Christening Speech

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today marks a momentous and incredibly special occasion,

the christening of [insert child's name].

We come together to dedicate his/her

life to God,

and to congratulate [insert the names of the parents] on

bringing this wonderful young life into the world.

May his/her journey through life be filled with happiness,

may his/her obstacles be few and far between,

may he/she always feel loved and secure,

and may he/she forever be held in the palm

of Your Hand.

On this, a very special day ... a Christening,

we take a moment to reflect on a special gift -

the birth and now the Christening Day of [insert the name of the child].


[Insert the name of the child],

you have already crept into all of our hearts,

your loving nature and ready smile brighten the days of all who know you,

and the joy that you have brought to your family is indescribable!

Congratulations on the Christening of [insert the name of the child] -

love, laughter, joy, faith, hope and happiness...


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