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Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of
Legislative Power - The Congress has the power to make, Executive Power - The President shall have the control over all the justice to settle actual controversies involving
alter or repeal laws. executive departments, bureaus and offices, and ensure that the laws are rights which are legally demandable and
faithfully executed. enforceable and to determine whether or not
Such power is also reserved to the people by initiative and there has been a grave abuse of discretion
referendum. ● Power to implement laws amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the
● Administrative power and control over the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
● Power to enact laws ● agencies of the govt government
● Police power ● Power to appoint govt officials
● Power of eminent domain ● Pardoning power Vested in Supreme Court and in such lower
● Power of taxation ● Power to declare martial law courts as may be established by law (1 Chief
● Power to choose who shall become ● Power to suspend the privilege of writ of habeas Justice and 14 Associate Justices) Hence, by the
● President in case of tie (Sec 4 (4)) ● corpus principle of separation of powers, courts may
● Power to impose death penalty ● Power to veto a law neither attempt to assume nor be compelled to
● Power to act as a constituent assembly ● Power of supervision
perform non-judicial functions.
● Power to declare existence of war ● Power of control over the local govt
● Power to confirm the appointments of govt ● Power to conduct treaty and international
● officials agreement with other states
● Power to ratify treaty
● Power to conduct investigation in aid of legislation
● Immunity from arrest for offenses
● punishable by not more than 6yrs of
● imprisonment
● Power to appropriate money
● Power to impeach


SENATE Elected by direct vote of the people Appointment made by the President from a list of
- Elected at large at least three (3) nominees prepared by the
Judicial and Bar Council.
- Elected by Districts and Party-List System


- 6 years per term - 6 years per term ● The Members of the Supreme Court and
-Maximum of 2 consecutive terms - Not eligible for any reelection judges of the lower court shall hold office
during good behavior until they reach the age
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: VICE-PRESIDENT of 70 or become incapacitated to discharge
- 3 years per term - 6 years per term the duties of their office.
- Maximum of 3 consecutive terms - Cannot serve for more than 2 successive terms ● The Supreme Court en banc shall have the
power to discipline judges of lower courts or
Commencement of term shall be on the 30th of June next following the day order their dismissal by a vote of majority of
of election and ends at noon of the same date six years later. the Members who actually took part in the
deliberations on the issues in the case and
No person who has succeeded as President and has served as such more voted in thereon.
than 4 years shall be qualified for election to the same office at any time.

Voluntary renunciation of either office for any length of time shall not be
considered as interruption.



NO. OF MEMBERS c. CABINET MEMBERS • 14 Associate Justices
- 24 Senators NO. OF MEMBERS
- Not more than 250,unless QUALIFICATIONS OF PRESIDENT AND
QUALIFICATIONS otherwise provided by law VICE-PRESIDENT Statutory Courts
1. Natural Born Filipino • Court of Appeals
1. Natural-born Filipino QUALIFICATIONS 2. A Registered voter • Regional Trial Court
2. At least 35 years old on 3. Able to read and write • Metropolitan Trial Court
election day District Representative 4. At least 40 years of age on the day of election • Municipal Trial Court in Cities
3. Able to read and write 1. Natural born Filipino 5. Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years immediately • Special Courts
4. Registered voter 2. At least 25 years old preceding election Qualifications of a member of the Supreme
5. - Resident of the
3. Able to read and write Court
Philippines for at least 2
years on election day 4. Registered voter 1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
5. Resident of the 2. At least 40 years of age
Philippines for at least 3. Must have been 15 years or more a
1 year on election day judge of a lower court or engaged in the
practice of law in the Philippines
Party-list Representatives 4. A person of proven competence,
integrity, probity, and independence
1. Natural-born Filipino
2. Registered voter
3. Able to read and write
4. A bona-fide member of Qualifications of a member of a Lower Court:
the party or 1. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines
organization which he 2. Member of the Philippine Bar
seeks to represent for 3. Possessing the other qualifications
at least 90 days before prescribed by Congress
the election 4. Must be a person of proven
5. At least 25 years old competence, integrity, probity, and
(Not more than 30 independence
years old if a nominee
The Congress shall prescribe the qualifications of
of the youth sector) judges of lower courts, but no person may be
appointed judge thereof, unless he is a citizen of
the Philippines and a member of the Philippine

Special Election may be called to fill such vacancy WHEN VACANCY EXISTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM Any vacancy shall be filled within ninety (90) days from
in the manner prescribed by law. the occurrence thereof. The Member of the Supreme
- If President fails to qualify, Vice President-elect shall act as President until the Court and judges of lower courts shall be appointed by
The elected member shall serve only for the President-elect shall have qualified. the President from a list of at least three nominees
unexpired term. prepared by the Judicial and Bar Council for every
- If no President has yet been chosen, Vice President-elect shall act as President until vacancy, such appointments need no confirmation.
a President shall have been chosen and qualified.
Appointment of Members of the Supreme Court and
- If President dies or becomes permanently disabled, Vice President-elect shall Judges of Lower Court Non-political process of
become President. selection appointment – the appointing power is vested
alone in the President.
- If both President and Vice President have not yet been chosen or qualified.
List of at least three years nominees- the President
- If both shall have died or become permanently disabled, the Senate President, or in shall appoint from a list of at least 3 nominees prepared
case of his inability, the Speaker of HOR shall act as President until a President or a by the Judicial and Bar Council for every vacancy.
Vice President shall have been chosen and qualified.
Judicial and Bar Council – instead of leaving its
- If the Senate President and Speaker of HOR shall have died or permanently creation to legislation, the Constitution itself creates the
incapacitated, or unable to assume office, the Congress will decide by law who will act council providing at the same time its composition,
as President until a President or Vice President shall have been elected and qualified. appointment of the members, their term of office, their
emoluments, and their functions.

- The Vice President becomes President for the unexpired term in case of:

• Death
• Permanent Disability
• Removal from Office
• Resignation

- When both the President and Vice President (same as stated above), the
Senate President, or
in his inability, Speaker of HOR, shall act as President or Vice President until
the same shall have been elected and qualified.

- When the Acting President and the Vice President (same as stated above),
Congress will determine by law who will act as President until a President or
Vice President
shall have been elected and qualified.


- President nominates from among members of Congress, who shall win by
majority vote of all members of both Houses, voting separately.


- Special Election will be called by Congress.
- At 10am on 3rd day of vacancy in the office of President or Vice President
- Shall convene in accordance with its rules without need of a call.
- Within 7 days enact a law calling for a special election.
- To be held not earlier than 45 days nor later than 60 days from time of call.

No special election shall be called if vacancy occurs within 18 months before

date of next presidential election.

1. Senator/ Member of House cannot hold any other 1. The President, Vice-President, the Members of the Cabinet, and their The members of the Supreme Court and
office or employment in the government or any deputies or assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided in this of other courts established by law shall
subdivision, agency or instrumentality including GOCCs Constitution, hold any other office or employment during their tenure. not be designated to any agency
or their subsidiaries. 2. The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within the performing quasi-judicial or
fourth civil degree of the President shall not during his tenure be administrative functions.
2. Legislators cannot be appointed to any office which appointed as members of the Constitutional Commissions, or the Office
may have been created or the emoluments thereof of the Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or
increased during the term for which he was elected. heads of bureaus or offices, including government owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries. SAFEGUARDS THAT GUARANTEE JUDICIAL
3. Legislators cannot personally appear as counsel 3. They shall not, during said tenure, directly or indirectly, practice any other INDEPENDENCE:
before any court of justice, electoral tribunal, quasi- profession, participate in any business, or be financially interested in 1. The Supreme Court is a constitutional body; it
judicial and administrative bodies. any contract with, or in any franchise, or special privilege granted by the may not be abolished by the legislature.
Government or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, 2. The members of the Supreme Court are
4. Legislators cannot intervene in any matter before any including GOCC or their subsidiaries. removable only by impeachment.
office of the government for his pecuniary benefit or 3. The Supreme Court may not be deprived of
where he be called upon to act on account of his office. its minimum original and appellate
jurisdiction; appellate jurisdiction may not be
5. Legislators cannot, directly or indirectly, be increased without its advice and concurrence.
interested financially in any contract with, or in any 4. The Supreme Court has administrative
franchise or special privilege granted by the supervision over all inferior courts
Government, or any subdivision, agency, or 5. and personnel.
instrumentality thereof, including any government-owned 6. The Supreme Court has the exclusive power
or controlled corporation, or its subsidiary, during his to discipline judges/ justices
term of office. 7. of inferior courts.
8. The members of the Judiciary have security
of tenure.
9. The members of the Judiciary may not be
designated to any agency performing quasi-
judicial or administrative functions.
10. Salaries of judges may not be reduced; the
Judiciary enjoys fiscal autonomy.
11. The Supreme Court, alone, may initiate and
promulgate the Rules of Court.
12. The Supreme Court, alone, may order
temporary detail of judges.
13. The Supreme Court can appoint all officials
and employees of the Judiciary.


1) Legislative Powers 1) Executive Power ● Original Jurisdiction: Exercise over
a) Ordinary - power to pass ordinary laws - The president shall have the control over all the executive cases affecting ambassadors, other
b) Constituent - power to amend and/or revise the departments, bureaus and offices. He shall ensure that all laws are public ministers and consuls, and
Constitution faithfully executed. petitions for certiorari, prohibition,
2) Investigatory Power (Legislative inquiries in aid of 2) Military Power mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas
legislation) (Sec 21) - As the Commander-in-chief of the AFP, he may call upon them to corpus.
3) Oversight function (Sec 22) suppress lawless violence when it becomes necessary.
4) Power to declare the existence of state of war 3) Pardoning Power
● Appellate Jurisdiction: Review, revise,
5) Power to act as Board of Canvassers in election of - The President may grant reprieves, commutation, and pardons after
reverse, modify or affirm on appeal or
President conviction by a final judgment
6) Power to call a special election for President and 4) Borrowing Power certiorari final judgments and orders of
Vice-President - The President may contract or guarantee foreign loans on behalf of lower courts in:
7) Powe to judge President’s physical fitness to the Republic with prior concurrence of the monetary board a) Cases where constitutionality or
discharge the functions of the Presidency 5) Diplomatic Power validity of Treaty, Executive
8) Power to revoke or extend suspension of the - The President is the spokesperson of the nation for external affairs. Agreement or Law is in question;
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or declaration He may deal with foreign states and governments b) Cases where legality of tax, impost,
of martial law 6) Power of Appointment assessment or toll is in question;
9) Power to concur in Presidential amnesties. - The act or designation by the executive officer, board, or body to c) Cases in which jurisdiction of lower
Concurrence of majority of all the members of whom the power has been delegated, of the individual who is to courts is in issue;
Congress. exercise the functions of a given office d) Criminal cases in which penalty is
10) Power to concur in treaties or international 7) Power of Removal reclusion perpetua or higher; or
agreements. Concurrence of at least 2/3 of all the - May be implied from the power of appointment. e) Error or question of law is involved.
members of the Senate. - Exception: The President cannot remove officials appointed by him
11) Power to confirm certain appointments/nominations where the Constitution prescribes certain methods. (i.e can be
● Assign temporarily judges of lower
made by the President removed only by impeachment)
courts to other stations as public
12) Power of Impeachment 8) Budgetary Power
13) Power relative to natural resources - The President shall submit a budget or expenditure, within 30 days interest may require. Such temporary
14) Power of internal organization after the opening of every regular session. The budget cannot be assignment shall not exceed 6 months
a) Election of officers increased. without the consent of the judge
b) Promulgate internal rules concerned.
c) Disciplinary powers 9) Informing Power
- The President shall address the Congress to the opening of its ● Order a change of venue or place of
regular session. He may also appear before it at any other time. trial to avoid a miscarriage of justice.
10) Power of Control
- He may alter, modify, nullify or set aside what a subordinate officer
had done in the performance of his duties and to substitute the ● Rule Making Power: Promulgate rules
judgment of the former for that of the latter. Power of Control concerning:
includes the Power to Reorganize executive offices. a) Protection and enforcement of
11) Residual Power constitutional rights, pleading,
- Those which are implicit in and correlative to the paramount duty practice and procedure in all courts;
residing in that office to safeguard and protect General Welfare. b) Admission to the practice of law;
12) Power of Supervision c) Integrated Bar; and
- The President's power of general supervision means no more than d) Legal assistance to the
the power of ensuring that laws are faithfully executed, or that
subordinate officers act within the law.
13) Executive Privilege
- Power of the President to withhold certain types of information from Limitations on Rule Making Power:
the courts, the Congress and ultimately, the public. 1) Simplified and inexpensive procedure for
14) Veto and Item-Veto Power the speedy disposition of cases
- The President shall have the power to veto any particular item or 2) Uniform for all courts of the same grade
items in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but the veto shall not 3) Not diminish, increase, or modify
affect the item or items to which he does not object. substantive rights.
15) Call-out Power
- The President may summon the armed forces to and her in ● Appoint all officials and employees of
suppressing lawless violence, invasion or rebellion; this involves the Judiciary in accordance with the Civil
ordinary police action. But every act that goes beyond the
Service Law.
President’s calling-out power is considered illegal or ultra vires.
● Administrative Supervision: The SC
shall have administrative supervision
over all courts and the personnel

Annual Report: The SC shall submit within 30

days from the opening of each regular session of
Congress, to the President and to Congress an
annual report on the operations and activities of
the Judiciary

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