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This chapter presents analyzes, and interprets the data generated on the Awareness of

Implementation of Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction on Holy Child’s Academy. The

various results are presented in the succeeding tables with corresponding explanations.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age and Gender



50% 16 - 17 years old

18 - 19 years old
25 years old and above


42% Male

58% Female

As Table 1 shows, 50% or 30 of the respondent has the age of 16 to 17

answered the questionnaire, 36% or 23 of the respondents ages 18 to 19 years old, and 14%

or 8 if the respondents were 25 years old and above answered our survey questionnaire. The

male respondents are 58%, while our female respondents are 42%. Therefore, the majority of

our respondents are male.

Table 2. Indicates the awareness of the respondents to Disaster Readiness Risk Reduction

Yes No

Figure 1

Out of the 60 respondents who took part in the survey, 58 are aware of the

significance of Disaster Readiness Risk Reduction, while 2 of the respondents are unaware.

This indicates that the majority of respondents are aware of its importance.

Figure 2

To enhance community resilience

To reduce economic losses


To minimize damage to property

To save lives

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

shown in the table, this indicates how respondents understand the importance of disaster risk

reduction. Out of 60 respondents, 46 thinks that DRRR (Disaster Readiness Risk Reduction)

is important because it can save lives, 27 know that implementing it can help to reduce
economic losses, 26 know that this awareness can help to minimize property damage, and 13

thinks that it may enhance community resilience. Therefore, the majority is that the

respondents are more aware that implementing the Disaster Readiness Risk Reduction can

save lives.

Table 3. Conducting disaster drills and emergency preparedness in the school

Figure 1

2 1



Once a year Twice a year Trice a year Often times

In accordance to the table above, 39 of respondents believe that disaster drills and

emergency preparedness should be conducted twice a year, 18 believe that it should be

conducted once a year, 2 believe that it should be conducted three times a year, and 1 out of

60 respondents believe that it should be conducted frequently in school. As an outcome, we

can conclude that the majority of respondents believe disaster drills and emergency

preparedness should take place twice a year.

Table 4. Activities to take to improve disaster readiness plan

As shown i
Test mitigation and preparedness plan and skill

Designate a disaster response team

Disaster Drill

Involve parents and the community regularly


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

should undertake to improve its disaster preparedness plan. Out of 60 respondents, 26 think

that disaster mitigation and preparedness plans and skills should be assessed, 18 think that the

school should designate a disaster response team in order to improve the disaster plan, 40

believe that disaster drills should be conducted in schools, 19 believe that regular

involvement of parents and the community will help a lot, and 12 believe that symposiums

should be held in schools. Therefore, we can conclude that the majority of the respondent s in

Holy Child’s Academy think that Disaster Drill should conducted in the school.

Table 5. Recommendation to reduce the damage of disaster in the community for the

upcoming calamities

Based on the data gathered, the recommendations of the respondents are to always be

prepared and prepare the important necessities, being knowledgeable and aware on the proper
procedure, always prepared the important necessities, and strengthen and improve disaster

readiness plan.

Always be prepared and prepare the important necessities. Raising awareness to

potential hazards. Natural disasters cannot be prevented, but their damage and destruction can

be reduced through mitigation measures (Rogayan and Dollete, 2020). As RSPNDNT43

stated, “I can recommend that everyone should be able to perform the ways on how to act

when there is an upcoming calamity as well as preparing for resources and medkit.”

Being knowledgeable and aware on the proper procedure. Awareness and

preparedness are effective preventive measures that can mitigate the effects of natural and

man-made hazards. Disasters have a significant impact on human lives. As RSPNDENT57

stated, “Everyone should be aware of the disasters that might be happening in the future

through education everyone is knowledgeable in disciplining themselves and as a result, they

are preparing for it as they are learning.”

Strengthen and improve disaster readiness plan. Students’ disaster awareness had a

significant moderate correlation with disaster preparedness. The study recommends that the

students be exposed to several disaster awareness and preparedness programs to develop their

understanding and preventive practices. RSPNDNT31 stated, “Strengthen and improve

disaster readiness plan of the area, from the materials, evacuation area, response team, and

the calamity budget. Residents should be involve and participates actively to the programs on

this matters to be prepared, knowledgeable and awared.”



This chapter contains a summary of the study’s findings, the study’s overall

conclusion, and the researchers’ recommendations











The proponents would like to recommend this study to the following.


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