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Glencore Ferro Alloys

SAP DMS Reference Number 10002449715

Implementation Date 01 September 2019
POPI Act Consent form – Contractors
Revision / Amendment Number 00 (POPI – Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013)
Revision / Amendment Date 13 November 2019


In terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPI Act”), a “Responsible Party” (in this case
being Glencore – “the Company”) has a legal duty to process a “Data Subject’s” personal information
(in this case being your personal information and related details) in a lawful, legitimate and responsible

The Company is required to process your personal information for various reasons relating to your
personal details on SAP, X-Time, Q-Muzik and Security, which includes medicals / HR & Safety

In order to discharge its duty in terms of POPI Act, the Company requires your express and informed
permission to process your personal information.

Declaration and Informed Consent:

I declare that the personal information that I supplied to the Company at the time of on boarding and
supply thereafter at any time with the Company is accurate, up to date, is not misleading and it is
complete in all respects.

I give the Company consent / permission to process my personal information as necessary and for
legitimate business purposes and acknowledge that, I understand the purposes for which it is required
and for which it will be used.

Name : __________________________ SAP no. : _______________________

Company : __________________________ Site : _______________________

Signed at ___________________ on this _______ day of _______________ 20______

Employee : _______________________ ________________________
(Signature) (Name)
Witness : ________________________ ________________________
(Signature) (Name)

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