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Received: 6 March 2020    Accepted: 13 April 2021

DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13677


Closing the life cycle of forest trees: The difficult dynamics

of seedling-­to-­sapling transitions in a subtropical rainforest

Chia-­Hao Chang-­Yang1  | Jessica Needham2  | Chia-­Ling Lu3 | Chang-­Fu Hsieh3  |

I-­Fang Sun4  | Sean M. McMahon5

Department of Biological Sciences, National
Sun Yat-­Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Abstract
Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division, 1. Experimental and observational studies on seedling dynamics posit mechanisms
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley,
that can influence forest diversity, structure and function. However, high mor-
Institute of Ecology and Evolutionary
tality and slow growth of seedlings make it difficult to evaluate the importance
Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, of this life-­history filter to total tree life history. Quantifying the duration and
transition of the seedling phase would help us understand this ‘black box’ in tree
Center for Interdisciplinary Research on
Ecology and Sustainability, National Dong population biology.
Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan 2. We used a 16-­year dataset of comprehensive seedling-­to-­sapling demography
Forest Global Earth Observatory,
from a subtropical rainforest to construct population models that capture tem-
Smithsonian Environmental Research
Center, Edgewater, MD, USA poral demographic fluctuations for eight major tree species. We used data-­driven
demographic models and simulations to estimate the transition ratios from newly
Chia-­Hao Chang-­Yang recruited seedlings to saplings of 2-­m height and the time taken to attain 2-­m
height for a newly recruited seedling conditional on its survival.
Funding information 3. Projections among species estimated that as few as 57 to more than 40,000 seed-
Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Grant/
lings (with a median of 2,087) were required to make a single 2-­m high sapling.
Award Number: 93AS-­2.4.2-­FI-­G1(2)
and 94AS-­11.1.2-­FI-­G1(01)-­1; Taiwan Furthermore, it would take 22–­200  years (with a median of 47) for a newly re-
Forestry Bureau, Grant/Award Number:
cruited seedling to become a 2-­m high sapling. We found that temporal variation
104AS-­13.7.5-­FB-­e 4, 105AS-­12.7.4-­FB-­e3,
92-­0 0-­2-­06, 95-­0 0-­2-­05, 96-­0 0-­2-­02, in demographic rates could greatly reduce the number of seedlings per estab-
97-­0 0-­2-­01, tfbc-­1070219 and tfbk-­990207;
lished sapling, but not passage times (PTs). We also identified the importance of
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan,
Grant/Award Number: MOST 104-­2621-­B-­ consistently fast growth rates for seedlings to escape the high mortality of early
259-­0 01 and MOST 104-­2917-­I-­564-­019
Handling Editor: Xiaojuan Liu 4. Synthesis. Our findings demonstrate that high mortality in the very early seedling
stage severely limits the probability that a newly recruited seedling will transition
to the sapling stage. Although the PTs vary, we found this to be true across spe-
cies with a range of life-­history strategies. Only seedlings with consistently fast
growth rates are expected to pass through this life-­history filter. Findings from
seedling studies should consider how short-­term studies of seedling demography
might capture the rare exceptional individuals and exceptional conditions that
might define the dynamics of this seedling bottleneck.


community assembly, Fushan forest dynamics plot, hierarchical Bayesian model, life-­history
strategy, non-­random ecological process, species coexistence, stochastic simulation

Journal of Ecology. 2021;109:2705–2716.© 2021 British Ecological Society     2705 |

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Journal of Ecology CHANG-­YANG et al.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N impact of seedlings on forest dynamics remains. Quantifying the full
development of seedling demography from germinants to saplings
Trees are thought to have long life spans, but only a small frac- stage will ground inference about the impacts of specific mecha-
tion of individuals in a population that reach maturity contributes nisms on forest communities.
to this reputation. The majority of individual stems in a population Seedling growth and survival, which co-­determine the seedling-­
are seedlings (here defined as being between a new germinant and to-­sapling transition, vary among individuals. Rapid growth at
2  m in height). The relatively high mortality in this stage means early stages is crucial for seedlings to reach later stages (Metcalf
that although seedlings may reflect only a fraction of the full life et al., 2009; Snyder & Ellner, 2016; Zuidema et al., 2009), and these
span of any tree species, the individuals that survive this bottle- persistently fast-­growing individuals may make a disproportionate
neck may define many important characteristics of the juvenile and contribution to population growth (Jansen et  al.,  2012; Zuidema
adult populations of a species (Green & Harms, 2018; Harper, 1977; et al., 2009). Tree demographic rates also change over time (Bachelot
Poorter,  2007). Important mechanisms, such as ontogenetic vari- et al., 2015; Connell & Green, 2000; Ibáñez et al., 2007). The tem-
ations in trait-­mediated demography (Green & Harms,  2018) and poral variation in tree demography, driven by multiple external forc-
episodic recruitment events driven by climatic oscillations (Brown ings at different spatial and temporal scales, may play an important
& Wu, 2005; Pederson et al., 2014), have been identified that may role in community assembly (Chesson,  2000; Wright,  2002). For
determine both the percentage of survivors of the seedling phase example, small-­scale events, like gap dynamics, can enhance the
and the amount of time it takes to pass through this phase, criti- growth of suppressed seedlings or recruitment of light-­demanding
cal to how we anticipate the temporal scales in forest regeneration. species, contributing to the maintenance of forest composition and
These life-­history processes make the demographic behaviour of structure (McCarthy,  2001; Runkle,  1982; Yamamoto,  1992). Over
species' seedling populations an important focus for explaining spe- longer temporal scales, climatic shifts and/or disturbances may pro-
cies coexistence and forest dynamics (Comita et  al.,  2010; Green vide occasional periods that facilitate tree recruitment and impart a
et al., 2014), density-­dependent processes (Comita et al., 2014), the legacy in forest communities centuries after their occurrence (Baker
role of pests and pathogens in defining tree communities (Bagchi et al., 2005; Brown & Wu, 2005; Hoffmann et al., 2020; Pederson
et al., 2014; Chen, Swenson, et al., 2019; Chen, Wang, et al., 2019), et al., 2014; Vlam et al., 2014). Understanding the effects of tempo-
the spatial influence of forest structure on populations (Comita & ral variation in seedling vital rates on the seedling-­to-­sapling transi-
Engelbrecht, 2009; Johnson et al., 2017) and trait-­based life-­history tion will help evaluate the importance of the seedling stage for the
strategies (Jia et al., 2020; Umaña et al., 2017). entire tree life history.
A gap remains, however, between inference from seedling stud- In 2003, in a 25-­ha forest dynamics plot (FDP) in Fushan, Taiwan,
ies and their quantitative integration into the complete tree life three hundred and eighteen 1-­m2 seedling plots were established
history. This gap results in part from the fact that seedling stems where all stems between germinants to 2-­m height (roughly the 1-­cm
can still be long-­lived, fluctuate widely in abundance over time and size class from the FDP) were measured subannually (Chang-­Yang
respond to multiple biotic and abiotic drivers. Few studies include et  al.,  2013). Despite the identification and monitoring of 13,818
seedlings that span all sizes from germinant up to the size of sapling stems from 40 tree species, as of 2019, 14 individuals achieved the
and adult inventory protocols, and even long-­running observational 1-­cm cut-­off for the FDP, and only one of them was from the newly
studies cannot capture the range of climatic and demographic fea- recruited seedlings during the study period. There were 5,165 and
tures that link seedlings to larger patterns observed in forests (but 2,838 sapling recruits in the 2009 and 2014 FDP full censuses, re-
see Connell & Green,  2000; Green et  al.,  2014). Previous studies spectively, but only three of them occurred in the ~0.1% of the FDP
have shown that tree seedlings may spend decades in the forest un- area comprising the seedling experiments. This disconnect between
derstorey (Antos et al., 2005; Delissio et al., 2002; Hubbell, 1998), the dynamics of seedlings and their rare success in becoming sap-
but estimates of the retention time at the seedling stage are rare lings suggested a need for a theoretical model to explore the con-
for a number of reasons. High temporal variation in seedling density straints and potential developmental paths that could lead to sapling
is often observed at both population and community levels (Chang-­ recruitment.
Yang et  al.,  2013; Connell & Green,  2000; Metz et  al.,  2008), and Demographic process models based on simple biological rules
seedling demography is associated with environmental fluctuations and with parameters estimated from data can provide a robust,
(Bachelot et al., 2015; Ibáñez et al., 2007). The robust estimates of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the black box of tree-­
demographic rates rely on long-­term observations made at adequate seedling life history. We are using a model developed specifically
intervals (Connell & Green,  2000), but most of the seedling stud- for the challenges of interpreting rare life-­history events that
ies last only 3–­5 years. Finally, relatively few records document the compound to define distributions of forest tree species (Needham
full transition from seedling to sapling, leaving potentially important et  al.,  2018). This model overcomes some of the basic challenges
gaps in inference about whole life-­history rates. Therefore, although that statistical approaches to seedling life history are vulnera-
comparisons between discrete stages designated as seedlings and ble to. First, seedling demographic data are usually concentrated
those designated as sapling or later offer important insights into with small individuals with high mortality, limiting inference from
ontogeny (e.g. Green et  al.,  2014), the ‘black box’ of demographic short-­term observations on the full life cycle of trees. Second,
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CHANG-­YANG et al. Journal of Ecology |

the majority of seedlings have very slow growth rates. This is be- 2.2 | Seedling censuses and study species
cause most seedlings are in deep shade, and are in competition
for nutrients and water with each other and adult trees. They Our process model was parameterized with data from a long-­term
have also been shown to be more vulnerable to herbivores, pests seedling dynamics study, where three hundred and eighteen 1-­m2
and pathogens than later life-­c ycle stages (Bagchi et  al.,  2014; seedling plots along four 400-­m trails within the Fushan FDP were
Barton & Hanley, 2013; Chen, Swenson, et al., 2019; Chen, Wang, monitored according to the protocol that had been used in the FDP
et al., 2019). Rare access to resources, such as light through open- on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (Harms et al., 2000). For extensive
ings in canopy or understorey vegetation can substantially increase information on the dataset, see Chang-­Yang et al. (2013). These data
the growth rates of a relatively small number of seedlings for brief span from February 2003 to February 2019. In February 2003, all
periods in their lives (Brokaw & Busing, 2000; Denslow et al., 1990; seedlings of tree species <1-­cm DBH within the plots were tagged
George & Bazzaz, 1999). Such rare beneficial conditions can com- with a unique number, measured for height to the apical bud and
pound over time, such that growth begets larger size which begets identified to species. In subsequent censuses, surviving seedlings
potential greater access to resources. Although rare, such events, were measured and new recruits were tagged, measured and iden-
when frequent enough for an individual, can offer a path to demo- tified to species. Although this study recorded these data every
graphic success (Snyder & Ellner, 2016). 3  months from February 2003 to May 2010, and every 6  months
This study extends the demographic process model explained thereafter until February 2019, we annualized the data for use in our
in Needham et al. (2018) and applied in Needham et al. (2016) and demographic model, which we ran on an annual time step. The de-
Johnson et  al.  (2018) to explore the broader life-­history context tails of the data annualization procedure are described in the follow-
of seedling growth. We parameterize this model using data from ing paragraphs. As the seedling abundances in Fushan were highly
16 years of seedling growth and mortality data that include all stems concentrated within a few species (Chang-­Yang et al., 2013), we se-
of tree species from germination to 2-­m height in the Fushan sub- lected eight species with more than 100 seedlings (Table 1) and that
tropical rainforest in Taiwan (Chang-­Yang et al., 2013). We perform account for 88% of individuals found in the seedling census, and also
our model runs using parameterizations from eight major species ranked as the top 20 in basal area among the 84 tree species found in
that reflect a range of life-­history strategies. Our model runs were the Fushan FDP. Of importance to our demographic process model,
designed to answer the following questions for each species: (a) If these species also span a continuum of life-­history strategies: they
a seedling successfully recruits to 2  m in height, how many years include three light-­demanding and five shade-­tolerant species, and
on average does this take (hereafter denoted ‘passage time’ [PT])?; reflect both canopy and subcanopy life-­forms (Table 1). The selected
(b) on average, how many seedlings does it take in order to pro- group also captures the range of demographic diversity exhibited by
duce a single 2-­m tall sapling? and (c) how do different patterns of the community of tree saplings at Fushan (Figure S1).
resource acquisition (i.e. canopy openings) determine both of these
life-­history metrics?
2.3 | The demographic process model adapted to
seedling stage of trees
Our demographic model extends Needham et  al.  (2018), which al-
2.1 | Study site though designed for simulating sapling to adult life histories, ad-
dresses two key challenges that also exist in seedling data: (a) stem
This study was conducted in the 25-­ha Fushan FDP (24°45′N, growth is modelled to reflect the rare acquisition of resources and
121°35′E; 600–­733 m a.s.l.) in northeastern Taiwan (Su et al., 2007), autocorrelation in acquisition, and (b) survival is modelled as a logis-
where all free-­standing woody individuals ≥1-­cm DBH (measured at tic function that increases with size to an asymptote. This approach
130 cm along the tree stem from the ground) within the plot were allows growth to create heterogeneity in size trajectories over a life
tagged, mapped, measured, identified to species. A full census is re- span, creating ‘lucky’ individuals which define the successful recruits
peated at approximately 5-­year intervals. A total of 111 species were (Snyder & Ellner,  2016). We model survival as size dependent, be-
found in the FDP, including 84 tree species and 27 shrub species. The cause the seedling stage can show radically different survival prob-
climate at the Fushan is warm and humid (Lu et al., 2000, 2009), sup- abilities across size depending on species strategies and resource
porting an evergreen broadleaf forest in the Machilus-­Castanopsis access, which are well-­represented as continuous functions of size.
zonation (Su, 1984). The mean annual temperature is 18.1°C, ranging Our model does not directly link survival to growth. Although slow
from 11.6°C in January to 24.2°C in July. The annual precipitation growth may be associated with lower survival probabilities at in-
ranged from 1,783 to 7,437 mm, with a mean of 4,059 mm, between traspecific level, our model does not include this interaction explic-
1991 and 2015. The average relative humidity is >90% throughout itly, as this is difficult to quantify. Most individuals that survive grow
the year. Typhoons are frequent between July and September. Frost slowly, and deaths include non-­growth-­dependent mechanisms (i.e.
and snow are rare in this forest, but occurred once in March, 2005 physical damage from treefall). There is an emergent correlation,
(frost) and once in January, 2016 (snow). however, as slow growth lengthens the years spent as a seedling or
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Journal of Ecology CHANG-­YANG et al.

in the highest risk regions of the survival curve, and stem shrinkage

height (m)
can lead to much higher mortality probabilities. The model struc-

TA B L E 1   Species name, code, dispersal mode, light strategy, life-­form, sample size and major functional traits of eight study species. Detailed descriptions of measurement protocol for
ture is presented in Figure 1. The details of the model parameteriza-






tion follow. For detailed description of model design, see Needham
et al. (2018), with applications in Needham et al. (2016) and Johnson
Wood density et al. (2018).



2.3.1 | Survival: Linking seedling and sapling stages
with different data sources




The survival component uses a logistic function to parameterize the

relationship between seedling survival and stem height. For each
Seed mass

study species, we used a hierarchical Bayesian model of survival

probability to describe the size-­dependent changes in seedling sur-





vivorship with two data sources. We assumed that the seedling sur-
vival followed a Bernoulli distribution with the survival probability S
Initial height

over a time interval. S was predicted as a function of seedling height

using a three-­parameter logistic function:



( )t
K (1)
S= ,
1 + exp( − r(x − p))
No. of



where x is the seedling height in cm, t is the time interval between

annual censuses in years for each seedling, K is the upper asymp-

tote of survival probability, p is the inflection point of the logistic

No. of



curve and r is the rate of change in survival probability with seedling

height. The rapid increase (p and r) and plateau (K) in seedling sur-
vival were parameterized from both seedling survival data and FDP

small stem data. Because the seedling size distribution was highly


right-­skewed, K would tend to be underestimated due to the nu-

merical dominance of small individuals (seedlings of <30 cm height)
and the lack of large individuals. We therefore determined a K value
Light demanding

Light demanding
Light demanding

using sapling survival data from the 25-­ha Fushan FDP and then fit-
Shade tolerant
Shade tolerant
Shade tolerant
Shade tolerant
Shade tolerant
Light strategy

ted p and r using seedling survival data with the estimated K value.
Specifically, we estimated K as the average annual survival rate of
trees of 1-­to 2-­cm DBH from the 2004 to 2009 census data of the
Fushan FDP.
Because there is considerable temporal variation in seedling


survival, we added a year random effect for parameter p (inflection



point) to estimate the year-­by-­year p. Our preliminary analysis sug-

gested that the survival model with random effect on p performed
functional traits, see Lasky et al. (2013)

better than the one with random effect on r (Appendix S1). Further,





although there were multiple FDP censuses, K differed little across


them and so K remained a constant asymptote. Since most seed-

ling studies in other tropical forests were conducted at an annual
Engelhardia roxburghiana

(or greater) interval, including all census data would give lower es-
Glochidion acuminatum

timates of seedling survival than other seedling studies (Sheil &

Schefflera octophylla
Machilus zuihoensis
Machilus thunbergii

Prunus phaeosticta

May, 1996), as nearly 50% of newly recruited seedlings died within

Litsea acuminata

Myrsine seguinii

6  months in Fushan (Chang-­Yang et  al.,  2013). We therefore used

census data from February (or data from May if February data were

not available in that year) for seedling survival analysis to avoid the
peak germination season.
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CHANG-­YANG et al. Journal of Ecology |

F I G U R E 1   Seedling survival and

growth models for Litsea acuminata (a)
(LITSAC, Lauraceae). (a) Size-­dependent
survival model: A three-­parameter logistic
function is fitted. Blue line shows the
estimated parameter, and grey lines
around it show estimates for each year.
Black and red rugs along the top and
bottom axes show survival and mortality
data respectively. (b) Mixture-­distribution
growth model: Slow and fast growth
groups are fitted by normal (blue) and
gamma distribution (red) respectively.
The insets show the mixture distribution,
with the dashed vertical line representing
the 0.9 quantile of growth increment. (c)
Size-­dependent growth transition models:
Blue (left) and red (right) lines denote the
population-­level estimates for slow-­to-­fast
and fast-­to-­fast transitions, respectively,
and grey lines around it show estimates
for each year (year random effect)
f f

2.3.2 | Growth: Heterogeneity in individual growth growth (Figure  2b). We parameterized a distributional model that
describes this crucial individual-­level variation in seedling growth for
In order to capture autocorrelation in growth that can lead to rare ex- each study species. The growth data of each species were separated
ceptional performance over many years (Clark et al., 2010), two pro- into two different groups: fast and slow growth (again, defined as
cesses must be captured: the distributions of slow and fast growth the fastest 10% and the remaining 90% of the growth data respec-
and the rules under which an individual stem transitions between tively). A gamma and a normal distribution were then fitted to the
those rates over their life span. Because fast growth is rare due to fast and slow growth data respectively:
the highly skewed nature of growth in the understorey, where most
individuals are suppressed, fast growth must be represented by an ⎧ 2
⎪ Normal(𝜇, 𝜎 ) when Z ≤ q
upper quantile of observations: we chose 90% as the cut-­off for this Z∼⎨ , (2)
⎪ Gamma(𝛼, 𝛽) when Z > q
difference, allowing sufficient data to support the fast distribution, ⎩
but retaining the distinction between the rates. The transition prob-
ability between slow and fast growth and the reverse begins at a where Z is the growth increment change per year (cm/year) and q
minimum value and increases as the stem grows, to a maximum level, is the 0.9-­quantile threshold for inclusion in the fast growth distri-
representing the potential to gain more resources (e.g. light) as the bution. The normal distribution fit the more symmetric distribution
stem grows. This function also reflects autocorrelation in growth of the slow growth group with parameters μ (mean) and σ (variance)
(e.g. where an individual has access to light for a period before the and allowed for negative growth, while the gamma distribution of-
canopy closes). fers a flexible way to fit the right-­skewed distribution of the fast
Although most seedlings grew very little each year and some- growth group with only two parameters (distribution shape, α, and
times had negative growth (shrinkage in height due to stem break- rate, β). Z was calculated as the difference in height measurements
age), a few seedlings had much larger height increments (Figure 2a). of surviving individuals between seedling censuses. If a seedling
In addition, same-­sized seedlings exhibited large variation in their had more than one growth measurement in a year, we calculated
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Journal of Ecology CHANG-­YANG et al.

(a) (b) F I G U R E 2   (a) Annual seedling growth

data of the Fushan subtropical rainforest.

Data are sorted from small to big. Zero
growth data are indicated by open box
with dashed vertical lines, and top 10%
growth data are indicated by black
box with solid vertical lines. (b) Annual
seedling growth increment verses seedling
height. We excluded annual growth data
>100 or <−100 cm per year from the
seedling growth analysis

the average growth rate for measurements within the same year. scale reduction statistic, R)
̂ and effective sample sizes for each pa-
Extreme growth increments (growth >100 or <−100 cm/year), pos- rameter (Gelman et  al.,  2013). The GLMMs were fitted using the
sibly representing errors in the data, were excluded. We combined ‘lme4’ package (Bates et al., 2015). Full descriptions of the Bayesian
the two distributions into a mixture distribution with a weighting of models and GLMMs are given in Appendix S1.
90% and 10% for normal and gamma distributions respectively. We
then sampled the growth increment from the mixture distribution in
the population projections. 2.4 | Population projections with a process-­
While fast growth in seedlings was rarely observed, fast growth based model
of a seedling often lasted for either a couple of months or a few
years, which further enhanced its probability of being fast growing, We used an individual-­based model (IBM) to simulate seedling co-
as large individuals generally have increased access to resources hort dynamics and estimate PTs and transition ratios (TRs) from
(such as light or soil nutrients). The growth transition models capture newly recruited seedlings to saplings of 2-­m height. In Fushan, a
the temporal correlation and size dependence in seedling growth. sapling of 2-­m height generally has attained the 1-­cm DBH status
We used GLMMs to estimate the size-­dependent transition proba- that would include it as a ‘sapling’ in the FDP census (and therefore
bilities between growth groups. Two growth transition models were link the seedling analysis to the rest of the tree census and trait
constructed: slow-­to-­fast and remaining-­fast growth. Due to the rar- data collected in the FDP). We started the IBM with 50,000 seed-
ity of the transition event in some species, we pooled the species lings of species-­specific initial height: the average height of newly
data and performed the analysis at the community level. We esti- recruited seedlings when they were first tagged and measured in
mated the species-­specific coefficients by including species identity the seedling censuses (Table 1). In each year (iteration), the survival
as a random effect. In addition to the species random effect, we of each seedling was determined by a random binomial draw with
included year as a crossed random effect to capture the temporal a probability of success (survival) derived from the size-­dependent
variation in the transition probabilities. The random slope model can survival probabilities given the fitted survival function (Equation
be specified as: 1). Surviving seedlings could then potentially move between slow
and fast growth groups according to the size-­dependent transition
[ ] [ ]
logit(P) = m0 + m1 x fixed_part + 𝛾 species x + uspecies + uyear random_part , (3) probabilities (Equation 3; another binomial draw). We then sampled
a growth increment from above or below the increment threshold of
where P is the transition probability either from the slow to the fast the mixture distribution according to the individual's growth group
group or remaining in the fast group, x is the seedling height, m0 rep- (Equation 2). This is repeated for all living stems for 300 simulated
resents the mean intercept, m1 represents the mean coefficient value years or when all seedlings died in the simulation. We calculated the
of the seedling height, γspecies and uspecies denote the random slope and ratios of seedlings to saplings and the PTs from first recruitment to
intercept, respectively, for each species and uyear denotes the random 2-­m height.
intercept for each year. To explore how temporal variation in seedling growth and sur-
Sampling from the posterior distribution of all survival and vival influence PTs and ratios of seedlings to saplings, we designed
growth parameters was performed using the Hamiltonian Monte two types of individual-­based models: one with no temporal varia-
Carlo method with the ‘rstan’ package (https://mc-­ in r (R tion (using population-­level means of demographic parameters) and
Core Team, 2019). The probability samples were obtained from four the other with temporal variation in demographic parameters. For
independent Markov chains, in which a total of 200 values were the simulation with temporal variation, different degrees of tempo-
sampled with 50 thinning intervals after a burn-­in of 10,000 iter- ral correlations in demographic rates were tested. In IBMs with tem-
ations (in total 20,000 iterations). The convergence of the Markov poral variation but no temporal correlation, we randomly selected
chains was checked with the Gelman-­Rubin statistic (or potential the parameters values from all 16 annual estimates of each species.
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CHANG-­YANG et al. Journal of Ecology |

For IBMs with temporal correlations in demographic rates, we sim- S6). In general, light-­demanding species tended to have relatively
ulated seedling dynamics with different numbers of consecutive low survival and high growth rates compared with shade-­tolerant
good years at the beginning of simulations. We define a good year species, but with some exceptions (Appendix  S2). For example,
as the year with highest survival (i.e. lowest p) and highest transition Schefflera octophylla (Araliaceae), a light-­demanding species, had
probabilities to the fast growth group (i.e. highest m 0). We ran the relatively low survival and growth rates among the study species.
simulations with 0 to 20 consecutive good years (iterations). After
the duration of good years, we simulate the seedling dynamics with
annual estimates of demographic parameters selected randomly. 3.2 | Population projections
Previous studies have suggested that persistently rapid growth is
critical for small and young individuals to reach later stages for tree Our demographic process model simulated population PTs and
species (Snyder & Ellner, 2016; Zuidema et al., 2009). We therefore TRs from newly recruited seedlings to saplings of 2-­m height. For
focused on how consistently high survival and growth at very early simulations with no temporal variation in demographic rates, PT
stages influence seedling-­to-­sapling transition. We set the duration could be estimated for seven species and ranged from 22.3 to
of good years not for a specific environmental driver, but as a proxy 200.1 years, with a median of 47 (Figure 3; Table S1). Species with
for potential drivers. The aim here was to test the number of consec- higher growth rates had shorter PTs. TR, however, depends both
utive good years that would be needed for a pulse of sapling recruit- on growth rates and survival functional form. TR numbers varied
ment to occur that matched the observed population of 1-­cm DBH by three orders of magnitude, with species requiring an average of
stems in the larger FDP. 56 to more than 46,000 seedlings (with a median of 2,087) to make
For each scenario of the IBM, we repeated the simulation a single sapling of 2-­m height (Figure 3; Table S1). Species with low
procedure 100 times to obtain the 95% confidence limits of the growth rates and low initial survival tended to have high TRs. The
population-­level statistics (PTs and TRs between seedlings and sap- results of sensitivity analysis are consistent with these findings. PT
lings). We determined the number of repetitions based on the com- is sensitive to the parameters of growth transition models, and is
putation power as the simulations were relatively time-­consuming. less sensitive to the survival parameters and initial height in the
We also compare the average growth rates between the seedlings simulations (Appendix  S3). In contrast, TR is sensitive to initial
that reach 2-­m height and the ones that failed.
To explore how the uncertainty in parameter estimations influ-
ence the population-­level statistic, we perform the sensitivity analy- 200 ● No temporal variation ●

With temporal variation MYRSSE

sis of parameters of survival (r and p) and growth transition (m 0 and
m1) models and initial conditions. Initial conditions include initialized
growth groups (slow or fast) and seedling size (species-­specific initial
Passage time (year)

height or 50-­cm height) in the simulations. Further details on the ●

sensitivity analysis are provided in Appendix S3.
R scripts for the demographic process models and population ●
projections are provided in Appendix S4. ●


3 | R E S U LT S ●
3.1 | Demography of seedlings
1 100 10,000
All models (growth and survival for eight study species) converged Transition ratio of seedlings to sapling
and were well mixed. Across all models, 184 estimated parameters
had R
̂ values  ≈  1 (Appendix  S2). All models also had sufficient ef- F I G U R E 3   Population-­level statistics estimated by 100
stochastic simulations of individual-­based models of 50,000
fective sample sizes (Appendix  S2). We therefore extracted post-­
seedlings. Two types of IBMs were performed: With (solid circles)
burn-­in mixes of the four chains for each model run and thinned the
or without (open triangles) temporal variation in demographic
values for posterior inference. rates. For IBMs with temporal variation, we started with a different
For most study species, the seedlings reached the upper asymp- level of temporal correlation in demographic rates. In this figure,
tote (K) of survival curve around 50-­cm height with considerable we show the results of IBMs with 20 consecutive good years
temporal variation (Figure 1a; Figure S3). The mixture distributional as the starting condition. Solid lines represent 95% confidence
limits (CIs) of the estimates. The CIs for Litsea acuminata (LITSAC)
model was fit to the growth data of each species (Figure 1b; Figure
and Engelhardia roxburghiana (ENGERO) are too short to be
S5). The transition probabilities from slow-­to-­fast growth groups and seen. The population-­level statistics for Schefflera octophylla
the probabilities of remaining in the fast group were positively cor- (SCHEOC) cannot be estimated because all of its seedlings died
related with seedling size for most study species (Figure 1c; Figure before attaining 2-­m height
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2712       |
Journal of Ecology CHANG-­YANG et al.

height and the parameters of survival and the growth transition 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
models (Appendix S3), suggesting that the seedling-­to-­s apling tran-
sition was primarily limited by the low survival of early seedling 4.1 | The paths to the sapling stage that a new
stages (<50-­cm high). The results of these simulations are also sup- seedling confronts
ported by field observations. In the 16 years of seedling monitor-
ing, none of the eight study species had newly recruited seedlings Studies that have investigated population dynamics of seedlings,
reach 2-­m height. even when conducted longitudinally, offer limited snapshots of this
In simulations with temporal variation in parameters, PTs and life-­history stage (Connell & Green, 2000). Our results demonstrate
TRs decreased as the period of consecutive good years increased that it might take decades for tree seedlings to attain 2-­m height,
(Figure S2). TR was reduced more than 90%, while PT was only re- and that the TRs from seedlings to saplings are low (Figure 3), further
duced between 10% and 20%. Compared with the simulations with emphasizing how short studies of seedling dynamics may not tell
no temporal variation, a short period of high survival and growth the entire story of underlying ecological mechanisms. Survival and
can greatly reduce TRs, while PTs only decrease marginally (Figure 3) growth combine to determine which seedlings successfully become
indicating the high sensitivity of mortality to annual variability. saplings, and how many individual stems in a population transition
Despite the low TRs for most study species, seedlings that attained per newly recruited seedling. Although components of these com-
2-­m height had positive average growth rates that were faster than bined dynamics are straightforward (e.g. faster growth increases the
seedlings that failed (Figure  4). These results suggest that consis- rate at which a successful individual reaches sapling status [Figure 4]),
tently fast growth rates at the early stage (i.e. seedlings <50-­cm nonlinear features of survival rates combine with stochastic changes
height) are critical to escape from the high mortality of this stage. in growth rates to create a more complex developmental landscape
For S. octophylla, all seedlings died before attaining 2-­m height between a seedling and its successful recruitment into the sapling
in the simulations because of the low observed growth and survival class. The influences of biotic and abiotic environmental variables on
rates. The temporal variation in demographic rates was too low to both growth and survival further alter this developmental landscape.
have a rescue effect. The sensitivity analysis showed that species We hope that understanding how features of a landscape of seed-
with low growth rates and survival were more sensitive to changes ling development determine population dynamics may guide future
in growth transition and survival parameters, indicating that some research into specific mechanisms that forge this landscape, such as
species exist in a more fragile range of demographic space. pathogens, resources and disturbances.

0.12 0.4


0.08 0.3
0.00 0.0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Averge growth rate (cm/year) Averge growth rate (cm/year)

0.20 0.2


0.10 0.1
0.00 0.0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Averge growth rate (cm/year) Averge growth rate (cm/year)
F I G U R E 4   Probability density
MACHZU MYRSSE distributions of average growth rates of
0.3 seedlings that attain 2-­m height (reds) or
died before reaching this target (blues)


in individual-­based model (IBM) with
0.1 2.5
temporal variation in demographic rates.
0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
Each of the 100 stochastic simulations
Averge growth rate (cm/year) Averge growth rate (cm/year) is represented by one density curve.
The dashed vertical lines denote zero
growth rate. Note that densities are
0.4 relative to the separate results (success or

0.3 failure) and are not comparable between

0.2 results, as many more stems failed than
succeeded (the success distribution
0 20 40 60 would not be visible if scaled to the total
Averge growth rate (cm/year) population)
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CHANG-­YANG et al. Journal of Ecology |

4.2 | Compounding survival Peart, 2005). In contrast, in a tropical seasonal forest in Panama, tree

species, especially shade-­tolerant species, might spend decades in
Tree survival probabilities are multiplicative. Thus slight changes in the these early life stages (Hubbell, 1998). In a temperate forest, Antos
survival rate can have a large impact in overall chances of surviving long et al. (2005) also showed that it might take more than a century from
time intervals. In fact, life expectancy is halved every time as mortality germination to 1.3-­m height in the closed understorey for four co-
rates are doubled (e.g. from 1.5% mortality to 3% mortality may af- nifer species. Our findings align with these expectations of long PTs
fect only a few stems every year, but the compounding nature of this from seedling-­to-­sapling stage.
change doubles the turnover time of the population). In the context Despite the relatively high-­light levels in the understorey of
of our findings, it means that periods of low survival, such as for small the Fushan subtropical rainforest due to frequent typhoon distur-
individuals, can have a huge influence on the number of individuals that bances (Lin et al., 2011; Yao et al., 2015), our findings suggest that
survive the periods necessary to reach the relative ‘safety’ of larger life-­ it might take many decades for a newly recruited seedling to reach
history stages. For instance, L. acuminata and M. thunbergii show simi- 2-­m height (Figure 3). The high-­light environment in the forest floor
lar survival curves, but the minor difference in early seedling survival and moist climate in Fushan support a dense understoery of shrubs
results in a great difference in the TRs between seedlings and sapling. and ferns (Su et al., 2007), which limit tree recruitment by reducing
light levels or hampering their establishment at small sizes (Beckage
et al., 2000; Harmon & Franklin, 1989; Nakashizuka, 1989; Yamamoto
4.3 | Interaction between growth and the et al., 1995). This also demonstrates that Fushan does indeed have
shape of the survival curve a critical size threshold (a ‘danger zone’) that seedlings must escape
in order to achieve the long-­term relatively higher survival rates that
There are two ways to facilitate recruitment, which are not mutually allow them to persist in the understorey over the many decades it
exclusive: size-­dependent survival can increase (Figure 1a) or growth takes to become a reproductive individual. The relatively long PTs
rates can accelerate more rapidly with increases in size (Figure 1b,c). and high TRs during the seedling stage also suggest that the pro-
The former alleviates the relatively low probabilities of successful cesses which determine the long-­term survival and growth may be
recruitment for individuals without changing their PTs, the latter ac- critical to overall community dynamics. Considering how the tempo-
celerates the PT to size classes with fewer or less severe risks. ral scales of different ecological processes match with the duration
Our estimates for the ratio of seedlings to saplings are similar to of different life-­cycle stages can help us better evaluate their contri-
the estimates from a tropical forest in Peru (Terborgh et al., 2014) butions to community structure and composition.
that looked only at the comparison of observed seeds and saplings
(i.e. they did not simulate a dynamic life history from data). We found
that the species with a high ratio of seedlings to saplings tended to 4.4 | Processes that might change the
have long PTs. This finding seems to be counter-­intuitive to the ex- demographic landscape
pectation that there is a growth-­survival trade-­off: fast-­growing
species usually have lower survival rates than slow-­growing species, Critically, a certain period (either sustained or intense) of fast growth
and thus have short PTs and high TRs from seedlings to saplings. seems crucial for seedlings to escape from the early stage high mor-
However, while the PTs during seedling-­to-­sapling transitions were tality evident across species regardless of their life-­history strate-
primarily determined by growth rates, the ratio of seedlings to sap- gies. Temporal variation in seedling demographic rates, especially
lings was driven by both growth and survival. For example, L. acum- rare, exceptionally high growth rates, is an essential part of popula-
inata and M. seguinii had similar seedling survival but very different tion models if they are to accurately capture community assembly
growth rates, which resulted in large differences in the numbers of and dynamics. Our study included species with varying life-­history
seedlings per sapling. Slow-­growing species might spend more time strategies (both light-­demanding and shade-­tolerant) as well as can-
in the very early seedling stage and be exposed to higher mortality opy and subcanopy life-­forms. Therefore, we believe the consider-
risk longer than fast-­growing species (Moles & Westoby, 2006), and able temporal variation in seedling vital rates we observed indicate
thus increase the TRs from seedlings to saplings. broad patterns of the entire Fushan forest community.
Under a closed forest canopy, seedlings can have extremely Environmental fluctuations may drive temporal variation in seed-
low growth rates due to the low-­light environment, and thus might ling demography, and in turn influence population dynamics (Bachelot
persist decades in the understorey if mortality remains low enough et al., 2015; Ibáñez et al., 2007; Valverde & Silvertown, 1998). Our
(Antos et  al.,  2005; Delissio et  al.,  2002). Considerable variation results indicated that a period of high seedling survival and growth
has been observed in previous estimates on the PTs from newly would substantially reduce the numbers of seedling per sapling and
recruited seedlings to saplings of 1-­cm DBH. In a neotropical rain- decrease the PTs during the seedling-­to-­sapling transition for both
forest in Costa Rica, Clark and Clark (2001) showed that it might light-­demanding and shade-­tolerant species (Figure S2). Many stud-
take 4–­12 years for a seedling of 50-­cm high to attain 1-­cm DBH for ies suggest that the growth of suppressed seedlings can be released
nine canopy or emergent tree species. Similarly, in a subalpine forest, after canopy gap formation, especially for gap-­dependent species
tree species may take 5–­20  years to achieve 1-­cm DBH (Landis & (e.g. Brokaw,  1985; Canham,  1985; Collet et  al.,  2001; Runkle &
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Journal of Ecology CHANG-­YANG et al.

Yetter,  1987). However, unlike in most closed canopy forests, in Forestry Research Institute, for the long-­term logistic support.
Fushan, the understorey light levels are relatively high and similar This work was supported by grants from Taiwan Forestry Research
in canopy gaps and non-­gaps (Yao et  al.,  2015). Thus it is unlikely Institute to C.-­F.H., grants from Taiwan Forestry Bureau to C.-­F.H.
that the growth release of seedlings (switching to the fast growth and I.-­F.S., and grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology
group) in Fushan is caused solely by canopy gaps. Instead, strong but to I.F.S. and C.-­H.C.-­Y.
relatively short climate oscillations, such as prolonged dry or plu-
vial periods associated with El Niño-­Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or AU T H O R S ' C O N T R I B U T I O N S
Pacific Decadal Oscillations (PDO), may lead to a sustained period C.-­H .C.-­Y. and S.M.M. conceived the research idea, analysed the
of high seedling survival and growth, which could result in a pulse of data and wrote the paper, with substantial feedback from J.N.;
successful recruitment (Brown & Wu, 2005; Pederson et al., 2014). C.-­H .C.-­Y., J.N. and S.M.M. designed the methodology; C.-­H .C.-­Y.,
More research should focus on these potential causes, especially C.-­L .L., C.-­F.H. and I.-­F.S. collected the data; all the authors con-
in forests with similar demographic dynamics but with different en- tributed critically to the drafts and gave their final approval for
vironmental constraints. Although biotic interactions also can have publication.
important impacts on seedling demography (e.g. competition, her-
bivory or plant–­pathogen associations [Alexander et al., 2015; Chen, PEER REVIEW
Swenson, et al., 2019; Chen, Wang, et al., 2019; Ibáñez et al., 2013; The peer review history for this article is available at https://publo​ns.​
Uriarte et  al.,  2018]), these effects are largely negative (but see com/publo​n/10.1111/1365-­2745.13677.
Corrales et  al.  (2018) on mycorrhizal associations). Negative influ-
ences are implicitly captured by our model through the survival DATA AVA I L A B I L I T Y S TAT E M E N T
functions, but fundamentally serve to remove individuals from the The data supporting the results are available from the Dryad Digital
population and not promote their transition to saplings. Regardless Repository​rbvr (Chang-­Yang
of the specific mechanisms involved, we believe that it is clear that et al., 2021).
sustained fast growth and high survival must occur to promote
seedlings to later life-­history stages, and therefore, these promot- ORCID
ing mechanisms may best explain the broad-­scale and long-­lasting Chia-­Hao Chang-­Yang
effects of seedling dynamics on forest communities. Jessica Needham
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I-­Fang Sun
5 |  CO N C LU S I O N S Sean M. McMahon

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