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Work out – 5 days 1 hour work out

Stretching always

Day 1/3 – Chest and Arms

Cardio – 15 mins – Treadmill – record times
Chest – Chest press 3 x 12 (75% of Max)
​Peck Deck 3 x 12
​Press ups hands wide 20 x 3 Sit ups 30 x 3
Arms – Bicep Curls 3 x 12
Rope curls?
​Triceps pull downs 3 x 12
​Dips 3 x 12
​One other
Day 2/4 – Back and Legs
Cardio – 15 mins – X trainer.
​Back – Lat pull down 3 x 12
​Reverse Fly 3 x 12
Legs – All machines 3 x 12
​Sit ups 3 x 20
Day 5
Cardio – 15 -Rowing Machine.
All machine 3 cycles

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