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Auditions 2022

We are now starting to think about our end of term performance and what format it might take this year, so we
are going to be holding auditions on Wednesday 25th May. We would like everyone to audition, by preparing
one of the monologues below. If you would rather act alongside a friend, there is a duologue for two people.
There is no requirement to learn them off by heart, but you may if you wish. We will then be building the
performance around what we see and everyone can have a speaking part of some size if they want one. If you
would like to perform a song, you are welcome to do that. Remember, we are looking for confidence, volume
and expression. If you have any questions, please ask one of us.

a. A young child has just shared their Easter jelly beans with their dad who has gobbled up a handful
of them all at once. The child implores his dad to eat the jelly beans the “right” way.

There is a wrong way. There's really a wrong way and you're doing it, Dad! You're doing it so wrong wrong
wrong wrong! You're totally wasting them! You know how hard it was for me to get those? I mean, I waited all
year. And—I—I—I don't mind sharing with you. Really. I like it when I can give you something that I really like
and you like it too. But—this—this is just wrong, Dad. When someone gives you 20 jelly beans, and they're all
different flavours like popcorn and chocolate pudding and blueberry, you don't just—you don't just shove them
all in your mouth at once!

b. A child is standing in the hallway of their house having just broken an expensive glass vase.

Uh oh…uh oh…I’m sorry! I’m so...I’ll clean it up! Right now! I’ll—I didn’t do it on purpose. You know that,
right? It was an accident! I was just running through—I know I’m not supposed to be running through the hall,
but…Ginger was chasing that ball and I was trying to catch him…Come on. I’m sorry. Okay? I just bumped into
it by accident…I’m cleaning it up, see? I’m doing it now! I’m really sorry, Mum.

c. Veruca Salt talking about her love of gum in Charlie and the Chocolate factory

I just adore gum. I can’t do without it. I munch it all day long except for a few minutes at mealtimes when I take
it out and stick it behind my ear for safekeeping. To tell you the honest truth, I simply wouldn’t feel comfortable
if I didn’t have that little wedge of gum to chew on every minute of the day, I really wouldn’t. It may interest you
to know that this piece of gum I’m chewing right at this moment is one I’ve been working on for over three
months solid. That’s a record, that is.
d. Goldilocks and Little Bear have run away from Little Bear’s house in the forest to start a new life
together, one full of adventure and excitement.

I…I don’t know where we’re going…We know your parents don’t accept me in your house. And…I don’t have
much of a home to offer you. (pause) You can go back, Little Bear. If you want to. I mean—I’d understand. You
have a family that loves you. You’re not like me. And…I don’t want you to become like me. This is my life. This
is my adventure…but it doesn’t have to be yours

e. Duologue – extract for two people to perform: 2 servants preparing for a visit from the

Servant 1: (Running frantically around the stage) Her Majesty is coming!

Servant 2: Her Majesty is coming? Why are you running around like that? What’s all the panic? How
many times do I have to tell you that she’s a NICE Queen?
Servant 1: I HAVE to run around like this, it’s a servant’s job! (Shouting) HER MAJESTY IS COMING!
Servant 2: Will you stop shouting and running around like that? You’re giving me a really bad
headache and if I’m not careful, it could turn into a very nasty migraine.
They notice the Queen who enters from her palace and both bow low
Servant 1: Bow low for her Majesty.
Servant 2: (Straightening up) What?
Servant 1: (Pushing Servant 2 back into the bowing position) Bow low for her Majesty.
Servant 2: (Staying down) I WAS bowing until…Oh never mind.
Both servants remain with their bodies bowed but their heads looking up
Servant 1: Welcome, your Majesty. Is there anything we can do to be of service to your Majesty? Can
we cook you anything? Clean your clothes? Polish your silver? Anything at all?
Servant 2: (Quietly to Servant 1) Oh do stop grovelling. It’s embarrassing and pathetic.
Servant 1: (Still bowing) Would your Majesty like us to read you a story or…
Servant 2: (Still bowing) Oh good grief!

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