generalis-
or methods lead to the most student development while using the able components within a cumulative framework enables early suc-
fewest resources? cess in decoding regular words, even those not before encountered.
Engelmann (1980) highlighted four design principles: Review and practice are addressed systematically. Each of these areas
is particularly critical for struggling students, and is paid careful
(1) Where possible, teach a general case. That is, those skills, which attention in the program design to reduce errors and help promote
when mastered, can be applied across a range of problems for mastery.
which specific solutions have not been taught; for example,
teaching letter-sound correspondences and phonological skills, Factors in Success
such as blending, to enable the decoding of regular words. The
generalisations may be taught inductively by examples only, or In addition to the above overarching principles, there are crucial
deductively by providing a rule and a range of examples to define factors in program implementation.
the rule’s boundaries.
(2) Teach the essentials. The essentials are determined by an Grouping
analysis of the skills necessary to achieve the desired objective. The teachers’ manuals recommend group sizes between 4 and 15
There is an underlying assertion that it is possible to achieve across the various reading programs. Engelmann, Becker, Carnine,
skilled reading by a task analysis and the teaching of subskills and Gersten (1988) portrayed DI programs as individual programs
within a cumulative framework. presented in a group format. For this efficiency element to succeed,
(3) Keep errors to a minimum. Errors are considered counter- the teacher must observe each student’s response to every question.
productive and time-wasting. For struggling learners, a high So, the choral responding must be precise to enable the detec-
success rate is beneficial in building and maintaining the moti- tion and teacher correction of errors. The extent to which teachers
vation often lost through a history of failure. A low error rate is can do this successfully depends upon several factors, such as their
achieved by the use of the instructional design principles first hearing acuity, ability and determination to ensure their students
described in Theory of Instruction (Engelmann & Carnine, achieve truly choral responding, and the group size.
1982), and by ensuring students have the preskills needed to The vigilance provided by teachers in attending to student
commence any program (via a placement test). Thus, the pro- responses is a major defence against any student’s failure in the
grams are very detailed and precisely crafted. To reduce vari- program. It is an area in which training and monitoring of any
ability in teacher presentation all lessons are scripted, and all teachers inexperienced in the approach should be a priority.
programs are field-tested and revised prior to publication. Additionally, smaller group sizes have larger effects on vulnerable
Engelmann described the preeminent feature of DI as the students (Suggate, 2016).
orchestration of detail in program design and presentation.
This involves ‘picky details of how the tasks are formulated, Time and Intensity of Instruction
how the example sets are designed, how the details of lessons
are organized and sequenced from lesson to the next so that An element contributing to the impressive gains almost certainly
only about 10–15% of each lesson presents brand new material, involves the duration and intensity of the intervention. Longer
and how exercises are designed so they are unambiguous about interventions allow for greater content coverage and adequate
details of the content’ (Engelmann, 2004, para 4). Scripted pro- practice. Program intensity involves a combination of lesson
grams are employed because they help control instructional deliv- length, lesson density, and lesson frequency. For example, lesson
ery, thereby increasing fidelity of implementation (Plavnick, length for the Corrective Reading program is about 40–60 minutes.
Marchand-Martella, Martella, Thompson, & Wood, 2015). This period allows for a reasonable content coverage in each ses-
(4) Adequate practice. DI programs include the requirement for sion and for the integration of new knowledge into existing knowl-
mastery learning (usually above 90% mastery). Students con- edge structures (Rosenshine, 2002). As the programs involve a
tinue to focus on a given task until the mastery criterion is cumulative subskills approach to reading, the introduction of
reached. The objective of this strategy is the achievement of new skills, the practising of recently acquired skills, and the (vitally
retention. The practice schedule includes massed practice, important) amalgamation of these with the already established
shifting to a spaced schedule. The amount of practice on a core requires careful lesson planning within programs and suffi-
given skill decreases as the relevant skill becomes incorporated cient time for this amalgamation to occur.
into more complex skills. Advocates of DI argue that this fea- Program density involves the extent to which students are
ture of instruction is particularly important for low-achieving actively engaged in learning during the lesson time. Various con-
students and is too often given scant regard (Engelmann, 1980). cepts, such as time-on-task, academic engaged time, and academic
While this emphasis on practice may be unfashionable, there is learning time have been employed to address the issue of student
considerable supporting research, and a number of effective engagement. As an instructional issue it relates to the manner in
schools are increasingly endorsing its importance (Rist, 1992): which program design evokes high rates of student engagement.
‘The strategies that have fallen out of style, such as memorising, Another element of lesson density involves the proportion of
reciting and drilling, are what we need to do. They’re simple — correct to incorrect responses. Students who struggle with reading
but fundamental — things that make complex thinking require high rates of success if they are to adopt new strategies,
possible’ (p. 19). More recent research has reinforced that transfer new skills across tasks, and persevere with new strategies.
point (Megherbi, Elbro, Oakhill, Segui, & New, 2018). Teachers have commented on the high success rates achieved daily
through both careful lesson design and student placement at the
In line with current research findings, effective early reading appropriate program level (Schug, Tarver, & Western, 2001).
programs tend to incorporate these four design principles. There The author counted 300 responses from a student in a 10-minute
is an emphasis on the essential areas for beginners: letter-sound word attack segment of a Corrective Reading: Decoding lesson.

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4 Kerry Hempenstall

This represents a very high rate of student engagement; addition- in the gains in basic reading skills and 18% of the passage compre-
ally, the success rate was above 90%. hension gains of middle school students with reading difficulties’
Lesson frequency appears to be important, perhaps because of (Benner, Nelson, Stage, & Ralston, 2011, p. 85).
the need for spaced practice of newly mastered skills. It has been
noted that students, particularly those at risk, readily forget what Progress Monitoring
they have learned when lesson frequency is low (Rosenshine,
In a cumulative curriculum, it is essential that all tasks are mastered
1986). If this occurs, additional time is spent in relearning rather
if students (especially the vulnerable) are to make progress. The
than in new learning and incorporation activities. Alternatively,
in-built continuous progress evaluation is valuable in quickly
teachers may ignore some student errors in the interests of
detecting individual or group difficulty at any point. Incorporated
maintaining lesson pace, thereby condemning some to failure.
in programs are both daily monitoring of errors, and regularly
Frustration and disengagement are the possible negative outcome
scheduled mastery tests. It is through these program features that
of underscheduling. The program guidelines usually recommend
problems of low progress can be addressed, and students spared
five lessons per week, although this may not achieved by all schools.
the fate of participating in an ineffectual educational process. This
The effect of variable frequency impacts most notably on the stu-
inclusion of continuous observation and testing has been shown
dents most at risk. They are the students most likely to lose hard-
in independent research to enhance retention in addition to its role
won gains through forgetting (National Reading Panel, 2000;
in monitoring progress (Adesope, Trevisan, & Sundararajan, 2017).
Swanson, 2001). The total contact hours are also relevant — for
example, each of the levels of the Corrective Reading program
entails about 50 hours of instruction. Evaluation of the Direct Instruction Model
Surprisingly little serious attention has been paid to DI from both
Priority on Academic Learning the education and wider educational research communities,
A related issue concerns the priority that schools assign to assisting despite its strong history of supportive empirical evidence
readers with difficulty. At one level, this relates to the number of (McMullen & Madelaine, 2014). As with explicit instruction
social issues schools are expected to address within a school day. in general, DI has been criticised, especially by those of more
A consequence can be that even if lessons are scheduled at a rate constructivist persuasion. For an extended discussion, see
of five per week, this may rarely be achieved. Some schools may Hempenstall (2013).
schedule four sessions, but average little above three sessions, a rate
that seriously jeopardises the program’s likelihood of success. Follow Through
A major study was federally funded in the United States in the
In-Vivo Coaching late 1960s, arising because of a concern about the poor educational
Engelmann et al.’s (1988) experience has been that, without safe- outcomes for disadvantaged students. Entitled Follow Through
guards, less than 30% of the skills practised outside the classroom (Engelmann et al., 1988; Grossen, 1996), it was aimed at the first
will be evident subsequently in classrooms. Thus, the provision of three years of school, and was designed to determine which meth-
in-vivo coaching was found to be especially important for the ods of teaching would be most effective for disadvantaged students
acquisition of skills. Glang and Gersten (1987) commented on throughout their primary school career. It was a huge study,
the value for teachers in seeing how their own students responded involving 75,000 children in 180 communities over the first three
to the expert instructional techniques presented by the visiting years of their school life. It is the largest educational experiment
supervisor. Unfortunately, this level of coaching support is rarely ever undertaken, extending from 1967 to 1995, at a cost of almost
available in our educational settings. The issue of coaching is a billion dollars. There were nine major competing sponsors cover-
increasingly being raised given the expectation that teachers will ing a broad range of educational philosophies. They included
be required to adopt evidence-based approaches (Hammond & child-directed learning, individualised instruction, language expe-
Moore, 2018). rience, learning styles, self-esteem development, cognitive empha-
sis, parent-based teaching, DI, and behavioural teaching. The
models can be reduced to three distinct themes — those empha-
sising either basic academic outcomes, cognitive development, or
High fidelity implementation means that you get a program with affective development. The targeted basic skills included reading,
an internal design and follow that design. That would include using language, spelling, writing, and maths. The models that emphas-
the materials in a particular sequence, adhering to the amount of ised the systematic teaching of basic skills (DI and Behaviour
time and practice called for by the program, and following the Analysis) performed best. In reading, the DI model, which also
recommendations for grouping or reteaching students. It would has a strong phonic emphasis, had the most impressive results
mean using all the essential components as they are designed, in both academic and affective areas. Apart from the basic skills
including differentiated instructional time and program assess- models, all others produced more negative than positive outcomes
ments (Diamond, 2004). on measures in the basic skill domain.
DI program effectiveness is predicated on implementation Follow-up studies were performed 3, 6, and 9 years after the DI
fidelity. In particular, departures from the program, such as omit- students had completed Follow Through. They showed strong con-
ting individual turn-taking, or specific tasks may have a significant sistent long-term benefits in reading (Gersten, Keating, & Becker,
effect on the average group progress. These ‘creative’ modifications 1988), effects that were evidenced in higher achievement, fewer
are likely to interfere most with the progress of the most vulnerable grade retentions, and more university acceptances than in com-
students, for it is they who adapt least easily to ambiguous or parison groups that had traditional education in the same com-
incomplete instructional sequences. ‘Our analyses revealed that munities. For more reading on Follow Through, see National
overall fidelity of implementation accounted for 22% of the variance Institute for Direct Instruction (2013).

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The Educational and Developmental Psychologist 5

Subsequently, meta-analyses documenting the effectiveness of Why Might Educational and Developmental Psychologists
DI were reported by White (1988), who reported an overall effect Consider Becoming Involved With These Programs in
size of .84, and by Adams and Engelmann (1996) with effect size School Settings?
of .87. A report from the American Institutes for Research (1999),
As a group, psychologists are interested in student welfare, and
An Educators’ Guide to School-wide Reform, found that only three
reading attainment plays a huge role in enabling students to make
programs, DI among them, had adequate evidence of effectiveness
the most of their years of schooling. Additionally, failure of student
in reading instruction. However, the approach has never been
reading development has been associated with a range of mental
accorded the attention that might have been expected.
health and behaviour issues. Studies have noted an increased risk
Recently, a paper published in the Review of Educational
for both internalising and externalising problems (Boyes, Leitao,
Research, ‘The Effectiveness of Direct Instruction Curricula: A
Claessen, Badcock, & Nayton, 2016; Katzir, Young-Suk, & Dotan,
Meta-Analysis of a Half Century of Research’ (Stockard, Wood,
2018; Russell, Ryder, Norwich, & Ford, 2015). My own role as an
Coughlin, & Khoury, 2018), outlined and analysed the long history
educational psychologist in schools was initially dominated by
of research into the effectiveness of the various DI programs.
referrals of student behavioural issues. After dealing with an endless
Quantitative mixed models were used to examine literature
stream of such referrals in both primary and secondary schools, it
published from 1966 through 2016 on the effectiveness of DI.
became apparent that a very high proportion of these students also
Analyses were based on 328 studies involving 413 study designs
had significant reading problems. Obviously, not all behaviour prob-
and almost 4000 effects. Results are reported for the total set
lems are a consequence of low progress in reading, but I was surprised
and subareas regarding reading, math, language, spelling, and
at the level of comorbidity. Shifting some of my attention to their aca-
multiple or other academic subjects; ability measures; affective
demic progress was fulfilling and enabled having a positive influence
outcomes; teacher and parent views; and single-subject designs.
on a larger number of students in the schools in which I consulted.
All of the estimated effects were positive and all were statistically
Educational policies are beginning to reflect a better understanding
significant except results from metaregressions involving affec-
of what is possible in school settings to enhance the outcomes for
tive outcomes. Characteristics of the publications, methodology,
more students. However, schools are being asked for more than they
and sample were not systematically related to effect estimates.
have been trained to deliver. For example, Joseph (2019) noted the use
Effects showed little decline during maintenance, and effects
of data as important in school improvement. It is becoming manda-
for academic subjects were greater when students had more expo-
tory in policies in decision making, in progress monitoring and pro-
sure to the programs. Estimated effects were educationally signifi-
gram evaluation, yet it is foreign to most teachers as their training has
cant, moderate to large when using the traditional psychological
not emphasised its role. Psychologists speak data, and can assist
benchmarks, and similar in magnitude to effect sizes that reflect
schools in dealing with these new responsibilities.
performance gaps between more and less advantaged students
(Stockard et al., 2018, p. 1).
Evidence-Based Practice in School at Last?
These outcomes are impressive given the wide range of study
designs, sample sizes, educational domains, and evaluation tools In the report of the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group
employed across the studies. Although there were variations across (2014), evidence-based appears 31 times, and one recommendation
programs, effect size for the total sample was .60, with the 95% con- was that: ‘The theory, methods and practices taught to pre-service
fidence interval within .54 to .66. teachers need to be clearly based on evidence linked to impact on
John Hattie (2009) reached broadly similar conclusions about student learning outcomes’ (p. 18). How are current teachers to
the size of effect: know how to make sense of educational research findings, to sep-
One of the common criticisms is that Direct Instruction works with very arate the wheat from the chaff? Psychologists, because of their
low-level or specific skills, and with lower ability and the youngest students. training, can assist in this task.
These are not the findings from the meta-analyses. The effects of Direct The DI model has some administrative features that make it an
Instruction are similar for regular (d = 0.99), and special education and attractive option: lessons fit readily into a school timetable; their
lower ability students (d = 0.86), higher for reading (d = 0.89) than for math- completeness relieves schools from developing their own curricula;
ematics (d = 0.50), similar for the more low-level word attack (d = 0.64) and and the clearly defined skill objectives and associated mastery tests
also for high-level comprehension (d = 0.54), and similar for elementary
make reporting to parents a simple task. Additionally, many teach-
and high school students. The messages of these meta-analyses on Direct
ers express a lack of confidence in individually addressing the
Instruction underline the power of stating the learning intentions and success
criteria, and then engaging students in moving towards these. The teacher
problems of the at-risk reader, expressing a sense that they have
needs to invite the students to learn, provide much deliberative practice been insufficiently trained to deal with them. Who better than psy-
and modeling, and provide appropriate feedback and multiple opportunities chologists to oppose the numerous pseudo-scientific education
to learn. Students need opportunities for independent practice, and then programs that abound, and also to counteract those teacher con-
there need to be opportunities to learn the skill or knowledge implicit in sultants who continue to provide seminars and training in mori-
the learning intention in contexts other than those directly taught. bund literacy strategies. In the reading domain, this involves
(Hattie, 2009, pp. 206–207) attention to the empirical literature that addresses the five main
Apart from evaluating the DI programs’ effects on student out- components of effective instruction, including individual program
comes, there have also been performed many evaluations of the evaluations. As practitioners, we need to be able to discern between
diverse instructional features underpinning DI programs, includ- dross and gold, and to effectively communicate relevant findings to
ing: preteaching to low progress students, signalling, group size, teachers and administrators.
use of overt steps, sequencing of positive and negative examples, Our education system ultimately will require teachers to
pacing, correction procedures, and massed and spaced practice. become researchers, understand the evidence, become collabo-
The bibliography of writings on DI reports 44 such papers rators, and collect data to enhance their effectiveness. What a
(National Institute for Direct Instruction, 2017). The database great opportunity this represents for educational and develop-
on Theories on Instruction & Learning comprises 48 papers. mental psychologists!

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6 Kerry Hempenstall

Acknowledgments. None. Gersten, R.M., Keating, T., & Becker, W. (1988). The continued impact of the
Direct Instruction Model: Longitudinal studies of Follow Through students.
Financial support. This research received no specific grant from any funding Education and Treatment of Children, 11, 318–327.
agency, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Glang, A., & Gersten, R. (1987, Winter). Coaching teachers. Direct Instruction
News, 1, 4, 5, 7.
Conflicts of interest. None. Goss, P. (2018, May 15). Five things we wouldn’t know without NAPLAN.
The Conversation.
Ethical standards. Not relevant to this study without-naplan-94286
Goss, P., & Sonnemann, J. (2016). Widening gaps: What NAPLAN tells us about
student progress. Grattan Institute.
Gregory, R.P. (1983). Direct Instruction, disadvantaged and handicapped chil-
Adams, G., & Engelmann, S. (1996). Research on Direct Instruction: 25 years dren: A review of the literature and some practical implications. Parts 1 & 2.
beyond DISTAR. Seattle, WA: Educational Achievement Systems. Remedial Education, 18, 108–114, 130–136.
Adesope, O.O., Trevisan, D.A., & Sundararajan, N. (2017). Rethinking the use Grossen, B. (Ed.). (1996). What was that Project Follow Through? Effective
of tests: A meta-analysis of practice testing. Review of Educational Research, School Practices, 15, 1–85.
87, 659–701. Hammond, L. (2015). Early childhood educators’ perceived and actual meta-
Alfieri, L., Brooks, P.J., Aldrich, N.J., & Tenenbaum, H.R. (2010). Does linguistic knowledge, beliefs and enacted practice about teaching early read-
discovery-based instruction enhance learning? Journal of Educational ing. Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties, 3, 853–864.
Psychology, 103, 1–18. Hammond, L., & Moore, W.M. (2018). Teachers taking up explicit instruction:
American Institutes for Research. (1999). An educators’ guide to schoolwide The impact of a professional development and directive instructional coach-
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