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USA_ask_ENG_FRA_for_access_before_war = {

allowed = {
tag = USA
enable = {
date > 1940.9.9
NOT = {
OR = {
is_in_faction_with = ENG
has_military_access_to = ENG
abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = diplo_action_desire
id = ENG
target = military_access
value = 1000
ai_strategy = {
type = diplo_action_desire
id = FRA
target = military_access
value = 1000

# USA should put some buffer units in africa and ENG to help with invasions
USA_unit_buffer_for_europe = {
allowed = {
tag = USA
enable = {
date > 1941.1.1

should_USA_invade_europe_or_africa = yes

abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = put_unit_buffers

order_id = 2

# south england
states = {

ratio = 0.4

area = europe

subtract_invasions_from_need = no

ai_strategy = {
type = put_unit_buffers

order_id = 2

# spain
states = {

ratio = 0.4
area = europe

subtract_invasions_from_need = no

ai_strategy = {
type = put_unit_buffers

order_id = 1

# north africa
states = {

ratio = 0.3

area = europe

subtract_invasions_from_need = no

USA_unit_buffer_for_africa = {
allowed = {
tag = USA
enable = {
date > 1941.1.1

should_USA_invade_europe_or_africa = yes

all_state = {
OR = {
is_on_continent = africa
AND = {
GER = {
divisions_in_state = { state = PREV size < 1 }
ITA = {
divisions_in_state = { state = PREV size < 1 }

abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = put_unit_buffers

order_id = 1

# north africa
states = {

ratio = 0.25

area = africa

subtract_invasions_from_need = no

ai_strategy = {
type = put_unit_buffers
order_id = 1

# west africa
states = {

ratio = 0.25

area = africa

subtract_invasions_from_need = no

ai_strategy = {
type = put_unit_buffers

order_id = 1

# east africa
states = {

ratio = 0.25

area = africa

subtract_invasions_from_need = no

ai_strategy = {
type = put_unit_buffers

order_id = 1

# south africa
states = {

ratio = 0.25

area = africa

subtract_invasions_from_need = no
USA_gang_up_GER_with_ENG = {
allowed = {
tag = USA
enable = {
tag = USA
date > 1940.6.6

# help fronts in europe & africa

ai_strategy = {
type = force_defend_ally_borders
value = 100
target = europe
ai_strategy = {
type = force_defend_ally_borders
value = 100
target = africa

USA_ENG_sync_invasions_on_europe = {
allowed = {
OR = {
tag = USA
tag = ENG

# only allow invasion on europe on every third month

enable = {
set_temp_variable = { days = global.num_days }
modulo_temp_variable = { days = 90 }
check_variable = { days < 60 }

abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = front_control

area = europe

ordertype = invasion
execute_order = no

USA_save_the_aussies = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
has_government = democratic
is_in_faction = no
has_war = no

JAP = { has_war_with = AST }

AST = {
has_government = democratic
surrender_progress > 0.15
has_opinion = {
target = AST
value > 0 # not if we hate AST
abort = {
OR = {
has_war_with = AST
is_in_faction_with = JAP
JAP = {
NOT = { has_war_with = AST }

ai_strategy = {
type = contain
id = "JAP"
value = 200

ai_strategy = {
type = protect
id = "AST"
value = 200
ai_strategy = {
type = support
id = "AST"
value = 100

USA_save_india = { # in the case where japan has beaten china and is moving on
india we should step up
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
has_government = democratic
is_in_faction = no
has_war = no

JAP = {
has_war_with = RAJ
NOT = { has_war_with = CHI }
RAJ = {
is_in_faction_with = ENG
surrender_progress > 0.15
abort = {
OR = {
has_war_with = RAJ
is_in_faction_with = JAP
JAP = {
NOT = { has_war_with = RAJ }

ai_strategy = {
type = contain
id = "JAP"
value = 200

ai_strategy = {
type = protect
id = "RAJ"
value = 200

USA_stop_soviet_from_falling = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
has_war = no
num_divisions > 85 # we must have some divisions ourselves

NOT = { has_government = fascism }

NOT = { is_in_faction_with = GER }
NOT = { has_war_with = SOV }
GER = {
has_war_with = SOV
has_war_with = ENG
has_government = fascism
SOV = {
surrender_progress > 0.05
has_capitulated = no

abort = {
OR = {
has_war = yes
has_war_with = SOV
NOT = { GER = { has_war_with = SOV } }
is_in_faction_with = GER
has_government = fascism
SOV = { has_war = no }
SOV = { surrender_progress < 0.01 }

ai_strategy = {
type = support
id = "SOV"
value = 100

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = infantry
value = -75

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = light_armor
value = -25

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = medium_armor
value = -25

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = heavy_armor
value = -25

# this one is same as above, but if you have entered the war yourself
USA_stop_soviet_from_falling_2 = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
has_war = yes
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
NOT = { is_in_faction_with = GER }
NOT = { has_war_with = SOV }
GER = {
has_war_with = SOV
has_war_with = USA
SOV = {
surrender_progress > 0.05
has_capitulated = no

abort = {
OR = {
has_war = no
has_war_with = SOV
NOT = { GER = { has_war_with = SOV } }
is_in_faction_with = GER
has_government = fascism
SOV = { has_war = no }
SOV = { surrender_progress < 0.01 }

ai_strategy = {
type = support
id = "SOV"
value = 100
USA_template_design_1 = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
date < 1940.1.1
abort = {
date > 1940.1.1

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = motorized
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = cavalry
value = -100

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = light_armor
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = medium_armor
value = -10

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = heavy_armor
value = -50

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = paratroopers
value = -50

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = infantry
value = 60

USA_template_design_2 = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
date > 1940.1.1

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = mechanized
value = -20

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = cavalry
value = -100

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = light_armor
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = medium_armor
value = 20

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = modern_armor
value = 40

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = heavy_armor
value = -20

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = paratroopers
value = -50

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = infantry
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = marines
value = 100

USA_garrison_production = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
ai_wants_divisions > 12 #Massively decreasing the amount of
paratroopers the AI wants
abort = {
ai_wants_divisions < 13 #Massively decreasing the amount of
paratroopers the AI wants

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = garrison
value = 3

# This will prompt USA to try and support countries who are fighting against
extremist elements.
# Should improve alt-history situations like democratic Germany fighting the USSR
USA_protect_against_extremism = { # Reverse strategy
reversed = yes

enable_reverse = {
USA = {
has_government = democratic

enable = {
NOT = { tag = USA }
NOT = { has_government = communism }
NOT = { has_government = fascism }
OR = {
capital_scope = {
is_on_continent = europe # lets avoid smaller conflicts
AND = {
num_of_civilian_factories > 10
is_subject = no
any_of_scopes = {
array = enemies
NOT = { tag = USA }
OR = {
has_government = communism
has_government = fascism

abort = {
OR = {
has_war = no
OR = {
has_government = communism
has_government = fascism
USA = {
OR = {
NOT = { has_government = democratic }
has_war_with = ROOT

ai_strategy = {
type = support
id = "USA"
value = 100

USA_naval_role_ratios_historical = {
allowed = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
original_tag = USA
enable = {
always = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_capital_bb
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_capital_bc
value = 0

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_carrier
value = 25

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_submarine
value = 25

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_screen
value = 130

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_escort
value = 65
ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_cruiser_light
value = 40

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_cruiser_heavy
value = 5

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_mine_sweeper
value = 15

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_mine_layer
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = unit_ratio
id = capital_ship
value = 1 #1 to 2
ai_strategy = {
type = unit_ratio
id = screen_ship
value = 100 #1 to 2
ai_strategy = {
type = unit_ratio
id = carrier
value = 1 #1 to 2

USA_naval_role_ratios_anti_submarine = {
allowed = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
original_tag = USA
enable = {
anti_submarine_strategy_required_trigger = yes

abort = {
not = { anti_submarine_strategy_required_trigger = yes }

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_capital_bb
value = -10
ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_screen
value = -20

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_escort
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_cruiser_light
value = 40

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_cruiser_heavy
value = -15

USA_semper_fi = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
has_war_with = JAP
abort = {
JAP = {
has_capitulated = yes
ai_strategy = {
type = unit_ratio
id = marines
value = 5
ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = marines
value = 100

USA_home_land_is_safe = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
NOT = {
OR = {
has_civil_war = yes
has_war_with = CAN
has_war_with = MEX
abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = garrison
value = -60

USA_democracy_on_JAP = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
has_war_with = JAP
abort = {
JAP = {
has_capitulated = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = strike_force_home_base
id = 105 # perl harbor

USA_help_waters_around_GER = {
allowed = { original_tag = USA }
enable = {
is_in_faction_with = ENG
NOT = { has_war_with = JAP }
has_war_with = GER
ENG = { has_war_with = GER }
abort = {
GER = {
has_capitulated = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = strike_force_home_base
id = 18 # channel

# TODO: experimental /Dan

USA_TEST_help_uk_be_winnigest = {
allowed = {
original_tag = USA
enable = {
is_in_faction_with = ENG

abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = spare_unit_factor
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = send_volunteers_desire
id = ENG
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = africa
value = 80 # removes most of negatives set elsewhere
ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = suez
value = 130 # brings it 90 above base

ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = asia
value = -50 # brings it to 25

ai_strategy = {
type = garrison
value = -50

USA_convoy_hungry = {
enable = {
date > 1940.1.1
has_equipment = {
convoy < 600
convoy_threat < 0.2 # there are other strategies for this, so we dont
want to double up
abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = unit_ratio
id = convoy
value = 35

USA_lose_fateful_lightning_from_terribly_swift_sword = {

allowed = {
OR = {
tag = USA
tag = ENG # second breakfast protocol - activated
enable = {
FRA = {
OR = {
has_capitulated = yes
controls_state = 16
has_war_with = GER
is_in_faction_with = USA
OR = {
AND = {
VIC = {
is_ai = no
has_war = no
is_historical_focus_on = yes
date > "1942.9.1"
AND = {
OR = {
is_historical_focus_on = no
VIC = { has_war = yes }
date > "1942.6.1"
AND = {
VIC = { is_ai = yes }
date > "1942.6.1"

abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = VIC
value = 2500 # we hateses them filthy Vichy Frenches
ai_strategy = {
type = declare_war
id = VIC
value = 500 # we hateses them filthy Vichy Frenches. strategy >= 500
forces declaration

GER_is_bad = {
allowed = {
tag = USA

enable = {
GER = {
exists = yes
NOT = { is_ally_with = GER }
ENG = {
has_war_with = GER
has_government = democratic
ENG = {
has_government = democratic
date > 1939.1.1

abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = prepare_for_war
id = GER
value = 100

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