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MariApps Marine Solutions

Compliance with MARPOL & IMO

MARPOL’s requirements
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) is the main international convention
governing prevention of pollution of the marine environment by ships from operational or accidental causes.

IMO requirements

■ Complies with RESOLUTION MEPC.312(74) ■ Easy back up, restore and audit options
■ Secured multi-step password protection ■ Export to compatible data formats
■ Automatic validation of entries ■ Easily trackable audit log facility
■ History achieved and without data ■ Continuous software updates and support
storage limitations
■ Time zone selection hence entries remain
■ E- Signature for authorization ■ in local time
■ Feature to add attachments ■ Option to make entries across Dateline
■ Facility to upload flag circulars and ■ Multi level back up and restore facilities
communicate to the vessel

smartPAL’s Electronic Record Books (eRBooks)
eRBooks software application to replace the traditional paper record books

■ Oil Record Book Part 1 (ORB Part 1)

■ Oil Record Book Part 2 (ORB Part 2)

■ Emission Record Book (Annex VI)

■ Cargo Record Book 1 (Noxious liquid substances in bulk)

■ Ballast Water Record Book

■ Garbage Record Book Part 1 (GRB Part 1)

■ Garbage Record Book Part 2 (GRB Part 2)

■ Biofouling Record Book

■ MARPOL Sealogs

eRBooks Available on Tablets
eRBooks can also be accessed using Android
and iOS- based portable tablet device

Advantages of smartPAL’s eRBooks
■ Automated calculations ■ Recordkeeping by authorized personnel
& validations
■ Secured access (Multi layer security)
■ User-friendly interface
■ E-Signature facility
■ Web-based
■ Encrypted data with AES-256
■ Record keeping is efficient

■ Compliance with IMO ■ Reminders for pending tasks

■ Overview of key operations on one display
■ Maintenance & support plan
■ Automated analytical reports
■ Mandatory software updates that
■ Increase transparency, reduce human error
ensure compliance with regulations

Intuitive Data Entry Screen

Print Formats Matching with IMO Requirement Flow

Type Approvals

Flag State Approvals
Marshall Islands Finland Liberia Hong Kong Singapore
Certificate Received Certificate Received Certificate Received Certificate Received Certificate Received

Cyprus Japan Panama Bahamas Barbados

Certificate Received Certificate Pending Certificate Pending Approval upon Approval upon
shipowner’s request shipowner’s request

Bermuda Cayman Islands Germany Gibraltar Greece

Pending Red Ensign Group Pending Red Ensign Group Ongoing disscussion Ongoing disscussion Ongoing disscussion
decision on process expected decision on process expected soon

India Indonesia Isle of Man Malaysia Malta

Application process prepared Ongoing disscussion Approval upon Ongoing disscussion Approval upon
shipowner’s request shipowner’s request

Mexico Portugal Spain Thailand UK

Ongoing disscussion To approch via class SMCs need Ongoing disscussion Ongoing disscussion Application process prepared
to do for each ship

MariApps Marine Solutions

To know more about eRBooks or other digital solutions from MariApps,
please visit or contact Khalil Rehman Aziz mail to:

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