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# befriend

# conquer
# antagonize
# build_ship
# build_army
# unit_ratio
# build_building
# research_tech
# garrison
# protect
# influence

albania_war_goal = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_albania_war_goal
country_exists = ALB
abort = {
NOT = {
country_exists = ALB

ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = "ALB"
value = 200

greece_war_goal = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_greece_war_goal
country_exists = GRE
abort = {
NOT = {
country_exists = GRE

ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = "GRE"
value = 200

anti_uk_war_goals = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_anti_uk_war_goals
country_exists = ENG
abort = {
NOT = {
country_exists = ENG

ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = "ENG"
value = 200

yugoslavia_war_goal = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_slovenia_dalmatia_claims
country_exists = YUG
abort = {
NOT = {
country_exists = YUG

ai_strategy = {
type = antagonize
id = "YUG"
value = 200

germany_ally = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_pact_of_steel
country_exists = GER
abort = {
NOT = { country_exists = GER }

ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "GER"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = "GER"
value = 100

romania_ally = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_romania_friend
country_exists = ROM
abort = {
NOT = { country_exists = ROM }

ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "ROM"
value = 200
ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = "ROM"
value = 200

bulgaria_ally = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_bulgaria_friend
country_exists = BUL
abort = {
NOT = { country_exists = BUL }

ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "BUL"
value = 200
ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = "BUL"
value = 200

yugoslavia_ally = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_yugoslavia_friend
country_exists = YUG
abort = {
NOT = { country_exists = YUG }

ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "YUG"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = "YUG"
value = 100
greece_ally = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_greece_friend
country_exists = GRE
abort = {
NOT = { country_exists = GRE }

ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "GRE"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = "GRE"
value = 100

turkey_ally = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_turkey_friend
country_exists = TUR
abort = {
NOT = { country_exists = TUR }

ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "TUR"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = "TUR"
value = 100

portugal_ally = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_completed_focus = ITA_portugal_friend
country_exists = POR
abort = {
NOT = { country_exists = POR }

ai_strategy = {
type = befriend
id = "POR"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = alliance
id = "POR"
value = 100

crush_ethiopia = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
country_exists = ETH
ITA = { has_war_with = ETH }
date < 1941.1.1
abort = {
NOT = { ITA = { has_war_with = ETH } }

ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = africa
value = 500
ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = suez
value = 500

ITA_hold_africa = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
OR = {
NOT = { country_exists = ETH }
ETH = { is_puppet_of = ITA }
date < 1941.1.1
abort = {
any_owned_state = { is_core_of = ITA NOT = { is_controlled_by = ITA } }
date > 1941.1.1

ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = africa
value = 200
ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = suez
value = 200
ai_strategy = {
type = area_priority
id = europe
value = -100
ai_strategy = {
type = front_unit_request
area = africa
value = 60

ai_strategy = {
type = front_unit_request
area = suez
value = 60

# enable = {
# tag = ITA
# date < 1940.5.1
# }
# ai_strategy = {
# type = dont_join_wars_with
# id = GER
# value = 1000000
# }
# ai_strategy = {
# type = dont_join_wars_with
# id = SLO
# value = 1000000
# }
# ai_strategy = {
# type = diplo_action_desire
# target = join_allies
# id = SLO
# value = -1000
# }

ITA_template_design_1 = {
enable = {

original_tag = ITA
date < 1940.1.1
abort = {
date > 1940.1.1

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = motorized
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = cavalry
value = -100

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = light_armor
value = 40

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = medium_armor
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = heavy_armor
value = -50

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = paratroopers
value = -50

ITA_template_design_2 = {
enable = {

original_tag = ITA
date > 1940.1.1

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = motorized
value = 30

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = cavalry
value = -100

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = light_armor
value = -20

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = medium_armor
value = 40
ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = heavy_armor
value = 10

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = paratroopers
value = -50

ai_strategy = {
type = template_prio
id = mechanized
value = -20

# extra scaryness around italy, this together with sufficient enemy superiority
will make ai avoid transports around its coast
italy_be_careful_transporting_through_the_med = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
date < 1942.1.1
has_war = yes
enemies_naval_strength_ratio > 1
abort = {
OR = {
date > 1942.1.1
has_war = no
enemies_naval_strength_ratio < 1

ai_strategy = {
type = naval_avoid_region
id = 68
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = naval_avoid_region
id = 169
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = naval_avoid_region
id = 29
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = naval_avoid_region
id = 168
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = naval_avoid_region
id = 69
value = 50

dont_take_claims_on_yug = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
country_exists = YUG
is_historical_focus_on = yes
date < 1940.1.1
has_war = no

abort = {
OR = {
NOT = { country_exists = YUG }
date > 1940.1.1
has_war = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = ignore_claim
id = "YUG"
value = 1

ITA_naval_role_ratios_historical = {
enable = {
has_dlc = "Man the Guns"
original_tag = ITA

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_capital_bb
value = 25

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_carrier
value = 0

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_submarine
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_screen
value = 150

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_cruiser_light
value = 50

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_cruiser_heavy
value = -5

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_mine_sweeper
value = 20

ai_strategy = {
type = role_ratio
id = naval_mine_layer
value = 10

ITA_share_borders_with_GER_against_SOV = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
is_in_faction_with = GER
GER = {
going_war_with_SOV = yes

GER_should_split_SOV_front_with_ITA = yes
abort = {
not = {
is_in_faction_with = GER
GER = {
going_war_with_SOV = yes
GER_should_continue_split_SOV_front_with_ITA = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = force_defend_ally_borders
id = "CRO"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = force_defend_ally_borders
id = "ROM"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = force_defend_ally_borders
id = "HUN"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = force_defend_ally_borders
id = "SLO"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = dont_defend_ally_borders
id = "GER"
value = 100

spain_scw_support_ITA_resistance = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_government = fascism
country_exists = SPA
has_dlc = "La Resistance"
abort = {
OR = {
NOT = { country_exists = SPA }
SPA = { has_completed_focus = SPA_join_the_allies }

ai_strategy = {
type = support
id = "SPA"
value = 100
ai_strategy = {
type = send_volunteers_desire
id = "SPA"
value = 100

ITA_stockpile_less_early_game = {
allowed = {
tag = ITA

enable = {
tag = ITA
date < 1939.1.1
abort_when_not_enabled = yes

ai_strategy = {
type = equipment_stockpile_surplus_ratio
value = -25 # reduce while we build up troops for africa etc
ITA_please_help_me_buget_this_my_country_is_dieing = {
enable = {
tag = ITA
has_government = fascism
date < 1937.6.1

abort_when_not_enabled = yes
ai_strategy = {
type = building_target
id = industrial_complex
value = 35
ai_strategy = {
type = equipment_production_min_factories
id = artillery
value = 2

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