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Match the words in the box with the parts of the body

3.- Chest= Pecho

6.- Knee= Rodilla

1.- Shoulder= Hombro

5.- Elbow= Codo

2.- Neck= Cuello

4.- Wriste= Muñeca

How much exercise do doctors recommend you get each week? (¿Cuánto ejercicio
recomiendan los médicos que se haga a la semana?)

Is it possible to get in shape with three minutes of exercise a week? (¿Es posible
ponerse en forma con tres minutos de ejercicio a la semana?)

What do you think "High- intensity interval training (HIIT) " is? (¿Qué crees que
es el "entrenamiento a intervalos de alta intensidad (HIIT)"?)

How much exercise do you do per week? What do you do?

I exercise 4 days a week, 4 exercises per day. I go to the gym and do what my trainer
tells me to do. Legs, glutes or arms.

Do you believe that high-intensity training works? Why/Why not

Yes, training is super important for the physical part, it helps to lose or gain weight,
accompanied by a good diet.

Would you like to try high intensity training? Why or why not?

Yes, because I feel that I need to be more physical, I get tired very quickly and I need to
know how to control that.

IN PAIRS, ASK AND ANSWERS THE QUESTIONS. Make notes of your partner’s

1.- Have you ever run a long distance?

Yes, for extra points in accounting, I ran 5 kilometers in 55 minutes.

2.- What was the first movie you saw in a film professor?

3.- What are you going to do this weekend?

I'm going to practice piano with my church band.

4.- Do you know how to practice any unusual sport?

Not really, but I'd like to practice paragliding, it's a fun and unusual sport.

5.- What series are you watching now on TV?

The series I'm watching is Emergency landing to your heart, it's cool.

6.- What are you going to do after today's class?

I will go to the gym and in the afternoon, I will go to the piano performance with the
church band.

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