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A positive personality can have a significant impact on your success and happiness in life.

By learning
what it takes to adopt a more positive personality, you too can adopt some of its most coveted traits. Here's
how you can develop a more positive personality and boost your mental wellbeing.

1) Positive Affirmations
Using positive affirmations re-programs the brain to think more positive things.
While speaking to yourself, speak positively; control your inner dialog. Use positive
affirmations phrased in the positive, present, and personal tense. Here are some tips:
“I like myself!”
“I can do it!”
“I feel terrific!”
“I am responsible!”

3) Positive People
Your choice of the people with whom you live, work, and associate will have more of an
impact on your emotions and your success that any other factor.
Positive visualization

Create a clear, compelling picture of your goals and ideal life, and play that picture over and over in your
Any improvement in life starts with improved mental imagery.

2-Positive visualization
Create a clear, compelling picture of your goals and ideal life, and play that picture over and over in your
Any improvement in life starts with improved mental imagery.

4) Positive Mental Food

Feed your mind with information and ideas that are up lifting and that make you feel happy and
more confident about yourself and your world.

Finally remember that developing a sense of yourself and your own unique personality starts and
ends with loving yourself.

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