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Question 1

1) Discuss İnternational student ratio as indicators in measureing ranking of the university based on QS
university ranking and mention some issues in Az. University in this regard.

2) Faculty student ratio

3) Citation per faculty

4) employer reputation

5) Academic reputation

Question 2

1) Discuss and analize cultural issues that might be seen in branding of HEI creating brand identity

2) Need for alliances and partnerships

3) Inability to effectively communicate with stakeholders

4) Inadequate university structure as

5) possible challenges (difficulties) that might be seen in branding of HEI creating brand identity

Question 3

1) Analize and discuss design characteristics

2) İnformation quality
3) Safety
4) Convenience
5) Personalization features of university websites in term of building brand trust

Question 4

1) Discuss and analize user generated content (word of mouth)

2) Post types
3) Organic and paid rich metric importance and strentening university brand
4) Strategies to use social media effectively and full marketing potentials

Question 5

1) How to use alumni as a part of university brand?

2) Which discipline or area create competetive in HE
3) Who are your university competitors?
4) Is your university intrepreneurial?yes or no?

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