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Guess paper Annual 2023


  ‫  ر‬     A  2023  ‫ا ن‬
 ‫    ل‬  ‫اب‬
              A             ‫    ور    و  ت‬     ‫  ہ  رى‬2       ‫ف‬

Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100

Which solutions are not reached through proper
1 algorithms or work planning? ‫سکلحوکانمبساوگلرمھتالپگننےسںیہناھکلاجات؟‬ 1
(A) Prepared solution (B) Candid solution ‫ڈنیکڈلح‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ایتردشہلح‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Strategized solution (D) Best solution ‫رتہبنیلح‬ (‫)د‬ ‫تمکحیلمعرپینبملح‬ (‫)ج‬
...... is a graphical representation of an
2 algorithm. :‫اوگلرمھتاکاکیوصترییااہظرےہ‬ 2
(A) Matrix (B) Graph ‫رگاف‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اقبل‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Flowchart (D) Solution ‫لح‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ولفاچرٹ‬ (‫)ج‬
Which symbol in the flowchart is used to either
3 start or end the flowchart? ‫ولفاچرٹںیموکنیسالعتمٓااغزاورااتتخمےکےیلاامعتسلیکاجیتےہ؟‬ 3
(A) Terminal (B) Connector ‫کنکٹر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رٹلنیم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Process (D) Decision ‫ڈاڈنمئ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رپوسیس‬ (‫)ج‬
...... means to test if the required solution is
4 there. !‫۔۔۔اکبلطمےہہکٓاایولطمہبلحوموجدےہایںیہن‬ 4
(A) Verification (B) Algorithm ‫اوگلرمھت‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وریینشیکف‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Validation (D) Flowchart ‫ولفاچرٹ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫وڈیلینشی‬ (‫)ج‬
In a ...... error, the solution is working but not
5 giving required results. ‫وہات۔‬ 5
(A) Random error (B) Logical error ‫اللکیجاریر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اڈنیماریر‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Syntax error (D) Runtime error ‫رناٹمئاریر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نکساریر‬ (‫)ج‬
6 The steps of defining a problem are: ‫ہلئسمےکنیعترکےنےکرطےقیںیہ۔‬ 6
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Three (D) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نیت‬ (‫)ج‬
How many Ws are identified in the
7 understanding a problem? ‫اکیےلئسمیکےنھجمس ںیمےنتکڈویلبیکاچہپنوہیتےہ؟‬ 7
(A) One (B) Three ‫نیت‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Five (D) Infinity ‫الدعتاد‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اپچن‬ (‫)ج‬
Dividing a complex problem into smaller
8 problems is called: ‫دیچیپہہلئسموکوھچےٹولئسمںںیممیسقترکانالہکاتےہ۔‬ 8
(A) Divide and conquer (B) Guess and improve ‫ادنازہاگلںیئاوررتہبانبںیئ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫میسقترکںیاورحتفرکںی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Act it out (D) Prototype ‫ومنہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اٹکیاٹٓاوٹ‬ (‫)ج‬
9 The best strategy is to plan a solution is... ‫لحیکوصنمہبدنبیںیمرتہبنیتمکحیلمعےہ۔‬ 9
(A) Divide and conquer (B) Guessa and improve ‫ادنازہاگلںیئاوررتہبانبںیئ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫میسقترکںیاورحتفرکںی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Act it out (D) Prototype ‫ومنہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اٹکیاٹٓأوٹ‬ (‫)ج‬

Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100

10 Candid solution refers to: ‫ڈنیکڈولسنشوحاہلداتیےہ۔‬ 10
(A) Planning (B) Checking ‫گنکیچ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫الپگنن‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Unplanned (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ریغوصنمہبدنبی‬ (‫)ج‬
11 Shortkey to search in web browser is: ‫وبیربأوزرںیمالتشرکےنیکاشرٹیکےہ۔‬ 11
(A) CTRL+S (B) CTRL+F4 CTRL+F4 (‫)ب‬ CTRL+S (‫)افل‬
(C) CTRL+R (D) CTRL+F CTRL+F (‫)د‬ CTRL+R (‫)ج‬
A flowchart is a ............ presentation of the
12 steps to solve a problem. ‫ولفاچرٹیسکےلئسمےکرمالحوک۔۔۔لکشںیمشیپرکاتےہ۔‬ 12
(A) Graphical (B) Written ‫رحتریی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وصتریی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Mentally (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ذینہ‬ (‫)ج‬
In a flowchart, we use input, output, decision
13 making and .......... ‫ںیہ۔‬ 13
(A) Data (B) Processing ‫رپوگنسیس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ڈاٹی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Images (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اصتوری‬ (‫)ج‬
14 How many things are used in a flowchart? ‫اکیولفاچرٹںیممہینتکزیچوںاکاامعتسلرکےتںیہ؟‬ 14
(A) One (B) Three ‫نیت‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Four (D) Five ‫اپچن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اچر‬ (‫)ج‬
15 Input means data from the user ............ is. ‫انٹپاکبلطمویزرےسڈاٹی۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےہ۔‬ 15
(A) Taking (B) Giving ‫دانی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫انیل‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Processing (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رپوسیسرکان‬ (‫)ج‬
16 Expression (A+B).(A+C) is equal to ..............: ‫ےکرباربوہیتےہ۔‬.................(A+B).(A+C)‫ارپسکینشی‬ 16
(A) A+(B.C) (B) A.B+A.C A.B+A.C (‫)ب‬ A+(B.C) (‫)افل‬
(C) A.(B.C) (D) A+(B+C) A+(B+C) (‫)د‬ A.(B.C) (‫)ج‬
The order of application of two separate terms
17 is not important in ............: ............... ‫اقوننںیمورییاینلزیکرتبیترضوریںیہنوہیت‬: 17
(A) Associative law (B) Commutative law ‫اقوننابمدہل‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اقوننالتزم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Distributive law (D) Identity law ‫رضیباوریعمجذایتاقونن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اقونن می‬ (‫)ج‬
18 " Is it cold outside" is ...................: :‫ےہ‬...............‫’’ابرہرسدیےہ’’اکی‬ 18
(A) Boolean proposition (B) Moral propositions ‫ومرلرپیوپزنشی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وبنیلرپیوپزنشی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None od these ‫وکیئیھبںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫دوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
Number "17" is equal to ............ in binary
19 system. :‫ےکرباربوہاتےہ‬..................17‫ابرنئیمٹسسںیمربمن‬ 19
(A) 10000 (B) 10110 10110 (‫)ب‬ 10000 (‫)افل‬
(C) 10001 (D) 10100 10100 (‫)د‬ 10001 (‫)ج‬

Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100

20 1 petabyte is equal to ...........: ‫ےکرباربوہاتےہ۔‬...............‫اٹیپابٹئ‬ 20
(A) (1024)4 bytes (B) (1024)6 bytes (1024)6 bytes (‫)ب‬ (1024)4 bytes (‫)افل‬
(C) (1024)5 bytes (D) (1024)7 bytes (1024)7 bytes (‫)د‬ (1024)5 bytes (‫)ج‬
21 Hexadecimal system has total ............. numbers. :‫ربمنوہےتںیہ‬................‫ہنگساڈ ملںیم‬ 21
(A) 17 (B) 16 16 (‫)ب‬ 17 (‫)افل‬
(C) 18 (D) 15 15 (‫)د‬ 18 (‫)ج‬
The IPv4 address is made up of .............. binary
22 bits. IPv4 ‫ابرنئیسٹبےساتنبےہ۔‬..............‫اڈیرسی‬ 22
(A) 31 (B) 29 29 (‫)ب‬ 31 (‫)افل‬
(C) 32 (D) 30 30 (‫)د‬ 32 (‫)ج‬
Routing is process of taking data from one ‫روگنٹااسیلمعےہسجںیماکیٓاےلےسڈاٹیےلےکدورسےٓاےلوکفلتخم‬
device and sending it to another device in
23 different .........: ‫رپاجیھباجاتےہ۔‬............... 23
(A) Channel (B) Network ‫ٹینورک‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫لنیچ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Path (D) Area ‫اریای‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اپھت‬ (‫)ج‬
24 DHCP stands for ..........: ‫اکففخمےہ۔‬DHCP ............... 24
Data hosting computer Dynamic host Dynamic host computer Data hosting
(A) protocol (B) computer protocol protocol (‫ )ب‬computer protocol (‫)افل‬
Dynamic host
Dynamic host configuration
(C) configuration protocol (D) None of these ‫وکیئیھبںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ protocol (‫)ج‬
‫ین سک‬
25 Communications protocols cover ............: ‫اکمرسااجنمداتیےہ۔‬..............‫ ویمک نرپووٹوکل‬25
(A) Authentication (B) Error detection ‫یطلغولعممرکان‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫انشتخیکدصتقیرکان‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Correction (D) Above all ‫امتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫دریتسرکان‬ (‫)ج‬
The receiver must be capable of accepting the
26 .............: ‫وبقلرکےنےکاقلبوہاناچےیہ۔‬............‫اغیپموموصلدننکہ‬ 26
(A) Protocol (B) Message ‫اغیپم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رپووٹوکل‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Address (D) Information ‫ولعمامت‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اڈیرسی‬ (‫)ج‬
Which of the following doesn't includes the
27 types of software piracy? ‫ درجذلیںیمےسایکاسٹفاپریئیسییکااسقمںیماشلمےہ؟‬27
(A) Softlifting (B) Liability ‫ذہمداری‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اسٹفلفننگ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Client server overuse (D) Online piracy ‫ٓانالنئاپریئیسی‬ (‫)د‬ ‫الکٹنئرسوراوورویز‬ (‫)ج‬
28 Which of the following is not a cybercrime? ‫درجذلیںیمےسوکناساسربئرکامئںیہنےہ؟‬ 28
(A) Hacking (B) Phishing crime ‫فسنگرکامئ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫گنکیہ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Identity theft (D) Decryption ‫ڈرکینشپ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫انشتخیکوچری‬ (‫)ج‬
Which of the following is not the characteristics
29 of phishing emails? ‫درجذلیںیمےسوکناسلمعفسنگایلیمیکوخیبںیہنےہ؟‬ 29

Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100

Official data breach Email account
(A) notification (B) update ‫ایلیمااکٔوٹناپڈٹی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫االطع‬ (‫)افل‬
Similar domain of
(C) IT reminder (D) actual website ‫الصوبیاسٹئیکڈونیم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ٓایئیٹایدداہین‬ (‫)ج‬
Which of the following is not characteristics of
30 phishing website? ‫درجذلیںیمےسفسنگوبیاسٹئیکوخیبںیہنےہ۔‬ 30
Similar domain of Using of forms to
(A) actual website (B) collect visitors ‫اامعتسل‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫الصوبیاسٹئیسیجڈونیم‬ (‫)افل‬
Actual link to web Email account
(C) content (D) updates ‫ایلیمااکٔوٹناپڈسٹی‬ (‫)د‬ ‫وبیومادےسالصکنل‬ (‫)ج‬
Which of the following is not a characteristics of
31 good password? ‫درجذلیںیمےسوکنیساےھچاپسورڈیکوخیبںیہنےہ؟‬ 31
Is eight characters Doesn't contains
(A) long (B) username ‫ویرمینرپلمتشمہنوہ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ٓاھٹرحیفوطاتل‬ (‫)افل‬
Contains uppercase Password is your
(C) letters (D) name only ‫ےہ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ڑبےرحوفرپلمتشمےہ‬ (‫)ج‬
An individual list item can contain another
32 entire list called .............: ‫الہکیتےہ۔‬،‫اکیٹسلوجہکاےنپادنراکیاورٹسلرھکیتکسےہ‬ 32
(A) Ordered list (B) Unordered list Unordered list (‫)ب‬ Ordered list (‫)افل‬
(C) Nested list (D) Definition list Definition list (‫)د‬ Nested list (‫)ج‬
33 HTML is not a ............ language. HTML ‫وگنیلجئںیہنےہ۔‬.........‫وکڈاکی‬ 33
(A) Programming (B) Markup ‫امرکاپ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رپورگاگنم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None of above ‫وکیئیھبںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫دوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
Webpages can be created and modified by
34 using ............:: ‫اکاامعتسلرکےتوہےئانبایایدبتلیایکاجاتےہ۔‬..........‫وبیجیپوک‬ 34
(A) Notepad ++ (B) Notepad Notepad (‫)ب‬ Notepad ++ (‫)افل‬
(C) Text edit (D) All of above All of these (‫)د‬ Text edit (‫)ج‬
An HTML element usually consists of a ...........
35 tags. ‫ٹرپلمتشموہاتےہ۔‬..........‫رصنعاعموطررپ‬HTML‫اکی‬ 35
(A) Start (B) End End (‫)ب‬ Start (‫)افل‬
(C) Start and End (D) None of these None of these (‫)د‬ Stard, End (‫)ج‬
The ........ element is a container for metadata
36 (data about data). ‫اےنپادنراٹیمڈاٹیراتھکےہ۔‬ 36
(A) <body> (B) <head> <head> (‫)ب‬ <body> (‫)افل‬
(C) <title> (D) <html> <html> (‫)د‬ <title> (‫)ج‬
To save the HTML page, you can use .......... as
37 file extension, ‫ںیہ۔‬ 37
(A) htm (B) html html (‫)ب‬ htm (‫)افل‬

Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100

(C) Both (D) None of above None of above (‫)د‬ htm, html (‫)ج‬
There are ........... of headings in HTML
38 document. HTML ‫مسقیکڈیہگنوہیتکسےہ۔‬............‫ڈاویکٹنمںیم‬ 38
(A) 4 (B) 5 5 (‫)ب‬ 4 (‫)افل‬
(C) 6 (D) 1 1 (‫)د‬ 6 (‫)ج‬
........... tag is used to display data in tabular
39 form. ‫گیٹومادوکلبیٹیکلکشںیمداھکےنےکےیلاامعتسلوہاتےہ۔‬ 39
(A) td (B) table table (‫)ب‬ td (‫)افل‬
(C) tr (D) th th (‫)د‬ tr (‫)ج‬
40 A hyperlink can be applied to ............: ‫رپاگلےتکسںیہ۔‬.............‫اکیاہرپئکنلوکمہ‬ 40
(A) Image (B) Text ‫ٹسکیٹ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وصتری‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both of these (D) None of these ‫وکیئیھبںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫دوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
In "body" tag ....... is used to make a picture of a
41 background image of a webpage. ‫اامعتسلایکاجاتےہ۔‬ 41
(A) bg (B) background background (‫)ب‬ bg (‫)افل‬
(C) bgimage (D) None None (‫)د‬ bgimage (‫)ج‬
A flowchart clearly describes a process through
42 ............ and text. ‫اورنتمےکذرےعیاکیلمعوکواحضوطررپایبنرکاتےہ۔‬.............‫ولفاچرٹ‬ 42
(A) Data (B) Symbols ‫العامت‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ڈاٹی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Program (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رپورگام‬ (‫)ج‬
............ used to determine the flow of steps in a
43 flowchart ‫ولفاچرٹںیمرمےلحےکاہبٔواکنیعترکےنےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ‬ 43
(A) Flow line (B) Terminal ‫رٹلنیم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ولفالنئ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Processing (D) Decission ‫ہلصیفاسزی‬ (‫)د‬ ‫لمع‬ (‫)ج‬
............ symbol indicates the start and end of a
44 flowchart. ............. ‫العتمولفاچرٹےکٓااغزاورااتتخمیکرطفااشرہرکیت ےہ۔‬ 44
(A) Flow line (B) Terminal ‫رٹلنیم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ولفالنئ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Processing (D) Decission ‫ہلصیفاسزی‬ (‫)د‬ ‫لمع‬ (‫)ج‬
............... ‫العتمولفاچرٹںیمدقمارےکدبتلیوہےنےکٓارپنشییکامندنئیگ‬
............ symbol represents the operation of
45 change value in a flowchart. ‫رکیتےہ۔‬ 45
(A) Flow line (B) Terminal ‫رٹلنیم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ولفالنئ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Process (D) Decision ‫ہلصیفاسزی‬ (‫)د‬ ‫لمع‬ (‫)ج‬
If a flowchart doesn't fit on a page then we use ‫ےکذرےعیولفاچرٹ ےک‬.............‫ارگاکیولفاچرٹےحفصرپوپراںیہنٓااتبتمہ‬
.............. to connect parts of a flowchart on
46 different pages. ‫وصحںوکالمدےتیںیہ‬ 46
(A) Flow line (B) Terminal ‫رٹلنیم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ولفالنئ‬ (‫)افل‬

Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100

‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪Decision‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪Connector‬‬ ‫کننکٹر‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫ہلصیفاسزی‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫ہلئسملحرکےنےکرمالحےکومجمےعاکانمےہاےسرطفیزابنںیم ‪..............‬‬
‫‪............ is a set of steps to solve a problem. Its‬‬
‫‪47‬‬ ‫‪written in a natural language.‬‬ ‫اھکلاجاتےہ۔‬ ‫‪47‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Flowchart‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Algorithm‬‬ ‫اوگلرمھت‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫ولفاچرٹ‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪Problem‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪All of these‬‬ ‫ہیامتم‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫ہلئسم‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫‪........... symbol represents the starting point of‬‬
‫‪48‬‬ ‫‪an algorithm.‬‬ ‫العتمیسکاوگلرمھتےکادتبایئہطقنوکاظرہرکیتےہ۔ ‪............‬‬ ‫‪48‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Start‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Input‬‬ ‫انٹپ‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫اٹسرٹ‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪Set‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪Stop‬‬ ‫اٹسپ‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫ٹیس‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫‪49‬‬ ‫‪........... symbol is used to get input from a user.‬‬ ‫العتمیسکویزرےسانٹپےنیلےکےیلاامعتسلوہیتےہ۔ ‪..........‬‬ ‫‪49‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Start‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Input‬‬ ‫انٹپ‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫اٹسرٹ‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪Set‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪Output‬‬ ‫ٓأوٹٹپ‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫ٹیس‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫‪50‬‬ ‫‪It is used to update the value of existing data.‬‬ ‫یسکیھبریغتمہیکتمیقدبتلیرکےنےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ۔‬ ‫‪50‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Input‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Set‬‬ ‫ٹیس‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫انٹپ‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪If else‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪Output‬‬ ‫ٓأوٹٹپ‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫افاسلی‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫‪51‬‬ ‫‪........... symbol is used to check the condition.‬‬ ‫العتماکاامعتسلیسکڈنکنشیوکاجےنچنےکےیلایکاجاتےہ۔ ‪............‬‬ ‫‪51‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Input‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Set‬‬ ‫ٹیس‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫انٹپ‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪If else‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪Goto‬‬ ‫وگوٹ‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫افاسلی‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫العتماکاامعتسلرٹنکولوکرپورگامےکاکیےصحےسدورسےےصحںیم ‪...........‬‬
‫‪.......... symbol is used to transfer control to a‬‬
‫‪52‬‬ ‫‪certain step in program.‬‬ ‫لقتنمرکےنےکےیلایکاجاتےہ۔‬ ‫‪52‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Set‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪If else‬‬ ‫افاسلی‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫ٹیس‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪Goto‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪Output‬‬ ‫ٓأوٹٹپ‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫وگوٹ‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫‪How many algorithms can there be to solve a‬‬
‫‪53‬‬ ‫?‪problem‬‬ ‫اکیہلئسموکلحرکےنےکےیلےنتکاوگلرمھتوہےتکسںیہ؟‬ ‫‪53‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪One‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Two‬‬ ‫دو‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫اکی‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪More than one‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪None‬‬ ‫وکیئںیہن‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫اکیےسزادئ‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫‪54‬‬ ‫‪After solving a problem, we need to ..........‬‬ ‫اکیہلئسموکلحرکےنےکدعباسوک‪.................‬ایکاجاتےہ۔‬ ‫‪54‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Process‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Test‬‬ ‫ٹسیٹ‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫رپوسیس‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪Output‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪All of these‬‬ ‫ہیامتم‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫ٓأوٹٹپ‬ ‫)ج(‬
‫‪Find mistakes made while solving any problem‬‬
‫‪55‬‬ ‫‪using ..............‬‬ ‫یکاجیتںیہ۔‬ ‫‪55‬‬
‫)‪(A‬‬ ‫‪Testing‬‬ ‫)‪(B‬‬ ‫‪Flowchart‬‬ ‫ولفاچرٹ‬ ‫)ب(‬ ‫گنٹسیٹ‬ ‫)افل(‬
‫)‪(C‬‬ ‫‪Algorithm‬‬ ‫)‪(D‬‬ ‫‪None of these‬‬ ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ ‫)د(‬ ‫اوگلرمھت‬ ‫)ج(‬

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56 Types of test data is: ‫ٹسیٹڈاٹییکااسقمںیہ۔‬ 56
(A) Two (B) Three ‫نیت‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫دو‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Four (D) Five ‫اپچن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اچر‬ (‫)ج‬
........... solution is tested on extreme values in
57 test data. .............. ‫ٹسیٹڈاٹیںیماکیلحوکااہتنیئادقارےکےیلٹسیٹایکاجاتےہ۔‬ 57
(A) Boundary test data (B) Wrong data formats ‫ڈاٹیاکطلغومنہن‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ابٔوڈنریٹسیٹڈاٹی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Absent data (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫دعمدایتسبڈاٹی‬ (‫)ج‬
............ ‫ےسرماداسابتیکدصتقیرکانےہہکلحایسےلئسمےکےیلےہسجوک‬
............ means to confirm that the solution is for
58 the problem that needed to be solved ‫ہکلحیرضورتیھت۔‬ 58
‫ن‬ ‫فنکنس‬ ‫وریی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وڈیلینشی‬ (‫)افل‬
(A) Validation (B) Verification
(C) Both of these (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
........... ‫ےسرماداسابتیکدصتقیرکانوہاتےہہکٓاایلحدرتسیھبےہہک‬
........... means to confirm whether the solution is
59 correct or not. ‫ںیہن۔‬ 59
‫ن‬ ‫فنکنس‬ ‫وریی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وڈیلینشی‬ (‫)افل‬
(A) Validation (B) Verification
(C) Flowchart (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ولفاچرٹ‬ (‫)ج‬
60 .......... is a technique used to test algorithms. ......... ‫کینکتاوگلر ھمزوکٹسیٹرکےنےکےیلاامعتسلوہیتےہ۔‬ 60
(A) Flowchart (B) Process ‫رپوسیس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ولفاچرٹ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Trace table (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رٹسیلبیٹ‬ (‫)ج‬
61 Displays each column in the trace table. ‫رٹسیلبیٹںیمرہاکملاظرہرکاتےہ۔‬ 61
(A) Names of data (B) Values of data ‫ڈاٹییکتمیق‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ڈاٹیاکانم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Mistakes of data (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ڈاٹییکیطلغ‬ (‫)ج‬
62 Displays each row in the trace table. ‫رٹسیلبیٹںیمرہاطقراظرہرکیتےہ۔‬ 62
(A) Names of data (B) Values of data ‫ڈاٹییکتمیق‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ڈاٹیاکانم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Mistakes of data (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ڈاٹییکیطلغ‬ (‫)ج‬
The system under which the numerical system
63 is expressed is called: :‫دعدیاظنماکااہظرسجاظنمےکتحتوہاتےہاُےسےتہکںیہ‬ 63
(A) Decimal system (B) Number system ‫ربمنمٹسس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ااشعریاظنم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Binary system (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫انثیئاظنم‬ (‫)ج‬
What numerical system do we use in our daily
64 life? ‫مہاینپروزرمہزدنیگںیمسکدعدیاظنموکاامعتسلرکےتںیہ؟‬ 64
(A) Decimal system (B) Number system ‫ربمنمٹسس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ااشعریاظنم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Binary system (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫انثیئاظنم‬ (‫)ج‬
65 The base of decimal system is: ‫ااشعریدعدیاظنمیکاینبدوہیتےہ۔‬ 65
(A) 0,1 (B) 2 2 (‫)ب‬ 0,1 (‫)افل‬

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(C) 10 (D) 16 16 (‫)د‬ 10 (‫)ج‬
66 The base of binary system is: ‫انثیئدعدیاظنمںیمسیبوہیتےہ۔‬ 66
(A) 0,1 (B) 2 2 (‫)ب‬ 0,1 (‫)افل‬
(C) 10 (D) 16 16 (‫)د‬ 10 (‫)ج‬
67 Binary numeric system have numbers: :‫انثیئدعدیاظنمںیمدنہےسوہےتںیہ‬ 67
(A) 0,1 (B) 0-9 0-9 (‫)ب‬ 0,1 (‫)افل‬
(C) 42644 (D) 0-16 0-16 (‫)د‬ 42644 (‫)ج‬
68 The binary value of the letter A is: ‫یکانثیئدقرےہ۔‬A‫رحف‬ 68
(A) 1000001 (B) 10000001 10000001 (‫)ب‬ 1000001 (‫)افل‬
(C) 11001100 (D) 1001001 1001001 (‫)د‬ 11001100 (‫)ج‬
69 The decimal value of the letter A is: ‫یکااشعریدقرےہ۔‬A‫رحف‬ 69
(A) 35 (B) 46 46 (‫)ب‬ 35 (‫)افل‬
(C) 50 (D) 65 65 (‫)د‬ 50 (‫)ج‬
70 The value of A in hexadecimal system is: ‫یکدقرےہ۔‬A‫ہنگزاڈ ملمٹسسںیم‬ 70
(A) 0,1 (B) 10 10 (‫)ب‬ 0,1 (‫)افل‬
(C) 12 (D) 15 15 (‫)د‬ 12 (‫)ج‬
To convert a decimal number into binary
71 number, we divide the number by....... ‫ںیہ۔‬ 71
(A) 2 (B) 10 10 (‫)ب‬ 2 (‫)افل‬
(C) 0,1 (D) 16 16 (‫)د‬ 0,1 (‫)ج‬
The number is the divided obtained in the
72 exchange of systems is called: ‫ربمنمٹسسےکابتدہلںیماحلصمیسقتوکےتہکںیہ۔‬ 72
(A) Remainder (B) Quotient Quotient (‫)ب‬ Remainder (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None None (‫)د‬ Both (‫)ج‬
‫م‬‫ہنگ تسی‬
73 (69610)10 in hexadecimal is: :‫( زاڈ لںیموہاگ‬69610)10 73
(A) (10FAB)16 (B) (6FEA)16 (6FEA)16 (‫)ب‬ (10FAB)16 (‫)افل‬
(C) (10FEA)16 (D) (6FAB)16 (6FAB)16 (‫)د‬ (10FEA)16 (‫)ج‬
74 (C921)10 in binary is: (C921)10 ‫یکانثیئتمیقےہ۔‬ 74
(A) 11011001 (B) 10001101 10001101 (‫)ب‬ 11011001 (‫)افل‬
(C) 11000001 (D) 11001001 11001001 (‫)د‬ 11000001 (‫)ج‬
75 The types of memory is: ‫ومیمرییکااسقمںیہ۔‬ 75
(A) 1 (B) 2 2 (‫)ب‬ 1 (‫)افل‬
(C) 3 (D) 4 4 (‫)د‬ 3 (‫)ج‬

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76 The example of volatile memory is: ‫ووالاٹلئومیمرییکاثملےہ۔‬ 76
(A) RAM (B) Hard Disk ‫اہرڈڈکس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رمی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) CD (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫یسڈی‬ (‫)ج‬
In which memory is the data temporarily
77 stored? ‫سکومیمریںیمڈاٹیاعریضوفحمظوہاتےہ؟‬ 77
(A) Volatile memory (B) Non-volatile memory ‫اننووالاٹلئومیمری‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ووالاٹلئومیمری‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both of these (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
78 Data is stored in memory cards. ‫ومیمریاکرڈزںیمڈاٹیوفحمظراتہےہ۔‬ 78
(A) For one month (B) Temporary ‫اعریض‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکیہنیہمےکےیل‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Permanently (D) Cant saved ‫وفحمظںیہنوہات‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہشیمہےکےیل‬ (‫)ج‬
79 Digital computer saved data in the form of……. ‫ڈلٹیجیویپمکرٹڈاٹیوک۔۔۔یکلکشںیموفحمظرکاتےہ۔‬ 79
(A) Decimal (B) Hexadecimal ‫ہنگزاڈ مل‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ااشعری‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Binary (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ابرنئی‬ (‫)ج‬
How many bytes will it take to save the name
80 "Pakistan" in computer memory? ‫رضورتوہیگ؟‬ 80
(A) 8 (B) 16 16 (‫)ب‬ 8 (‫)افل‬
(C) 32 (D) 64 64 (‫)د‬ 32 (‫)ج‬
81 One bit contains bytes: :‫اکیٹبںیمابسٹئوہےتںیہ‬ 81
(A) 2 (B) 4 4 (‫)ب‬ 2 (‫)افل‬
(C) 8 (D) 1024 1024 (‫)د‬ 8 (‫)ج‬
82 One kilo byte contains bytes: ‫اکیولکابٹئںیمابسٹئوہےتںیہ؟‬ 82
(A) 8 (B) 1024 1024 (‫)ب‬ 8 (‫)افل‬
(C) 2048 (D) 3062 3062 (‫)د‬ 2048 (‫)ج‬
The least amount of space is required to store
83 any type of information in a computer. ‫یسکیھبمسقیکولعمامتوکویپمکرٹںیموٹسررکےنےکےیلمکےسمکہگجدراکروہیتےہ۔‬ 83
(A) One byte (B) 8 bytes ‫ابسٹئ‬8 (‫)ب‬ ‫اکیابٹئ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) 1024 bytes (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ابسٹئ‬1024 (‫)ج‬
84 Preposition indicates the value: ‫رپیوپزنشیدقروکاظرہرکیتےہ۔‬ 84
(A) TRUE (B) FALSE ‫طلغ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫درتس‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
85 AND operator can be denoted by: ‫اورپرٹیوکاظرہایکاجاتےہ۔‬AND 85
(A) . (B) + + (‫)ب‬ . (‫)افل‬
(C) - (D) None None (‫)د‬ - (‫)ج‬

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86 OR operator can be denoted by: ‫اورپرٹیوکاظرہایکاجاتےہ۔‬OR 86
(A) . (B) + + (‫)ب‬ . (‫)افل‬
(C) - (D) None None (‫)د‬ - (‫)ج‬
87 …… used to test the preposition. ‫رپیوپزنشیوکاجےنچنےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ۔‬ 87
(A) Truth table (B) Simple table ‫اسدہلبیٹ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رٹوھتلبیٹ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Calculator (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫کنلکورٹیل‬ (‫)ج‬
By negating a negative preposition, we get a
88 …… preposition: ‫ےہ۔‬ 88
(A) Negative (B) Positive ‫تبثم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫یفنم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
89 Web server replies in the form of ‫وبیرسورںیمہ۔۔۔یکلکشںیموجابداتیےہ۔‬ 89
(A) HTML (B) CSS CSS (‫)ب‬ HTML (‫)افل‬
(C) FILE (D) NONE NONE (‫)د‬ FILE (‫)ج‬
90 Language is used to create website. ‫وبیاسٹئانبےنےکےیلوگنیلجئاامعتسلوہیتےہ۔‬ 90
(A) CSS (B) HTML HTML (‫)ب‬ CSS (‫)افل‬
(C) C++ (D) None None (‫)د‬ C++ (‫)ج‬
91 The term hypertext is derived from: ‫اہرپئٹسکیٹیکاالطصحاذخیکیئگےہ۔‬ 91
(A) HTML (B) CSS CSS (‫)ب‬ HTML (‫)افل‬
(C) Hyper link (D) All of these All of these (‫)د‬ Hyper Link (‫)ج‬
92 The abbreviation of WWW is: ‫اکففخمےہ۔‬WWW 92
(A) World Wide Web (B) Word Wide Web Word Wide Web (‫)ب‬ World Wide Web (‫)افل‬
(C) Word Wide Website (D) None of these None of these (‫)د‬ Word Wide Website (‫)ج‬
93 <p> tag ends with: ‫<گیٹمتخوہاتےہ۔‬p> 93
(A) <p> (B) </p> </p> (‫)ب‬ <p> (‫)افل‬
(C) <p/> (D) <pp> <pp> (‫)د‬ <p/> (‫)ج‬
94 Pair tags consist of start tag and ...... tag: :‫رئیپڈٹاٹسرٹگیٹاور۔۔۔گیٹرپلمتشموہےتںیہ‬ 94
(A) Mid (B) Content ‫وماد‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫درایمن‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) End (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اڈنی‬ (‫)ج‬
95 The tag used to write the paragraph is: :‫ریپارگافےنھکلےکےیلگیٹاامعتسلوہاتےہ‬ 95
(A) <p> (B) <para> <para> (‫)ب‬ <p> (‫)افل‬
(C) <paragraph> (D) <pp> <pp> (‫)د‬ <paragraph> (‫)ج‬
96 The tag used to break the line is: :‫النئوکربکیرکےنےکےیلگیٹاامعتسلوہاتےہ‬ 96

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(A) <p> (B) <p> <p> (‫)ب‬ <b> (‫)افل‬
(C) <br> (D) <hr> <hr> (‫)د‬ <br> (‫)ج‬
97 HTML document starts with ......... tag: HTML ‫ڈاویکٹنم۔۔۔۔۔گیٹےسرشوعوہاتےہ‬: 97
(A) <htm> (B) <html> <html> (‫)ب‬ <htm> (‫)افل‬
(C) </html> (D) <hr> <hr> (‫)د‬ </html> (‫)ج‬
HTML document primarily consists of ..........
98 sections: ‫ڈاویکٹنماینبدیوطررپےنتکٹرپلمتشموہاتےہ؟‬HTML 98
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Three (D) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نیت‬ (‫)ج‬
99 Used to insert an extra space in the paragraph: :‫ریپارگافںیماکیزادئ ننسرڈاےنلےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ‬ 99
(A) &nbsp; (B) &nbsb; &nbsb; (‫)ب‬ &nbsp; (‫)افل‬
(C) &spac; (D) <space> <space> (‫)د‬ &spac; (‫)ج‬
100 The number of heading tags is: :‫ڈیہگنٹیکدعتادےہ‬ 100
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Four (D) Six ‫ھچ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اچر‬ (‫)ج‬
101 Tag used to enlarge text size: :‫نتماکاسزئڑبارکےنےکےیلگیٹاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ‬ 101
(A) <font> (B) <size> <size> (‫)ب‬ <font> (‫)افل‬
(C) <font-size> (D) None of these None of these (‫)د‬ <font-size> (‫)ج‬
102 The latest version of HTML is: HTML ‫اکدجدیرتنیورژنےہ‬: 102
(A) HTML (B) HTML2 HTML2 (‫)ب‬ HTML (‫)افل‬
(C) HTML4 (D) HTML5 HTML5 (‫)د‬ HTML4 (‫)ج‬
103 The tag for unordered list is: :‫انٓارڈرٹسلاکگیٹےہ‬ 103
(A) <ol> (B) <tr> <tr> (‫)ب‬ <ol> (‫)افل‬
(C) <ul> (D) None of these None of these (‫)د‬ <ul> (‫)ج‬
104 The tag for ordered list is: :‫ٓارڈرٹسلاکگیٹےہ‬ 104
(A) <ul> (B) <ol> <ol> (‫)ب‬ <ul> (‫)افل‬
(C) <li> (D) <tr> <tr> (‫)د‬ <li> (‫)ج‬
105 Tag used for images in a web page: :‫وبیجیپںیماصتوریےکےیلگیٹاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ‬ 105
(A) <img> (B) <image> <image> (‫)ب‬ <img> (‫)افل‬
(C) <background> (D) <bg> <bg> (‫)د‬ <background> (‫)ج‬
....... attribute provides an altenate text for an
106 image: :‫وصترییکہگجابتمدلٹسکیٹدےنیےکےیلارٹییویبٹےہ‬ 106
(A) alt (B) attr attr (‫)ب‬ alt (‫)افل‬

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(C) text (D) All of these All of these (‫)د‬ text (‫)ج‬
107 Used to move from one page to another page: :‫یسکاکیجیپےسدورسےجیپرپاجےنےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ‬ 107
(A) Hyperlink (B) Table ‫لبیٹ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اہرپئکنل‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) List (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ٹسل‬ (‫)ج‬
108 The tag for hyperlink is: :‫اہرپئکنلاکگیٹےہ‬ 108
(A) <hyperlink> (B) <alt> <alt> (‫)ب‬ <hyperlink> (‫)افل‬
(C) <a> (D) <br> <br> (‫)د‬ <a> (‫)ج‬
109 The tag for creating table in HTML is: :‫ںیملبیٹانبےنےکےیلگیٹےہ‬HTML 109
(A) <tr> (B) <td> <td> (‫)ب‬ <tr> (‫)افل‬
(C) <table> (D) <li> <li> (‫)د‬ <table> (‫)ج‬
110 The table row tag is: :‫لبیٹےکاطقرانبےناکگیٹےہ‬ 110
(A) <td> (B) <tr> <tr> (‫)ب‬ <td> (‫)افل‬
(C) <row> (D) <hr> <hr> (‫)د‬ <row> (‫)ج‬
111 Table header tag is: :‫لبیٹےکڈیہراکگیٹےہ‬ 111
(A) <tr> (B) <td> <td> (‫)ب‬ <tr> (‫)افل‬
(C) <header> (D) <th> <th> (‫)د‬ <header> (‫)ج‬
Attribute are used to spread a row to more than
112 one row: :‫ےہ‬ 112
(A) colspan (B) rowspan rowspan (‫)ب‬ colspan (‫)افل‬
(C) expand (D) None of these None of these (‫)د‬ expand (‫)ج‬
A computer network is a ........ of computer
113 systems. ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکدرالصویپمکرٹزمٹسساورھچکٓاالتاکاکی۔۔۔۔۔۔وہاتےہ۔‬ 113
(A) System (B) Group ‫رگوپ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫مٹسس‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Device (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ڈویاسئ‬ (‫)ج‬
Networks are connected together to make a
114 large ........ :‫ٹینورسکٓاسپںیملمرکاکیتہبڑبا۔۔۔۔۔۔انبےتںیہ‬ 114
(A) Group (B) System ‫مٹسس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رگوپ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Network (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ٹینورک‬ (‫)ج‬
115 The example of hardware sharing is: :‫اہرڈورئیرئیشگنیکاثملےہ‬ 115
(A) Printer (B) File ‫افلئ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رپرٹن‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Data (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ڈاٹی‬ (‫)ج‬
116 The example of ATM machine is: :‫اےیٹامینیشماثملےہ‬ 116
(A) File sharing (B) Hardware sharing ‫اہرڈورئیرئیشگن‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫افلئرئیشگن‬ (‫)افل‬

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(C) Application sharing (D) Internet sharing ‫ارٹنٹینرئیشگن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ایلپینشیکرئیشگن‬ (‫)ج‬
The computer provides space for storing data,
117 called: :‫الہکاتےہ‬،‫ویپمکرٹڈاٹیوفحمظرکےنےکےیلہگجرفامہرکاتےہ‬ 117
(A) Cleint (B) Server ‫رسور‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫الکٹنئ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
118 The example of server is: :‫رسوریکاثملےہ‬ 118
(A) Computer (B) Network ‫ٹینورک‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ویپمکرٹ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Dropbox (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ڈراپابسک‬ (‫)ج‬
119 A server is a system that ...... services: :‫رسوراکیااسیمٹسسےہوجہکرسوزس۔۔۔۔۔۔ےہ‬ 119
(A) Gets (B) Provices ‫داتی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اتیل‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
120 The client is: :‫الکٹنئوہاتےہ‬ 120
(A) Hardware (B) Software ‫اسٹفورئی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اہرڈورئی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
121 The types of connection is: :‫نشکنکیکااسقمںیہ‬ 121
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Three (D) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نیت‬ (‫)ج‬
The direct link between the two devices is an
122 example of: :‫دوٓاالتےکدرایمنڈارئٹکیکنلاثملےہ‬ 122
Point to point Multi point
(A) connection (B) connection ‫یٹلموپاٹنئنشکنک‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وپاٹنئوٹوپاٹنئنشکنک‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both of these (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
123 The example of multi point connection is: :‫یٹلموپاٹنئنشکنکیکاثملےہ‬ 123
(A) TV (B) Remote ‫رومیٹ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫یٹ۔وی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Wifi (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫وایئافیئ‬ (‫)ج‬
124 The types of topology is: ‫اپٹولیجیکااسقمںیہ۔‬ 124
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Three (D) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نیت‬ (‫)ج‬
In Star topology, all devices are connected to a ‫اٹسراپٹولیجںیمںیمامتمٓاالتاکیلبیکےکذرےعیرتشمہکوپاٹنئےسڑجےوہےت‬
common point via a cable, this common point is
125 called: :‫اسرتشمہکوپاٹنئوکاہکاجاتےہ‬،‫ںیہ‬ 125
(A) Hub (B) Button ‫نٹب‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫بہ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Server (D) Cable ‫لبیک‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رسور‬ (‫)ج‬
......... topology connects all devices with each
126 other through a direct link. :‫ڑجیوہیتںیہ‬ 126

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(A) Bus topology (B) Star topology ‫اٹسراپٹولیج‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫سباپٹولیج‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Ring topology (D) Mesh topology ‫شیماپٹولیج‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رِگناپٹولیج‬ (‫)ج‬
127 In which topology data exchange is faster? ‫سکاپٹولیجںیمڈاٹیاکابتدہلزیتیےسوہاتےہ؟‬ 127
(A) Bus topology (B) Star topology ‫اٹسراپٹولیج‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫سباپٹولیج‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Ring topology (D) Mesh topology ‫شیماپٹولیج‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رِگناپٹولیج‬ (‫)ج‬
128 The components of communication system is: :‫ویمک سنمٹسسےکازجاءںیہ‬ 128
(A) Two (B) Three ‫نیت‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫دو‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Four (D) Five ‫اپچن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اچر‬ (‫)ج‬
129 Sender is called: :‫ رتلیسدننکہالہکاتےہ‬129
(A) Transmitter (B) Source ‫وسرس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رٹا منٹر‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both of these (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
130 The example of reciever is: :‫اغیپمووصلدننکہیکاثملےہ‬ 130
(A) Printer (B) Cable ‫لبیک‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رپرٹن‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Internet (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ارٹنٹین‬ (‫)ج‬
In a data communication system, a message is ‫ینکن‬
131 sent in the form of ..... :‫ڈاٹیویمک سنمٹسسںیماغیپموک۔۔۔۔۔۔۔یکلکشںیماجیھباجاتےہ‬ 131
(A) Packet (B) Internet ‫ارٹنٹین‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ٹکیپ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Information (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ولعمامت‬ (‫)ج‬
132 How many parts of message? ‫جےنتکوصحںرپلمتشموہاتےہ؟‬ 132
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Three (D) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نیت‬ (‫)ج‬
133 Control information of message is called: :‫رٹنکولاافنرنشماغیپماکالہکاتےہ‬ 133
(A) Play load (B) Header ‫ڈیہر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ےلپولڈ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both of these (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
A ....... is a formal agreement between two
134 parties is called: :‫دوولوگںےکدرایمناکیریمساعمدہہالہکاتےہ‬ 134
(A) Message (B) Header ‫ڈیہر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اغیپم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Information (D) Protocol ‫رپووٹوکل‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اافنرنشم‬ (‫)ج‬
135 The example of transmission medium is: :‫رٹانشیمسنڈیممییکاثملےہ‬ 135
(A) Message (B) Printer ‫رپرٹن‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اغیپم‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Fibre optical cable (D) Intenet ‫ارٹنٹین‬ (‫)د‬ ‫افربئٓالکیٹپلبیک‬ (‫)ج‬
136 How many layers in TCP/IP protocol? ‫رپووٹوکلینتکرئیلزرپلمتشموہاتےہ؟‬TCP/IP 136
(A) Two (B) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫دو‬ (‫)افل‬

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(C) Five (D) Six ‫ھچ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اپچن‬ (‫)ج‬
...... protocol is used for the purpose of
137 transferring files from one computer to another: :‫افزلئوکاکیہگجےسدورسیہگجلقتنمرکےنںیماامعتسلوہاتےہ‬ 137
(A) FTP (B) HTTP HTTP (‫)ب‬ FTP (‫)افل‬
(C) SMTP (D) WWW WWW (‫)د‬ SMTP (‫)ج‬
We can use transfer webpages between a client
138 and a web server are: :‫الکٹنئاوررسورےکدرایمنوبیزجیپیکیلقتنمےکےیلاامعتسلرکےتںیہ‬ 138
(A) FTP (B) HTTP HTTP (‫)ب‬ FTP (‫)افل‬
(C) SMTP (D) WWW WWW (‫)د‬ SMTP (‫)ج‬
139 Fixed IP address is called: :‫ڈسکفٓایئیپاڈیرسیالہکاتےہ‬ 139
(A) Static (B) Dynamic ‫ڈاانئکم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫کٹیٹس‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Fixed (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ڈسکف‬ (‫)ج‬
140 It is a unique identifier: :‫اکیرفنمدانشتخدننکہےہ‬ 140
(A) IP (B) Router Router (‫)ب‬ IP (‫)افل‬
(C) DHCP (D) Server Server (‫)د‬ DHCP (‫)ج‬
141 The standars of IP addressing is: :‫اڈیرگنسیےکڈنیٹسرزںیہ‬IP 141
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Three (D) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نیت‬ (‫)ج‬
142 is an example of: :‫اثملےہ‬ 142
(A) IPv4 (B) IPv6 IPv6 (‫)ب‬ IPv4 (‫)افل‬
(C) IPv8 (D) IPv10 IPv10 (‫)د‬ IPv8 (‫)ج‬
143 The IPv4 is divided into how many groups? IPv4 ‫وکےنتکوصحںںیممیسقتایکاجاتےہ؟‬ 143
(A) Two (B) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫دو‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Six (D) Eight ‫ٓاھٹ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ھچ‬ (‫)ج‬
The maximum bits are required for every group
144 of IPv4 is: IPv4 ‫ںیمرہرگوپوکزایدہےسزایدہسٹبیکرضورتوہیتےہ‬: 144
(A) Two (B) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫دو‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Six (D) Eight ‫ٓاھٹ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ھچ‬ (‫)ج‬
145 How many bits in IPv6? IPv6 ‫ےنتکسٹبرپلمتشموہاتےہ؟‬ 145
(A) 32 (B) 64 64 (‫)ب‬ 32 (‫)افل‬
(C) 128 (D) 256 256 (‫)د‬ 128 (‫)ج‬
146 How many groups in IPv6? IPv6 ‫ںیمےنتکرگوسپوہےتںیہ؟‬ 146
(A) Two (B) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫دو‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Six (D) Eight ‫ٓاھٹ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ھچ‬ (‫)ج‬

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147 The example of networking device is: :‫ٹینورگنکڈویاسئیکاثملےہ‬ 147
(A) Internet (B) Browser ‫ربأوزر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ارٹنٹین‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Router (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رٔورٹ‬ (‫)ج‬
....... is usually placed at the meeting point of
148 two networks. :‫۔۔۔۔۔۔وکاعموطررپدووپاسٹنئےکالمپاکوپاٹنئاہکاجاتےہ‬ 148
(A) Router (B) Connection ‫نشکنک‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رٔورٹ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Cable (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫لبیک‬ (‫)ج‬
149 We get the internet service from.....: :‫ارٹنٹینیکرسوسںیمہداتیےہ‬ 149
(A) WWW (B) ISP ISP (‫)ب‬ WWW (‫)افل‬
(C) HTTP (D) SMPT SMTP (‫)د‬ HTTP (‫)ج‬
150 The example of piracy is: :‫اپریئیسییکاثملےہ‬ 150
(A) Book (B) Poem ‫اشرعی‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اتکب‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Software (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اسٹفورئی‬ (‫)ج‬
Sometimes, some malicious user disguises ‫ضعباواقتاصقنناچنہپےنواےلاصرفںیمہاانپدوتساظرہرکےکامہریھچکہیفخ‬
himself as our friend and tries to get some
151 confidential information. This is called: :‫ولعمامتاحلصرکےنیکوکششرکےتںیہ۔اےسےتہکںیہ‬ 151
(A) Phishing (B) Piracy Piracy (‫)ب‬ Phishing (‫)افل‬
(C) Copy (D) All of these All of these (‫)د‬ Copy (‫)ج‬
152 Patent is a way to protect an ...... :‫ٹنٹیپیسک۔۔۔۔۔۔یکافحتظاکاکیرطہقیےہ‬ 152
(A) Software (B) Idea ‫ٓاڈیئای‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اسٹفوریئ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Copy (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اکیپ‬ (‫)ج‬
Copyright law says that some idea or product
153 cannot be ........ :‫اکیپراٹئےکاقوننےکاطمقبیسکیھبٓاڈیئایایزیچوک۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ںیہنایکاجاتکس‬ 153
(A) Patient (B) Copy ‫اکیپ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ٹنٹیپ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Sercret (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫راز‬ (‫)ج‬
154 ....... is a serious attack on a computer system. :‫۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ویپمکرٹمٹسسرپاکینیگنسہلمحےہ‬ 154
(A) Trade secrets (B) Copyright ‫اکیپراٹئ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اجتریتراز‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Patient (D) Sabotage ‫رختبیاکری‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ٹنٹیپ‬ (‫)ج‬
There are certain companies, called ............, that ،‫رصفاصرنیفیکولعمامتعمجرکےن‬،‫ضعباینپمکںںیہنج۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اہکاجاتےہ‬
solely exist to collect, aggregate, buy and sell
155 comsumer information. :‫رخدیورفوتخرکےنےکےیلوموجدںیہ‬،‫ومجمہعرکےن‬ 155
(A) Hackers (B) Data brokers ‫ڈاٹیربورکز‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رکیہز‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) NADRA (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اندرا‬ (‫)ج‬
Primarily, how many aspects do we want to
156 keep our data safe? ‫اینبدیوطررپمہےنتکولہپٔوںےکاطمقباےنپڈاٹیوکوفحمظرانھکاچےتہںیہ؟‬ 156
(A) One (B) Two ‫دو‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اکی‬ (‫)افل‬

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(C) Three (D) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)د‬ ‫نیت‬ (‫)ج‬
The information that is stored with web surfers
157 is called: :‫الہکیتےہ‬،‫وہولعمامتوجوبیرسرفزےکاسھتذریخہیکاجیتےہ‬ 157
(A) Data (B) Cookies ‫وکزیک‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ڈاٹی‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Information (D) Patient ‫ٹنٹیپ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اافنرنشم‬ (‫)ج‬
158 Encryption is the process of ........ data. :‫یکاجیتےہ‬........‫ہیفخاکریاکیااسیلمعےہسجیکدمدےسڈاٹییک‬ 158
(A) Encoding (B) Decoding ‫ڈیوکڈگن‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫انوکڈگن‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Both of these (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیدوونں‬ (‫)ج‬
Encoding means conversion of data to an
159 unreadable format which is called: :‫ےسجےتہکںیہ‬،‫انوکڈگناکبلطمڈاٹیوکہنڑپےھاجےنکسوایللکشںیمدبتلیرکانےہ‬ 159
(A) Decoding (B) Password ‫اپوسرڈ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ڈیوکڈگن‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Encrypt (D) Ciphertext ‫اسئٹسکیٹ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ارکنیٹپ‬ (‫)ج‬
......... is used to protect sensitive data, including
160 personal information for individuals. :‫۔۔۔۔۔۔اسحسڈاٹیتیمسارفادیکذایتولعمامتیکیھبافحتظرکیتےہ‬ 160
Protection from
(A) Encryption (B) hackers ‫رکیہزےسظفحت‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ہیفخاکری‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Patient (D) Password ‫اپوسرڈ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ٹنٹیپ‬ (‫)ج‬
......... was a Roman politician and military
161 general. ‫ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔اکیرونمایستسداناوروفیجرنجلاھت۔‬161
(A) Cipher (B) Vigenere ‫وگننٹر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اسییفز‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Caesar (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫زیسر‬ (‫)ج‬
Within caesar cipher substitution scheme, the
162 plaintext "PAKISTAN" would be encrypted into: :‫ںیمدبتلیوہاجےئیگ‬ 162
(C) NATSIKAP (D) None of these None of these (‫)د‬ NATSIKAP (‫)ج‬
Vigenere cipher uses a .......... for substituting
163 the letters of plaintext. :‫اامعتسلایکاجاتےہ‬ 163
(A) Book (B) Symbols ‫اشنین‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اتکب‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Method (D) Table ‫لبیٹ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رطہقیاکر‬ (‫)ج‬
Vigenere Cipher table consists of ....... rows and
164 ....... columns. ‫وگننٹراسییفزلبیٹ۔۔۔۔۔۔اطقروں اور۔۔۔۔۔اکوملںرپلمتشمےہ۔‬ 164
(A) 16,16 (B) 22,22 22,22 (‫)ب‬ 16,16 (‫)افل‬
(C) 26,26 (D) 32,32 32,32 (‫)د‬ 26,26 (‫)ج‬
Messages encrypted with the Caeser cipher are
165 very .......... to crack. :‫زیسراسییفزےکاامعتسلےسانبےئےئگاغیپامتوکوتڑانتہب۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےہ‬ 165
(A) Easy (B) Difficult ‫لکشم‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ٓااسن‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Complex (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫دیچیپہ‬ (‫)ج‬

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Most common letter used in the english
166 language. ‫ارگنزییزابنںیمبسےسزایدہاامعتسلایکاجےنواالرحفےہ۔‬ 166
(A) A (B) E E (‫)ب‬ A (‫)افل‬
(C) O (D) S S (‫)د‬ O (‫)ج‬
......... keys are used to read an encrypted
167 messages. :‫ہیفخاکریاغیپموکڑپےنھےکےیل۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔زیکاکاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ‬ 167
(A) Password (B) Cryptographic ‫رکوٹپرگافگ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫اپوسرذ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Encryption (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ہیفخاکری‬ (‫)ج‬
A good password must contain at least how
168 many characters? ‫اکیااھچاپوسرڈمکےسمکےنتکرحوفرپلمتشموہاناچےیہ؟‬ 168
(A) Two (B) Four ‫اچر‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫دو‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Six (D) Eight ‫ٓاھٹ‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ھچ‬ (‫)ج‬
A crime in which computer network or devices
169 are used is called..... :‫اکیرجمسجںیمویپمکرٹٹینورکایٓاالتاامعتسلایکاجاتےہاےساہکاجاتےہ‬ 169
(A) Hacking (B) Cyber crime ‫اسربئرکامئ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫گنکیہ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Virus (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫وارئس‬ (‫)ج‬
Hackers may use fake ........ to trap someone to
170 give passwords and account information. ‫رکےتںیہ۔‬ 170
(A) E-mails (B) Passwords ‫اپوسرڈز‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫ایمنلز‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Accounts (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ااکٔوسٹن‬ (‫)ج‬
This is a ............ if the cardholder claims
171 chargeback. ‫دوعیرکاتےہوتاےس۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ےتہکںیہ۔‬
ٰ ‫ارگاکرڈوہڈلراچرجکیباک‬ 171
(A) Fruad (B) Identity theft ‫انشتخیکوچری‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫رفاڈ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Transactional fruad (D) None of these ‫انںیموکیئںیہن‬ (‫)د‬ ‫رٹازن سنلرفاڈ‬ (‫)ج‬
Illegallyaccessing someone else's computer is
172 called: ‫ریغاقونینوطررپیسکدورسےےکویپمکرٹکتراسیئاحلصرکانالہکاتےہ۔‬ 172
(A) Theft (B) Hacking ‫گنکیہ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫وچری‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Piracy (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫اپرئیسی‬ (‫)ج‬
........... is the fraudulent attempt by sending ‫اپوسرڈاوررکڈیٹاکرڈیکالیصفتتیسیجاسحسولعمامتایلیمےک‬،‫۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔‬
emails to obtain sensitive information such as
173 password and credit card details: ‫ذرےعیاحلصرکےنیکاکیلعجاسزوکششےہ۔‬ 173
(A) Hacking (B) Software ‫اسٹفوریئ‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫گنکیہ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Phishing (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫فسنگ‬ (‫)ج‬
In computing, a .......... is a cyber-attack to make
174 a machine or networkresource unavailable. ‫ےہوجہکاسربئاکیٹیکاکیمسقےہ۔‬ 174
(A) Hacking (B) DOS ‫ڈاس‬ (‫)ب‬ ‫گنکیہ‬ (‫)افل‬
(C) Network (D) All of these ‫ہیامتم‬ (‫)د‬ ‫ٹینورک‬ (‫)ج‬

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Answer Keys
1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (A) 4 (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (C) 8 (A) 9 (D) 10 (C)
11 (D) 12 (A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (A) 16 (A) 17 (B) 18 (A) 19 (C) 20 (C)
21 (B) 22 (C) 23 (B) 24 (C) 25 (D) 26 (B) 27 (A) 28 (D) 29 (C) 30 (C)
31 (D) 32 (C) 33 (A) 34 (D) 35 (C) 36 (B) 37 (C) 38 (C) 39 (B) 40 (C)
41 (B) 42 (B) 43 (A) 44 (B) 45 (C) 46 (D) 47 (B) 48 (A) 49 (B) 50 (B)
51 (C) 52 (C) 53 (C) 54 (B) 55 (A) 56 (D) 57 (A) 58 (B) 59 (A) 60 (C)
61 (A) 62 (B) 63 (B) 64 (A) 65 (C) 66 (B) 67 (A) 68 (A) 69 (D) 70 (B)
71 (A) 72 (B) 73 (C) 74 (D) 75 (B) 76 (A) 77 (A) 78 (C) 79 (C) 80 (A)
81 (C) 82 (B) 83 (A) 84 (C) 85 (A) 86 (B) 87 (A) 88 (B) 89 (A) 90 (B)
91 (C) 92 (A) 93 (B) 94 (C) 95 (A) 96 (C) 97 (B) 98 (B) 99 (A) 100 (D)
101 (C) 102 (D) 103 (C) 104 (B) 105 (A) 106 (A) 107 (A) 108 (C) 109 (C) 110 (B)
111 (D) 112 (B) 113 (B) 114 (C) 115 (A) 116 (C) 117 (B) 118 (C) 119 (B) 120 (C)
121 (B) 122 (A) 123 (C) 124 (D) 125 (A) 126 (D) 127 (D) 128 (D) 129 (C) 130 (A)
131 (A) 132 (B) 133 (B) 134 (D) 135 (C) 136 (C) 137 (A) 138 (B) 139 (A) 140 (A)
141 (B) 142 (A) 143 (B) 144 (D) 145 (C) 146 (D) 147 (C) 148 (A) 149 (B) 150 (D)
151 (A) 152 (B) 153 (B) 154 (D) 155 (B) 156 (C) 157 (B) 158 (A) 159 (D) 160 (A)
161 (C) 162 (B) 163 (D) 164 (C) 165 (A) 166 (B) 167 (B) 168 (D) 169 (B) 170 (A)
171 (C) 172 (B) 173 (C) 174 (B)

‫٭‬ ‫مختصرسواالت‬ ‫٭‬

Draw the flowchart for the following ‫ںیل۔اورہی‬N2‫اور‬N1‫درجذلیےکےیلولفاچرٹانبںیئ۔ اصرفےسدوربمن‬
problem: Input two numbers n1 and n2.
1 Determine whether n1 divides n2 or not. ‫وکلمکممیسقترکاتےہایںیہن؟‬N2‫ربمن‬N1‫اتبںیئہک‬ 1
Draw the flowchart for the following ‫درجذلیےکےیلولفاچرٹانبںیئ۔ اصرفےسانٹپےکوطررپوکیئاسلںیل۔‬
problem: Input a year and determine
2 whether it is a leap year or not. ‫اتبںیئہکہیپیلاکاسلےہایںیہن۔‬ 2
Draw the flowchart for the following ‫درجذلیےکےیلولفاچرٹانبںیئ۔ اکیربمناصرفےسانٹپںیلاوراساک‬
problem: Input a number and calculate its
3 factorial. ‫فنکیورلیامشررکںی۔‬ 3
Draw the flowchart for the following
4 problem: Find LCM of two numbers. ‫درجذلیےکےیلولفاچرٹانبںیئ۔ دوربمنوںاکالی۔یس۔امیولعممرکںی۔‬ 4
Draw the flowchart for the following ‫درجذلیےکےیلولفاچرٹانبںیئ۔ انٹپےکوطررپاصرفےساکیربمنںیلاور‬
problem: Input a number and display its
5 factors. ‫اسےکازجاءولعممرکںی۔‬ 5
6 What is meant by problem? ‫ہلئسمےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 6
7 What is meant by problem solving? ‫ہلئسمےکلحےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 7

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8 Write the names of steps for problem solving. ‫ہلئسملحرکےنےکرمالحےکانمرحتریرکںی۔‬ 8
Why is it important to understand the problem in
9 solving the problem? ‫ہلئسملحرکےنںیمہلئسموکانھجمسویکںرضوریےہ؟‬ 9
Write the importance of planning for problem
10 solving. ‫ہلئسملحرکےنںیمالپگننیکاتیمہایبنرکںی۔‬ 10
11 What do you know about candid solution? ‫ڈنیکڈولسنشےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 11
12 What is meant by selecting the best solution? ‫رتہبنیلحبختنمرکےنےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 12
13 Define flowchart. ‫ولفاچرٹیکرعتفیرکںی۔‬ 13
Describe the importance of flowchart for
14 problem solving. ‫ہلئسمےکلحںیمولفاچرٹیکاتیمہایبنرکںی۔‬ 14
15 Describe the flowchart requirements. ‫ولفاچرٹیکرضورایتاکااحہترکںی۔‬ 15
16 Write a flow chart to find even and odd numbers. ‫تفجاوراطقربمنزالتشرکےناکولفاچرٹانبںیئ۔‬ 16
Define a flowchart to show the largest number of
17 the three numbers. ‫نیتربمنوںںیمےسڑبےربمنوکداھکےناکولفاچرٹانبںیئ۔‬ 17
18 What is meant by algorithm? ‫اوگلرمھتےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 18
19 Write an algorithm for making tea. ‫اچےئوکانبےناکاوگلرمھترحتریرکںی۔‬ 19
20 Write the role of algorithms in problem solving. ‫ہلئسمےکلحںیماوگلرمھتاکرکداررحتریرکںی۔‬ 20
Describe the use of symbols in the preparation
21 of algorithms. ‫اوگلرمھتیکایتریںیمالعامتاکاامعتسلواحضرکںی۔‬ 21
Write the steps of the algorithm to find the
22 volume of the cube. ‫ویکبےکمجحوکالتشرکےنےکےیلاوگلرمھتےکرمالحرحتریرکںی۔‬ 22
What should be taken care of to make an
23 algorithm effective? ‫اکیاوگلرمھتوکومرثانبےنےکےیلنکابوتںاکایخلرانھکاچےیہ؟‬ 23
24 Differentiate between flowchart and algorithm. ‫ولفاچرٹاوراوگلرمھتںیمرفقایبنرکںی۔‬ 24
25 Write the advantages of flowcharts. ‫ولفاچرٹےکوفادئرحتریرکںی۔‬ 25
26 Write the disadvantages of flowcharts. ‫ولفاچرٹےکاصقنانترحتریرکںی۔‬ 26
27 Write the limitations of flowchart. ‫ولفاچرٹیکدحدنبایںرحتریرکںی۔‬ 27
28 Write the advantages of algorithms. ‫اوگلرمھتےکوفادئرحتریرکںی۔‬ 28
29 Write the disadvantages of an algorithms. ‫اوگلرمھتےکاصقنانترحتریرکںی۔‬ 29
30 Describe the limitations of an algorithms. ‫اوگلرمھتیکدحدنبویںیکواضتحرکںی۔‬ 30
31 What is meant by test data? ‫ٹسیٹڈاٹیےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 31
32 Describe the importance of testing. ‫گنٹسیٹیکاتیمہایبنرکںی۔‬ 32
33 Write the types of test data. ‫ٹسیٹڈاٹییکااسقمرحتریرکںی۔‬ 33
34 What is meant by verification? ‫وریینشیکفےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 34
35 What do you know about validation? ‫وڈیلینشیےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 35
36 Differentiate between verification and validation. ‫وریینشیکفاوروڈیلینشیںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬ 36

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What is meant by identification and correction of
37 errors? ‫االغطیکانشتخاوردریگتسےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 37
38 What do you know about trace table? ‫رٹسیلبیٹےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 38
39 Write a short note on structure of trace table. ‫رٹسیلبیٹیکانبوٹرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 39
What is the use of valid and invalid data for
40 testing? ‫گنٹسیٹےکےیلدرتساوراندرتسڈاٹیاکایکاامعتسلےہ؟‬ 40
41 Convert into binary. (ABCD)16 ‫ابرنئیںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 41
Convert into ‫تس‬
42 hexadecimal: (0010110010001101001)2 ‫ہنگساڈ ملںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 42
43 Convert into hexadecimal. (69610)10 ‫ہنگساڈ ملںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 43
‫ٓاجابرش‬: X= ‫ےکےیلرٹوھتلبیٹانبںیئ۔ہکبج‬X AND Y
Write the truth table for X AND Y where: X= It
44 is sunny. Y=Today is Monday. ‫ٓاجوسومارےہ۔‬Y= ‫ےہ۔‬ 44
How client and server communicate with each
45 other? ‫الکٹنئاوررسوراکیدورسےےسےسیکراہطبرکےتںیہ؟‬ 45
What are the main components of ‫ینک‬
46 communication? ‫انعرصوکنےسںیہ؟‬/‫ویمک سنےکاینبدیازجا‬ 46
How telephone addressing relate with network
47 addressing? ‫یلیٹوفنیکاڈیرگنسیوکمہٹینورکاڈیگنسیےسسکرطحالمےتںیہ؟‬ 47
What are the difference between static and
48 dynamic IP? ‫کٹیٹساورڈانیکمٓایئ۔یپاڈیرسیںیمرفقایبنرکںی۔‬ 48
49 Define communication channel. ‫ویمک سنلنیچیکواضتحرکںی۔‬ 49
50 Describe the working of web browser. ‫وبیرباوزرےکاکمیکواضتحرکںی۔‬ 50
Differentiate between point-to-point and
51 multipoint connection. ‫وپاٹنئوٹوپاٹنئاوریٹلموپاٹنئنشکنکںیمرفقرکںی۔‬ 51
What is application sharing? Answer with the
52 help of an example. ‫ایلپینشیکشگنےسایکرمادےہ؟اثمل یکدمدےسواضتحرکںی۔‬ 52
What is the advantanges and disadvantages of
53 star topology over bus topology? ‫سباپٹولیجیکتبسنےساٹسراپٹولیجےکوفادئاوراصقنانتایبنرکںی۔‬ 53
In a client server model, is client software or
54 hardware? Give reasons to support your answer. ‫داللئدںی۔‬ 54
55 What is meant by network? ‫ٹینورکےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 55
56 Why the need for a computer network? ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکیکرضورتویکںشیپٓایئ؟‬ 56
57 Differentiate between client and server. ‫الکٹنئاوررسورںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬ 57
What is meant by the physical structure of the
58 network? ‫ٹینورکےکامسجینڈاھےچنےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 58
59 Write the types names of connection. ‫نشکنکیکااسقمےکانمرحتریرکںی۔‬ 59
60 Write the types names of network topology. ‫ٹینورکاپٹولیجیکااسقمےکانمرحتریرکںی۔‬ 60
61 Write a short note on bus topology. ‫سباپٹولیجرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 61
62 What do you know about star topology? ‫اٹسراپٹولیجےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 62

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63 Write a short note on ring topology. ‫رگناپٹولیجرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 63
64 What do you know about mesh topology? ‫شیماپٹولیجےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 64
65 What is meant by data communication? ‫ڈاٹیویمک سنےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 65
66 What do you know about sender and reciever? ‫ڈنیسراوررویسیرےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 66
67 Write a short note on protocol. ‫رپووٹوکلرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 67
68 What do you know about transmission medium? ‫رٹانشیمسنڈیممیےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 68
Write the names of computers network models
69 layers. ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکامڈزلیکرئیلزےکانمرحتریرکںی۔‬ 69
70 Write a short note on computer network models. ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکامڈزلرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 70
71 What is meant by TCP/IP protocol? ‫رپووٹوکلےسایکرمادےہ؟‬TCP/IP 71
Differentiate between application layer and
72 transport layer. ‫ایلپینشیکرئیلاوررٹاوپسنرٹرئیلںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬ 72
Differentiate between network layer and physical
73 layer. ‫ٹینورکرئیلاورزفلکیرئیلںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬ 73
74 Write a short note on FTP. ‫رپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬FTP 74
75 Write the difference between HTTP and SMTP. ‫ ںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬SMTP ‫اور‬HTTP 75
76 What is meant by "the need for addressing"? ‫"اڈیرگنسییکرضورت "ےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 76
Why is there a need for addressing in file
77 sharing? ‫افلئرئیشگنںیماڈیرگنسییکرضورتویکںشیپٓایتےہ؟‬ 77
Write a short note on the importance of ‫ینکن‬
78 addressing of data communication. ‫ڈاٹیویمک سنںیماڈیرگنسییکاتیمہرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 78
Write a short note on sending HTTP request on
79 internet. ‫روکیٹسیےنجیھبرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬HTTP‫ارٹنٹینرپ‬ 79
What do you know about receiving HTTP
80 response? ‫راپسیسنووصلرکےنےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬HTTP 80
81 What is meant by IP address? ‫اڈیرسیےسایکرمادےہ؟‬IP 81
82 Write a short note on IP addressing standards. ‫اڈیرگنسیےکڈنیٹسرزرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬IP 82
83 What is a router? ‫رٔورٹایکوہاتےہ؟‬ 83
84 Write a short note on routing on internet. ‫ارٹنٹینرپرٔوگنٹےکرکداررپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 84
85 What do you know about routing process? ‫رٔوگنٹےکلمعےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 85
86 Define cypher text. ‫اسییفزٹسکیٹیکواضتحرکںی۔‬ 86
Why do we need an installation key whereas a
87 software can be protected witha a password? ‫اسھتوفحمظایکاجاتکسےہ؟‬ 87
88 Define DOS attack. ‫اکیٹیکواضتحرکںی۔‬DOS 88
89 Give a reason to add captcha on websites. ‫وکوبیاسٹئرپدےنییکایکوہجےہ؟‬Captcha 89
What is patent and why do we need to register
90 it? ‫ٹنٹیپایکےہاورںیمہاےسررٹسجرکےنیکرضورتویکںےہ؟‬ 90

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91 Define data security. ‫ڈاٹیسنکیوریٹیکرعتفیرکںی۔‬ 91
92 Define ethical issues related to security. ‫ڈاٹیسنکیوریٹےکاسملئیکواضتحرکںی۔‬ 92
What is meant by privacy and confidentiality in
93 security? ‫سنکیوریٹںیمرازداریاوروپدیشیگےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 93
94 What is meant by softlifting? ‫اسٹفلفننگےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 94
95 What do you know about fraud and misuse? ‫دوھہکدیہاورطلغاامعتسلےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 95
96 Write a short note on pattent. ‫ٹنٹیپرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 96
97 Describe the role of copyright in security. ‫سنکیوریٹںیماکیپراٹئاکرکدارایبنرکںی۔‬ 97
98 What is meant by trade secrets? ‫اجتریترازےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 98
99 What do you know about sabotage? ‫رختبیاکریےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 99
100 Write the importance of data privacy. ‫ڈاٹییکرازدارییکاتیمہایبنرکںی۔‬ 100
101 What is meant by confidentiality? ‫رازداریےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 101
102 What do you know about integrity? ‫دصاتقےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 102
103 What is meant by availability? ‫دایتسیبےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 103
104 Write a short note on encryption. ‫ہیفخاکریرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 104
Write importance of encryption for everyday life
105 on the internet. ‫روزرمہزدنیگںیمارٹنٹینرپہیفخاکرییکاتیمہایبنرکںی۔‬ 105
106 Define substitution cipher method. ‫ابتمدلاسزیےکرطےقیوکایبنرکںی۔‬ 106
107 What is meant by caeser cipher? ‫زیسراسییفزےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 107
108 Define vigenere cipher and also write its method. ‫وگننٹراسییفزیکرعتفیرکںیاوراساکرطہقیاکررحتریرکںی۔‬ 108
Write weaknesses and security flaws of
109 substitution ciphers. ‫ابتمدلاسییفزےکاقنصئرحتریرکںی۔‬ 109
110 What do you know about cryptographic keys? ‫رکوٹپرگاکفزیکےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 110
111 Write properties of good password. ‫اےھچاپوسرڈیکوصخایصترحتریرکںی۔‬ 111
112 What do you know about cybercrime? ‫اسربئرکامئںیمابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 112
113 In what ways is cybercrime carried out? ‫اسربئرکامئنکرطوقیںےسرسااجنمدایاجاتےہ؟‬ 113
114 Write the characteristics of a phishing attack. ‫فسنگاکیٹیکوصخایصترحتریرکںی۔‬ 114
115 What do you know about phishing attack? ‫فسنگوبیاسٹئےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 115
116 Differentiate between ordered and unordered list. ‫رتبیتواراورےبرتبیتوٹسلںںیمرفقایبنرکںی۔‬ 116
117 Describe the basic text formatting tags. ‫افرگنٹیمٹاکاینبدیٹسکیٹاتبںیئ۔‬ 117
What is difference between hyperlink and
118 anchor? ‫اہرپئکنلاورارکنیںیمرفقایبنرکںی۔‬ 118
‫اکیلبیٹانبںیئاوراسںیمدنمرہجذلیارٹییویبزٹاامعتسلرکںی۔ "اکل‬
Create a basic table with following
119 attributes: "colspan" , "rowspan" "‫ "رونیپس‬، "‫نیپس‬ 119

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Explain the steps involved to create a HTML
120 page. ‫جیپانبےنےکرمالحیکواضتحرکںی۔‬HTML 120
121 What is meant by number system? ‫ربمنمٹسسےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 121
What numerical system do we use in our daily
122 lives? ‫مہاینپروزرمہزدنیگںیمسکدعدیاظنموکاامعتسلرکےتںیہ؟‬ 122
123 What do you know about decimal system? ‫ااشعریاظنمےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 123
What is meant by binary system and write its
124 base. ‫انثیئاظنمےسایکرمادےہزیناسیکسیبرحتریرکںی۔‬ 124
Write the base of decimal system and binary
125 system. ‫ااشعریدعدیاظنماورانثیئدعدیاظنمیکسیبرحتریرکںی۔‬ 125
Which system is used to store data in digital
126 computers? ‫ڈلٹیجیویپمکرٹزںیمڈاٹیوکذریخہرکےنےکےیلسکاظنماکاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ؟‬ 126
Write the binary and decimal value of the letter
127 A. ‫یکانثیئاورااشعریدقررحتریرکںی۔‬A‫رحف‬ 127
What is meant by hexadecimal system and also ‫تسی‬
128 write its base. ‫ہنگزاڈ ملےسایکرمادےہزیناسیکسیبرحتریرکںی۔‬ 128
Write the value of A,B,C,D,E,F in hexadecimal ‫تسی‬
129 system. ‫یکدقررحتریرکںی۔‬A,B,C,D,E,F‫ہنگزاڈ ملںیم‬ 129
What do you know about number system
130 conversion? ‫ربمنمٹسسےکابتدہلےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 130
Write the method for convert’s decimal number
131 into binary number. ‫ااشعریربمنوکانثیئربمنںیمدبتلیرکےناکرطہقیرحتریرکںی۔‬ 131
132 Convert the following into binary. 15610 15610 ‫دنمرہجذلیوکانثیئںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 132
133 Convert the following into decimal. (1000001)2 )1000001(2 ‫دنمرہجذلیوکااشعریںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 133
Write the method for convert’s binary into ‫تسی‬
134 hexadecimal. ‫ااشعریےسہنگزاڈ ملںیمدبتلیرکےناکرطہقیرحتریرکںی۔‬ 134
135 Convert the following into decimal. (C921)10 (C921)10 ‫دنمرہجذلیوکااشعریںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 135
136 Convert the following into binary. (A23)16 (A23)16 ‫دنمرہجذلیوکانثیئںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 136
137 Convert the following into binary. (70C558)16 (70C558)16 ‫دنمرہجذلیوکانثیئںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 137
Convert the following into ‫تسی‬
138 hexadecimal. (11000001)2 )11000001(2 ‫دنمرہجذلیوکہنگزاڈ ملںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 138
Convert the following into ‫تسی‬
139 hexadecimal. (110101111)2 )110101111(2 ‫دنمرہجذلیوکہنگزاڈ ملںیمدبتلیرکںی۔‬ 139
140 What do you know about computer memory? ‫ویپمکرٹومیمریےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 140
141 What do you know about volatile memory? ‫ووالاٹلئومیمریےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 141
142 Write a short note on non-volatile memory. ‫اننووالاٹلئومیمریرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 142
Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile
143 memory. ‫ووالاٹلئاوراننووالاٹلئومیمریںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬ 143
144 What is meant by ASCII codes? ‫وکڈزےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ASCII 144
145 Write the abbreviation of ASCII. ‫اکففخمرحتریرکںی۔‬ASCII 145
146 What do you know about De-facto standard? ‫ڈی۔فنکیوڈنیٹسرڈےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 146

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What is meant by storage device and also write
147 its two examples. ‫وٹسرجیڈویاسئےسایکرمادےہزیندواثمںیلیھبرحتریرکںی۔‬ 147
148 Differentiate between memory and storage. ‫ومیمریاوروٹسرجیںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬ 148
What is meant by bit and how much data is
149 stored in it? ‫ٹبےسایکرمادےہزیناسںیمانتکڈاٹیوفحمظوہاتےہ؟‬ 149
How many bytes are there in one kilobyte and
150 one megabyte? ‫اکیولکابٹئاوراکیاگیمابٹئںیمےنتکابسٹئوہےتںیہ؟‬ 150
151 What is meant by preposition? ‫رپیوپزنشیےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 151
152 What do you know about truth values? ‫رٹوھتوویلیزےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 152
153 What is meant by compound preposition? ‫اپمکٔوڈنرپیوپزنشیےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 153
154 Write a short note on AND operator. ‫اورپرٹیےکابرےںیمرصتخمرحتریرکںی۔‬AND 154
155 What do you know about OR operator? ‫اورپرٹیےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬OR 155
What is meant by NOT operator and also write its
156 example. ‫اورپرٹیےسایکرمادےہزیناکیاثملیھبرحتریرکںی۔‬NOT 156
157 Write a short note on truth table. ‫رٹوھتلبیٹرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 157
158 Make a truth table for AND operator. ‫اورپرٹیےکےیلرٹوھتلبیٹانبںیئ۔‬AND 158
159 What is meant by Boolean expression? ‫وبنیلارپسکینشیےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ 159
160 Write a short note on commutative law. ‫اقوننابمدہلرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬
ِ 160
161 Elaborate the associative law with example. ‫اقوننالتزموکاکیاثملےسواحضرکںی۔‬
ِ 161
‫سی‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ت‬
162 Elaborate the distributive law with example. ‫اقونن میوکاکیاثملےسواحضرکںی۔‬ ِ 162
163 What do you know about logical expression? ‫اللکیجارپسکینشیےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 163
164 Write abbreviation of HTML. ‫اکففخمرحتریرکںی۔‬HTML 164
165 Write a short note on hypertext. ‫اہرپئٹسکیٹرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 165
166 What do you know about markup language? ‫امرکاپوگنیلجئےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ 166
167 What is meant by case sensitive in HTML? ‫ںیمسیک ننسنوےسایکرمادےہ؟‬HTML 167
Which software is required to create a web
168 page? ‫وبیجیپانبےنےکےیلسکاسٹفوریئیکرضورتوہیتےہ؟‬ 168
How many types of tags in HTML and also write
169 its names. ‫ںیمینتکرطحےکٹوہےتںیہزینانمیھبرحتریرکںی۔‬HTML 169
170 Write three attributes of HTML tags. ‫ٹیکنیتوصخایصترحتریرکںی۔‬HTML 170
Write an example of showing a paragraph in the
171 middle of a page. ‫ریپارگافوکجیپےکدرایمناظرہرکےنیکاثملرحتریرکںی۔‬ 171
172 What do you know about head section of HTML? ‫ےکڈیہنشکیسےکقلعتمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬HTML 172
173 What do you know about body section of HTML? ‫ےکابڈینشکیسےکقلعتمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬HTML 173
How many types of headings tags and also write
174 its uses. ‫ڈیہزگنٹینتکرطحےکوہےتںیہزیناناکاامعتسلرحتریرکںی۔‬ 174
175 Write the uses of <font> tag. ‫<گیٹاکاامعتسلرحتریرکںی۔‬font> 175

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‫‪176‬‬ ‫?‪What do you know about <i> tag‬‬ ‫>‪<i‬گیٹےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ ‫‪176‬‬
‫‪177‬‬ ‫?‪What do you know about <u> tag‬‬ ‫>‪<u‬گیٹےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ ‫‪177‬‬
‫‪178‬‬ ‫‪Write a short not eon unordered list.‬‬ ‫انٓارڈرٹسلرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫‪178‬‬
‫‪179‬‬ ‫?‪What do you know about <li> tag‬‬ ‫>‪<li‬گیٹےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ ‫‪179‬‬
‫‪180‬‬ ‫‪Write a short note on ordered list.‬‬ ‫ٓارڈرٹسلرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫‪180‬‬
‫‪181‬‬ ‫?‪What do you know about definition list‬‬ ‫واضیتحٹسلےکقلعتمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ ‫‪181‬‬
‫‪182‬‬ ‫‪Write a short note on nested list.‬‬ ‫ینسنڈٹسلرپرصتخمونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫‪182‬‬
‫‪183‬‬ ‫‪Write example for showing image in webpage.‬‬ ‫وبیجیپںیموصتریاگلےنیکاثملرحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫‪183‬‬
‫‪What attributes are used to give image width and‬‬
‫‪184‬‬ ‫?‪height‬‬ ‫وصترییکوچڑایئاوراواچنیئدےنیےکےیلوکنےسارٹییویبسٹاامعتسلوہےتںیہ؟‬ ‫‪184‬‬
‫‪Which attribute is used for image background in‬‬
‫‪185‬‬ ‫?‪webpage‬‬ ‫وبیجیپیککیبرگأوڈنرپوصتریاگلےنےکےیلوکناسارٹییویبٹاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ؟‬ ‫‪185‬‬
‫‪Which attribute is used to type the URL of the‬‬
‫‪186‬‬ ‫?‪image in the hyperlink‬‬ ‫اہرپئکنلںیموکاسنارٹییویبٹوصتریاک‪URL‬ےنھکلےکےیلاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ؟‬ ‫‪186‬‬
‫‪187‬‬ ‫?‪What do you know about anchor attribute‬‬ ‫ارکنیارٹییویبٹےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ ‫‪187‬‬
‫‪188‬‬ ‫?‪Write how to put a hyperlink on an image‬‬ ‫وصتریرپاہرپئکنلاگلےناکرطہقیاکررحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫‪188‬‬
‫‪189‬‬ ‫‪Write a structure of table in HTML.‬‬ ‫‪HTML‬ںیملبیٹانبےناکرٹسرچکرحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫‪189‬‬
‫‪190‬‬ ‫‪Write table row and column tag.‬‬ ‫لبیٹںیماطقراوراکملانبےناکگیٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ ‫‪190‬‬
‫‪191‬‬ ‫?‪What do you know about colspan‬‬ ‫اکلنیپسےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہ؟‬ ‫‪191‬‬
‫‪192‬‬ ‫?‪When we use rowspan tag‬‬ ‫رونیپساکگیٹبکاامعتسلایکاجاتےہ؟‬ ‫‪192‬‬
‫‪193‬‬ ‫‪Differentiate between colspan and rowspan tag.‬‬ ‫اکلنیپساوررونیپسگیٹںیمرفقواحضرکںی۔‬ ‫‪193‬‬
‫‪194‬‬ ‫?‪What is meant by network‬‬ ‫ٹینورکےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ ‫‪194‬‬
‫‪195‬‬ ‫?‪When is the need for a computer network‬‬ ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکیکرضورتبکشیپٓایتےہ؟‬ ‫‪195‬‬
‫‪What is meant by file sharing in computer‬‬
‫‪196‬‬ ‫?‪network‬‬ ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکںیمافلئرئیشگنےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ ‫‪196‬‬
‫‪How does hardware sharing used in a computer‬‬
‫‪197‬‬ ‫?‪network‬‬ ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکںیماہرڈورئیرئیشگنےسیکاامعتسلوہیتےہ؟‬ ‫‪197‬‬
‫‪198‬‬ ‫?‪What is meant by application sharing‬‬ ‫ایلپینشیکرئیشگنےسایکرمادےہ؟‬ ‫‪198‬‬
‫‪Differentiate between temporary and permanent‬‬
‫‪199‬‬ ‫‪storage devices.‬‬ ‫اعریضاورلقتسموٹسرجیڈویائںیمرفقرکںی۔‬ ‫‪199‬‬
‫‪Differentiate between volatile and non-volatile‬‬
‫‪200‬‬ ‫‪memory.‬‬ ‫ووالاٹلئاوراننووالاٹلئوٹسرجیڈویائںیمرفقرکںی۔‬ ‫‪200‬‬

‫‪Define an algorithm and argue on its role and‬‬
‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪importance in problem solving.‬‬ ‫اوگلرمھتیکرعتفیرکںیاوراکیےلئسموکلحرکےنںیماسےکرکداریکواضتحرکںی۔‬ ‫‪1‬‬
‫‪2‬‬ ‫‪Explain the types of test data.‬‬ ‫ٹسیٹڈاٹییکااسقمایبنرکںی۔‬ ‫‪2‬‬

‫‪Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100‬‬

What is network topology? Describe bus, star, ring
3 and mesh topologies. ‫سباورشیماپٹولیجیکواضتحرکںی۔‬،‫رگن‬،‫ٹینورکاپٹولیجےسایکرمادےہ؟اٹسر‬ 3
What is TCP/IP? Describe its five layers with their
4 functions. ‫ےسایکرمادےہ؟اسیکاپوچنںلزاوراُنےکنشکنفایبنرکںی۔‬TCP/IP 4
What are the advantages and disadvantages of star
5 topology over bus topology? ‫اٹسراپٹولیجیکتبسنےسسباپٹولیجےکوفادئاوراصقنانتایبنرکںی۔‬ 5
Elaborate decimal, binary and hexadecimal number ‫تسی‬
6 system with examples. ‫انثیئاورہنگزاڈ ملربمنمٹسسوکاثمولںےسواحضرکںی۔‬،‫ااشعری‬ 6
Elaborate decimal to binary and binary to decimal
7 number system with example. ‫ااشعریےسانثیئاورانثیئےسااشعریاظنمںیمابتدہلوکاثملےسواحضرکںی۔‬ 7
Elaborate decimal to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to ‫تسی‬ ‫تسی‬
8 decimal conversion with example. ‫ااشعریےسہنگزاڈ ملاورہنگزاڈ ملےسااشعریںیمابتدہلوکاثملےسواحضرکںی۔‬ 8
9 Make truth table using AND, OR, NOT operator. ‫اورپرٹیوکاامعتسلرکےتوہےئرٹوھتلبیٹانبںیئ۔‬AND, OR, NOT 9
10 Write a note on laws of boolean algebra. ‫وبنیلاربجلاےکوقانینرپونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 10
11 Write the structure of creating a HTML page. ‫ںیماکیجیپانبےناکرٹسرچکرحتریرکںی۔‬HTML 11
Write the method and uses of three peer tags and
12 three singular tags. ‫نیترئیپڈٹاورنیتوگنسرلٹاکرطہقیاوراامعتسالترحتریرکںی۔‬ 12
13 Write a note of five text formatting tags. ‫ٹسکیٹافرگنٹیمےکاپچنٹرپونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 13
Write the uses of ordered list, unordered list and
14 definition list and also write one example. ‫انٓارڈرٹسلاورواضیتحٹسلاکاامعتسلرحتریرکںیزیناکیاثملیھبدںی۔‬،‫ٓارڈرٹسل‬ 14
What do you know about hyperlink and also elaborate
15 with example. ‫اہرپئکنلےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہزیناہرپئکنلوکاکیاثملےسواحضرکںی۔‬ 15
16 Write a note on the need of computer networks. ‫ویپمکرٹٹینورکیکرضورترپونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 16
17 Write a note on network topology. ‫ٹینورکاپٹولیجرپًالیصفتونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 17
Write a note on the some problems for security of
18 data. ‫ڈاٹییکسنکیوریٹےکدنچاسملئرپونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 18
What are the risks to privacy from mass collection of
19 data? Also illustrate with example. ‫رکںی۔‬ 19
What is meant by encryption? Also write importance
20 of encryption for everday life on the internet. ‫ہیفخاکریےسایکرمادےہ؟زینروزرمہزدنیگںیمارٹنٹینرپہیفخاکرییکاتیمہایبنرکںی۔‬ 20
Write two substitution cipher methods and also give
21 an example. ‫دوابتمدلاسزیےکرطےقیایبنرکںیزیناثملیھبدےیجی۔‬ 21
Write a note on the advantages and disadvantages for
22 substitution cipher methods ‫ابتمدلاسییفزےکوفادئاوراصقنانترپونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 22
Elaborate relationship between cryptographic keys ‫رکوٹپرگاکفزیکاوراپسورڈزےکدرایمناقلعتتواحضرکںیزیناےھچاپوسرڈیکوصخایصتیھب‬
and passwords. Also write characteristics of a good
23 password. ‫رحتریرکںی۔‬ 23
What do you know about cyber crime and also write a
24 note on the its types. ‫اسربئرکامئےکابرےںیمٓاپایکاجےتنںیہزیناسیکااسقمرپونٹرحتریرکںی۔‬ 24

Allied school Farooqabad Campus, Contact No. 03236100100

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