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Apellido y Nombre: …………………………………………………………………………….

A) Read the text and answer the questions.


Montreal, in Canada is the largest French-speaking city in the world next to Paris. It
has a population of 2 million of which two thirds have French ancestry. French is the
official language, but English is almost as common. There are language laws that
require French writing in public places, but English is also used.

Montreal is situated on the Saint Lawrence Seaway and is a vital port for ships
travelling to the Great Lakes and the Atlantic. It lies below Mount Royal, the ancient
volcano after which the city is named. It was discovered in 1535 by the French explorer
Jacques Cartier and is a wonderful city combining old and new – ancient stone
buildings alongside modern glass and steel.

The climate is one of extremes: summers are hot, 27 degrees, but winter temperature
average only -10 C and winter lasts four to five months. However, in order that you
don’t have to suffer such cold, they have built and underground city called “La Ville
Souterraine”. This is one of the Montreal’s most amazing sights with nearly 20 miles of
walkways below street level. You can shop, have lunch, watch movies and enter a
hotel without ever going outside!

The city celebrates the arts in a big way. Visitors from all over the world travel to
Montreal for its many films and jazz festivals. It is also the gourmet capital of North
America. Not only can you find some of the world’s famous restaurants ( over 5.000),
but on nearly every street corner you can buy “poutine”, a delicious dish of French fries
served with hot cheese and brown gravy.

All in all Montreal has much to offer. It is one of the most interesting cities in North

PART 1: Circle T for True of F for False or DK for Don`t know. (10)

1. Half of the population of Montreal has French ancestry T F DK

2. French and English are the official languages T F DK

3. Mount Royal was an ancient volcano T F DK

4. Jacques Cartier was born in Montreal T F DK

5. Montreal has hot summers and cold winters T F DK

6. There is a small city below Montreal T F DK

7. Montreal is famous for its film festivals T F DK

8. Jazz festivals are enjoyed by different people T F DK

9. You can only eat “poutine” in smart restaurants T F DK

10. “Poutine” is an old and traditional French recipe T F DK

PART 2: Answer the following questions (15)

1) Why is the city called “Montreal”?


2) What is “La Ville Souterraine”?

3) Describe the activities tourists can do in “La Ville Souterraine”?
………………………………………. …………………………………………………………

4) What is a “poutine”?

5) Would you like to visit Montreal? Why / why not?


Part 3. Vocabulary: find synonyms in the text for the following words and write them
below their corresponding equivalent. One is done for you. (5)

People Need (v) Together Old Incredible/ Tourists

with wonderful

B) Communication: Complete the following dialogue between a doctor and a

patient. (20)

doctor: Good morning! How 1) …………………………………………………………..?

patient: Oh, 2) …………………… doctor. I’m worried 3) …………………………….
doctor Your leg? What’s 4) …………………………………………………………….?
patient It hurts when I walk
doctor: And how long 5) ………………………………………………………………..?
patient; Since yesterday. I went to bed around midnight and everything was ok, but
this 6) …………………….. I could barely put my foot on the ground!
doctor: Ok, 7) ……………………… and let me have 8) …………………….. at it
patient: yes, ok
doctor: 9)……………. it hurt here?
patient: yes, doctor, a lot. Is it serious?
doctor: No. Not at all . Apparently you slept badly last night and your leg got
Go to the 10) ……………………… and buy this cramp ointment. You’ll feel
much better tomorrow.
C) Complete the text with the words from the box. There are two extra words.(10)

Maggie and Joe Smith lived in the same house 1- ………. 30 years. When Joe died,
Maggie decided to sell the big house 2-……….. David Marr who immediately started to
3-…………. some renovations to the old house. Inside one of the walls, David found
$10,000 and decided to go and tell Maggie what he had found. David offered her $
5000 and they 4-……………….. a fair agreement.
However, a few days later, David asked Maggie to sign a contract that said that she
should accept $ 5000 for any money found in the whole house. She 5-…………….. to
sign that ridiculous paper and 6-…………….. , she 7-………………… him to court.
In court, David Marr told the truth; he didn’t find $ 10000, but $ 50.000! Joe Smith 8-
………. been putting money in the wall for more than 12 years and he never told his
wife 9-……………it!
After hearing the case, judge Francis Mc Dowell, ruled the case in favour of Maggie
Smith and David Marr 10-…………………… forced to give all the money back to the

refused For make had was instead

about To done took were reached

D) Listen to the article. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)? (10)
1. The name of the organization is “Natural” T F
2. In this course, students will discover wildlife T F
3. The course will take place on the beach this time T F
4. The course lasts six weeks T F
5. On this course, students will design a birdhouse T F

E) Composition. Choose one of the following topics and write about 130

1- Write about your cell phone use. You may include the following information.
 How often do you use it?
 How do you use it?
 Do you know anyone who uses the cell phone a lot? Has this had bad
 Do you think that the cell phone is more or less addictive than TV or other
activities? Why / Why not?
 What do parents/ teachers say about cell phones addiction?

2- Write a description of the last movie you saw. You may include the following
 Where did you go? / Why?
 Who did you see the movie with?
 What was it like?
 Who were the actors?
 Would you recommend it to a friend? Why / Why not?

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