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The Tortured South

The Tortured
From the steaming jungles of the Crow Wilderness, where
flesh eating cannibals pray to giant, carnivorous, reptile gods;
to the southern mountains of Valhagan, where the stone dwarves
mine the magical steel known as mertacullum. The very same steel
that is known to enhance the channeling power of magical energy. This
sourcebook is an expansion to the atlas within the core rulebook. This
book includes a map to the southern realms of Koth. It contains details
on each of these kingdoms, cities, and brief descriptions of every location
on the map. All of this information is of course collected by the great
explorer and adventurer Marvo Montovis the Scribe.
There are more character races within these pages and
monsters native to these regions. Races such as: the goblin,
minotaur, or dark elf. As well, there are more playable
character classes to add to your Demon Gate campaigns.
Classes like: the Bow Master, the Skald Berserker, and
the Knight Errant. So, journey with us to brave
the dangers of the Tortured South, and
“keep the fires high” friend.
The Algor was coming though and all knew
well that meant three whole months of darkness.
The Dark Wars Now we see well enough what this winter will hold
for all of us. It will hold much war. It will bring
“Aye, here in the 11th Era in the year 1378, the great death and destruction to all in this land.
Year of the Crow I swear upon the sea that which When the beginning of the Algor set in
I have come to witness in the past months. I came it was on the very first day that it did happen.
from the city of Kald and grew up poor within the The horn from another ship alerted us all to
streets of Fallburden. My son Ajeet was born and incoming forces sailing toward us through the
I knew that I must provide for him and defend my night. We came to witness black sails and fire on
wife and son from the coming threat of the Black the Blood Straits. Ships reigned fire and tore into
Ones. I joined the Seran Navy under the command our vessels with unnatural speed. Infernal spells
of Admiral Dinesh to ready us against the coming blasted our sails and we began to fight for our
shadow of what many now call, the Dark Wars. lives. My ship was nearly split asunder and I could
They say we must be ready against the hear the splintering of our vessel and the screams
invading forces of the Narcadians and I known deep of pain and battle. I took up my sword not for my
within my soul and in my heart that all of us must country, but for the love of my wife and son. That
sacrifice our lives to keep these monsters at bay. dark day on the sea we were stricken with fear. For
We patrolled the Blood Straits for three months it was not men we were fighting, but the tortured
and I grew in status as a great navigator. Our remains of their shells. Yet, we fought through that
captain knew that something was wrong by the night through waves of horror and at great cost.
look of the sky and our seer said that the bones of Their rotten stench and dead eyes still haunt me.”
the fish spoke of an ill omen. -Taramas Kijal of Kald

S outh W e s t K o th

Table of Contents Demon Gate Core Book

Design Team
Part I: The Southwestern Realms Pg. 4
Written & Created By: Brandon Williams a.k.a. “Rogue”
Aticraulian Empire......................................... Pg. 5
“A Polite Fiction” Written By: Jason Duff
Brom ................................................................ Pg. 10
Edited By: Richard Walker
The Crow Wilderness ................................ Pg. 12
Art Direction: Brandon Williams
The Dark Isle.................................................. Pg. 14
Layout Design: Heather Christofaro, Rogue
Icobor .............................................................. Pg. 22
Art Team: Adam Schmidt, Brandon Williams, Heather
Kotus ............................................................... Pg. 26 Cristofaro, Dean Spencer, Daniel Comerci, Enmanuel
“Lema” Martinez, Critical-Hit, Nele Diel
Narcadia ......................................................... Pg. 29
Cover By: Nele Diel
Qualonia ......................................................... Pg. 35
Assistance: Steven Noll (skald berserker class) “Thanks Ste-
Sera .................................................................. Pg. 37 ven for your assistance in the creation of the Skald

Valhagan ......................................................... Pg. 45 Game Testers

Steven Astacio, Todd Bauman, Ray Boettgar, Matthew
Vazuun Denaahl ........................................... Pg. 46 Boggs, Jon Burlison, Daniel Chaplin, Guy Chaplin, Dave
Creely, Robert Dion, Francisco Fitaroni, Joe
Zawan ............................................................. Pg. 49 Howard, Larry Lillard, Ken McCooey, Kyle Milwee,
Steven Noll, John Norton, Michelle Pauley, Darren
Part 2: New Playable Races Pg. 50 Ruiz, Adam Schmidt, David Smith, Simon Smith, Dan
Ubach, David Whiting, Mandi Williams, Simon Yates
Part 3: New Classes Pg. 56

-Bow Master .................................................. Pg. 56 Backers

Aaron Pothecary, Akiazoth, Alton Capps, Andrew Ferber,
-Knight Errant .............................................. Pg. 58 Angelo Pileggi, Anthony Thomson, Ben McArdle, Bez
Bezson, Boris J Cibic, Brian Young, Cameron Beach, Charlotte
-Skald Berserker .......................................... Pg. 60 McCormick, Chelsey Thill, Christopher R. Tannahill, Craig
Wright, Dan Lipman, Dan Ubach, Danny Groshong, Darren
Creatures of the Tortured South ............ Pg. 62 Aldredge, Darren Forbes, Dave Creely, Dave “Wintergreen”
Harrison, Dávid Csobay, David Lacerte, Dead Gentlemen,
Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities ......... Pg. 68 Dr. Donald A. Turner, Edwin Ghigliotty Jr., Eric Moffitt,
Felix Salazar, Fidel S. Arbolaez, Merry Crystal, Grant A.
A Polite Fiction ............................................. Pg. 74 Carter, Fuzzy, Anton H., Haley Eskridge, Heather Fildes,

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Herman Duyker, Solistia, James M. Wood, James Unick, Along with this expansion there are also more
Jason Kaster, Jay Watson, Vigiler, Jeffrey Meyer, playable races, character classes, and some new monsters
Jemiah Whiting, Jeremy Siemon, J. R. Howard, Joe Dunham, to flourish within your world. All of these creatures listed
Joseph S Lipman, Jörg Bours, John Dallas DeWeese, here are of this realm, from this Primordial Plane, and not
John K, Jon Terry, Jordan White, Jordi Rabionet, Jose from the Spirit World. Be sure to look for the upcoming
Fernandez, Joshua “MonKy” Downing, Kevin Lama, Two Tails, Demon Hunter’s Guide for more supernatural creatures.
Amadan, Lucho Castro, Mark Crew, Mark Stanley, Martin The southwestern lands are filled with danger but
Wagner, Matt Wood, Matthew Wright, Max Bantleman, Strange thanks to the writings of our friend Marvo the Scribe we
Machine Games, MikesMind, Michael Glass, Michael can learn a little bit about the realms in his own words. He
Musselman, Michael Wenditz, Michael “Talthos” Willett, warns us about the dangers of all the kingdoms and teaches
Michelle Pauley, Michelle Zuck, Mike Shema, Morgan Hazel, us about the leaders, cults, guilds, and customs of each city.
Mark R. Lesniewski, Nicholas Muehlenweg, Oliver R Shead, Any names of NPCs that are written within these pages will
Marco Streekmann, Patricia Efird, Paul Umbers, Alexander often have the level, race, and character class written next to
Haeberle, Robert Dion, Rob McKavanagh, Feral Gamers it in parenthesis. This is basically meta information for game
Inc., Ronald Pyatt, Ross Meats, Ryan Holdbrooks, M. Ryan masters in case they wish to introduce this character into
McKenzie, The Sage Experiment, Scott Smith, Sergio A their campaign. It may also be altered if the GM sees fit.
Saenz, Stevan Allen, Steven Noll, Sylvain ‘Sly’ Pronovost, Marvo has once again been commissioned by the
Taylor Emery, Glenn Berry, Timothy Baker, Tristan Wolfe lords of Dalewynnd to cross the realms of the southwest-
DeRoches, Brandon Lee Wesley Tack, Wade Geer, Warren P ern hemisphere and brave unique dangers. All of these
Nelson, William Greer, Nick Colombo adventures have been documented by himself and his
companions to learn about the economic growth, trade
Special Thanks routes, and allies under each banner. There should be
To all my play testers and Chaos Crews out there, thanks for plenty of information for you to get a spark, or even a
being a part of the projects and breathing more life into the glimmer of creativity from the stories within. So, good luck
Chaos Universe. As well, I would like to thank all of my new in your struggles friend, good gaming to you, and “Keep the
friends at Blades and Blasters. It has been an honor to game fires high”.
with them and to witness some very fine roleplaying. Even
those who have mastered an art can still learn new things
from the methods and techniques of others.

This Expansion
Thank you for picking up the Tortured South
sourcebook. It is an expansion to the realms of Koth and
adds much more to the original map in the Demon Gate
Core Rulebook. Welcome to the southwestern portion of the
world. On this map you will discover 12 kingdoms. A few of
these kingdoms stretch into the northern realms, yet most
of these are original to this map. They are all described in Check out other products
detail throughout these pages. The cities, bodies of water, by Arcanum Syndicate
countries, everything that is labelled on this map is detailed
in alphabetical order within this book.

S outh W e s t K o th

The city is ruled by the Kalzar Tieflorn BrightStream

(42nd level eldrynn/ mage). He has been the leader of this
mighty city for over eighty years and fought many Crow Orc
in his time. It is said he keeps the skulls of his enemies in his
trophy room and there are many adorning the walls there.
There are quite a few small libraries here all connected to
schools of magic and the churches that train dark elves into
Amure the High Order. The Royal Library of Faith is guarded by the
legendary Templars of the Scythe. These powerful warriors
The dark ocean is the largest ocean in all of Koth. It
train for ten years to reach the status and then begin their
is inhabited by endless creatures from its bottomless depths
watch over the chapels and city.
to its vast surface. Most of its pirates stay close to merchant
There are nine primary districts of the city with three
routes near the coasts, for the great storms of the deep ocean
in each of the separate classes of society; upper, middle, and
are merciless and claim those who venture into its depths.
lower. The upper-class society begins at the the castle and
They say that once you sail past the Dark Isles and keep
its surrounding area which is called The Azure Cairn. After
heading west that you will eventually run into an ancient and
this is the temple district where many cathedrals call forth
mystic uncharted land. Out of those who claim to have seen
prayers each night. They are known as The White Spires. The
this land very few of the sources are credible. Yet, for those
last of the upper-class districts is called the Society of Scrolls.
who do possess an honorable reputation they claim the lands
The middle-class districts are as follows: The Brook Guilds,
are ripe and filled with untamed jungles. Captain Colandora
the Market Falls, and the Fountain Burrows where a great
of Espadosa sailed west on a quest of discovery and ran into
deal of the city housing is placed around the guild mansions.
this land after several months. Coming back, he swore on his
The three primary lower-class districts are: Dry Docks which
bloodline tales of dragons and riches unlike anything seen.
is riddled with taverns, inns, and fish mongers. Winter Park
He brought crystals of power, magical artifacts, the bones of
where some of the lowest income housing is located. These
legendary beasts, and scrolls written in an unknown tongue.
are considered the slums of Aqurin. Finally there is the area
His voyage to return was funded by the Aticraulian Empire
called Candlelight Bridge where the actual covered bridge
where he was allowed to take three galleons and the cap-
resides and housing dwells within this place and around the
tain was never heard from or seen again. Many speculate the
streams that run under the bridge. Many shops and small
whereabouts of the legendary three imperial vessels and say
alleys are found here too, under the cover of the large bridge
he reached the realms of the gods. Some claim they were
that covers the river just before the Eastern Wall. The main
destroyed by dragons, but who knows… only the gods I sup-
exports of this city are blue talmo (fish), herbs, and rare
pose. What we do know about the Amure is that it seems
spices like ticum, peets, and rylum.
nearly endless. There are still many islands within its midst
that are waiting to be discovered.
Aramore (small city of Sera)
Aqurin (large city of Qualonia) This city greets the Iron Ocean and is a safe
harbor for the many trade vessels that come to the Grand
The dark elf city dwells on the Qualonian Road
Port from the savage waters and mungreel pirates. Aramore is
on the mighty lake of Quai. The large city holds brilliant
known for its shipwrights. The port is filled with some of the
architecture of the towers and the crystals that surround
finest ship makers and the city sells to the highest
the city are an enjoyable and warm sight to behold at night.
bidders, which is often the Aticraulian Empire. The
There is an abundance a salbin ships that are of dark elf
Seran navy is massive due to this. The primary races that
design and constantly dot the lake with their prominent fin-
are seen within the streets is usually terran, yet you will find
like sail. The roads of Aqurin are somewhat confusing, like a
some homes to vatagi, mhen tep, and kai eldrynn. The Seran
tangled maze of small alleys but the markets are always rich
military and its strong navy defend the land as best as
in color and trinkets.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

possible from constant Zawani invasions. The kobolds from

Zawan are relentless and due to their multiplying numbers,
they are in need of constant resources. There was a time
when Aramore was in open trade with Zawan, its saurian
race and its gortog race, but that time is over.
The city of Aramore sells the fruit of the Ocada
tree, it trades healing herbs from the moors, and the fish of
the Iron Ocean. All of these things are the prime exports of
Aramore today. The city has a shipwright school called High-
Sail and they also teach the building of the Seran vessels to
the mongru that are west in Valhagan. The architecture of
the city is a sweet mixture of multicolored, domed buildings,
bulbous towers, clay shingled roofs, mosaics, and the garden
balconies of Aticraulian influence. There are also schools for
archery in Aramore. One of the greatest bow masters of all
time began the Institute of the Piercing Winds, a kai eldrynn
bow master called Tiali SilverThorn. The ruler of the city of
Aticraulian Empire
Aramore is a Seran born human, Raja Mul Forama (43rd lvl The Imperial Kingdom is the largest realm of all and
terran/ knight). is primarily ruled by the terrans. During their reign in the
There are six primary districts in the city which 9th Era, in the Kin Wars they were able to win many wars
begin at the upper-class section of the city. SkyStone Keep and take many lands as their own. They are a land of slavers,
is the castle where they say the top of the highest tower was military states, powerful senators and guild masters. It is the
made from parts of the moon that fell during the Shattering jewel of Koth and the name of the imperial land of Aticraulys
in the Age of Falling. The Cathedral of Thirteen Chapels is means “Paradise” in the ancient slave tongue of T’yamin.
a place that possesses shrines to 13 different gods within the There are many slave traders that wander the countryside
human pantheon. Beyond the Cathedral are some smaller in search of profit. Slaves are sometimes made gladiators to
chapels to other gods nestled to the walls of the cathedral fight in the pits and in tournaments. It is known to be the
district. The High Council is the final primary district of richest land in all the realms and the empire stretches from
the upper-class. The council chamber is surrounded by the the north western lands all the way down into the south west-
mansions of the council members. ern lands. A lot of technology and innovation comes from the
The Seven Scepters are the guild halls that include empire and with each decade it grows. There is a rumor that
seven of the most prominent guild masters in the city, one the vatagi are beginning to take over the empire from within
of which includes the Imperial Bank. There are other smaller and this very much may be true. Each year brings in more
guilds as well on this street and within the back alleys that and more of the vatagi race who seem to thrive within what
operate as merchant houses and even mercenary training was once known as a human only society due to the one they
halls. The Maelstrom is what they call the main market of the call “Mastia the Mad Emperor”. A murdering tyrannical lead-
city. It is filled with activity and is always constantly in chaos er who killed many due to their race. Even those who served
with sales, trading, and the magistrate’s tower which looms loyally for many years were dragged away and beheaded for
over the market. Shouts, punishments, and trade are always the sea of civilians to watch.
flaring in this bustling district area. The Battle Wharves is Most of its cities have a curfew, where people are to
also a part of the docks just a heavily guarded area where they stay off of the streets after High Moon. This helps in keep-
take the war ships of their navy very seriously. The remaining ing the crime low. To the Aticraulians this place is a hope-
three districts are: The Iron Side Docks, the Street of Sages, ful, expanding empire. To others it is a plague that needs
and The Beast Bazaar where they trade in all manner of ani- to be stopped before it cannot be. The Aticraulians control
mals, even elephants at times. most of the gold and silver mines throughout the lands and

S outh W e s t K o th

through slavery they have become powerful, as well through Banisher’s Trail
corruption and many unscrupulous deeds. Yet, most city
officials or senators find it a necessity that must be This dirt road leads through the dark country of
undertaken. As well they fear for their status. With each city Icobor. These terran lands are overrun by thieves and
they sack or each land they conquer they gain many more vagrants. The road gets its name though from the
slaves to join their armies and their populace. It is known earlier days when before the country was even formed. The
that thus far many campaigns to expand into the Crow land was haunted by demons from the Thrall Wars. A pass
Wilderness have failed. The mungreel and dark orc have been led between the mountains and it was the only way for
able to defeat their armies within the jungle. Deadly traps, refugees to flee. A band of brave casters gathered together
strange monstrous lizard beasts, and the savage reptiles are a to take on these demons with a series of magical traps and
constant deterrence. magical circles. When the demons came howling from the
The Aticraulian Empire flies the colors of gold and hills to swarm the refugees the traps were sprung, and many
red. Their standards hold a symbol that mixes the ancient were caught in them allowing the casters to banish them
symbols of the alpha, omega, and one that appears to take from the world of the living. The traps of the trail saved the
influence from their mohawk helmets. Golden hawks and refugees, and over the years those refugees were able to build
golden serpents are a part of their standard, along with the land now called Icobor. Now the trail is brandished with
the golden wheat. The hawk represents the alpha and the different magical symbols, re-painted upon rocks to honor the
serpent the omega from a story told long ago. There is a tale ancestors of the spirits that suffered in these lands.
that dates back to the 1st era, the dawn of the empire. The
serpent steals the egg of the hawk in the wheat field where Banner Burn (moderate city of Narcadia)
the slaves work and swallows it whole. The hawk hunts the
serpent and snatches it up. The serpent injects the hawk with The tormented city of Banner Burn was once called
its venom, but the hawk slices it open and tears off its head, Kalnahet and it was a thokk city. The thokk (dragon-kin)
before they plummet to the wheat to die together. They are lived in peace here, there were great cathedrals built to the
both resurrected from the same egg by the rays of the twin worshipping of their dragon gods. They studied the ancient
suns. Yet after they grow up, they do the same thing all over arts of draconic magic. They built massive sky towers on the
again, until the end of time. tops of mighty columns of ash stone and hollowed out the
The hierarchy of the Aticraulian Empire is led high towers with great walkways in the sky. Yet, in the years
by the Emperor and/ or the Empress, which is currently of the Thrall Wars close to 2,100 of the 6th Era, the city was
Emperor Sarius Tritus III (76th lvl human/ warrior, mage). sacked. Stormed by the vatagi and the black army of Baal
There is currently no empress and he leads at the capital city worshippers. The stygian demon god known as Carnage “the
of Aticraulys in the northern hemisphere. Under the rule of Horned God” is said to have marched 10,000 vatagi mutants
emperor is the title Imperator which normally signifies through the city to burn it. Thus, the glory of the beautiful
supreme military rule over a legion, a city, and its city ended in the Age of Wrath.
surrounding land. Under that title is Caesar and I believe this It lay in ruin for decades before the dark elves finally
information has been passed down from knowledge found rebuilt it. The kai eldrynn were able to save the city from
in ancient texts of the Forgotten Worlds and information total waste. As it began to reach a pinch of its old glory, with
re-written in the scrolls of a place long eaten by time. Under floating magical towers, and crystal monoliths that generated
the title of Caesar is then the noble rank of Lord, and under light in the night, the Age of Falling came and the Shattering
that would be one of the lowest forms of nobility which is came with it. The Void Stone wrought great havoc upon the
called a senator. The senator is part of a council that usually moon. When Gana shattered, the city and the land around it
acts as representatives for the people. The empire is vast and was engulfed by the devastation. It took hundreds of years
strong but there is much corruption. All races are slaves and before a clan of mutants came to rebuild the city. The Void
all have been throughout history at one point in time. The Stone had uncovered mighty resources and now Banner Burn
sad thing is that races often sell their own kind into slavery. has been rebuilt once more by the vatagi. Now the city thrives

T h e T o rture d S o uth

on the crystal resources and the waters at the port are very known as Katral came from the Void. It brought with it great
difficult to traverse so attacking it from the sea would be very wisdom and what is called Void Magic. Those who worship
difficult. It is a mighty looking place with high towers and Katral are only the ones that can hear the voice of the being
dark, twisted alleys. The vatagi thrive here and there are only telepathically. Perhaps it is true, that Katral is a god, why did
temples to the Stygian Gods allowed. This is an unwise city it come here though? What does the being want?
to visit for those who are enemies of the vatagi. It is ruled by These fields are nearly impossible to investigate
Duke Azaryn Gath (57th lvl vatagi/ warlock). Its main exports though these days, for they are in the heart of Narcadia, a
are crystal, garum, and oil. dark and dangerous countryside where the vatagi rule. It lies
just north of the Dead Road, where thousands hang from
Barren Wastes hooks displayed on the Dead Coast to rot. To the north
is the vast desert of Vazuun Denaahl, to the west the city
The desert lands called the Barren Wastes is a flat, Redwater, to the east is the Necrophage Forest where not but
cracked, realm where no plant life grows. Very little life undead beings swarm the woodlands.
exists here at all and it seems as though that if any life does
survive this wasteland, it exists under the sand. Earth Black Ridge Keep (stronghold in Sera)
elementals have been seen by nomadic, barbarian Broman
tribes as they pass through this land. It is known that some To look upon the keep it would seem that it is
of these minotaur barbarian tribes even revere the earth created with very poor engineering skills. The keep seems
elemental as a god, so they are dubbed elemental cultists by unbalanced and twisted upon the high cliffs and it seems
many. There is an old tale of the land being much different to wrap around these ledges and hang off of them in such
in the Age of Wrath. That a druidic cult escaped slavery and a frightening way that one good strike from an artillery
forged a coven that would bring about massive destruction weapon would bring the entire castle down. This is quite the
to their enemies by controlling the power of nature to crush contrary though. It is supported unexpectedly well by very
the demonic forces. This plan is written to have backfired strong beams that run through the entire cliff and through
when the gate to the Elemental Plane let loose an army of the castle itself. It was designed by the master Abraham
elemental beings upon the land and thus the misuse of power Jumani (architect/ mage), well known for his amazing works
sapped the realm of green life, or so the legend goes. using sorcery and artistry combined. He studied under the
master kai eldrynn teachings of Wyllneldaver Treehome.
Black Crystal Fields They are known for using magic to create their homes from
the trees without cutting them down, only expanding their
The purple and black crystals of these fields are growth and controlling where limbs make their path.
rumored to have grown after the Shattering in the Age The castle is home to the King of Sera, the
of Falling. When the Void Stone shattered the moon and Maharaja Om Kayal (52nd lvl human/ mage, bow master).
the pieces fell to the lands, they created great devastation. He loves magic and collects it quite often when he can in
Did these crystal formations grow in the wake of that dark his spare time. He is known for hiring adventurers to seek
age? Within these fields of crystal you can hear a strange out great artifacts to display in his castle. The castle is filled
resonance while in the areas that hold the most power. Some with magical traps and deadly mechanical ones as well. His
say it is the crystals speaking to one another, or that they archers are also known to combine crossbows with explosive
are channeling energy. Some wizards claim that there is black powder bolts. The Maharaja has been known to ride a
immense power, that the sound is them reading your aura as massive war mammoth into battle, where he and his men are
you pass. Yet, some claim that there is sentience among these strapped upon it in a covered battle harness. They use this for
crystals, perhaps some alien life remains from the travel a shield and fire their deadly weapons from up high. Many
between the stars. These fields are guarded by several mutant good thieves have tried to scale the walls into the Maharaja’s
clans, one such group is called the Worshippers of Katral. castle and many still rot in his dungeons.
A fanatical group that claims the stories are true. The god

S outh W e s t K o th

Bladechamber (large city of Icobor) Blood Moon Plateau

This city of pale skinned humans is well known for South of the Iron Desert in the hard lands of Brom
its schools that study the art of sword fighting. The army lies the Blood Moon Plateau. It was given this name long
of elite sword masters and knights are known all across the ago when the first terrans to discover it were starving and
south as “the Wall of Blades,” is led by Duke Charlemagne of dying in the Iron Desert. They had very little life left in them
Icobor (46th lvl human/ knight). The city is crawling with ad- when they passed yet another of the endless dunes. As the
venturers and dangerous duels take place all the time. There last drop of hope faded into the sands, the Blood Moon rose
are several laws that allow the duel to finish disputes, so high and illuminated the top of the plateau like a beacon, like
those with the best fighting moves are the ones relinquished a crimson light house showing the way to salvation. Crystal
of any guilt. The markets swarm with weaponsmiths and ar- formations grow on the tops of the plateau and all can see it
morers in Bladechamber. Even some of the finest dwarven for miles during the Blood Moon and the Azure Moon, but it
enchanters come from the east in Valhagan to make their was during that night that hundreds of starving slaves were
fortune by opening a trade route from the mountains the given the strength to march on. The plateau is said to have
Icobor. great game and waterfalls, even geysers at the top with hot
Most of their nightly tournaments are not to the spring baths, and an abundance of salt crystals. More recently
death as in Aticraulys. Yet sometimes it is inevitable. It is some of the minotaur tribes are mining the cliffs. There are
legal here, to honorably kill an opponent in a duel. Yet, if also tales of dangerous rat-kin cults within the mines, so be
the victim is murdered in an un-honorable fashion, the mur- wary.
derer is tried and beheaded. The law here is upheld by the
templars of the Order. The High Order follows the will of the The Blood Straits
Pantheon of Light. It has come to accept the Maker within
the pantheon of light as well, also known as the One God. Between the Dead Coast of Narcadia and the Seran
The Night Watch is still in power on the streets and clean up borders rages the Blood Straits. There has been much war
the vile thieves’ guilds mess on many occasions, but in times in recent years and the Seran Navy has given these waters
of distress the Knights of the Order are called to quest out this name. The Black Army has begun to invade the southern
justice. Bladechamber is one of the few places in Icobor with lands of Sera and Qualonia. Trade has ceased between the
a reputation of not being ruled by thieves. cities of these countries and the waters are dangerous here.
The city has two large wharf districts. The Rising During the time when the suns are setting, the waters here
Suns District is to the east and West Dock is of course, to take on the look of blood. Like a sea of red flowing from the
the west. West Dock is known for a great deal of smuggling lands of Narcadia in some ominous prediction. Perhaps it is?
and also called Smuggler’s Den on many occasions accord-
ing to the word on the street. The Blade Well is a well- Bog of the Taken
known fighter’s guild and adventurer’s company for those in
search of action or working as bodyguards. Magic is often Many wars have been fought here in recent years.
treated strangely in this city or even looked down upon. It The Hand of the Justicarian is a united army of many coun-
seems a great catastrophe nearly destroyed the city in the tries that have joined forces in the quest against the prophesy
early times and the descendants of this place still resonate of the Demon Gate. It is an army of criminals that have also
with that same distaste after all these decades. So, there is been sentenced to death. They can choose the executioner, or
an Alchemist’s Street, but it is quite hidden and difficult to the Hand. Some call this quest suicide and a death sentence
find amongst the maze of the Coin District. The city brings anyway. As of yet it has surely been thus. The Bog of the
in quite a bit of brandy, whiskey, and mead, yet main exports Taken is one of the worst places known upon this world, or
are weapons, armor, and ale. so I have been told. It lies in the northern lands of Narcadia
and was not always this way. It was once a place filled with
forests and fields for farming. The fog has become constant

T h e T o rture d S o uth

here. Some say it is the Veil Myst and I am one to believe looking for action there is a fighting arena on the last three
them, for nothing more than stories of terror come out of the days of the week. The place is called the Blood Fall. Battles
Bog of the Taken. For many years it has been the front in the are fought often suspended over the waterfalls of the Gale
battle against Narcadia and the Black Army. The Narcadian Towers where the magistrate is also stationed. The city is
forces that did not bow to the worship of the Stygian Gods run by Kalzar Fynal Bestald ColdFarewell (43rd lvl dark elf/
either fled or were killed and made into undead slaves. These bard). He is said to be a kind leader with a good heart, yet he
swamps are said to be filled with all manner of demons and is quiet about his dark past. The main exports of Bradn are
vile monsters. Those who go in, do not come back the same. berries, silk, and poetry.
They seem to return as hosts for demonic beings. Thus, they
become the Taken. The Taken must be exorcised and then
when the spirit is driven from the body it must be banished
back to Hell, or so it is written. The minds of those who were
corrupted are hard to save. They say some soldiers have been
stationed here for a week or longer, within trenches awaiting
orders. They sometimes send an army into the fog to attack
ruins and search for any signs of the gates that they can, but
nothing has yet been found. Only the ruins of old castles and
towns that are abandoned or filled with undead horrors or
restless spirits.

Bradn (small city of Qualonia)

On the great lake known as Titus Vau this small,

dark elf city relies on open trade with Aticraulys, from the
cities of Titus and Vita. The city is quite peaceful here and
their studies in literature and poetry have been known to
attract many bards from across the realm. There is a school
and guild for bards here called the Red Feather Hall. Some
of the kai eldrynn poetry has been found to be very deep
and invoking of great thought. It often creates an emotional
connection to the universe, the stars, and astronomy. There
is also said to be a school here on Void magic, although it is a
secretive subject and I will probably be scorned for bringing
it up if I am ever in Bradn again. I have seen the symbols of
the swirling darkness amidst the stars.
The kai eldrynn architecture is superb and the grow-
ing of the trees tangling the mosaic artistry that covers so
many of the buildings over the waters is awe inspiring to
behold. Many small boats and salbin vessels will take you to
your destinations or to taverns and inns that are suspended
over the lake and built upon tangled, low lying coriptus trees.
The trees seem to naturally grow with many columns to hold
the buildings in place. You can tell that some were formed
into growing in that manner, yet not all were forced in that
way. It is a quiet city of music, fishing, and art. Yet if you are

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The Burning Isles

The Burning Isles are claimed by the country of Za-

wan. This tropical island holds one of the largest volcanoes
that have yet to be discovered on Koth. Mount Varakatha
“Fire Thrower” in the saurian tongue. The island and the
smaller ones around it are swarming with barbaric saurian
and kobold tribes. These reptilians are very warlike and often
attack the surrounding countries. They even raid vessels on
the open seas for their over populated islands are in need
of resources. This volcanic isle is known to contain many
powerful crystals and alchemical components. Those who

Brom can brave the kobold tribes and large, reptilian wildlife can
often leave with good plunder to trade. Some claim to have
also found ancient thokk ruins near Mount Varakatha. The
Ironhaven is the capital of Brom and it is ruled by a long dead race would certainly have held many interesting
therian species of beast kin known as minotaur. The country treasures for adventurers to find.
is ruled by the Overlord Forgerooth Thunderstorm (68th lvl
minotaur/ barbarian). Other cities are ruled by what is called The Buried Crags
a Krol in their tongue which loosely translates into Lord.
There are also the Nine Tribes of Brom that are ruled by their These hills and rocky lands are home to many raid-
own individual Krol. They also roam the country wildlands, ers that stay near the roads. There are more than a few head
but they still pay homage to the Overlord and offer great hunters seeking payment for the outlaws that hide in the
respect to the Krols of the cities and the Overlord. The tribal crags. Deeper within the crags are said to hide ogres and
leaders produce offerings when they visit a city. They come trolls. Many that can crush a man’s head with a flung rock.
to the cities to partake of festivities and to find mates during There is only one story I have picked up about the Buried
the month of Fadyn. On the Day of Seed fertility festivals are Crags, is that deep inside the old tunnels of an abandoned
abundant and those who have survived the Algor will bear mertacullum mine lies the remains of an ancient thokk forge.
children and renew what has passed. The Dragon Forge is said to still burn with lava keeping it
The land Brom is represented by the colors brown, alive and the magic still exists within the three anvils of the
yellow, and red. They have a banner that holds many horns, forge. It was a great place for crafting magical artifacts for
representing both the Horned God, their people, and the their dragon gods.
Nine Tribes. They paint tattoos on their horns and often
revere the time of the blood moon. Most of them do not seem Calaka (moderate city in Aticraulian Empire)
to be bent on conquering other lands, only carving out what
they need to survive and living a good life from what the In imperial lands, this city is home to human mor-
world has to offer. Their artistry often depicts this and many tals. This city was founded primarily as a military stronghold,
times there are images of hunting, raising young, and playing yet it grew over time. There are many attacks that come from
games, like the game of stick ball that they call Tibanotos. the east by mungreel war parties, and dark orcs. The Crow
This is often bet on in the arenas of civilized areas. The bro- Wilderness is a dangerous place of cannibals and they do not
mans do have an open trade agreement with the Aticraulian like intruders into their lands. Calaka is as far as the empire
Empire and slavery is legal in Brom. In fact, minotaurs make has made their military campaign into the Crow Wilderness.
some of the most prized gladiators. Bromans also openly The walls of the city are covered in ballista and catapult like
trade with the other surrounding countries but are enemies artillery. They also use large fire throwers on occasion, to
of Narcadia and Zawan. burn Crow troops trying to climb the stone walls of Calaka.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

The city is colored with white stone and marble columns, the Castle Gothuu Remnant
rooftops wear umber clay tiles, or copper plates at the pinna-
cles of the round towers. The scent of fresh herbs litters the In the kai eldrynn country of Qualonia, south of the
streets as sage burns in the urns of many street corners just Tou Lake is the Castle Gothuu Remnant. An ancient dwarven
before the suns set. The city is very superstitious and many castle that was once the largest stronghold in the southern
of the churches are even held to strict codes of memberships. lands, which name roughly translates into “The Castle that
The Pantheon of Light, the High Order does nightly bless- Moves Through Earth”. This massive stronghold was once
ings and the gates of the city are closed at night to the Dae- thriving with life, yet the Shattering brought this all to an
mon’s Road. end. The Void Stone destroyed massive amounts of life, rip-
The forests that surround the Crow Lake are known ping the castle asunder and some say, creating the Gothuu
to be very dangerous. The wall is always watched very care- Canyons. The ancient mongru castle is now haunted by dis-
fully, and the night brings many strange noises from the jun- turbed spirits and littered with the highly innovative traps of
gle. Tales tell a terrifying story of a beast that lives in the the dwarves that still keep many of the eldrynn and adventur-
depth of Crow Lake. Some kind of hydra or many tentacled ers away. The castle hangs off of the side of the canyon walls,
monstrosity that has plucked fishermen from the decks of and some entranceways into the lower mines and dungeons
several ships, leaving only a few alive to tell the story. Yet, can be seen from afar when standing on the other side of the
I also heard one of these ships was cleared by a murderer canyon. Some of the mines that have been filled with water,
who killed his ship mates, yet only blamed this on the Crow no doubt from cave-ins or traps set off by intruding explor-
Lake Leviathan. The legend has spread in recent years and ers, have filled and spill out the sides of the canyon to fall a
has made the city more popular by the possible myth. very long way to the water and rocks below.
The curfew is held strictly here in Calaka, and the many
rules are upheld and enforced by the Night Watch. There is a Citadel of a Thousand Thieves
gambling den and watering hole called the Half-Eaten (small city of Icobor)
Crow and a fighter’s guild called the Iron Lancers. The city
has a strong government and is ruled by Lord Omnivius The name was given to the citadel that watches over
Cardoth (46th lvl human/ warrior) who once served as a this smaller city. Lord Azium Troff (60th lvl human/ thief)
general to the emperor. There are many other districts within rules the realm, as he once ruled a thieves’ guild for the High
the city of note such as: The Burning Bazaar where executions King of Darkrest. That’s right, he ruled a criminal guild for
take place and merchants set up stalls. The Talons of Paragal the king and used that position to make moves and counter-
is a guild court where prominent guild masters dwell in a moves for his liege and the survival of his people, as well as
palace of paradise. The High Order’s Supreme Cathedral of himself. Azium became powerful and wealthy. Starting this
Divinities is a place where many shrines of gods stand. Only city from his own sly wit, with permission from the High
the deities that are under the path of light reside there. King. These thieves operate as spies and are called, “the Eyes
In the lower-class district you will find: The Ash of Icobor”. The streets are dark and uncheerful, filled with
District where they have a crematorium and graveyard. The a twisting maze of small cobblestone alleyways. The small
Copper Mines are not only a long underground mining lanterns light the dark streets of this place and some loca-
area, but they hide many low-income houses as well. There tions, like Underbarrel are taverns that are actually below the
is a very dangerous locale known as Ten Copper Alley. It surface. The small city looks out over Dagger Bay and it is ac-
is a large slum area that has only been around for about a tually one of the primary stops for major trade routes by the
decade. I kept hearing stories about the place where even the sea. For many years other countries strayed away from this
night watch are paid to look the other way. Also, there is a place, simply due to the name and reputation. Yet now, this
place called The Fishmonger’s Bazaar where a great deal of city of pirates, thieves, and smugglers is home to all manner
fishermen trade and barter for all kinds of lake fish and of races from all over the world. There is much adventure
supplies. The city’s main exports are lumber, copper, and to be found and much loot to be had. The streets are of-
silks. ten littered with bodies from warring guilds and the gangs

S outh W e s t K o th

of street vermin, tarkanys, and mungreel. Its docks are filled

with taverns of pirates, harlots, and warriors of all races. Even
the mages here are often thieves, due to the thief/ mage guild
called the Eldritch Shade where one can learn the tricks of
thieves and sorcery. The main exports are tobacco, herbs, and
small fruits.


Much superstition surrounds the crossroads of the

empire. There have been many executions here, carried out
by the soldiers of the emperor. It is a cold place, often rainy
and gloomy. The old withered sign reads to the north: Octa-
vius Keep, to the south: Raider’s Pass, to the east: Vita, and The Crow Wilderness
to the west: Ostium. The hanging bodies from an old iplomo
tree are always there, a constant reminder to runaway slaves, Beneath the broad-leafed canopy of the Crow
thieves, or bandits. The Tree of Payment is what they call it, Wilderness, a race of mungreel dwell in high numbers.
and some tell stories of deals made with demons at the cross- These goblins wear crow feathers, often mohawks of them,
roads. and paint themselves in blood. They are a war-like race that
hunt one another and eat their own kind. The dark orcs and
Crow Lake mungreel goblins are some of the more terrifying of the
species due to the savage tales of their ferocity. Thus, they
The dark waters of the lake are famous for the story are known to most as the Crow Goblyn and Crow Orc.
of the Crow Lake Leviathan that is said to have lived in the Both dawn feathers and are known to be beast worshippers
depths for centuries. At this time only five or six sightings that pray to the giant lizard god, Hokto Mak Pakallo which
have been firmly reported, yet one story is thought to have translates from mungreel into the God that Eats Bones.
been a fabrication of the lone survivor who is called a mad- The Aticraulians to the west take away the trees
man by the residents of Calaka. He was tried as a murderer and their homes sometimes trying to burn the jungle down.
and executed after the event. The Crow Lake Leviathan is Many of the different Crow tribes execute intruders or scare
thought to be a hydra, or some type of multi-tentacled beast them with deadly traps. This realm holds a great deal of
that dwells deep within the blackest depths of the lake. It is treasure and gold, yet the Crow use this for art. There are
said to have destroyed entire ships and small fishing boats, massive temples built to gods as shrines and the temples are
devouring all of the men aboard. Some survivors have lived to said to be filled with treasures that are to be offerings to
tell the stories though and some of them were quite credible these beast gods, but what do the beast gods need with all
witnesses. that treasure? This is what the adventurers say before they go
Besides the stories of the beast, the lake is still home bounding off to the trap infested temples. The Crow have no
to a great deal of fishing. The tales do not stop the fishermen real currency but deal in a barter and trade system.
from going about their work. The lake is usually quite still They have been known to trade with sharpheen
and the jungles beyond the lake to the north are said to be scouts before but often kill humans or those that resemble
very unsettling and quiet. It is peaceful to sit upon a boat them, and this is probably because the Aticraulians have
and fish near them, but many claim they will not go toward done nothing to help relations. Be prepared for a long and
the banks of the northern shore due to disappearances and dangerous journey when entering this place. It is a beautiful,
attacks from Crow Goblins and Crow Orcs. yet perilous quest through this un-ending wilderness, which
is said to hide endless treasures, giant insects, flesh eating
reptiles, and deadly traps.

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Daemon’s Road The Dark Isle

This ancient trail has gathered a name for being
Ships cannot dock anywhere on this isle; the entire
haunted by vile spirits of the shadow realm and even Hell.
land is guarded by 2,000-foot cliff walls and in some areas
Yet in truth, it gives off a very perilous vibe. The scenery is
they are even higher. Sailors tell tales of sighting dragons
often quite grim, the trees are fearsome to behold, the mud-
that circle the island, but everyone knows they died out long
died road and gray skies that normally engulf these lands
ago. Did they indeed fade from our history then? Are there
keep the area like this almost all year round. Yet there has not
any truths to these sightings? I have seen their bones and the
actually been any record of credible spiritual sightings at all.
remains of the ancient beasts but never have I lain eyes upon
It is rumored that the road was given this name to keep the
a living one. Perhaps they all live only on the Dark Isle now?
raiders away from it, and to keep the merchant trade between
If so it would be an amazing thing. Even the flying ships of
imperial cities free to do their business. So, beyond the fear-
Mage Realm have not reported anything on the Dark Isle or
some visage of this place, it may just be another superstitious
have had anyone successfully explore it due to the strange
legend to give travelers nightmares.
magically dead zones. Flying ships that have approached the
island on four recorded attempts fell from the sky causing
Dagger Bay the casualties of nearly all explorers aboard. So, if anyone
happens to make it please come visit me in Caerwynn in the
The bay of Icobor is filled with rough waters and
Kingdom of Dalewynnd and tell me of the tales. I will make it
sharks along with them. Dagger Bay is also known to be a
worth your while if you bring me some evidence of the event.
famous place for pirates to hide within and many do not miss
The only way to the land on the Dark Isle is to fly,
a chance to attack any ships that sails across the entrance of
to climb a very long way, or through other magical means.
the bay. The islands at the mouth of Dagger Bay carry high
Yet with the astral anomaly zones it seems there may be
standing cliffs, massive sea torn towers of rock and natural
some problems with that, to where magic cannot work. This
caverns. The infamous Fleet of the Firbolgs is said to sail
is thought to be the place where a gnome God called Med-
these waters, so beware! I have also heard a terrible rumor
dlemuch discovered an ancient gate to another plane of ex-
about ships sailing too close to the rocks, where traps lay in
istence or, so the legend says. It is where he found ruins
wait of ships. Large casks of a burning substance that is set
guarded by mighty immortals and dragons. There is little
ablaze by fiery arrows. Yet, these were merely to scare cap-
information to share about this mystical place that is raised
tains into the jagged rocks that sit just under the waves, ready
with perilous cliffs on all sides. I hope to one day find out
to punch holes in the bottom of a ship passing over.
more information on it, for now it is a true place of mystery.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Darkrest (large city of Icobor) Firmament. The majority of the city is stretched out into
a crescent shape that descends all the way down to the
The powerful city of Darkrest guards the southern wharves and the docks. This area is known as Midtown and is
lands of Icobor. The city is filled with many races and much composed of the Midtown Bazaar, the Barren Coffers, East
adventure for those seeking to sell their swords. It is ruled Gale, West Burrows, the House of Nine Daggers (which is a
by High King Owlarc (76th lvl human/ scout), he has been guild of demon hunters), and the Trident Spared (which is
in rule for 16 years now. This city nears to Northwater in a large inn for drinking, gambling, and other pleasures). It
size. It is close to a two day walk on foot, from one side to stretches over an area nearly a half days walk.
the other. The Prima Plaza of Darkrest is a massive money- The lower districts of the city contain the Nether
making paradise. Pit fights, gambling, competitions, etc. are Wharves, Black Hand Mine, The Tin Powder Keg (an inn
all held nightly. Merchants of all the realms can bring their for smugglers, pirates, thieves, and adventurers), and Guild
tents and their wares to sell and trade. BannerThorn is a Street which contains many different guilds that one might
guild for fighters, mercenaries, and bodyguards. Rogues of work for or become enemies of. The Red Alley is said to be
Nymn Tat is a thieves’guild built from the poverty-stricken one of the most dangerous slums in the lower districts, yet
districts that are said to dwell in the sewers. There is also there is a place even worse that runs through the cliffs and
a cult known as the Blood Bound that have been known to deep into the underworld. Darkrest Mines can be found this
operate here and have spread to other cities, but it is way and it is filled with shadow elves, tarkanys, pale dwarves,
not known where yet. The Blood Bound are said to be and other races that frequent the Underworld. This place is
lycanthropes. A very powerful assassins’ guild called “the called Shadow Falls and is in fact a grotto where lower class,
Unheard” have also grown to a mighty status. Their aberrant poverty runs rampant. Three waterfalls cascade from the
acts of lawlessness are often blamed on King Owlarc’s orders. rocks and into the “Emerald Bay” is what they call this small
Many shadulyn eldrynn run the guilds in the sewers area of water due to its dark green color. There is nothing
or in back alleyways. In most recent years the city is growing shiny about the water though and Shadow Falls is no place to
in numbers with the shadulyn eldrynn. Yet, this does not wander. The blood tarks alone were scary enough from afar
seem to bother the rulers of this city. If I may be so bold for me to take the advice of others and not step foot within
as to write, perhaps an alliance has been set between the the streets. Darkrest though is a magnificent city of endless
races here. It is common knowledge that the shadulyn have wonders and adventures. Most likely one of the largest cities
their own city a few weeks travel below Darkrest. Many in the world. Others may also see the dragon boats and sky
southern tribal warriors have made a dwelling here as well. skiffs, or aether ships come into port at the Nether Wharf at
Some Trites from the east, and even some Crow who have times for it is not far from Mage Realm. Its main exports are
decided to live among the “civilized” world. I must warn you Silver and Salt.
to watch your purse in this city. The street urchins and thieves
are plentiful. Fantasy Street is where many pleasure houses
and gambling dens are located. The House of Requiem is a
known drug and herb den. The Arcane Ward is a place where
one can find the Library of Mysticism. The streets here also
hold places to sell scrolls, wands, spells, and magical items
yet magic is often frowned upon until someone needs it
badly. The Market of the Enchanters is a street that holds
quite a few enchanters from all across the realms.
Half of the city is in the upper districts on the cliffs
and woven within them through the caverns of the Darkrest
Bazaar. In the upper district it is a place the richest of the
city and the upper class call the Vault District. Yet, those
who dwell in the slums and in the lower wharves call it

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T h e T o rture d S o uth

The Dead Coast There is also a famous school within the streets
near the main market which is known as the Abandoned
On the western shores of Narcadia, the Dead Sorceress. Spell casters are often looked down upon in the
Coast represents the border of these blackened lands. This south, but this is a safe place for them to seek refuge and
wretched place is said to be the final resting place of learn the mystic arts. The city of Enos is ruled by Talzar (aka
Matrodore’s undead army. A blood mage bent on world Duchess) Mahaki Starsong (43rd lvl kai eldrynn/ mu dai)
domination. His army was destroyed during the beginning of she is a legend in Qualonia and many surrounding lands for
the Aticraulian Empire. It is now barren, and stories tell that carving out her name in history with blade and spell. The
it is haunted as well. Princess Manali Valay (5th lvl kai eldrynn/ princess) is just
a child but will rule when she is older. It is foretold that
Dead Man’s Marsh she will rule the city with much more open policies than
her father does from his thrown in the capital. The city is
Dead Man’s Marsh is wedged between the not closed off in the jungle either, open trade strengthens
Imperial Forest and Daemon’s Road. From the swamplands the economic growth of the city with a constant stream of
come many stories of the dead coming back to life within this merchants from the surrounding kingdoms. The main
place. Some say they have seen family members walking out exports of Enos is stone and cheese.
in the marsh that were buried long ago. There is a legend that
the marsh holds some ties to the Spirit World, perhaps there Farwater (large city of Mage Realm)
is a door out there in the mud somewhere? There have been
records by imperial troops that have encountered mire trolls, The famed city of farwater is thought to be a myth
and ghouls, amongst other foul creatures. There used to be by many due to the fact that the city is high up in the sky and
a couple of small hamlets out this way that were eventually perched on the cliffs of the Floating Isles. There are many
swallowed by the marsh, thus it is believed to be slowly ex- isles in the Floating Isles that are within the skies in this area
panding over the decades. There is also the legend of Witch and it is believed that this is due to some kind of magical
Haven. It was a town deeper in the swamp that was built to be accident, or perhaps created from an event during the Age
a safe place from the bog hags that live out there. The town of Falling. Farwater is a grand city filled with all kinds of
even grew into a castle over the years, but then one day it was sorcery. Due to the dangers of magic though, there are many
all lost to the monsters of the swamp. laws that govern the use of sorcery and rituals. Many of these
laws depend upon the ring of each caster. A lower ring caster
Enos (moderate city of Qualonia) is not legally allowed to deal with higher ring magic. The
Spell Guard and “the Guardians” are part of the committee
This city is rapidly growing on the edge of the Har- to keep on legal matters dealing with magic. They enforce
bor Brokenaxe. With dwarven trade coming in heavily from Magi laws within the city and the country. They are feared by
the mines of Stonegrowl and trade ships from Icobor and many of the populace for being very strict and low of humor.
other surrounding countries there is a steady flow of coin. Criminals are always wary of them for they possess the
The streets of Enos are often swarming with life and with powers of sight and scrying. They can hunt down their prey
many different types of races. However, this is a dark elven with the use of divination tactics.
city and the kai eldrynn are still ahead of the other mortal Farwater is composed of three halves of the city,
races in population here. There is a cult here called the Aban- which are also called districts. Skyfjord is the highest district,
doned Sacrament who are known to have a deep hatred for the richest, and holds some of the greatest magic. It is ruled
the old gods, also known as the Stygian Gods. Their temple by the eldrynn council where they call them “Sky Elves”.
is set up to try and help the nephilim race and root out vatagi Humans and halven eldrynn also live amongst the mortals
spies that worship the dark gods. The dark elves have long in great numbers. The Everfalls are the waters that cascade
been advocates of all magic types allowing them to be legal over the high cliffs of the city. The city itself was built upon
and it is so in this city. these sky cliffs, through them, and around them as well.

S outh W e s t K o th

There are trails that lead all along the outer stalactite of the magic, or something more? Late one night one of the elders,
floating island. Thus, many people get around by sky skiffs, a magi named Geldontim Garrison (36th level human/ seer)
dragon boats, and aether ships. Flying from island to island. explained the rumor of the Void Stone. It fell from the stars.
The highest of the Everfalls flows from Skyfjord, down to the The ships are all powered with pieces of it and once they
second district which lies within the inside of the floating leave its vicinity its power wanes and the ships slowly set
island. This district is known as HighCavern. into the sea. Once near the islands they will rise again.
Most of the city is powered by the Everfalls, The city is ruled by the High Council of the Magi.
watermills and windmills gather energy to power It has appointed many different leaders to rule over the
mechanical contraptions created by the gnomes and city with representatives called Grand Magi to operate as
dwarves that have moved into this district and now populate ambassadors that serve each race. Just under the Grand
HighCavern in great numbers. Gnomes all the way from Magi are city officials called Overseers that rule the different
Tanglepest and the dwarves from Valhagan. Many districts and islands. The city’s main exports are
other races dwell within this district that is known for great mechanical inventions, magical artifacts, and alchemical
technological advancements. The races here combine their substances. Since a great deal of magic is forbidden or
innovative minds to create some of the most magnificent trusted only to clergy in the southern lands, magic is very
artifacts. Light shards that are powered by energy to create open here, to an extent.
light throughout the caverns often take the place of lanterns
in many cases for they run without the use of oil. These Fields of the Septimus Vitus
crystals illuminate the tunnels of HighCavern where you can
see the steam coming from the copper and steel pipes and In Aticraulian, the words Septimus Vitus means the
vents of the many homes. The Skylake is an opening within Seventh Life. These fields of wheat are a great place for the
the base of the Island that falls all the way down to the Sea farmlands under imperial rule. They have been known to
of Shadows. Traders and merchants use the dragon boats to become a hiding place for escaped slaves though. It seems
transport goods across the city and to other islands. some of those who farm out in these lands do not feel as
The final district is called Sungarden. Those eager to punish slaves as they do in the city. Perhaps this is
who dwell on the outer cliffs of the city and on the outer due to the vacancy of imperial soldiers everywhere. There
islands in small farming areas also operate as the guardians are soldiers that guard these lands, yet they are not constant
of the outer walls. The Sun Guard dwell among them in this of course. Many tend to the roads and sometimes they pass
district. The gardens hang from the cliffs and are some through these fields on military campaigns or exercises.
of the most amazing sights and innovative methods of These fields are a gentle sight to behold with the rolling hills,
farming. Most likely these methods were engineered by the scattered trees, and meadows of cotton. There are four mili-
gnomes and the dwarves, but you can still see some of the tary outposts on the outer borders of these lands. Yet for the
eldrynn magic that was used to help guide the way. The most part the land owners have their own hired bodyguards
plant life grows along the walls of the cliffs or into the webs or family protection.
constructed to harvest the crops when ready. I went to
visit the city of Farwater only once. It is an amazing place to Fire Sands
be and for some I am sure they would love the beauty and
ingenuity of the place. However, I am not one who enjoys In the island country of Kotus there lies furious
heights. To be up that high in the sky is unnerving to me. I the mystic Fire Sands. The desert is extremely hot, yet
inquired to one of the ambassadors about the Everfalls and beneath the sands there are ancient temples filled with active
how the water comes to be flowing from the mountains of volcanoes. Many of the tribes of mhen tep that travel these
the sky and how the islands are floating? The sky elf only deserts have seen the fiery explosions into the skies. A
smirked and said, “magic.” As if that single word should grimalkin scout that went by the name Tin Det Hathmo
explain it all. Later I found out about the legend of the Void told me that once he watched an entire encampment get
Stone being the islands, after the Shattering. Perhaps it is all swallowed by the fiery sands and only some of them es-

T h e T o rture d S o uth

caped with their lives. The lava within the caverns below races. It is not unusual here to see the dragon boats or aether
consumed them all. It is a cursed part of the desert lands and ships flying around in this location. I was interested in
highly dangerous to random, volatile eruptions. You will learning more about these flying ships and how this marvel
notice many strange formations of black rock within these came to be. Upon Captain Wilham Humani’s ship I rode, an
parts, they are the remnants of cooling volcanic spouts. aethership called the Star Scraper. Some ships like the Star
Scraper use engines or machines that help propel the vessel
through the sky and it is composed of a mechanism quite like
the windmill. These ships still use sails, yet no oars are need-
ed until they meet the water, which many of them do to dock
and trade with cities on the outskirts of Mage Realm. Moon
crystals and void stones also power these mechanisms which
seem to help in the elevation of the ship, yet when they leave
Mage Realm the power seems to falter and the ships set into
the ocean. The sails are used to catch the air just as water
born vessels utilize the element.
These islands are inhabited by mighty wizards and
mystic creatures. Some of the mages here claim to be as
old as time, when magic barely existed in the world. It is a
great place to study the mysteries of magic, away from the
cautious and untrusting eyes of witch hunters or the inhabi-
tants of the south that are untrusting of magic. Travelers tell
tales that the Everfalls are created by magical gates that exist
under the waters and that it is a way to reach the islands
without the power of flight. In order to pull such a deep dive
The Floating Isles off though one would have to have the power to breathe
water due to the depths it would take to reach the gates.
These islands of Mage Realm are naturally unreal. The Floating Islands contain many different
They float high above the sea and are excellent navigational portions of land and mountains. Some are connected by
tools for those who dwell in Mage Realm. The inhabitants of fallen trees even, as well as massive amounts of vines. Some
this country are called Magi, even those who are not casters of the Everfalls rain down on other islands below before
are given this name. The Magi use these islands to tell time, cascading down to the sea. It is a magnificent entanglement
even though they still follow Eldijar’s Calendar these islands of flourishing ecological growth. The primary island holds
hold an accurate record of the time of day and their positions many mountains and enchanted forests which they say
and shadows help with navigating these areas quite well. are even home to mounts such as the Pegasus breed. The
There are many theories on why this natural Towers of the Blood Widows are floating on several different
phenomenon has occurred, yet the most popular ones islands yet are all linked together by bridges of stone. They
include the Void Stones being the answer. Some say the are an amazing sight to behold, however we never visited
power of the islands is given by the gods. Some say a them. They hold horrible stories about the Blood Widows
powerful dragon mage made them long ago using magic who were so addicted to witchery and their studies of the
and the dragon gates. Some believe the Floating Isles to be arcane arts, that they sacrificed their own husbands. Aether
part of the moon, as when the Shattering happened in the ships are seen at these towers, yet not many are admitted to
Age of Falling, these parts of the moon smashed into the them, the witches prefer their privacy it is said.
planet yet began to float due to the high concentrations of Another legend is of a lone tower that rests on the
the Void Stone within them. Whatever the reason is, they cliffs of one of the islands. The Tower of the Astral Eye is a
are here and are now traversed and inhabited by mortal place for those studying magic to go. The test is reaching the

S outh W e s t K o th

tower alone. It is claimed it is an arduous journey, and only an ancient word written upon a wall of steel. The word looks
those with some wits can make it to the tower. There are similar to the word Gothuu used in the old slave tongue. It is
some of the greatest secrets of divination said to be locked a word that means “eternal”.
away here. There is another small keep called the Star Cells.
This prison is known to be a powerful magical dungeon to The Harbor Broken Axe
hold exceptionally crafty, criminals, and spell casters.
Named after Boldar Brokenaxe, these waters are
Gate of Icobor patrolled by the dwarves of Valhagan and the pirates of
Icobor. At the edges of these warm waters stand many
This stone wall is one hundred feet high and villages of common folk. Humans, mongru, and dark elves.
stretches over miles of grasslands. It marks the border of The harbor is alive every day with activity with trade ships
Icobor and has guarded it for centuries. This wall is also coming in and dealing from the dark elf city of Enos, to
several joined military outposts. It is currently ruled by Duke Bladechamber, Traitor’s Den, and all over the south. This is
Carn (42nd lvl human/ barbarian-thief). They do search a great place for traders to grab some mongru weaponry and
caravans that come through their gates. These walls are armor. Trade between ships while upon the open water is a
guarded by two hundred ready troops. The gate guards will common sight here. The broken axe is a dwarven symbol of
extract a toll when entered, often an amount of 1 copper per peace, and most of the mongru seem only to fight when it is a
head. For most peasants and common folk, some cannot necessity.
afford this tax. That is the way it is. If you cannot pay the toll,
you die in the wastes outside of the gate. Hell Gate Gorge

The Golden Bridge There was a time when the name was given as a jest,
yet now it is no joke. So many have actually died here that
The Golden Bridge connects the city of Vita to the it is said to look just like Hell now. The cliffs are littered
trade routes to the east in Qualonia over the Crow River. The with the remains of bodies, hanging cages, and hung men,
bridge is very large, taking nearly an hour to walk across. women, even children. The tribes here view the other races
Those who seek passage or to use the bridge must pay the as heretics, infidels, with their souls needing to be cleansed
toll of 1 silver per head. Those who have a wagon must by the fires of Arallu. There are known to be many vatagi
pay 1 gold to pass, thus the name of the bridge became the tribes at the bottom and all seem to try and feed off of what-
Golden Bridge, it is heavily guarded by at least four squads of ever resources they can down in the gorge. There are many
Aticraulian soldiers. mines that trade to the Narcadian cities, crystals, mertacul-
lum, and jewels that are mined down there make the country
Gothuu Canyons even stronger. Yet, the place appears much as if it were the
landscape of a nightmare. There are adobe style huts on the
These were claimed to have been made during the walls of the cliffs where some of the mutant tribes live in a
Age of Falling, when the moon fell to Koth and created a hive-like structure. Most of these devil worshippers live at
massive explosion, ripping the land up and hurling it all the bottom of the gorge, yet there are scattered tribes at the
about. This may have actually happened, yet there have been very top. Those not of vatagi or demon blood will not be
geomancers and seers that claimed the canyons were here welcome here. It is a wonder if the goblinoids would be so
long before the Age of Falling. Some adventurers have found eagerly hunted and killed as well in these lands? It is just a
Void God technology within ancient thokk ruins, thus that curious notion that I share. Not to say in any way that I am
alone predates the Shattering by at least 2,000 years. There a believer in the racist rumor that goblinoids share in the
are in fact deep ruins within the walls of the canyons from ancient demonic lineage and bloodline. Yet, that terrible
several different civilizations, this makes it a great place for rumor has made me squeamish at times. I suppose it was
exploration. The Gothuu canyons were named this because of meant to, and created by someone who hated goblinoids.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Hell’s Gate Mountains Heaven. I would love to believe in this story, there are many
that tell it in the taverns near these lands. Who knows if it
These mountains operate as an impassible wall for was really Saint Olaf who you can pray to when you want
the Narcadian forces. They give the country a defensive more bread, that was the one who cut off the goblin king’s
advantage over some of their enemies, forcing any troops head?
attempting to invade with infantry to move up near Hell Gate
Gorge, or through the Crow Wilderness. Neither of those Horatia (small city in Aticraulian Empire)
options are promising. The mountains here are also
rumored to be the whereabouts of the infamous Demon Gate, This city is near the Imperial Bay, yet it actually
but no one really knows. This is all speculation, for many looks out over the Amure. There is an eastern gate as well
tales have been told about the exact location being found. as a southern gate that is open to trade from all across the
Even the prophets see these mountains in their visions at empire. The city is safe and snug sitting in the midst of
times, but the mountains are nearly impossible to traverse. imperial lands. It is well guarded by the troops of Aticraulys
They say there are many tunnels in the underworld, but the and well fed by the wheat fields nearby. The Vanguards
campaign is a very dangerous one indeed. The mountains of Vendetta is a guild of fighters here where they train a
are home for all kinds of demonic beings. The villages and great deal of soldiers within the city. The owner was once a
hamlets all along the mountains have vanished or have been general in the imperial army. Ravenhall is a library where
mutated into places filled with the taken, afflicted, and other many casters can learn new spells and magic. As well there
possessed creations. One explorer, a map maker by the name of is the University of Thaumaturgy, in the University District,
Taraslom did a great service to mortals for his work in which is also home to three other mighty schools.
mapping these areas. He claimed to have found chambers in The Grand Bazaar is always bustling with trade
a cave with strange metallic walls that produced odd symbols and the city is known to be growing with each year.
that lit up as he passed in front of them. On his return to this Horatia seems to look down on slavery quite a bit for an
place though he vanished, never to be heard from again. imperial city, but the market still exists. It is whispered that
Imperator Chansus Morday (49th lvl human/ seer) wants to
The Howling Hills abolish the slave market, but that the emperor will not
allow it. Rather than start a civil war the Imperator has backed
The Howling Hills gain their name from down on several occasions to keep away from getting his men
travelers long ago, who fell into the bowels of its depths. killed in a battle he knows they would surely lose. There is a
Passages, chambers, mazes, and catacombs lie within these great amount of trade though, and the city is on the rise with
places. Their tale led them to a pale dwarf city beneath the economic growth. Perhaps the future may hold more change
surface. This place is guarded by powerful trickery. The tale in store? The main exports of the city are rice and wheat.
of the adventurers that found their way to the pale dwarf
city is an amazing one, for the pale dwarves live very deep.
Their escape from the city is even more legendary, through
a gauntlet of deadly traps and dwarves attempting to kill
them all along the way. The goblin king Mochataka began
hunting them once they escaped the dwarves. Through the
ruins of Wanotonan an old thokk city, the battle against the
goblins is still told around the fires down south. The Howling
Brotherhood and how they took the head of the king and
made off with the treasures of the pale dwarves! They never
worked again, bore many children, and lived the legendary
lives that heroes do. It is also said that after the days of their
deaths, they were granted the status of saints in the realm of

S outh W e s t K o th

The colors on the banner in the kingdom of

Icobor are white and black. The banner of Icobor is often
seen with a black center and two white bands on either side.
In its center is a diamond and two curved blades crossing
beneath it, with the hawk around the others. The
country is ruled by High King Owlarc (76th lvl human/
scout). The country is currently allied with Sera having the
strongest bond with them. They also share a mistrust of
magic within the ranks of the poor, just as in Sera. Allies in
order from greatest to least: Valhagan, Qualonia, Mage Realm,
Brom, Kotus, and the Aticraulian Empire. The enemies of the
country: Narcadia, the Crow Wilderness, and Zawan.
Icoborians have a stigma of being untrustworthy.
This is of course not true and is absurd to think that all

Icoborians are thieves. It just so happens that the ally I spoke
of before is from Icobor and he is very trustworthy… to a
friend. So, the point is to not be judgmental of all those you
The dark lands of Icobor are primarily human meet from the “Kingdom of Thieves.” It is a beautiful place
lands. The sky is often gray in this region and the weather and if you ever wish to get away from the two suns and you
somewhat dreary. It is a land of criminals, thieves, and enjoy rain then be sure to visit the land of Icobor.
assassins, a rogue’s paradise. Many famous assassins and
thieves spawned from these shady lands. Names like Jacai Imperial Bay
Throne; the legendary kingslayer, Sindi Six Fingers; the
grimalkin knife master, and Foulyn Kife’ the thief that could Guarded by the imperial cities of Horatia and Twin
break into any prison, or out of one. They are said to have Towns, these waters are overly secured by the might of the
started the infamous Black Guild Halls where thieves and Aticraulian navy. Thousands of war ships make the bay an
assassins train many newcomers of the major cities unsafe place for pirates or enemy vessels. Every day ships
within Icobor. There are well known fighting and are boarded and searched by soldiers in what they call
thievery guilds where you can learn the skills to become a “boarding exercises”. Yet, these so-called practice runs end
proper rogue, the romanticized type in the stories anyway. up being more like raiding parties or, so I have heard. This
I was asked to write about this by a colleague, a traveling is something I do not take lightly, if it were just from the
companion in this line of work who wanted me to make a mouth of some random sailor who claimed to have seen it
distinction for his sake. Yet, I must make something clear happen before I would not write this. If it were a civilian with
about this. It is an argument we have had many times. hatred for the empire that wanted to spread filth upon their
Now I know there are some who hold moral codes reputation due to a personal grudge I would still not write
who are only burglars and they claim to not hurt their targets. about it so lightly. This is what I have heard from credible
To me stealing someone’s silver is almost just as bad, they sources, even ex-soldiers of the empire. Even when you
may end up starving to death after stealing the money they are out of the military of the empire you are never really
spent months working for. So, my companion retorts with… out. This is exactly what the Imperial Bay is, a storage for
“that is why you steal from the rich my friend. Do not waste warships and old soldiers.
your time on the poor man’s purse.” Then so I come back with
“someone will end up getting hurt, then the rich merchant Imperial Forest
has his guard killed because your skills superseded his own
perception.” Thus, the argument continues, and I will not The Imperial Forest is riddled with mire, bogs, glades
bore you with further details. of thistle, shaded glens, and palmettos. There are so many

T h e T o rture d S o uth

different types of trees even oaks, maples, the jagged calafars, mages that can create magic around them called “ecospheres”
beautiful flowered orphillias, and broad leafed mastrons. In are also able to search under the oceans around us. The
the time of the aphelion when they say the Algor comes, surface of these waters carries many mongru pirate hunters,
many of these trees begin to die. Three months of darkness goblin raiders, sea serpents, kuthalan pirates and the dreaded
and cold will kill most life but I believe our world has learned hydras. Far beyond the country of Sera and between the
to survive. Even the plant life must learn to cope with the realm called Kotus and Zawan, there lies the Iron Ocean. It is
harsh weather of the lands. Yet, when summer comes it is a said to stretch far away to the south where there are stories
time of rebirth. I have heard that this is a place for runaway of an ice world that exists. Massive giants, winter trolls, and
slaves to flee to. That there is a band of them within the frost wyrms dwell like the stories of old.
Imperial Forest that call themselves the Fist of Freedom.
Sometimes slavers go in searching for this band, but most Ironhaven (large city in Brom)
do not return.
This very large city is a magnificent sight to
The Iron Desert witness for those who are traveling across the Iron Desert. It
was founded by survivors of that very same ordeal, wander-
In the harsh lands of Brom the Iron Desert often ing and starving in the wastes. Now it is home to diamond
dawns a dark brown or even gray, metallic veil over the land. mines, quartz, and other minerals. The resources that just
The minotaur tribes dwell here and roam the desert lands as so happen to be its main exports. Ironhaven is the capital of
hunters and gatherers. They trade with outsiders for food Brom and the Overlord Forgerooth Thunderstorm (68th lvl
sometimes. Many claim they have also seen the mhen tep minotaur/ barbarian) has been a proper ruler of the kingdom
wanderers in these lands, and even humans. I have heard for thirty winters. The broman do not seem interested in
tales of Aticraulian slavers searching the lands for lone domination over many territories, but they have had several
broman warriors to capture and drag back to the war-like encounters with the Aticraulians in the north. There
imperial lands to sell. The pit fighter arenas pay well for is currently open trade with the Aticraulians but who knows
minotaur gladiators. how long the shaky trade agreement will hold out? There is
There is a story about one of the black towers being a rumor that the Aticraulians are salivating over the diamond
in the middle of the Iron Desert hundreds of years ago. It mines of Brom and that they want them very badly, as well as
was comprised of a massive labyrinth of traps. Yet, a group the oil that the bromans gain. It seems that Brom deal more
of adventurers delved into its depths and were able to reach with Qualonia, Valhagan, and Icobor than anyone else for a
the core of the tower. Once they reached the center they had good reason. Perhaps they know that economically they will
to do battle with a massive minotaur demon. After a battle eventually have to cut the imperials out of deals and go to
that lasted three days they lost nearly half their party yet war.
finally slayed the great Pyranthurou demon by piercing its In the meantime, Ironhaven is a beautiful place and
chest with a mertacullum spear! The heart turned to stone the broman artistry is sometimes quite captivating. They
and the entire tower shattered into tiny pieces, millions of craft some of the best stews I have ever tasted using leek,
shards that flew everywhere and turned the desert the color garlic, and peprikata spices from Aticraulys. The Horned
it is today. Harbor is what they call the docks area, while some call it the
Western Wharves. The dark waters do provide a great
The Iron Ocean naval defense for any invasion that might take place from the
sea. These waters are filled with islands that tower like tall
The salt waters of the Iron Ocean are home to many columns of earth and create great caverns and coves to coast
races and creatures within the steel depths. Yet, the mer are your ships through and under. It is a lovely sight to behold
said to be the most dominant beneath the surface. There the waterfalls and to look upon the city from the beach of
are stories about castles under the ocean that only those the Isle of the Horned God. This is off the coast of the docks,
who can breathe water will ever be able to see. Powerful where the shrine to Othakus resides. A large stonework

S outh W e s t K o th

construction of a minotaur god, Othakus was crafted to stand Isle of the Shade Clan
watch over the city of his people.
The Overlord’s castle resides at the uppermost The legend tells a sad tale of a large group of mhen
plateau looking over the city, then another layer is home to tep monks known as the “Shadow Climbers.” There are still
the rich of the city, a district called Khold. The middle-class stories about Shadow Climbers being some of the best mhen
district which is home to many guilds, merchants, and tep warriors, almost like the ninja in Myen Wu, yet not only
artisans is called Falkreek Vale. This is also where the docks spies and assassins. Yes indeed, they still do exist, or so I
are located and the Falkreek Bazaar. The lowest district lies hear. These Shadow Climbers though were seventeen of the
within the tunnels of the plateaus and under the city within greatest warriors and were loyal to Pharaoh Rene Rahak, the
what they call the Labyrinth. It is a slum and many of the mhen tep ruler of Kotus about three hundred and seventy
black-market deals, pit fights, and slavery is found there. years ago. These shadow climbers were his personal body-
guards and he would use them often to accomplish certain
The Isle of Illusion missions he wanted to be quiet about. Well, Pharaoh Rene
Rahak had a brother Timal, who was jealous of his older
This realm of wonder is consumed by great magic. sibling, and he wanted the throne for himself. He did not
Wizards from all over the realms travel here to study, learn, want to wait years for his brother to die so that he could
create and sell their magical abilities. There is a story that finally rule in his elder years. So, when it came time for his
the island changes reality every day, thus when night falls brother to marry, the jealous brother Timal devised a plan.
you could be camping somewhere and then awaken some- Many beautiful women were brought to the king-
where else. Many claim that there is an entrance to the Fey dom, yet so many were vain, pampered, envious, cruel, even
World here, home to many tree folk, gnomes, fairies, centaur, hateful. Most were seeking fortune, and to become the queen
unicorn, pegasus to name some of the more docile species. of all Kotus. Many maidens of royal blood as far away as
So, in my curiosity I took some of my scouts with me since Myen Wu were brought to Kotus for this choosing. So Timal
none of the locals would go to the area, I was sure to hire knew that this would be his chance to strike. He had searched
my bravest and craziest of allies. We stayed the night on the far and wide for a potent poison that would kill his brother,
island, without a change. We found no entrance to the Fey something that the healers would not be able to antidote. At
world and no amazing creatures. For the week we were here this time, Rene had his seventeen Shadow Climbers scouring
the only amazing thing I could see were the Floating Islands the countryside for a poor girl, a slave girl, a farmer, or any
in the sky. The island is a very large one though and just one of them that held great beauty in her heart. He cared
because we did not find these things does not meant that only for one that would be worthy to sit by his side forever
they do not exist there. I have always been one to challenge and to rule the people justly and with kindness.
certain local legends and put them to the test for the sake of His Shadow Climbers loved their Pharaoh and
my work and to let outsiders know of the dangers. Before I would gladly lay down their lives for Rene, so they tried
begin to boast too much though I am sure you know by now as best as they could to do this. They would move unseen
that I stray from areas wrought with too much danger. and create situations of morality, mundane tests for the
In more recent years though, more races have maidens to pass. Finally, it came time for the choosing and
taken their place among the deep oaks, palm trees, and seventeen poor girls were brought to the palace. When Rene
maples. The trog, goblins, org, and ogre. They have begun met the emerald gaze of Ezmeyel they knew instant love. It
to dwell in the enchanted mountains of the island. These did not take long for the wedding to happen, but the sealing
mountains are known to possess some active volcanos chalice was placed before them, that both must drink before
within the depths and are known to have ancient ruins being forever entwined in marriage. They pleasantly said
within their midst. The goblinoids are brave enough to search their vows and Rene drank first. He fell to the floor, wracked
them I suppose, they want something that is down there. with pain and all screamed in shock as their pharaoh lay
They are willing to risk their lives for it too. A story speaks dying. His healers tried all that they could but to no avail. The
of something in the ruins beckoning folk that get too close. wisest seer said there was still a chance to save Rene. A

T h e T o rture d S o uth

powerful artifact known as a Godstone was said to be Kaiel (small city of Qualonia)
within the ruins of an ancient Pharaoh. It rested on the
island northwest of Kotus. The pharaoh had died but was Kaiel is an amazing place within the Qualonian
so wicked his followers never used it on him. It had the Jungle. It has recently reached a population that is great
power of an archangel imbued within it, the power to bring enough to be considered a small city. There are two
one back from the realm of the dead without using dark primary districts of the city called the Red Towers and the
necromantic magic. Shadow District. The Red Towers are composed of homes
This Godstone was hidden in the deep and guarded and walkways that exist within the tree tops. There are small
by the blood mage pharaoh, terrible traps, and other demonic catwalks, larger roads, and even platforms crafted of ropes
beings. The seventeen did not hesitate. They rushed off to and pullies to create ingenious elevation lifts. The Red
the quest, swearing victory or death. Sadly, the pharaoh died Towers is home to some of the shops that contain magic
that night and Timal took the throne for himself, as well as and alchemical substances. They are home to more of the
his brother’s fiancé. They say Timal played the part well, but upper-class guilds and expensive wares. Also, some of the
then sent a hundred soldiers to go to the ruins on that island better weapons and armor are found in the tree tops.
and destroy the entrance with powerful alchemy so that no The Shadow District is covered by many webs
demons would ever come out and harm anyone. Little did of vines and foliage to shield the market and the main
they know they were sealing the seventeen within. Ezmeyel bazaar from much sunlight. You actually have to travel to the
heard this order and was horrified, for she knew who had Garden of Aldariol, the elven goddess of nature, or the walls
poisoned her fiancé at that moment. So, when the time came of the city to get any real sunlight. The farms outside of the
for her to wed the new pharaoh, she poisoned the drink just walls gather some light through the jungle canopy, where
as he had done to his brother. As he died, he called for the light is precious. Yet inside the city, the Garden of Aldariol
seventeen, but they were nowhere to be heard. The seventeen is the only known place to bathe in the light. The Shadow
Shadow Climbers had been sealed away forever, they died District is also filled with the lesser guilds, merchants’
within the tomb and were never able to save their master. homes, fur traders, blacksmiths, cobblers, and tinkers.
Yet, they say that they remain there today as vengeful spirits, There is a famous watering hole, place to stay the night, and
on the Isle of the Shade Clan, to guard the ruins and the gambling den in the Shadow District called the Candle-
Godstone from all evil. light Inn. One can find all kinds of jobs and hear all sorts of
rumors there. One may also visit the Starless Court for
Ivy Crags several different guilds to join. The city of Kaiel is host to
primary exports of fruits and honey.
The twisted and tangled crags get the name from
the obvious title. These vines strangle nearly every rock and
boulder in sight. They cover nearly every crevice of these
hills and surround even all of the mortal made structures.
The entire area is quite beautiful but very dangerous to walk
through. You could easily take a wrong step and plummet to
the sharp, jagged rocks below if not careful. Within the Ivy
Crags are also several hamlets and a few abandoned towers
that were once the old hideouts of robber knights. I have
heard stories of many bandits and outlaws that are on the
loose in these areas. In the local towns and cities, you can
find many a wanted poster with the Ivy Crags stated as the
last known whereabouts. Thus, you can imagine the place
gets quite a busy trail of bounty hunters and rangers skulking
through the land.

S outh W e s t K o th

Kald (large city of Sera)

The large city of Kald is ruled by Prince Ral Romada

(27th lvl warrior). He was placed here by his father who had
kept him from the battlefield so long he began to resent his
father for it. Thus, the king finally placed him exactly where
he wanted to be. Seran and Narcadian troops are always
in conflict, especially in current years, there is a constant
naval war going on in the Blood Straits. Ral Romada trains
for battle nearly every day in the courtyard of his castle the
Tir Arel, alongside the Blood Baron Boris Varath (56th lvl
human/ sword master). They say the Blood Baron is a deadly
master of the blade and was sent here by the king to ensure
the Prince’s safety. This is not looked down upon in any way,
it simply reminds the people that a father loves his son and Kotus
nothing more, even though the Prince feels ashamed and
that he does not need protection. He is indeed a very adept The great and mysterious island of Kotus is the
warrior and of this there is no doubt, but any man or woman homeland of the grimalkin, also known as the mhen tep. This
of royal blood needs protection. That is just how it is. island is a dangerous place filled with monk clans, bandits,
The castle looms with three towers over the city barbarian tribes, exotic plant life, and deadly monsters. It
flying the flags of Sera and the horned face of the mammoth is also said that many monks dwell in the mountains and
skull. There are ten districts within the city, not including forests training in the ancient martial arts. They say a few
the palace and three of them are slums. The highest of the of the areas here have made weapons and magic illegal,
districts are: Kraken Square, East Run, Upper Calaphar, forcing all to walk without them. It began this way when
and Garden Center. The mid-level districts are known as: Kotus was formed after uniting the Nine Clans. This forced
Waterside, Freehork Market, and Battlehorn Bazaar. The many tribes to study the martial arts making their body a
lower districts, slums, and poor areas are: Valley Park, dangerous weapon. After most of the tribes united, they
Fallburden, and Gray Lantern. The city has a very high created the universal banner to represent Kotus. The
population, but the war has made it suffer in recent years due pyramids and the eyes of the grimalkin below the twin suns.
to loss of life in naval warfare. The colors of the banner are blue and gold.
Kald has a great navy, one of the best they say. They There was a brief time when a doppelganger stood
also have the dwarves of Valhagan to improve the armor of in the place of the old pharaoh. Kotus nearly lost their
their warships and engineer better battle efficient ships for entire royal family to a group of shape shifters if it had
a small price of course. The mongru are happy to help if it is not been for the quick actions of the mhen tep seer
to stop the Narcadian expansion. The city of Kald has many Kalajar from the jungles of southern Kotus. Even to this day
homes, shops, and buildings made of the brown clay that is the armies of Kotus still battle the armies of doppelgangers
highly abundant in the area, then their homes are solidified that dwell in the depths and subterranean tunnels of this
by the granite of the mountains. The streets of the city are country, the ones they call the Jo Zami “the Skull Eaters”. The
often cut into deep trenches where the shops are sometimes doppelgangers are dangerous and can take the shape of their
built into the walls of these walkways. The water then runs victims. If they eat parts of the brain, they can even copy the
down into deep cisterns beneath the city of Kald and out memories, mannerisms, and vocally match the victim very
large pipes, spilling into the Blood Straits. I love to see the well. Most races see them as evil beings that steal the forms
innovation and marvels of advancements in architecture, and of others and thus far it has been very true. The doppelgang-
Serans do it well. The main exports of Kald are clay, flour, and ers have been known to trade with some bandits or pirates
iron. that have explored these lands, yet the Kotushites want them

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all to hang for their endless, brutal murders and the atrocities for the pharaoh, his family and all his servants. The second
that the shifters have committed against the country. is the Temple of Cratalis where the High Priest of the god of
The northern part of Kotus is a beautiful desert that creation and light dwells with all of his priests and priest-
holds several pyramids and engineering marvels. The south esses. The third is for the Warlord and his generals. Those
is a steamy jungle that is said to hide the ruins of a long-lost who lead the military forces. There are a few other temples
race that contains some of the strangest pictograms and art, within the city that are shaped like the pyramids but on a
depicting visitors from the stars. much smaller scale. For instance, the Temple of Kota, the
god of pain, darkness, and death is where the bodies of the
Lanacre Moors (small city of Sera) dead are burned at the top and the ashes given to those who
loved them in life, or carried to the top of the Temple of
This small city began as a resting place for Twelve Winds to be cast into the night. All that dwell in the
travelers through the muck and mire of the Lanacre Moors. pyramids are often born there, grow up within it, then die
Now it takes the very name of the swamps. The city has been there. It then becomes their tomb as well.
called Troll Town by many, for it does hold a mix of trolls as The middle-class dwell in the five districts and are
well as humans. The city is actually run by a troll, his name composed of all the merchants, artisans, healers, trades-
Ungdah Moonstriker (51st lvl troll/ knight). The troll has a men, etc. These districts are called the Steps of Ashenda and
small face and head growing out of his primary head. This honored by the goddess of hunting and shadows. This is
smaller version of himself can talk and they will often argue where you will find Mindlpar’s Bazaar and the Temple of the
with one another. The troll is surprisingly an honorable and Shadow Climbers where they train elite monks how to fight
kind-hearted mortal, but to look on him is quite intimidating and learn about the selfless path. Most magic is looked down
and hard for most folk to do. He helped the serans storm the upon in these lands unless it is performed by a priest or
Lanacre Moors in the earlier days and wipe out the bog hags priestess for it is sent to us by the gods. Only the righteous
that tormented the swamps. He helped build this place and are to meddle with magic, only those who are marked.
swore allegiance to the Prince Ral Romada of Kald. The lower-class district, the slums, and the dark
Now the city is just large enough to be called thus. alleys of society is called District Six. Kotushites
The trolls and bogkroll are many but the humans have gather for pit fights to watch the fighting monks compete in
surpassed them in numbers. There is a bank guild that has brutal combat and also bet on them to make money. The slave
moved in most recently that has made the city very strong in market is also here and all of the homes that slaves dwell
the past five years. The Vaulbritters Bank and their guild of within. Slaves are branded with a tattoo on their ear to show
mercenaries can be hired out as bodyguards or sent to do odd that they are slaves. They are also only pierced once at times,
and dangerous tasks. Many soldiers go to this guild to train but most in the middle class wear two in each ear, while upper
and join up. The Mud Docks to the south do not go to the class wear three hoops. This tradition is not always honored
sea, but out into the swamps, and these docks only hold some still but some do follow it. There is a safe place in District
of the smallest boats around. The primary exports of Lanacre Six, a place called the Shape Shifter’s Gallows where you can
Moors are prawn and glow moss. find a gambling den, brothel, food, and a place to sleep for
the night. The city’s prime exports are oil and dried onion.

Mau Yu (large city of Kotus) Mirstone (medium city of Brom)

The grand capital of Kotus. A population holding At the southern tip of Brom, looking out over the
thousands of mhen tep kotushites ruled by the great Pharaoh Amure is the medium sized city of Mirstone. The city has
Azatep Meyek (63rd lvl mhen tep/ fire monk). The capital has a much easier climate than the capital of the broman lands.
become lax on their rule of no weapons within the city, yet There are forests here, scattered trees outside the walls, and
now it is no weapons in the upper district which is known green farmlands. The ruler of Mirstone is Krol Rombort
as the Ascension Square. There are three pyramids here, one Hagar (39th lvl minotaur/ bow master). The krol or king is

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under the Overlord in status but rules justly over the lands There are two middle-class districts; Emerald Falls
surrounding Mirstone for his liege lord and the nine clans and the Golden Towers. These are home to guild masters,
of Brom. The city is covered in high stone towers bear- healers, alchemists, traders, and crafters. The Myrket Bazaar
ing the strange stacked architecture of the bromans. Their is here and the Grimalkin Docks. The lower-class districts
towers appearing as if uneven circular blocks were stacked are composed of two areas; The Glittering Mines and the
one upon the other. Yet, once you reach the top is the largest Crystal Grotto. Both of these places are under the surface of
rounded area. At the top it is domed and then crowned with the world and are home to the slums and laborers of the city.
the crystals or bright stones from the earth. They also bear The city is responsible for many gems and stones, making
large, horn-like spikes that stick out of their towers, making their main exports precious gem stones and crystals.
the apex appear like a morning star. The towers often fly long
woven tapestries, or banners that billow in the winds out over Mountains of Gold
the clay and stone buildings of brick layered streets. This city
contains six districts in all and only one is in the higher rank- The old gold mines stretch for miles throughout
ing area. The area is called Four Stones. It is walled and four the ridge. There are tales of these high cliffs once being the
towers guard its very own stronghold built around the Krol’s hiding place for some of the most dangerous dragons when
horned festhall in the center and highest point. the Dragon Gates were destroyed. Now these mines seem to
There are two districts that make up the middle-class nearly be tapped of all their gold and resources after decades
areas. These districts are called: Fort Hill and Kral Vale. These of mining. Yet some adventurers claim to have found thokk
are both military districts and they both surround the Four ruins deep within them, along with the burial chambers of
Stones district. The lower districts are made up of four areas several seraphim, which are the fiery angels of dragons.
called: Zuhan Bazaar, Upper West Wharves, Black Hill Slums, There are wide cave entrances from 50’ to 100’ feet
and the Juma Maze. The latter being a dizzying maze of mud up on the side of the cliff walls. They say they are perfect for
huts, stacked upon one another throughout the dirtiest part flying beasts to land within upon the cliff walls and it makes
of the city. Mirstone is a busy place though and is steadily it terribly difficult for those who cannot fly to get into the
growing. There are many weaponsmiths and armorers that Dragon Caverns. Even though many claim the empire has
set up on Metal Street and you can find plenty of adventure tapped the mines of all their resources, adventurers have still
here. It’s main exports are precious stones and cotton. found caverns that go even deeper.

Mistfall (small city of Kotus) Mountains of Wu Tonk

The jungle city of Mistfall is home to plateau Deep within the Crow Wilderness there are the
pyramids, waterfalls, and domed huts. The hunting cat is a mountains of Wu Tonk. The city of Wu Tonk was near to
common pet for many of the richest mhen tep in the jungle. them and even stretched across the mountains and into the
Kotus is an ancient land that still contains many mysteries jungles. The mountains have held a long history as one of
deep in the subterranean areas. They must also have a city the whereabouts of a Void God tower. It is unknown where
of doppelgangers in the depths because there is a constant this legend came from or if it has any truth to it. Yet, now
war with them. They keep coming to the surface and taking the mountains are home to a barbarian tribe of cannibal-
the shape of grimalkin, killing them and taking their place. istic Crow goblinoids. There were three tribes prior to the
There has been talk of sealing the tunnels to the depths Aticraulian invasion that sacked the city. The cannibalistic
forever. Yet it is weighed by the hunt for resources and goblins killed, devoured, and sacrificed the other two tribes
crystals that are found in the depths. There is a part of of Crow and now they are the only known power in the
the city Mistfall that is entirely under the ground. Mistfall mountains and the city. They are of course called the Wu
has five different districts, the richest being the site of the Tonk tribe and are a feared race of the Crow, being strong,
plateau pyramids, or Temple District. This is where the queen powerful, and savage in their customs. Even the art of the the
dwells, Queen Menai Het (52nd lvl mhen tep/ water monk). Wu Tonk conveys fear with bones, flesh, and body parts.

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Mystguard (large city of Mage Realm) with its own dock at the very top where it is believed city
officials transport to the magistrate’s tower by dragon boat.
The grand city of Mystguard is ruled by the High The last district is the mines called Underhome. Many races
Council of Magi and twelve appointed Grand Magi sit at the who enjoy living beneath the surface also dwell here. This
huge, opal, round table. All of the Grand Magi are archmage is one of the most extensive cities I have yet to be within
status and all of them represent the twelve districts at the and the stores and shops are always changing. It is open
council chambers. Since magic is somewhat forbidden in to every race and every creed. The food is very interesting,
many lands in the south, or highly looked down upon for and it seems like you can have a little bit of every culture
those who are not of the clergy, Mystguard is open to spell within these high walls. The main exports of Mystguard are:
casters. There are indeed laws that govern over the rules of alchemical herbs, spices, haze mead, and opium.
sorcery, and just as in the floating city of Farwater, the Spell
Guard and the Guardians are there to enforce these laws.
The night guard are still mundane mortals that operate as
the brute hand of street justice, yet the Spell Guard are an
elite group of casters and fighters meant to bring magical
criminals to justice.
The cobalt blue crystals burn bright to light the
streets at night of Mystguard. There are three districts that
are home to what is called upper-class citizens and it is
home to the rich, the city officials, the magistrates, and the
strongest of the guild masters. The Eternal Bank, the
Cathedral of the High Order, and the Great Hall of Justice
reside within the upper-class districts. Elmstar, The Emerald
Square, and the Dao are the three high districts.
The middle-class districts are actually more
abundant than the lower-class. The six districts are:
Homestead, Half Barrel, Amberloft, Galebar (the dwarven
district), The Grand Bazaar, and the Northdawn Wharves
where the ships come to trade and barter at 10 silver a day to
dock. The middle-class districts are well guarded and highly
patrolled. The Grand Bazaar district is set up nicely as you walk Narcadia
down Trade Street directly from the Northdawn Wharves.
There are plenty of inns and alehouses to wash away the smell Narcadia has become one of the most dangerous
of dead fish and lobster heads at the docks. Then from the countries in the known world, even called by some “the
bazaar the different streets of trade, stream off from the main Black Empire”. It is a part of many prophesies that claim the
market. Alchemist’s street, Clothmaker’s Street, Silk Circle, vatagi that worship Baal and the rest of the
Blade Master’s Square. devil worshippers will end up taking over the world. This
The lower districts of Mystguard are few but they could very well be a terrible rumor, but more and more
are quite large and take up a quarter of the city population, if facts are beginning to pile up that scare citizens into
not more. There is a dwarven owned shop, a two-story place thinking it might just be possible one day. Narcadia rests
with a sign that reads: Knucklehammer’s Enchantments. It is between the country of Baahltizar and the great
seen on the corner just as you turn into Junk Town, where it desert of Vazuun Denaahl. The black army has invaded
seems like they have pawned all the old magical items that many lands around them and are starting to reach out into
are spent, torn, or otherwise thrown out. IronHall is a prison other territories. Many say a soul gate was opened to let forth
and it looms over the slums, there is actually a large tower the demons of Hell and allow them to come to our world

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and commit horrific crimes against mortals. They say this Necrophage Forest
portal has not been closed yet and now the demons have
created a kingdom, an army, and spread to other lands where These trees are still alive which is interesting since
the minions of darkness will march from the sixth plane and most of Narcadia seems dead, withered, and trampled. Yes,
consume the world. There are actually religious groups such I believe trampled is a perfect way to describe this once
as the Hand of the Justicarian and the High Order, that are majestic realm. The Necrophage Forest initially was given its
actively searching for this Demon Gate in an attempt to shut name from all the undead that were hidden under the canopy
it. They believe that once Baal, the god of devils is strong to shield them from the burning rays of the twin suns. Aos
enough to return, he will come from Hell to take over. and Set would have easily shattered the undead soldiers to
It is a place that has turned into something very ash if the rays were to touch them through the shade of the
wrong. The thokk were the first inhabitants of this place and tree tops in the daylight. Even though they say many minions
it is said that once the Fallen One, Baal fell from the sky in still roam these woods most of the undead army stationed
this very land then the thokk began to worship him as their here has been used up (since scouts last reported).
one true God. The writings in the Book of Baal say that he The Veil Myst has been seen within this forest now.
did not remember who he was and for a time he did help It is very prominent in Narcadia and some believe that this
people. He walked his people through the lands of Baahltizar is caused by the Demon Gate, or rifts that open up spilling
and made them safe. It is said that the true corruption was the fog-like miasma into our world. Some seers claim that
when he discovered the ancient magic of the Void Gods . He the Veil Myst is changing our world into what Hell is like.
reconstructed the esoteric, alien magic and used its power to It seems to change the very spirit or essence of the world
bring some of his kind from the homeworld he was banished around us, so the dead come back to life and the trees even
from, Terra. There are others that claim he is the same breed become alive. The trees here have vines that look like flesh,
as the ancient race we still call the Void Gods. some of them look just like intestines stretched across the
The lands here are burnt and ravaged of any life. It tree, their bark is flesh and any exposed part of the tree is just
seems that every corpse that was buried in the cold dirt has bone. The trees have come to life and from the accounts of a
been raised by black magic and used as a slave. Slavery is chaplain of Ra who serves with the Hand of the Justicarian,
legal in Narcadia and it is also within their laws to enslave he claims “the trees have eaten some of the men.”
spirits and the dead. Thus far they have made only attempts
at attacking local countries and taking from them their Nin To (small free city)
resources, it is unknown if they are in open trade
agreements with other countries except Vazuun Denaahl. It This city is ruled by the pirate king Mondollis of
would seem for any country to succeed in such a conquest Thead (62nd lvl human/ pirate). It is a trade city with a very
that they would need vast resources and some kind of help or fat population of pirates, merchants, thieves, and assassins.
allies from some other country. Perhaps they do have more The dirty city is filled with crime and yet for those who
allies, but perhaps these “friends” are not from this world? wish to hide, it is a paradise. Duels in the streets are a daily
Perhaps the legends are true and Hell is on their side? routine. It is very legal to fight and kill for those who have
Every year Narcadia grows in size. They do not done you wrong. Whoever loses the duel is the one who is
follow the same laws as most lands. Black magic is legal, and guilty. Slavery is legal here and this city holds a vast amount
it is even praised. There are vatagi that have fled this land of slave trade, spices, rum, powder, and weapons. The island
from what most are calling, “the Stygian Forces” due to their is tropical, and Nin To is hidden up in the harbor amidst
reverence of the Old Gods, the Stygian Gods. Narcadia has the broad leafed canopy and banana trees. The island is also
begun to fly a black and red banner. The Stygian Forces are known for its shadow spiders. One in particular is Tathitrus
flying the symbol of the dark gods, a six-pointed star with the Shadow Spider Queen. Those who are punished for very
the signs of the six devil lords. Baal is their true leader and bad crimes in Nin To are publicly executed by being thrown
is claimed to give them orders from Hell. Yet from this world into Tathitrus’s Web. This legendary being has been around
Imperator Azadiel (63rd lvl vatagi/ mu dai) is said to rule. for 1,000 years, at least according to the stories.

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Brom deals with the pirate city of Nin To and has This beautiful mongru city has a large pass called
actually allowed open trade between them. Probably because Oakfall Bridge that connects the main land and opens
this pisses the Aticraulian Empire off, or because the King trade through the mountains. There are quite a few hidden
of the Pirates has ordered none to attack those who fly the roads that are kept secret from others which forces other
Broman banner. The city has done well for itself in recent races to pay for dwarven scouts to get them through these
years and if not for the trade agreement between Brom and areas. There are also many tunnels beneath Nor, and it does
it, the city would not have lasted. There are only 3 districts connect to Stonegrowl through the Underworld, but it
here, one rich and two lower-class. King’s Square is of course is faster to move along the surface roads that are built as
the rich district where the King’s Tower is and the magistrate. hidden paths through the mountains. Nor has nine districts
The other two districts are Barter Town and Rum Row. The with three being on the outside of the mountains. Starting
main exports of Nin To are rum and bananas. at the top and with the richest district there is StoneFire
Keep, IronIce Halls, and then the tremendous district that
Nor (large city of Valhagan) houses the Noran fleet and surrounds three sides of the
island is called Valkyrie’s Port. These wharves also have a
This mighty city rests on the side of a mountain western, southern, and eastern dock.
and surrounds a powerful dwarven stronghold. The city of The islands outside of Nor wear the stone creations
Nor flourishes in the trade of salt and valcrium from deep in of many statues of heroes that have lived over the years and
the mountains of Valhagan. It is a very good supplier to all gods that watch over them. The honor of being added to
races as far as weaponry and armor. It is also home to one Saint’s Watch is unmeasurable. It is known with the dwarves
of the most notorious dwarven mercenary guilds known as that they possess three primary gods and then many more
Clan GiantBane. They have a very good reputation for living that they often keep secret from other mortals. The other six
by a strict and honorable battle code. The Knights of Nor districts run into the mountain and then below it all the way
are also an elite group of battle hardened warriors. Another into caverns that lead to main land under Valhagan. These
guild called Clan IronBone are elite demon hunters and train districts are: Kohor Halls, Gemdark, the BoneFaulder Bazaar,
in the city of Nor. They also have a school there to train Neldheim Towers, HogGlen Stacks, and the Durrum Mines.
others. Clan IronBone uses brutal techniques, unusual for Walking through these streets is amazing to see the sights of
humans and eldrynn. So, if you are of human or eldrynn the caverns alive with raging braziers, great glittering towers
blood and looking for a demon hunter school I would from the top to the bottom, and many walkways over the
suggest looking within Baahltizar. The school was created stacked houses. The small alleys look so inviting I wanted
only a couple of decades ago, built by the current leader King to wander down them all and enter every small shop. The
Yumboral IronBone (68th lvl dwarf/ demon hunter). mongru artistry is amazing and the architecture superb. They
The city of Nor has a high distrust of magic. really put everything into their work and you can tell. The
Magic is often practiced in secret and hidden. Yet, priests primary exports of Nor are ships, valcrium, and salt.
or chaplains under the Mountain Hammer Cathedral are
allowed to practice magic freely. Necromancers caught in the
city of Nor suffer public execution as they are always burned
at the stake. It seems as well that the magic of enchanters has
always been fine amongst their strict laws but their view of
this kind of magic is also centered around being a blessing
from the gods. Nor has some of the greatest shipwrights in
the world. There is a grand amount of trade between Nor and
coastal Seran cities. The Noran Fleet is a magnificent sight
to see and they possess vast ingenuities of engineering. The
Royal Noran Ironsides have dual frontal cannons for blasting
ships to bits.

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Oak’s Rest (large city of Sera) is a large, fallen, petrified oak tree that is called the Resting
Place. The last district is actually named Dire Alley and is
On the southern end of Sera lies the large city of run by a dangerous cult called the Third Eye. The cities main
Oak’s Rest. This city reached the large status within the last exports are glass and pottery.
decade due to its economic growth and the flourishing of its
trade system. The trade that comes in on the Seran Road is
little compared to the ocean routes where ship is constantly Octavius Keep
bringing goods into the DriftWood Docks. These wharves are (stronghold in Aticraulian Empire)
very large and stretch the length of the city on its southwest
side. The city is ruled by Ranee Kami Djuhar (49th lvl human/ A smaller castle in the Aticraulian Empire that is
alchemist) who is the daughter of the Maharaja of Sera. known as a prison. It is one of the worst prisons to go to and
The city contains 10 districts that are separated by it is the one that prisoner’s fear. There is a rumor that they
upper-class, middile-class, and lower-class as most cities are. torture the inmates no matter the crimes. Scientific tests in
The three upper-class districts are: Patriarchs’ Palace, Prem pain and subjugation to horrific experiments. They craft new
Court, and the Street of Trials. The street is surrounded and terrible ways to do these things, thus the castle is filled
on every corner with many of the higher official positions with all manner of perversions. The Executioner, whom is
within the city. The High Court, the Library of Aosset, and also known as the Lord of Chains has many books on the
the Great Square of Monuments. This rich district is heavily subjects and keeps records of the way prisoners are tortured
patrolled by the guardsmen of the city who are called the or executed. He also keeps logs of the manner in which they
Endless Blades. were carried out, the results of these torments, and prisoner
In the middle-class districts there are six towers reactions. Not the jolliest place to go. I only got the chance
capped with bulbous tops as the Seran architecture. In the to walk through and see all of the tools of the trade. All
center is the Church of the High Order. Glass Town is one were used by the men they called “the Punishers”. I was not
of the districts where many vials and baubles are traded allowed to see beyond a place they called “Final Light”. He
and sold. You are sure to find pottery there as well as glass told me I would not want to see it. Which made it all the
blowers, alchemists, and herbalists. The Black Suns more interesting, but I took his advice on the matter. Not a
district sells weapons and armor. It has also become a large cheery man and the Punishers are probably not men I would
mercenary guild that adventurers can both join or hire. The want to anger anyway.
last district within the middle-class area is called Uma’s
Garden. It is a beautiful place filled with exotic plants, Ostium (moderate city in Aticraulian Empire)
mortal made waterfalls, and statues from some of the greatest
artisans. Some of these artists hail from as far as Myen Wu. The city of Ostium has a giant golden eagle statue
One of the three low-class districts is of course the on the inner wall of the city. It is the most compelling thing
Driftwood Docks. Even though it flourishes from the trade about the first glance when coming over the hill to witness
that takes place and the selling of fish and seafood, the slums it. There are three gates into the city and two wharves that
surrounding the area are overpowering. The stacked huts and operate in two different bodies of water. Antia Bay is to the
crowded streets are brilliant to look upon but walking down south and the northern dock goes directly into the Amure.
the small streets they smell horrid and are quite dangerous at Ostium is known for its pit fights and slave trade. The
night, or so I have heard from the locals. The City of the Dead Amphitheater is a place where many mortals die each year.
is the massive graveyard that was made when the plague Some actually pay to fight and attempt to gain fame, while
nearly wiped out the entire city. This became a severe burden most are just trying to survive to see another day. The
when the Pale Plague broke out. It was after the city began to Amphitheater is in the rich district known as Imperator’s
rebuild from the near annihilation when the princess came to Square, along with the Castra Regina where the castle stands
rule. Even the leader before fell victim to the Pale Plague. The looming over a moat riddled with spikes. The Tower of
district contains many mausoleums, crypts, and in its center Thorns is where the magistrate operates in daily affairs, it is

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also where the prime Imperial Bank resides. This portion of lives. If they continue to fight for the military here, they may
the city is also guarded by the Praetorians which are part of retire free men. Patan is ruled by Talzar Glavia FearFollow
the royal guard. Praetorians are elite fighters of the empire. (47th lvl dark elf/ mu dai), which is the status of a duchess
They protect and serve the leader of Ostium, who is called in dark elven society. She is no coward and is a banner of
Imperator Garrath Brakus (56th lvl human/ knight). fiery hope when seen on the battlefield. She always gives the
The other districts of the middle-class areas are soldiers a morale boost with her flaming shamshir. It seems
called: Gorgon’s Bazaar, Aosset Towers, Devil’s Court, and that the Black Army does not seem to be concentrating all
the Iron Market where they sell slaves each day. These of their efforts in sacking this city, nor have they set up an
are all portions of the middle-class districts. The red and effective siege yet. They could be moving into
gold banners fly on each street corner and there are many position to do this slowly, but thus far their battle tactics
statues of generals and warlords in the upper-class areas. have been odd, unpredictable, as if they want reinforcements.
Aosset Towers is actually a splendid addition to the city and The city has two upper-class districts, the Pagalon
one of the most unique assets to the city and the empire Palace, and the Hall of Shadows. Both of these places are
in my opinion. It is one of the most amazing observatories heavily guarded by elite warriors, dark elf soldiers called the
where scholars and astronomers can study the stars and the Ildjun. They train with polearm, daggers, and alchemy to
Convergence. There is a very large spyglass within the tower defend the royals. The middle-class districts SkyLoft,
that is five times larger than any canon I have ever seen. It is the Hellborn Market, and Tal Stadjunaliquis which is a
supported by pulleys and a machine with many golden cogs district that has several schools and libraries. The lower-class
and gears. One sits within a chair and peers through this districts have now begun to outnumber the middle-class.
cylinder to the crystals at the end that somehow enhance our There is: GladeShine Square, FastBarrel Mines, VineShadow,
vision to gaze closely upon the stars in the Heavens. It also and the Petrified Cavern. The mines are some of the most
has the ability to move by pushing your feet and turning a important areas of the city Patan. The war within the mines
wheel that moves to a different part of the star map. It is one has caused some problems and has led almost up to the
of the most amazing marvels of creation to me. Petrified Cavern, which would be a shame to destroy such a
The lower-class districts contain but are not place of history. The cavern is filled with statues of petrified
limited to: Northern Wharves, The Broken Sandle Square, soldiers that battled an army of gorgons from the Shadow
South Docks, and the Apothecary which is filled with many Plane. During the Thrall Wars this battle took place and all
different alchemists, herbalists, and healers. There is a of the statues, now long dead soldiers that are no more than
famous watering hole here, the Inn of Shallow Dreams which stone within are filled with fear, rage, and passion. It is a
is right on South Dock. It is a place to get odd jobs, contracts, garden of meditation and inquisitive thought.
and bounties. It is also a good place for food and ale. The FastBarrel Mines are filled with water passages and
main exports of this city are amphora, pearls, and dye. wooden troughs that allow full barrels of resources to be
moved quickly to other locations. These mines lead all the
Patan (moderate city of Qualonia) way down to the bottom of the canyons. The Black Army has
attacked from this way, from the river, as well as from the top
The city was once a large, thriving city of life. Now of the canyon wall. The river is one of the main trade routes
due to Narcadian invasions Patan is very close to becoming a for the inhabitants. The primary exports are coal and lumber.
war-torn battlefield. Families that still dwell here confide in
hope that the war will be won and that it is not over yet. The Peaks of Solice
city has been able to fend off two large sieges so far and will
continue to do so as long as reinforcements keep arriving on The dark elven word for “shadows” or “darkness” is
time. Reinforcements from other Qualonian cities and even Solice. Thus, the Peaks of Shadows get their name from the
from Sera and Icobor come to help in the battle. Some of mountains that also appear black in nature, jagged rocks, that
the Hand of the Justicarians have actually been allowed to are obviously composed of some strange type of rock. They
settle here with strict promises to defend the city with their have been here for millions of years they say, so if anyone

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ever did know the secrets of the mountains they are long the illegal trading of intoxicating drugs and poisons. There
gone now. Everyone knows that the shadows move strangely are several guilds that fight for control over the streets and it
here in the mountains. They seem to play tricks on the eyes. seems the Black Guard is unscrupulous and only sometimes
Ariell was a dark elf maiden that once lived in the serve justice to the surrounding city. They tend to guard the
mountain monastery of the elven god of war. It was a strong- Pasha’s tower well, yet are known for accepting bribes.
hold in these mountains where warriors were bred to be the Pota Pek has always been a place that thrives in sea
Ildjun. They are famous elite spear fighters, fast, quick with trade. They fly black and gold banners and wear dark armor,
daggers for short range combat. They are also good with al- gold turbans, and a single, steel, spiked helm. Many wonder
chemy. They study alchemical powders and potions and use why they have not been wiped out from the Black Army, yet
them on their selves as well as enemies. One dark day the some say they have become allied with the Stygian Forces. If
castle was attacked by a coven of necromancer shadow elves. this is so, this spells danger for so very many countries for
They were black mages and assassins called the Vyrdalden. Vazuun Denaahl is not a power to be taken lightly. Pota Pek
The force was able to kill all of the Ildjun but one, who fled has thirteen primary districts. three of these are upper-class
into the mountains. He heard the screams of the maiden and are known as: the Harem of Death’s Kiss, the High
Ariell and it stopped him. She was a good girl and had always Magistrate of Law, and the Cathedral Square where many
been kind to them as they trained. She had always fetched different churches reside. One is even a church to the Stygian
them water and healed their wounds with white magic. She Gods. I believe it was this that first tipped civilians within
was almost like a mother to them or a sister, so he could not the city off. They began to talk and rumors spread. There is
just leave her. He decided to wait until nightfall of the second a large quantity of vatagi within the city but that is not so
night so that he may heal some of his wounds. unusual being so close to the Narcadian borders. Where
It was too late though when he snuck back into the many countries have created a trade embargo against
monastery. Ariell had been killed the night before and made Narcadia, it is widely rumored that Pota Pek and perhaps
into a monster. They had transformed her into a blood mage other Dennite cities have succumbed to this.
to use as a servant. The soldier tried to get her to escape and The middle-class districts in the city are: the Sand
freed her from the magical circle she was trapped within, but Crypts where many mummies lie forever in their mausole-
Ariell went insane with rage and vengeance. She lashed out, ums. The Garante Bazaar, the Pearl Towers, the Six Wharves,
killing the mages as they slept. By the time they could wake and the Parliament. The Parliament is the house of the Black
up and organize it was too late, Ariell and the lone Ildjun had Guard and where they train. The Pearl Towers is home to
slaughtered what was left. She turned to the Ildjun and he several of the richer guilds that vie for control of the streets.
thought she would destroy him, instead she thanked him and The lower-class districts that remain are: Djinn Alley, the
told him to flee with his life. He did as she bade him and he Glass Bottom Square, the Nine Guilds, the Burning Scimitar,
watched the monastery burn to the ground from afar. Now it and the Four Bit Bargain are the main districts of note.
is claimed that her vengeful spirit hunts the Peaks of Solice.
Pota Pek (large city of Vazuun Denaahl)
Out of the three Qualonian lakes, also known as the
This port city watches the coast of the Red Sea and Silver Lakes, Quai is the second largest body of water. In the
is surrounded by the unforgiving desert Vazuun Denaahl. language of eldrynn and in the kai eldrynn dialect the word
Assassins guilds are prominent, mercenaries are many here as means “sleeping” or “tranquil”. Some of locals refer to the
well. Their main exports are salt and glass. Pasha Pek Tahalli lake as it being still waters nearly year-round. There is always
is the (64th lvl human/ merchant/ assassin). He resides in the much fishing on the lake and you can see the salbin ships
great tower, “Path to Heaven”. He has a harem of assassins upon the tranquil waters every day. It is a calming place of
as well that are said to have superb skill. It is also said that peace. Just watch the edge of the Qualonian jungle on the
he has a djinn as his lead advisor. Much of the city seems southeastern side of the lake. There are tales of umbra beasts
quite poor, and the streets are very dangerous, filled with snatching up fishermen right off their boat and vanishing.

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caught off guard. It is also known that some of the elite spear
fighters, the Ildjun, more specifically the ranger ildjun are
beast riders of the rakka. These elite dark elf warriors must
The kai eldrynn country of Qualonia is ruled by the train the beasts from birth to create a natural bond. The
High Kalzar Tempoldra Jyn (82nd lvl dark elf/ priest). The Ildjun are well known for their fighting prowess. Many
High Kalzar does not reside within one of the cities but learning both magic and blade as the mu dai in their
within the hidden Monastery of Whispers which is claimed training. Yet, the rangers of the Ildjun have their own branch of
to be near the mountains within the midst of the jungle. beast riders and are considered some of the deadliest units of
The dark elves are very much like the high elves and the rest cavalry known in Koth.
of their brethren in appearance, yet all too often their hair The magic schools in Qualonia teach all of the arts
tends to be pale or silver and their skin a dark tone. The openly in certain places as long as you know where to look.
Qualonians are a race of great aptitude. They are people that Black magic in Solistia is learned but these necromancers
have integrated magic into so many aspects of their society, are treated like the Arbiters of old and used in a manner to
as most elven people have in other lands. Like the high elves control undead, not create them for black desires. Those
they bend and curl the growth of the trees to create their black mages that were once hired to try and stop the Pale
architecture in many cases. They call upon druidic magic to Plague, but who were later hunted down by witch hunters
weave homes up within the trees, but most dark elves prefer and falsely blamed for the pale curse. If you are in search of
to keep their homes close to the ground in burrows unlike magic in the south, Qualonia and Mage Realm are certainly
their high eldrynn brothers and sisters. Many create them the right places to visit.
within the bowels of the massive colyptus trees that are The banner of Qualinost is green, gold, and
native to this part of Koth. They grow thick and massive with purple. It holds the symbol of the seven pointed star within a
so very many tangled, strong roots. colyptus tree. Inside is the symbol of eternity and the
Qualonians thrive with magic and it is open to banner represents the interwoven combination of both
learn within this country and its borders. It is not outlawed magic and nature. The seven pointed star represents the
here or feared like in Sera, Zawan, or some of the other seven worlds according to dark elven lore. Qualonia is a
southern countries. Many have grown very superstitious proud country and they have been very secretive for so long
of magic as of late, claiming it is the cause of the great since the days of the Kin Wars. More modern times and new
travesties in the world. The Pale Plague, the dead rising from generations have decided to open up trade to gain new
the grave, and demons coming from the opened gates of Hell. allies. Whether this is an evolutionary change of the times is
It is the kai eldrynn who see magic as a way for the people unknown, for it could merely be the ever present Narcadian
to protect themselves from these horrors. They are careful to empire coming ever so closer. As well the war poses
whom they trade magic with on the roads that pass through
this kingdom. Not all are to be trusted, and they are true
enemies of Narcadia for sure. The growing empire of
Narcadia is known for its spies and they are everywhere.
There have been several claims and rumors of Narcadian
spies and hangings or burning of “witches” on the side of the
roads. There have already been more than a few skirmishes
in the northeast as well against vatagi fanatics of that devil
worshipping horde.
The primary scenery of Qualonia is jungle. It is
often hot and humid in this country. The large carnivorous
reptiles like the wild rakka are often found hunting in packs.
Finding wild packs of rakka usually does not end well,
for these things can devour a squad of soldiers if they are

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The middle-class districts are: Thol’s Bazaar, the Iron

Market (where slaves are sold), the Burning Square (where
executions are held for the public), Paradise Halls (where
many live and the churches to the Stygian Gods are found).
There are separate churches for each of the six dark gods
that stand at the end of a long street of homes built upon
one another. The churches are positioned on the outside of
a massive circle with each church at the six points of the
demonic star in the center.
The two low-class districts are the Blood Wharves
and the Stacks. The Blood Wharves are completely filled with
slums and rough taverns filled with vatagi pirates, slavers,
thieves, and assassins. The Stacks are where the majority of
the population lives. These adobe, clay, and stone huts are
stacked upon one another like a massive hive. The primary
exports from this city is leather and rice.

Ruins of Antia

This was once a mighty Aticraulian city, a mark

left by the might of their growing empire was stopped by
one of the most powerful pirate fleets in history. Antia fell
under the blade and torch of the pirate Admiral Varyn
and his mighty fleet. The pirates had suffered so many
Redwater (moderate city of Narcadia) losses during the sacking that the Aticraulians retaliated with
another fleet that wiped out Admiral Varyn and the
The city looms over the Dead Coast and gazes out remainder of his pirate army. There is still said to be
over the Blood Straits. There is a road along the Dead Coast treasures within those ruins as well, if you can brave the
that leads from Banner Burn to Redwater. As far as I know undead that roam the remains of Antia.
it is unnamed. I interviewed one of the Fallen Clan before, a
vatagi who claimed to have lived there for twenty years. A few Ruins of Eve
years ago, he left the city due to the war. When the Stygian
Forces came through they had no choice but to kneel or die. This tortured city is a burial ground that was
There are nine primary districts in this city and it is ruled by swallowed by the Bog of the Taken. This place is filled
Overlord Rath Yakka (54th lvl vatagi/ barbarian). He resides with all manner of nightmares both hellish in spirit and in
in the Twin Towers where the castle stands. The top of one material form. The undead roam much of the surrounding
of the towers is cut in half or was a few years ago anyway. It walls and inside the streets of the ancient city. Even in the
did not seem like they cared for repairing it. day the Narcadian umbra that seems to enshroud this cursed
The upper-class districts are: Trugald Gargen which land has forever blocked out the divine light of the twin suns.
is a spiked vine infested maze that surrounds the keep filled Not many have lived to tell the tale of the Ruins of Eve for
with all kinds of terrors. The Red Hall is also within the there are dangerous demons said to rule the broken city. A
garden that surrounds the castle and the hall. The Red Hall survivor, one from the Band of the Iron Gauntlet was a dwarf
is not only the magistrate’s tower, but it is a special place of named Mingul GlaiveFist. He retired after the quest that
torture and suffering. It is the most terrifying dungeon for took him and his eight companions there. Three were killed
the populace or captives to be sent to. entering into the bowels of the ruins. By the time they found

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a temple three levels below that had a treasury of old relics The Sea of Shadows
and gold coins it was too late. The company was down to
only three companions and their spirit was already broken. Between the ocean of Amure and the Iron Ocean
Their loss had been too great, the cost too much. rests the Sea of Shadows. This sea has been known to play
They fled with what treasure they could carry, but tricks on the captains for decades. Several captains have
they didn’t know that one of his brethren had become one of recently made claims that the use of a compass is useless in
the Taken. He knew seconds too late after the possessed ally the westernmost areas of the sea. Some dispute that these
killed his friend with an axe then charged Mingul. Mingul anomalies may be caused by the strange magic on the Isle of
was able to take him down, capture him, and tie him up. He Illusions. One high priest from the city of Darkrest claimed
could not let the possessed Litgar die as well, so he tied him that he was told by spirits that there is a soul gate in this sea.
up tightly and left the ruins. Carrying his last living friend The dimensional rift could possibly cause this trouble. But
through miles of muck while Litgar cursed at him, mocked whatever its cause, illusions of ships, spirits on the waves
him, and laughed about his other dead friends. “It was a at night and in storms, there are nightmares that dwell in
difficult thing to do,” he had claimed. “Not cleaving his skull the shadows of this sea. Many have vanished from the deck
open to grab that demonic thing by the soul and ripping it within these waters for no real reason; that has yet to be
apart with my teeth!” He had made it many miles when a found.
caravan of merchants found them wandering the hills.
Mingul had plenty of loot and a strange relic. His friend
Litgar must have had that creature within him too long
though, for once they had a priest exorcise the demon it
was too late. Litgar’s mind had been gnawed away from the
inside out. He would spend the rest of his days in an asylum.
Mingul made sure he was well cared for though with the loot
he had. Mingul is the only known survivor from the Ruins
of Eve that is written into legend. Some locals that live in a
hamlet near Narcadia claim that a few adventurers had gone
within it and had made it out but that could just be hogwash
to try and spread their name.

Sanguine Isles

The isles are covered in jungles and possess

different cults and clans of mutants. They surround the
harbor of the city Banner Burn making it hard to sail into
the area. These islands are very strange in appearance. There
is plant life upon them, yet it is as if these plants are from
another world. The islands were created during the The country of Sera is a terran land. Most of its
Shattering so many believe that these pieces are actually parts inhabitants seem as though their flesh color is a
of Gana (the moon). It has been noted that magic in this area brownish-red hue. They wear strange markings often upon
tends to have odd effects at times. It is unknown if this has their faces in white and blue swirls, lines, or dots. It is a proud
anything to do with Ley Lines or simply the materials that country known for its naval forces, mystic music, curved blades,
make up the land or rock of the moon. and archery. They also allow some of their generals to ride war
elephants or mammoths into battle. The primary colors upon
their banner are yellow, red, and green. They also use the war
mammoth skull as their sigil.

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The country is currently ruled by Maharaja Om The Silver Lakes

Kayal (52nd lvl human mage/ bow master). The Serans are
allied with the Qualonians, the Kotushites, the Icoborians, the The Silver Lakes were named as such because the
Valhagans, the Bromans, and the Aticraulians, even though Aticraulians were given silver bars to let the Qualonians have
that last one is a bit shaky. They are currently in open war the land without war breaking out between the countries
with Narcadia, and the Zawans to the south. The Serans can back in the old days. It was many, many years ago though
often be recognized by their make-up their turbans with when the Qualonians owned silver mines near the lakes. The
plums within the front. They also carry a very distinct accent deal was made for the territories and now the dark elves still
of an old T’yamin dialect, the slave tongue. possess most of the lands within the Silver Lakes. There is
The Serans have a strong distrust in magic for still open trade between the two countries and a peace treaty.
those who are rulers often try and keep it secret. It is often
forbidden in some towns and by certain rulers. One must Six Candle Tower
be registered by their High Order within the clergy or you (small city of Mage Realm)
can be imprisoned for practicing sorcery. This is not to say
that it is punishable by death throughout the land, but many The magi are a very united mixture of people. Many
superstitious minds will call for burning at the stake in many different races that have been able to come together and
instances especially smaller towns. Then again, some laws create amazing architecture, art, and share their knowledge
will call for unregistered casters to be imprisoned until they of magic with one another. The Six Candle Tower is ruled
can pay the ridiculously high tax on magic. by Grand Master Archmage Dralthoryk Illjoryn (86th lvl
nephilim/ mage). There are not many Grand Master
Seran Fields Archmages left in this world, so it is claimed. Rumor is he
is one of the ancient nephilim that is protected by powerful
The southern portion of these lands is flat magic within the castle he dwells within. The nephilim are
grasslands for miles and miles. It is almost as dry as the hunted by the stygians which makes me wonder how many
desert and can very much be called so in some locations. times they have failed to kill him? The tower itself is of
In the northern portion of the Seran Fields you will find magical creation that changes often and is made with mighty
scattered trees though. This place is a great place for wild defenses of artillery and sorcery. Enchanted canons they
mammoths, and elephants. You may find some wandering say, guard the battlements. It is believed that the grand
barbarian tribes out in these grasslands but there is not master has tried to keep ancient texts written in long dead
normally grave danger in these parts, for it is often travelled languages. He claims to have knowledge from the Forgotten
by military patrols. Worlds that was rescued. If anyone knows anything about
history, it is he. They say this is the place to go to find the
The Shattered Hills oldest library in operation. This is no easy task to get to this
tower though. It is a very small city here and primarily the
These lands are ruled by the skog. There are many mongru dwell within. There are gnomes in one of the smaller
tribes, yet they all unite every year for the Great Hunt and districts, humans, and elves as well. Vatagi are allowed into
have tournaments and discuss the business of the year and the city but there are some that are trusted and not sworn to
the days of the future. There is one who rules over all, the the dark lords. The city is very self-reliant and the resources
“God Voice” he is called, Hokmar Jathkan. Which in skog to exist are all within the jungles around. They use the mines
means “Jahkka: the voice of gods”. Jahkka (64th lvl skog/ to collect stones and metals. Trade routes are usually only by
warrior/ shaman) has ruled all the clans for 22 years. The skog sea or sky ships. There are only six districts within the Six
will often trade to outsiders and are thought to be honor- Candle Tower and they are known as: The Eternal Tower,
able warriors. There have been skog raiding parties that have the Fountains of Solace, the Silver Wharves, the Whispering
attacked small caravans but this is usually rare. Halls, the Court of Galaheim, and the Guilds of the Magi.
Main Exports from this small city are silver and papyrus.

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Solistia (small city of Qualonia) get to hide from the Aticraulian forces and other slavers. It
has a name for being a massive slum, filled with dangerous
Otherwise named the City of Darkness in the dark brutes and criminals. I believe this is propaganda created by
elven dialect of Anath, it is a small city but very mysterious. the Aticraulians though, as danger is present in any city as
They have held onto ancient traditions and old magic is still are criminals. Yet, this is a fine city that has done well with so
in use here and practiced freely. The dark arts are actually many different species living together in harmony. The races
allowed to be practiced, necromancy and such is able to be that win the role as highest in population are: human, elf,
used but in a hushed manner. Blood magic is even allowed dwarf, and then minotaur. That is the order from highest to
but the sacrifice of innocent men, women, and children is lowest as well. There are many more races that reside there,
certainly not. They do claim that “if you wish to burden your but those hold the numbers.
soul with slaves in this life they will burden you within the Squall’s End is still a Broman city though, it still flies
next”. Which is something written upon a stone outside the the banner and it has placed a Grand High Council to lead in
entrance to the Jaramek’s School of Dark Arts. The other its affairs. There are representatives from each race that are
colors of magic also exist, there is a bard’s school that is called High Heralds. Out of office they are addressed as lord
separate from the other primary schools. There is no divine or lady. There is a position higher than the Grand High Coun-
school, but this is taught at the Academy of Holy Scriptures cil though, the leader of the city is Krol Stok StoneCharge
where monks and templars are trained. (43rd lvl minotaur/ knight errant). Lord StoneCharge is still
The city is partially within the trees, up in the at times known to adventure with his fellow band and most
tree-tops like the high elves. Yet, then partially under the importantly a ranger by the name of Robyn Feralorn (42nd
earth, and within the Peaks of Solice; also known as the Peaks lvl human/ ranger). She has been his companion for many
of Shadow. It is ruled by the High Priest Huns Masiti (57th years and they still hunt down bounties together, leaving the
lvl dark elf/ priest). The city does hold many theocratic rules, Grand High Council to make decisions in his stead.
but it is part of the Qualonian country and answers to the Squall’s End has 12 different districts, four of which
Kalzar. Yet, within this city the government is theocratic and the rich live within. The Grand High Council Hall stands
ruled by the High Order, or Pantheon of the Gods of Light. within the Crystal Towers. StormFire Keep is where the royal
The 7 districts of the city are: TreeTower Grove, military fort stands near the towers of crystal. SkyPath Tower
DarkRock Hall, UnderHill Bazaar, the Celestial Spires, The is the name of the astronomer school and observatory. High
Obsidian Mines, the Kai eldrynn School of Arts, and the Herald Hall is where the advisors keep their separate man-
Warhall. All of these districts make up the mystical city sions on the hills above the middle-class districts. The four
of Solistia. There are trade routes made by elves and only middle-class districts are: Highgate Market, the Northern
through hidden roads within the jungle, or those too difficult Wharves, Street of Minstrels, and the University (where the
for most races to find. The only other trade routes to the city schools and libraries surround many statues of scholars).
are from the dwarves of Valhagan. The city of Solistia’s main The lower-class areas have four primary districts to
exports are obsidian, onyx, and magic. visit: The Mud Docks, where fishermen often go out to catch
frogs, and soft shelled skiviti, as well as other crayfish. The
Squall’s End (large city of Brom) Dawnless Den is a large gambling house, inn, and watering
hole. Three Pints is a square where the merchants set up to
There are many different races in Squall’s End. sell their wares and it is often filled with black market goods
It is a safe haven away from the blasted winds of the Iron in the back alleys of the square. The Bright Flats is the slums
Desert. The city also represents the very end of a mighty river where most of the populace dwell in different homes stacked
that runs rampant from the largest of the Silver Lakes. Titus above one another. The main exports of the city are crayfish
Vau feeds this river all the way to its end where it becomes and cheese.
much like a river delta and scatters into smaller rivers before
fading into a very small marsh at the walls of the city. The
city has a reputation for being a dirty place where runaways

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Steppes of the Rat is hidden within an endless wall of mountain ranges and to
get to it you must find a dwarven scout to help you find the
These extensive grasslands are ruled by tribes of hidden roads within miles and miles of stone walls. This is
tarkanys warriors, shamans, thieves, and assassins. There are part of the reason they call them “stone dwarves” down in
many of their numbers. They also possess tunnel systems the south, or so I hear. If you are flying or traveling under the
beneath these grasslands that can allow them to pop out surface the many secret roads are even harder to find. There
of the deep grass, attack, and disappear within seconds. are often trapped trails to lead their enemies and unwanted
The most powerful tribe here is the Vekkerites, or “bone raiders to their doom. Stonegrowl has traps within the city
gnawers”. The tribe is ruled by Tezzermeat Grazzer (48th that only masters of the art could engineer.
lvl tarkanys/ assassin). They do not often trade since the The capital of Valhagan also has 12 districts.
goblinoid races are constantly at war with one another, so Two of those districts are for royalty, HardGarden, and
they usually sneak attack travelers and loot their bodies. OldFather’s Cathedral. The middle-class districts are:
StarGazer Keep and the Tower of Four Winds are both on
the surface and gripping the sides of the mountain. The
Stonegrowl (large city of Valhagan) StarForge is also in the towers where the sounds of shaping
mertacullum ring across the peak. ThunderForge is below in
The capital of Valhagan is actually a large the middle of the city. Everlantern Bazaar takes up a massive
subterranean city of dwarves that rests throughout the place in the midst of a district called CavernHome. The Iron
mountains. Stonegrowl is on the surface as well as a mighty Guard are the average night watch that patrol the lantern
stronghold. Many tall spires look out over the mountains, lit streets and cobble stone roads throughout the twisting
hills, scattered forests, and the valleys of Valhagan. This mazes of finely crafted homes and amazing artistry.
vast empire is the heart of all mongru in the south. It is The four final districts are GutterMill, BrineTread,
said that the dwarves of the south drink more than the BlackBurrow, and The Underdock. GutterMill is home to
north, so whenever the high dwarves get together with the many of the water mills that power the city with the energy
southern ones, a drinking competition usually ensues. They gained from the machines. Machines made to catch water in
often call the dwarves from the north “high dwarves”, yet buckets and transport them to troughs that shoot it down the
there is not really much of a noticeable distinction between aqueduct into a magnificent cistern. There is also a great
the sub-species besides a little change in their dialect. amount of homes in this area for the laborers of the mills,
Maybe the high dwarves are a little taller, but to my troughs, and builders. BrineTread is home to many guild
human eyes the similarities are striking. Far unlike the houses and merchants, especially those who make pickled
separation of the pale dwarf species. The white flesh and foods and bread. BlackBurrow is the name of the entire
black eyes of the pale dwarves is an instant giveaway. But mining area which is rather large. There are six of them
even though there is not much of a difference say most in all that collect mertacullum, gold, stone, steel, etc. The
mortal races, the dwarves can tell right away. Underdock is a massive wharf district that looks out over the
High King Baggerok Helmburrow III (72nd lvl great underground lake and river network. The lake is called
mongu/ ranger) has ruled for 130 years and drinks as much as Blacktide and many homes, inns, gambling dens, and guild
his father before him. Yet the Helmburrow clan has kept the houses are found here. It is thought of as the slums to most
dwarves at peace for many years and helped their economy that dwell in Stonegrowl, but still an amazing sight to see.
grow with main exports like gold, barley, and mertacullum.
They are literally sitting on a gold mine in those mountains,
for the Valhagan mountains are rich with metals for forging
mighty dwarven weapons and armor. Stonegrowl has many
maps of the Underworld. There is another world of tunnels,
grottos, caverns, lakes, underground rivers, cities, etc. Yet the
deep belongs to their hated pale dwarf cousins. Stonegrowl

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Raider’s Pass All were afraid for their lives. Just then something caught
their attention, the beautiful voice of the princess. They
A passage that leads through Vayden’s Wall is a found her singing to the dragon, a soft and lonely tune. The
perfect place for raiders to attack caravans, wagons, or even dragon was enormous, she could fit into the closed eye of
just small groups moving through the area. It became so the creature which is directly where she sat. The dragon was
popular that the army of the Aticraulian Empire is sent to asleep upon a horde of treasure.
wipe out the communities of raiders every few years. They The men began to whisper back and forth about
take the children and place them in the orphanage and they riches and wealth, fame and fortune! The thief became
take the raiders as slaves to sell in the Iron Market. The pass invisible and the coins and gems began to disappear. The
was created by a ravine thousands of years ago, but after it warriors charged while the chance was available, all but
dried up it left a perfect road through the mountains. There Hector of course. The princess jumped back in protest as the
are caves that lead deep into the wall. In those caves it is first knight stabbed his blade into the beast’s head. It did
more likely for the raiders to hide from the troops during not kill the dragon, only buried it half way to the hilt! The
their occasional bi-annual cleansing. others exploded into the beast with blow after blow, yet it
only enraged the creature! All of them unleashed as much
Talon Hills brutality upon the monster as they could muster. The dragon
tore them to shreds. One by one he burned and cut through
These hills are said to be the earth laying upon a them with bolts of lightning, mangled them with sword-like
massive sleeping dragon. The rolling hills appear like the teeth, and slapped them across the cavern with a tail that
many humps of the back, neck, and tail rising and falling. made the sound of thunder. Once it was all over, the thief lay
Thus, began the legend of the Talon Hills and the story of dead, his hood next to him. The knight had been devoured,
Hector and the Thunderback. A powerful and ancient storm the templar cut in half with the shield still smoldering.
dragon that could fire lightning bolts that would split entire The princess wept as the beast crawled toward her.
towers of kings asunder. One year during the Festival of the It was angered, and it looked as though it might just gobble
Dying the dragon came to the castle at Vita and wanted an her up now that its blood was boiling! The sword remained
offering of a maiden virgin and 12 mules to eat. The king was stuck into the beast’s skull, but no one was strong enough to
reluctant to accept but did not want his castle and people finish the enormous monster. Just then, next to the body of
killed. He chose the mules for sacrifice and when it came the dead thief came a slow and sad tune that began to echo
time to ask for a maiden to step forward his daughter stepped from a floating lute. A tune played well and true, that calmed
up instead. She bravely claimed she would sacrifice herself the beast and pet it back to sleep with its very notes. As the
for the sake of the city. The king was heartbroken and as beast laid down slept the lute floated over to the princess and
the enormous Thunderback flew away with his daughter. The a voice whispered to her, “hello princess my name is Hector,
king collapsed to the ground in horror and sadness. I am here to rescue you”. The invisible bard left that day, just
The king asked all in the realm to save his daughter, walked right out holding the hand of the princess. He carried
to save the kingdom, and many took up the task. Among the no coins, no weapons, only saved her with a simple song.
Thunderback Hunters was a knight who was given a magical Now, the legend says the beast still slumbers beneath the
mertacullum blade that could pierce even stone. A templar Talon Hills, awaiting the lute’s magic to run out.
with a shield that could reflect magic back upon its enemies.
A thief with a hood that could make him invisible, and the Tarhide (large city of Zawan)
bard named Hector who was given a magical lute that could
play endless tunes of magic. He too would go to document The city of Tarhide is filled with a race known as
the hunt and to help save the princess for she was the most the gortog, a race of beast-kin that appear much like a mix
beautiful maiden in the realm. between humanoid and boar. The city was crafted using
They followed the trail of mule bones and storm their ancient architectural design with many huts of stone,
burnt earth back to the Thunderback’s cave and went inside. mud, and wood. Almost every roof is made of wood lain at a

S outh W e s t K o th

diagonal angle and made to catch rainwater that runs into Near the outer layer are all of the farmers and fields
a bamboo gutter. My allies and I were very nervous about for farming. The crops are actually kept within a timber wall
venturing to Tarhide for we had heard many stories that they that is sharpened to tips and adorned with vines and strange
were barbaric savages that would cut our heads off and place artwork. Many of the huts are adorned with rope hammocks
them on… “pig poles” immediately when we arrived. Yet, our for sun bathing and netting to grow fruits that dangle down
adventure there was a success and we were not killed by the for picking. This district is also where the docks of Tarhide
gortog. We brought them many gifts as a peace offering and are found. You can see two towers, one on each end of the
their shamanic leader told them not to kill us. docks where sentries stand guard over the waters. The very
They are also infested with kobold attacks there last layer of districts is the hunter district. This is outside
which are small reptilian creatures that remind me of the wall and surrounds the entire city with different hunting
goblins in many ways. My warrior friends hunted kobolds lodges and huts. Some of the hunters even life in caves just
in the northern part of the island when we arrived in the at the end of the area. The main exports of the Zawani city is
Zawani countryside. Our ranger gave us the idea to carry coal, and rice.
kobold heads on standards when we arrived, and I do believe
it worked. There are many waterfalls and ponds within the Thieves’ Road
city, with statues of their beast gods. Each statue is usually
tangled with ivy as are many of their stone towers. The tops The most heavily traveled road in Icobor is the
of the stone towers have guard nests where they watch from Thieves’ Road. It is the primary trade route by land for
up top with bows and horns to alert if anyone is coming near merchants of this southern country that reaches all four
the city. The strangest thing I had to witness was their tar cities within the realm. The Thieves’ Road is also a very
pits. Large pits of pitch black liquid that they use for many dangerous place to travel and it does get its name from the
different things. They also use it as a ceremonial shrine for constant bandit attacks and raids by highwaymen. If you are
sacrifice, where offerings are returned to the land. They use going to travel the road you better have weapons and know
it as a way to get rid of their sick and disabled. It is part of how to use them. If you don’t, then hire someone who does.
their belief system from what I have come to understand. The
chosen are willing to end the pain of this world. They also Traitor’s Den (moderate city of Icobor)
throw prisoners in it and claim that they have thrown our
kind in there before. Nestled into the Harbor of Broken Axe and guarded
The city has a large, square-like pyramid of stone, by the mountains of Icobor lies the mysterious city called
mud, and tar in the center that they call the Temple of O’tok. Traitor’s Den. It was named after the those who escaped
This is where their leader the Oma Tepra “The All Seer,” the subjective punishments of the Empire. The legend-
dwells at the top of the temple (53rd lvl gortog/ shaman). ary Century of Traitors they called it. When their beloved
There are six districts in all within the Zawani city, and they Centurion Gammin III decided to commit treason against the
all branch out from the center. It does not seem like many, Aticraulian Empire, it doomed them all. Yet, all of his men,
but they are very large districts. The Temple Court is where not one of them left his side during their decision to refuse
all of the royal servants reside, next to the pyramid, the the order. During the rule of the mad Emperor Mastia in
highest point in the city. After the court there are places for 685th year of the 9th Era, Mastia declared a race war against
training and military, this is where they train their warriors all others and decided that only humans should live in the
and where the barracks are for all their soldiers to sleep. empire. Soldiers were ordered to kill all of the other
Then the streets and houses become filled with the laborers races in the city and even rip half breed babies from their
of the city. Artisans, brick layers, butchers, alchemists. The mothers. This caused the downfall of the emperor after a
markets are within this layer surrounding the city. The city five-year reign of terror. The Century of Traitors did not kill
guards are also a part of the area. They have four towers that any but their own kind that tried to stop them from taking
are within this layer that mark the layer at four points in the their families and leaving the city. Some even tried to reach
city, for it is like a large circle. the Emperor Masti himself while being led by Centurion

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Gammin III for they had no families, but they were defeated Blood magic is legal to them but must only be practiced by
and killed by the Praetorians that guarded the emperor. This specific spell casters, shamans, or priests. The Shadow Walk-
attack was also planned to create a diversion so that the men ers are very mysterious, and I was not able to gather many
with families could protect them as they made their escape facts on these tribes but we were warned by the local kai eld-
from the city. Centurion Gammin III and the soldiers that rynn to not go near the territory for they will most likely kill
attacked the emperor sacrificed themselves for a noble cause. any outsiders. They are very savage and believe in old ways.
All in the city of Traitor’s Den honor those that died each Some claim to have found their temples in the jungles and
year in the month of Reaping on the Day of the Dead, for the survived to tell about it. The temples are filled with treasures
inhabitants of this city are the descendants of the Century that they honor their dark gods with. There is said to be a
of Traitors. god of the night, or of the darkness in the sky as well as a
The city itself has eight primary districts that god of light as in the suns. There were also pictograms in the
hang upon the side of the mountains and then make their ruins that show the Black Towers of the Luw Kar, or what
way winding down the mountains to the docs below. In we call the Void Gods. They are claimed to be head hunters
Centurion’s Hold which is the keep and the highest for there were many skulls and it is believed they offer other
district where the royals dwell, there is a tremendous statue to mortals as sacrifice or use their blood in blood magic. Thus,
Gammin III pointing out over the city and the harbor. There be warned travelers.
are also his imperial soldiers next to him holding shields
and spears. The statue is huge and very well crafted, and the Titus (moderate city in Aticraulian Empire)
soldiers become part of the hold’s wall that defends the
fortress. The other district of royals is called, the Noble Titus is a moderate sized city and oddly enough they
Court, this is also walled with a large garden and moves down create powerful naval ships that they have tried to hide in the
the side of the mountain a bit to connect to the Magistrate’s past within the largest of the Silver Lakes. This is due to their
Tower which looms on a cliff looking out over the city. The use of the rivers to quickly reach the Iron Ocean. They also
prison is below the tower and built into the mountain. possess a powerful legion and their society is greatly based
The other districts are: The Spice Market, the Guild on war. These humans have writings and scrolls that I know
Square, Street of Steel, the Academy of Scrolls, the Bright keep records of a place called Alexandretta. It is a city said
Rock Wharves, and the Crystal Mines. The Academy of to exist on the Forgotten World called Terra. This place is
Scrolls is actually one of the larger districts, it houses the rumored to be our ancestors’ home world. Rumor has it that
library of “the Den” (what locals call the city), and it also the Narcadians are seeking all ancient texts such as this to
houses three schools. One of the schools is for children, destroy them under Baal’s orders. Praetorians (highly skilled
one for training in combat, and one in the higher arts of royal warriors) are actually stationed every day to guard these
knowledge. The districts known as the Bright Rock Wharves ancient texts.
and the Crystal Mines are where the slums are located. There The elite warriors and city structure are
is a large quantity of mongru living in the Crystal Mines are designed so that every male and female must learn to fight in
that have migrated from Valhagan to take up work there. The school. They all become citizens of Titus and have rights to
main exports of the Den are Salt, and Crystals. become council members. Those that excel in combat become
part of their army. They suffer through harsh training and
Tribes of the Qualonian Shadow Walkers tests of pain. Those who make it through the most painful
training become their elite Praetorians. The mixture of their
There are three known tribes of the Qualonian ancient ways comes from the ancestral influences within the
Shadow Walkers. These tribes are named: The Hafes- ancient scriptures. The old writings have been copied by
thani (Grave Dancers), Nymbalish (Stone Blades), and the monks and scribes in order to keep and honor the old texts.
Thelmanest (Forest Ghosts). They are feared in the jungles It is sad to think of just how much knowledge has been lost
for being a very savage people. They keep to very sacred and due to war throughout history. How much could have been
ancient traditions, even more so than the normal dark elves. saved if fools would not have just burned knowledge?

S outh W e s t K o th

Titus is ruled by Imperator Hamephaliese (60th level Tou

human/ warrior). A war-torn man that wears several deep The smallest of the Silver Lakes is Tou. It is a quiet
scars on his face, yet he holds great knowledge in military place that has a few hamlets nestled around the shores. The
tactics. He seems to rule the city as a great war chief and place is out of reach of larger civilization in Qualonia but it
his people respect him as such. In Titus slavery is legal, is known to be a good place for fishing. There is a legend
gladiator tournaments are a major part of the economic that surrounds this lake of the mahamba, a massive 40-foot-
strength. Hamephaliese grants freedom to slaves that excel long crocodile that can snap a small boat in two. Some of the
in the tournaments, so many try to make it through. The locals claim to have seen it and that it is responsible for the
city has eight primary districts and the richest is called missing mortals over the years, but no one knows for sure.
Alexandria, to honor the spirits of the ancestors. This
district contains the royal stronghold and the royal library that Twin Towns
contains the sacred texts of the Forgotten Worlds. (Large City in Aticraulian Empire)
The other seven districts are known as: the Vil
Gabeone Amphitheater, The Trimonoise Bazaar, The This city was once two small towns that grew into
Allglaive where training grounds reside, barracks, and quite a large city. One lay on the shore of the Dark Strait
the war guilds reside. Iron Wharves where many guild touching the Amure, while the other lay nestled against
houses surround the park and statues of great heroes. The Imperial Bay. The Twin Towns eventually grew to meet one
Pantheon Cathedral which is surrounded by the Street another and there are still two keeps that loom high above
of Gods where many statues can be seen up close. The the smaller buildings of each town. There is still a wall
Paramount Villas are a large area of slums and housing that separates the two down the middle and it is called the
for the low-class. Finally, the Plantation is where fields of Trader’s Wall. West Town is ruled by Caesar Olivus Marks
tobacco can be seen far and wide into the hills. The cities’ (28th level human/ scribe) and East town is ruled by Caesar
main exports are wool and tobacco. Torakkus (53rd level human/ knight).
West Town has a large statue upon cliffs that look
Titus Vau out over the Amure and point to the Dark Isle. The statue
is of the 5th Emperor Thymus Drax who founded the two
The greatest of the Silver Lakes is Titus Vau which towns after mining expeditions. There are six primary dis-
is said to actually mean “The Tears of Honor”. The lakes have tricts of this town two of which are royal areas. The Palace
served the Aticraulian Empire and Qualonia in trade and District is where the Caesar resides and many of his praeto-
transport for many, many years. This great lake is known to rians as well. The Senate Hall is where the senate meetings
hide a massive fleet of imperial naval ships that it uses the are held and outside the actual senators have a few mansions
waters to move into the Iron Ocean from Aticraulian lands. close to it. These two districts are raised up above the others
The lake is massive and would take days to travel around and you must walk up many stone steps to reach them. There
the length of it. In the center of the lake are a few islands. are four more districts in West Town: Olympus Amphithe-
One of those islands is covered in jungles and jagged rocks. ater, Blackberry Bazaar, The Imperial Bank Square, and the
They call it the Isle of Bones for something dangerous and Western Wharves. You will find most of the lower-class dwell
mysterious dwells within the caves of the island. Some in the wharves district.
say it is the gundertot, a terrifying giant monstrosity that In East Town the ruler of the city lives at the highest
stands nearly eighteen to twenty feet tall. If this cave hides point called The Olive Towers. The district right below his is
these monsters the cave is better yet left alone, for the called the Halls of Justice and they are home to the barracks
gundertot do not seem to leave the island. It is littered with of his praetorians, the senate house, the magistrate’s tower,
bones though and the entrance to the caves has bones of and the mansions of the senate. There are four other primary
nearly every type of creature on display around the entrance. districts that keep East Town together. One is called: Haph-
Almost as if they are being displayed as trophys. inoe’s Square: it is a place of scholars where one may find a
large library, a school, and an observatory tower for astro-

T h e T o rture d S o uth

nomical studies. Guild Street is home to many different guild If one does not know how to read the mongru symbols or if
houses and merchant houses that lead all the way to Market one does not hire a dwarven scout to lead them through, it
Circle. The market is filled with many shops and may just may spell trouble for the traveler.
be the largest of all the districts. The last district is simply The northern dwarves are called “high dwarves”
called South Side and it is where the docks are located. Many by most of their southern brothers. Although most mortals
piers where fishing is rampant, and the taverns are located would not be able to tell the difference, the mongru seem to
all along the water’s edge. This is also where one can find the be able to. They often claim the northern dwarves are a little
entrance to the Jupiter’s Mines. They say it was named after bit taller, yet this has not always proven to be true. There
some ancient god that has long since been forgotten by most is a slight change in their dialect that might be caught by
of the Aticraulian people. The main exports of Twin Towns is the sharp ear though. The southern mongru have been given
olive oil and papyrus. nicknames as well, such as stone dwarves. Yet, there is no real
racial difference between the mongru of Bor Gayden and the
mongru that are Valhagans. Unless you want to include the
high dwarves as resilient to cold. However, there is a stun-
ning difference to the pale dwarves. The ones that live deep
in the earth and have white flesh, jagged teeth, and black
eyes. The pale dwarves are hated by both the high dwarves
and the stone dwarves.
Valhagan is ruled by High King Baggerok Helm-
burrow III (72nd lvl mongu/ ranger). He has ruled the land
for well over one hundred years. The royal hierarchy after
the High King or High Queen, is a King or Queen. Then it
follows as a duke or duchess, then baron or baroness. Titles

keep going but currently there are only two kings in Valha-
gan that I know of. I have heard of a few dukes a baroness,
and a few lords but they rule lands not large enough for my
The mighty dwarven empire of the south is map. The colors of the Valhagan banner are usually a blue
surrounded by the great mountains of Valhagan. The flag holding gold trim, much gray, silver, and white. It also
mongru thrive in these mountains due to the heavy wears a symbol of a massive warhammer with dragon wings.
deposits of mertacullum, steel, valcrium, and many other
precious stones and minerals. The dwarves have no fear Vayden’s Wall
of running out of these hefty veins. They have a powerful
economy due to their resources here. Other than dwarves, Vayden’s Wall is actually a mountain range that sep-
Valhagan is populated with giants of all species, bogkroll, arates the desert lands of Brom from the Aticraulian Em-
trolls, and other goblinoid races that would love to take over pire. Vayden Karvax was a powerful giant cyclops chieftain
Stonegrowl Keep and steal it from the dwarves. Valhagan that warred with other tribes along the high peaks of the
is a beautiful realm filled with snowcapped mountains and wall. The giant cyclops people battled for territory over these
rolling hills scattered with lush, misty forests. The heart of mountains against ogres and frost giants and won the Twen-
this empire is very hard to get to if one does not have a ty Two Year War for the territory during the Kin Wars. They
guide or know the roads. The high mountains here are like an believed that it was highly due to the safety of the peaks. It
unpassable wall. The roads are hidden by clever illusions of was named Vayden’s Wall after the war. Not many cyclops re-
the rocks and many of them are kept hidden for those who mained after the two decades of war, yet the giant armies did
are not dwarves. The mongru have made this system like this not have enough power to counter attack and wipe them out.
to keep unwanted travelers in their lands. The passages are Vayden Karvax (83rd level cyclops/ barbarian) is said to have
trapped at times with controlled landslides and false paths. died of old age by now but it is uncertain. There have been

S outh W e s t K o th

accounts of those saying they have seen him while hunting The name of which means “paradise” in the old tongue of the
the range. They say he still rules over this mountain range slaves, a language we know as T’yamin. The language became
and his tribes. If it is true that he still lives than his age has cast away after the Thrall Wars to make the Kothan tongue.
brought him close to his passage to the afterlife now, and The royal bloodline was offered a continuous leader-
his many heirs are at each other’s throats for the chieftain’s ship over the other cities yet over the years the practice died
headdress. out. Yet, they do say now that Vita’s current ruler Imperator
Jormant Yule (62nd lvl human/ priest) is purely within that
bloodline from the first emperor. Vita prides itself over their
powerful schools, where the most elite scholars, astronomers,
alchemists, and even spellcasters can graduate. Males and fe-
males are placed into the military at the age of sixteen and
trained to be scribes, infantry, engineers, or what is called
support. Those in the latter form of study fall under culinary

Vazuun Denaahl
duties, animal handlers, laborers, foragers, etc. All must serve
the empire and learn a trade for at least four years. Then they
are free to continue service or become citizens.
The desert lands of this Sea of Sand are ruled by The twelve districts of Vita start at the highest level
Sultan Rahir (65th lvl human/ mage) out of the northern city to the lowest-class in society. The Pillars of Heaven which
of Sadinhara. This desert is vast and ominous yet filled with resides high up on the highest region of the city lies the
great beauty. The entire land is rugged and very difficult to temples and royal gardens. There you can find the homes of
pass through. The majority of these lands are included in all the senators, high priests, priestesses, and the Imperator.
my last work within the northern realms, but I do wish to Then the Tower of Gana, or the moon tower where a giant
mention the fact that the empire of Vazuun Denaahl touches telescope looks into the void and into the stars. There is also
all four known maps. Unfortunately it has now allied with the a great school of astronomy, astrology, and blue magic.
lands of Narcadia. Is this alliance made out of fear? I have no FangHall is the prison and the magistrates tower district. The
idea, yet the desert lands have open trade with the soldiers Elemental Institute where many schools and scholars also
of the Black Army and this fills many with dread. The colors study the different substances of the world and the Aether.
of their banner are black and silver. It holds a crescent moon, There are four districts within the middle-class area of the
and two curved swords, with four diamonds in each corner. city which are: The Market of HighNoon, the Celestial Col-
iseum, The Everlasting Gardens, and The Naval Yard. Then
Vita (large city in Aticraulian Empire) there are four districts within the lower-class area that are
known as: The Guild Keep, Darkgarden, Copperplate Alley,
This ever-expanding city stands fast on the greatest and the Bone Traders.
of the Silver Lakes called Titus Vau. This city named Vita The city is indeed full of life, yet it is the underly-
which is also called “The City of Life”, is covered in vines, ing history of imperial cities that strikes a nerve within me
green rooftops, all due to the plant life and the Everlasting and causes me to hold a biased opinion of them, which I
Gardens. The Water Gardens can be seen from all over the admit may not always be fair. For I do not know the truth
city where the high cliffs let the cascading waterfalls feed the of the matter, but I have heard that the Imperator and the
fruits and vegetables for the city to eat. On the outer walls high priest of Vita has spoken out against slavery. Yet, this is
of the city to the north you can see the Vita Vineyards for something that the emperor himself would have to abolish.
miles across rolling hills. The city of Vita has several masters I hail from Dalewynnd where slavery is illegal and to see
of wine making in all the realms. It is also known for its high children in chains is often a burden that sickens me. Never-
watch towers and the enormous statue of the first emperor theless, I cannot deny the fact that the City of Life is one of
of Aticraulys, Emperor Thrakus Aticraulys. The empire did the beacons of hope that I think the empire strives to be. The
not take the name of him, he took the name of the empire. main exports of Vita are wine, grapes, and wheat.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Vita Vineyards tribes are often tributes to their beast gods. All must be wary
for the cannibalistic Crow are a terrifying group that holds a
These rolling hills lie on the outskirts of the jew- deep hatred for humanoids.
eled “City of Life”, Vita. They are always guarded by the Ati-
craulian soldiers and slaves work the fields here where you Wu Tonk Ruin
can see grapevines for miles. It is a beautiful place but one
that is forbidden by trespassers. There are constantly thieves This was a city if goblinoids. The orc mainly, yet
caught in the thickets and thus this often leads to them being mungreel goblyns dwelt in the city as well. They lived within
carted off to the city to be sentenced to work the fields for a great city in the jungle created by stone and gold. The name
ten years of their life. There are small towers on the bor- in kohu means the city of “Gold Stone”. They grew powerful
ders of the rolling vineyards where the guard posts stand and after the Kin Wars and made their mark in the forest. They
house the soldiers paid to watch over the cities investments. gathered gold in the mines of the Wu Tonk Mountains and
began to thrive. Yet, the Aticraulians to the west heard about
Witch Haven Ruin this wealth and they forced a campaign to expand into the
Crow Wilderness. I believe it was around this time when the
In the midst of Dead Man’s Marsh there is a true hatred between the Crow and the Aticraulians was bred.
castle that barely stands with broken towers and swamp The city of Wu Tonk was attacked several times, then finally
flowing into the bowels of the dungeons. There have been the Siege of Wu Tonk well over two hundred years ago was
groups that have gone in to explore the remnants of this what finally destroyed the city. They began to eat each other
castle and village once called Witch Haven. It still carries within the walls, resulting to cannibalism since the empire
endless dangers though, for every year the undead are said had them boxed in. At the very end of the siege they finally
to grow in numbers due to the explorers that die within the charged in and killed many of the Crow. Yet, it is written that
bowels. They called this place the Witch Haven long ago for the beast gods came and attacked the city. Reptiles massive in
it was a safe place to escape the bog hags that dwelt in the size that walked on two legs and stood nearly thirty-foot tall
swamps. Fearsome creatures that were said to steal children came and attacked the empire ripping them to shreds. They
in the night and the lonesome farmer in the field. One day called the lizard god the tarasque. It is also known by another
adventurers came through to stay a night and found the name, Hokto Mak Pakallo which translates from mungreel
village destroyed and the castle ruled by a Black Coven. A into the God that Eats Bones.
terrible cult of hags that possess horrific magical powers. The rakka, which are close to the size of a horse are
faster reptiles. They are said to have attacked in numbers.
Wu Tonk Mountains These are even used as mounts quite often when raised in
captivity. The jungle showed who it wanted to win in the end
The mountains of “Gold Stone” is what the orcs It seems. For since this time the Aticraulians have not been
named them in their native tongue of kohu. The mines were able to push any farther in. I hear stories about adventurers
filled with gold, so they say, as well they must still be be- who still hunt the famed treasures of Wu Tonk but the rep-
cause the war for Wu Tonk ended in a strange and unexpect- tilian guardians, the wild rakkas, and the tarasque that guard
ed twist. It ended with a demi-god showing up and wiping the city are a fearfully dangerous thing to fight.
out not only the enemy, but the remainder of the city of Wu
Tonk. There are some that say the mines still remain and that
they may have been taken over by the Crow goblyns. This
name that they give the mungreel which is a larger more
fearsome looking cousin of the species. The Wu Tonk Moun-
tains are a vast and beautiful range of jungle covered rocks.
There are many waterfalls that cascade from springs with-
in the mountains and the stone statues made by the Crow

S outh W e s t K o th

Xiao Yu Temple blind monk is a female called the Magistrate, she sentences
all criminals for their crimes. This is also where the prison
These temples were created by the pharaohs of the is and the dungeons below it. The third district is called the
mhen tep in Kotus. The monks as well as the priests that Blood Market, where slaves are sold, and lives are traded.
worship the gods of all paths wanted to make this the place Districts after this are as follows: The Cauldron is
where all paths lead, the Temples of the Tau. There are said to be a guild street where they train in magic, weapons,
several pyramids in the desert here and many large statues and bounty hunters. They also have more mundane guild
of gods. There are even the remains of ancient beast gods, houses that deal in normal everyday wares. The Six Towers
that still withstand the sands of time. This is said to be one of Sacrament is the cathedral if the dark gods. They also use
of the most amazing sights to behold in the desert, for when these places to teach religion on the Stygian Gods. Another
you are coming upon the tremendous pyramids seem unreal district, simply called: The Institution is a large district that
rising over the horizon. It is rumored to have been built is a school for scholars and those studying in many subjects
around one of the ancient towers of the Void Gods. The from engineering to magic. It is also the housing area for
remnants of these powerful obelisks are known to also have those students. The Astronomicon is a large observatory and
many levels beneath the surface of Koth. The temples are laboratory for the study of alchemy, crystals, and cosmology.
open to pray within and the many pools of mana are cleans- The lowest of all the districts are as follows:
ing to the soul. I imagine a spell caster or spiritualist would The Flesh Fields are where many are seen impaled upon
find these places peaceful to be within. At the temples they spikes and the excrement of the body and the fluids from
also have schools where they teach magic. Lectures are held decomposition are used to feed some kind of plant life
nearly every night where they contemplate the creation of below them. There are many mutations of botany that some
the Primordium. A theory that has become ever so popular to have hypothesized to be blood vines, strangle weeds, and
astronomers and astrologists, as well as to those who master perhaps some other twisted form of carnivorous plant life
in the art of crystal lore. This temple is the perfect place to they have devised. Why would they grow these though in such
go and learn about those things. It is guarded by the monks, great numbers unless a specific mutant clan needed them for
priests, and templars of the Tau. sustenance? The Grave District where all manner of
necromantic practice takes place. They purposely take their
Yul (large city in Narcadia) dead here for repurposing or, so it is told. The Hell Forge is
where they craft weapons and create all kinds of machines
One of the most dreaded cities is Yul. I have never to do their dark work. It is unknown what all goes on within
been there due to what it has become since the dark army has these halls, but they do craft items here for the Black Army.
taken over Narcadia. The city is ruled by the Stygian Forces. The Brood Mines dwell in the Underworld
Overlord Grael Zult (82nd lvl vatagi/ dark templar) has been where many have reported seeing hives of strange
the city leader for twelve years now and is said to be the first abominations. Perhaps some kind of soldiers being created
one to keep the city from tearing itself apart from within. He by abhorrent mutations, just as in what happened during
has built some kind of trade route between other Narcadians Baal’s creation of the vatagi. Perhaps it is his old quest again,
and there are rumors that the Dennites of Vazuun Dehaahl to make the perfect soldiers through dark science in order to
have also agreed to open trade routes with the vatagi. I have create the cambion race? Then there is another place they call
gained reports that the city holds twelve districts with the simply the Drudge Hive where so many of the vatagi dwell
largest and uppermost district being the first. The final dis- within horrid conditions deep in the Underworld of Yul. This
trict on the list here is reserved for the lower-class. place was once a city ruled by humans long ago. Yet, after
The first is called The Shivering Halls, it is where the city was sacked by the Stygian Forces it quickly became
the Overlord dwells and it is said to be a place of torture and something born or forged in Hell. Perhaps that is what they
torment. They call it this for they flay their enemies and hang want, to turn all cities like this? Like in the old testaments
them outside the walls of the castle. The second district is of the prophets and those that witnessed the Age of Thrall.
The Tower of Judgement where the magistrate dwells. The Their main exports seem to be weapons and armor.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Zawan does have a banner that was created by the

gortog race. These beast men, although simple minded and
brutally savage still have their own artistic style and show it
in their architecture, upon their wooden shields and carved
into their carapace armor. Zawani colors are gold, brown,
and black . The banner has a large serpent on it, for the
beast is native to the waters of Zawan. It usually holds a four
fingered claw on a leather back. The ruler of the country is
called Oma Tepra “The All Seer,” (53rd lvl gortog/ shaman).
As claimed, he is the “One Who Sees All.” It is unknown if
there are other leaders that are as well known as Oma Tepra,
as far as we know there is not. Yet, there are many very

powerful saurian tribes on these islands. There was only one
name that I was able to hear from my stay with the elders
at Tarhide. The infamous name of their saurian enemy is
The Zawani are the inhabitants of these Demtet Vaath (67th lvl saurian/ barbarian) who they claim is
tropical islands filled with exotic life and catastroph- a formidable enemy that rules over the Three Tribes of Torm.
ic death. The islands are covered in volcanic activity, giant That is what they call the realm in which the saurian dwell.
reptilian beasts and giant bird-like creatures. One of the most They hope one day to destroy them and their kobold cousins.
horrific is the tarasque, a giant bi-pedal monster with teeth This is the account that I have recorded from our talks over
like short swords, a massive tail, and natural armor that dinner. I do not believe that the kobolds are even a distant
arrows just bounce off. The Crow north of here are said to relation, but it may have some truth to it. I was unable to
worship the giant lizard god and I am pretty sure some of the contact any saurian during my stay in Zawan. I imagine it
barbarian tribes of the Zawani may as well. The rakka are a was lucky enough to leave the country with our heads still
swift, much shorter version of the tarasque and can even be on our bodies.
used as mounts and trained if raised in captivity. The Zawani are also highly distrusting of magic
The islands are inhabited primarily by the and will kill “spell casters” and devour their bodies, claiming
gortog, the saurian, and kobold from the Underworld. The that the spirit will empower them and make them immortal.
gortog dominate it in powerful numbers, so much in fact that Magic also angers the kraken, which is one of their primary
they have risen from the status of only barbarian tribes to gods. Yet, of course their shamans are allowed to use magic.
having created the capital city called Tarhide. It is the only
city known on the Zawani islands. The Zawani islands are
known for their giant monsters and insects. It is a place
where survival of the fittest is certainly a daily task for all
creatures within that environment are ultimately warring just
to eat each day and to continue to live to see the next one.
Not as if this is any different in many other lands but the
fact that so much life exists in this rich ecosystem, that it
must devour the other to continue. Survival is also perpetu-
ally challenged by the constant threat of the volcanoes. They
rise in the mountain ranges, smoldering and emitting lava
streams that scourge the land. The gortog have told me of
the lava rivers beneath the surface that flow like waterfalls off
cliffs into glowing pits where dragon bones are seen petrified
in their final throes forever.

Goblin (gob-lin)

the other goblinoids. They took advantage of their small stature and

Goblin racial abilities and used them as perfect spies, assassins, and scouts.
Goblin infantry could be used as fodder to primary forces, but goblin
Species: Goblinoid
archers and assassins made great accomplishments in warfare.
Sub-species: Dungoblin, Knocker, Mungreel
On the surface world the goblins have never established
Average Height: 3’ - 5’
their own kingdom, or their own country. They have always lived in
Average Weight: 60 lbs. - 160 lbs.
the shadow of the larger goblinoid races when it comes to the surface
Unarmed Damage: (d6)
world. Yet, there is a kingdom in the Underworld that is talked about
Movement: 4 (Dungoblin movement: 3)
amongst their kind and is often portrayed as a realm of paradise for
Average Life Span: 60 years (Dungoblin: 75)
goblins. The name of the kingdom is Drytch. The kingdom stretches
Starting Hit Points: d6 + Body (Dungoblin d8 + Body)
for miles and miles through twisting caverns, open grottos, ancient
mines, mushroom forests, and underwater falls. All different species
Racial Abilities & Characteristics of goblins are known to dwell there, and it is like the heart of the
Vision: Dark Sight (Dungoblin gains: Twilight)
goblin empire. Drytchan patrols often come to the surface world to
Blood Scent: burn 1 frenzy to add +d6 to perception or
raid and there is almost no end to their reach in the Tortured South.
tracking to gain the scent of blood in the air.
There are three primary subraces of goblin, the Dungoblin
Iron Gut: eat food or flesh raw, uncooked, even nearly
are often the leaders of these groups for they are the largest and
rotten. Gain +3 to body save versus ingested toxins.
most intimidating. They are often the captains and sergeants of
Spider Climb: (knocker only) +d6 is added to their
squads within their groups. The knockers, who are known for being
dexterity roll or climbing skill check when climbing.
the deepest of the cave dwellers, they crawl across walls and love
Blade Teeth: (mungreel only) d12 dmg to bite attacks.
laying traps for miners from the surface world. Their flesh is
These bites can cause infections if a body save is failed.
often pale, and many tribes seem to suffer from mutated genes.
Snarl: (dungoblin only) gain +1 to intimidation roll.
Then there are the mungreel. Many of their surface tribes hail from
the Crow Wilderness. Mungreel can easily be discerned by their
Attribute Modifications overexaggerated teeth that are like small daggers protruding from
-2 Strength (dungoblin lose -1 strength)
their jaws. They are also called the Crow Goblins who are feared due
-1 Charisma
to stories of cannibalism and fierce raids.
+2 Dexterity (dungoblin gain +1 dexterity)
+1 Perception
Character Name Generator
Prefix (d20) Suffix (d10)
The goblin race has long been looked down d20 Prefix d20 Prefix d10 Male Female
upon both literally and figuratively. They do not hold a 1 Ag 11 Jok 1 -bul -ai
great reputation with the humanoid races for they have 2 Bak 12 Kur 2 -dat -bel
been primarily an enemy. All through the Kin Wars there 3 Bor 13 Mak 3 -dom
were hordes of savage tribes that attacked humans, elves, 4 Dak 14 Myr 4 -eek -lin
and dwarves in vast numbers. Therian races have also 5 Drym
15 Nah 5 -gin -jin
warred with them for centuries, and even their own 6 Emak
16 Not 6 -har -naya
goblinoid races. Yet, for the goblinoid tribes of orc 7 Get 17 Ran 7 -jet -oi
and ogre that aligned with the goblins, they were 8 Gur 18 Sok 8 -mer -ri
thought of as the weaker race to even them. 9 Imk 19 Verm
9 -nyp -xuai
However, they were never seen as useless to 10 Jak 20 Zod 10 -way -zyn

Kai Eldrynn (kai el-drin)

Underworld. There are some dark elf tribes that dwell in the

Dark Elf Underworld as well, but the race originated on the surface of the
planet and splintered away from the northern tribes during the 9th
Species: Humanoid
Era and the times following the Kin Wars thousands of years ago.
Sub-species: Half Dark Elf
Out of all the subspecies it seems that the dark elves and
Average Height: 5’ - 6’
the shadow elves have the most in common. Magic is one of the
Average Weight: 100 lbs. - 180 lbs.
defining principles of all elven culture. It is interwoven into their
Unarmed Damage: (d6)
everyday lives and all around them. Magic is not forbidden by any
Movement: 3
tribes of their people. There are, however, laws made to protect the
Average Life Span: 300 years (half dark elf: 130 years)
people and the world around them from necromancy, blood magic,
Starting Hit Points: d6 + Body +1
and the rituals of the dark arts. Yet, within dark elf society black
magic is aloud to be practiced in schools. The dark arts are taught
Racial Abilities & Characteristics to students in the hopes that they will learn to be responsible
Vision: Dark Sight (half dark elf gain: Twilight)
with these powers. Shadulyn beliefs are similar in this way but the
Night Skin: gain +1 to concealment rolls in darkness.
shadulyn wanted all magic to be practiced freely and the power to be
Dark Rest: (full blood only) regenerate when sleeping
theirs alone to control. It was magic and the power to control magic
in darkness. Improve physical and mental fatigue by 1
that inevitably tore the eldrynn races asunder.
and gain d20 HP per hour while resting in darkness.
The kai eldrynn are famous for their knighthood known as
Forest Walk: (full blood only) +3 levels to Stealth or
the Ildjun, who are powerful mu dai, also known as warrior/ mages.
Concealment while in forest terrain.
These elite soldiers are talked about in stories far and wide and are
City Walk: (half dark elf only) +3 levels to Stealth and
the defenders of the Qualonian people. They are also well known for
Concealment skills within urban terrain.
their beast riders. The Ildjun have an elite unit of cavalry for which
Allure: +2 Physical Beauty (half elf +1 Physical Beauty)
is filled with rangers who ride the rakka. As in many southern lands
the jungles and temperate forests possess many reptilian beasts such
Attribute Modifications as the rakka. The kai eldrynn raise these creatures from the moment
-1 Strength (half dark elf do not modify)
they hatch, train them, and ride these lizard mounts. They are some-
+1 Dexterity (half dark elf do not modify)
times seen in this country patrolling or guarding places of interest.
+1 Perception
-1 Charisma
Character Name Generator
Prefix (d20) Suffix (d10)
The Kai Eldrynn, also known as the Dark Elves
d20 Prefix d20 Prefix d10 Male Female
are usually quite easily identified by their dark flesh
1 Amon
11 Josep
1 -abet -abel
and pale hair. Not all possess the pale hair trait though
2 Apoe 12 Kata 2 -abo -baina
and this color can always be changed. Physically dark
3 Bayan
13 Kyn 3 -da -della
elves are a little stronger in stature than the high elves.
4 Dayai
14 Laiy 4 -golan
They hail from the jungles of Qualinost where the
5 Dunat
15 Mael 5 -hufan
temperature is warm and humid. The dark elves
6 Enoa 16 Natha
6 -jym -naomi
are often mistaken for the shadulyn eldrynn or
7 Ezek 17 Quon
7 -koi -nila
shadow elves, who are actually their distant
8 Fytan
18 Rin 8 -mul -tin
cousins. The shadow elves possess pale
9 Geyn 19 Sayda
9 -ryu -quai
skin and black hair and live deep in the
10 Hinym
20 Xzoth
10 -sadas

Minotaur (min-uh-tor)

pierce through armor. They make great warriors but much to the

Broman surprise of many the race is not completely war-like. In fact, after the
race settled Brom centuries ago, they have never really attempted to
Species: Therian
expand an empire or march on a campaign across the kingdoms to
Average Height: 6’5” - 8’
dethrone other rulers or take what other countries have. They have
Average Weight: 350 lbs. - 600 lbs.
been content with what they have, which is a respectful stance.
Unarmed Damage: (d10)
The minotaur race is an honorable people. They have a very
Movement: 3
distinct style to their architecture and artistry that tells they take
Average Life Span: 80 years
time and pride in their work, much like the dwarves. The diamond
Starting Hit Points: d6 + Body + Strength
mines of Brom have made their country a great deal of coin. They
have used these riches to build a navy and open trade routes to the
Racial Abilities & Characteristics surrounding allies. It is believed that the empire to the north has
Vision: Twilight
been wanting the mines of Brom and the Aticraulians have been
Leather Hide: +2 toughness due to their strong flesh.
on the verge of breaking any treaties just to get the riches of those
Beast Scent: +1 to perception based rolls when using
mines. They say that the slavers of the Aticraulian Empire are paid so
their sense of smell as applicable to the die roll.
very well for minotaur slaves to use in the gladiator pits. This makes
Therian Charge: when reaching running movement
the demand for minotaurs high, causing slavers to brave the borders
add the movement it took to reach the enemy to their
just to kidnap young ones or those who wander alone.
strength damage modifier. If it took 5 movement to
Thus, the minotaur know that war is inevitable so for this
reach the target they may stack +5 to their strength
they have been preparing. They are not novices to war, they just
dmg modifier when calculating unarmed or melee
prefer to live in peace with their hunting the tundra and farming the
damage. This may be used once per turn.
lands. Yet, the mists of change they come and evil things come in
those mists. The Stygian Forces of Narcadia, the Aticraulian Empire,
Attribute Modifications desert warriors of Vazuun Denaahl, and even the country of Zawan
+3 Strength
are joining the fray. They are prepared for battle and they have been
-1 Dexterity
making alliancess. So, when that day comes for the mists to arrive
+2 Body
they will be ready.
-2 Perception
-2 Intelligence
Character Name Generator
Prefix (d20) Suffix (d10)
The broman are only given this name
d20 Prefix d20 Prefix d10 Male Female
because they are the primary race to hail from the
1 Ado 11 Otep 1 -bahr
desert lands of Brom. The minotaur is their true name,
2 Anuk
12 Pola 2 -chu -chii
and all know them by this name. For centuries they
3 Bok 13 Raha 3 -gun -elle
have settled Brom, farmed the land, and mined the
4 Droth
14 Rune 4 -ian -feya
mountains. There are several nomadic tribes that roam
5 Dune
15 Sow 5 -jem -jen
the deserts and tundra but the Nine Tribes of Brom
6 Han 16 Tumbra
6 -man -nii
are the most famous. They are the largest of the
7 Kade 17 Vor 7 -net -ress
nomadic tribes and are led by great warriors
8 Lumu
18 Woth
8 -pain -una
of their people. The minotaur is a fearsome
9 Moro
19 Yama
9 -rath -yai
race that stand tall and wear horns that can
10 Naka 20 Zopet
10 -zu -zeta

S outh W e s t K o th

Bow Master
Character Skills
Acrobatics: 1 (dex)
Bowyer & Fletcher: 1 (int)
The bow master is an archer who has trained for (Skill Slots: 1)
several years in the mastery of firing and handling
projectile weaponry. Whether this archer uses the crossbow, Starting Equipment
shortbow, longbow, or hand bow matters not. Bow masters Choose: Shortbow (weapon) 2d8, Hand Crossbow (weapon)
must be agile and precise. The profession is said to have d12+d4, Light Crossbow (weapon) 2d12
originated in the jungles of Qualinost and the Shadynnar Quiver 10 arrows or bolts (ammo)
Territory to the north. This is not to say mastery of the Bone Knife (weapons) d10
weapon only began in the elven territories, but indeed the Twine 10’ ft. (equipment)
martial art of bow mastery began due to eldrynn influences. Sack (backpack)
The kata, the doctrine, and the temples where the art was (Starting Pay: d6 copper)
taught began in high elf and dark elf domains. The art and
exquisite style have spread throughout the lands since then Spiritual Influence: 2%
and it is taught by a few elite masters of the world.
Some of the more famous bow masters of the realms
have been Maharaja Om Kayal, one of the rulers of Sera.
Tiali SilverThorn a master kai eldrynn who began the
bow master guild the Piercing Winds. The Company of the
Arbalest, the crossbow masters that march under the flag of
Icobor. Also, the infamous Jonamyr Windmerrow, the high
eldrynn bow master runs a gang of highwaymen in Icobor.

Character Class Abilities

2nd: Feather Form
3rd: Seeker
4th: Alter Ammo
5th: Piercing Gaze
6th: Bow Dance
7th: Return Fire
8th: Improve Weapon
9th: Misfire
10th: Fire with Fire
11th: Missile’s Mark
12th: Archer’s Edge

Primary Attributes: Dexterity, Strength

Combat Skills
Unarmed Combat: Fighter +1
Weapon Proficiency: Projectiles
Weapon Proficiency: Blind Shooting
Weapon Specialization (choose): Bows +2, Crossbow +2, or
Handbow +2

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Feather Form (power 1): the bow master can spend one round only. A target # 11-14 grants the bow master an additional +2 to
of their open actions per turn to gain an additional +1 to defend defend for the round. At rating 2 the bow master unlocks the ability
physical attacks for one entire round until their turn comes back to reach a target # 15-19 which will grant the bow master an addition-
again. At rating 2 in this ability the bow master may spend 2 actions al +3 to defend. Rating 2 will also allow a target # 20 or higher to give
to gain +2 to defend for a round. This may also be stacked on the an additional +4 to defend. This is for 1 round only and only against
normal rule of Defensive Stance, where you sacrifice all actions even physical attacks at the bow master. The bow master must activate this
the use of frenzy to gain an “edge”. An edge allows you to roll 2d20 before the defense roll is made to gain the bonus. This may not be
to defend so you can choose the highest roll. So, Feather Form can used while in a defensive stance. MR: 2
be combined with Defensive Stance to grant you the edge and the Return Fire (power 2): when the bow master is fired upon
bonus to defend from physical attacks. MR: 2 by a missile weapon such as an arrow or bolt and they roll a natural
Seeker (power 1): the bow master must call seeker before 20 to defend they may catch the bolt or arrow and immediately fire it
rolling to attack, then they must burn 1 saga point to roll a d6 along back at an enemy or stab them with it without worrying about load
with their d20 to hit. At rating 1 the d6 result means: 1 – 4 = +1 to hit, times or specific logistics. For every rating in this ability, the damage
5 - 6 = +2 to hit. At rating 2: a roll of 1 - 3 = +1 to hit, 4 – 5 = +2 to hit, returned is x1 power damage, if the returned fire is a successful hit.
6 = +3 to hit. At rating 3: a roll of 1 – 2 = +1 to hit, 3 – 4 = +2 to hit, This ability may be used only after the natural 20 is rolled to defend
5 – 6 = to +3 to hit. This may only be used once per combat and to a missile attack. At rating 2 the ability will deal x2 power damage if a
buff only one attack roll. It may be used on a dead eye attack, aimed bolt or arrow is successfully returned at the attacker. MR: 3
shot, or even a combo attack roll. MR: 3 Improve Weapon (power 2): This ability allows the
Alter Ammo (power 1): the bow master is able to character to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses, any
modify one quiver full of arrows by working on them for a few hours weapon at all. The weapon is only improved while this character uses
and making a Bowyer & Fletcher skill roll. At rating 1, if the target it, if they hand it to another character they do not gain the bonus.
number of 5 is beat it adds +1 to the damage of the arrows or bolts For every rating this ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8,
in the quiver. At rating 2 if the target # 10 is beat you may add +2 to d10, d12, d20. MR: 5
the damage. At rating 3 if the target # 15 is beaten you may add +3 to Misfire (power 2): on a roll of natural 1 to hit with your
the damage of the ammo. The ammo may only be modified once, the projectile weapon only, you are aloud to burn 1 saga point to re-roll
bow master must wait for the next quiver to attempt again. A very the d20. This may only be used once per combat and only on a roll of
high roll can result in a faster altering as well. MR: 3 natural 1. MR: 1
Piercing Gaze (power 2): the target number for the bow Fire with Fire (power 3): the bow master may attempt to fire
master to beat is above the target’s total armor value (TAV). The at a thrown or shot weapon while in midflight in order to knock it
bow master rolls a perception check or observation skill check, out of the air before it hits an ally or themselves. They may attempt
multiplying the result of the roll by their rating in this ability. On to try this once per combat by spending 1 saga point to try it OOT.
a success the bow master may then burn 1 frenzy point for 1d10 to They must roll their d20 to hit with their normal modifications. If
pierce through the result in the enemies’ armor rating. At rating 2: their roll matches or beats the attacker’s roll they will successfully
they may spend 2 points of frenzy for 2d10 armor piercing. At rating knock the item out of the air or destroy it midflight in the case of
3 they may spend 3 frenzy to roll 3d10 for their armor piercing. This certain potions or powders. MR: 1
may be attempted once per round, but once the target number is Missile’s Mark (power 3): once per combat the bow master
achieved, they do not need to roll again on that specific enemy. MR: 3 may burn 1 SP to force an enemy to re-roll their defense die against
Bow Dancer (power 2): most archers are often in trouble the bow master’s projectile combat attack. MR: 1
when an enemy reaches them in melee combat and they do not have Archer’s Edge (power 3): once per combat the bow master
a melee weapon to defend themselves with. Some game masters may may burn 1 SP to roll 2d20 to attack with their missile weapon. They
incur penalties but with bow dancer the bow master shouldn’t suffer are allowed to choose which roll they wish to keep out of the two.
from melee fighting at all, especially during their bow dancer round. This ability must be called before any attack is rolled, for the 2d20 is
The bow master may use this ability OOT or activate it on their rolled together. MR: 1
turn by spending 1 SP and rolling their acrobatics skill. A target #
5-10 will give them an additional +1 to defend for their bow dancer

S outh W e s t K o th

Knight Errant
Character Skills
Riding: 1 (dex)
Leadership: 1 (chr)
The knight errant is a soldier of the king, queen, or Law: 1 (int)
ruler of a certain land that has sworn their fealty and pledged (Skill Slots: 1)
their services to their master. While most knights stay to
guard their kingdom, the Knight Errant does not. Whether Starting Equipment
they have been sent on a long quest for the honor of their Choose: Bone Hammer d8+d6, Short Sword 2d8, Flail 10+d8,
land or they no longer have a ruler to honor, knight errants Hand Axe 2d8, Mace d8+d6, or Stone Spear 2d8 (weapon)
are free to roam to realms. Some may have witnessed the Gambeson AR: 3 (torso armor)
fall of their kingdom. Some become master-less soldiers who Bone Knife (weapons) d10
still wander the realms to carry out justice and vengeance. Basket (backpack)
While some may even be called robber knights and end up (Starting Pay: d6 silver)
attacking the innocent instead of helping them. Whatever
their story is now, each knight errant has given an oath to be Spiritual Influence: 2%
honorable and just, to defend the weak and deliver wrath to
the wretched. Whether they stick to this code or choose to
defy it is up to them. Some very famous knight errants have
been Sir Aarun of Hammerfell, Sir Yorynth of Caerwynn,
the Knights of the Rose from Espadosa, the Crimson Guard
of Veldwar, the Matriarchs of the Silver Star, and Matron
Kalynthial one of the Warmaidens of Qualinost. Titles of Sir
and Matron are quite common in several lands.

Character Class Abilities

2nd: Chosen Weapon
3rd: Oath Maker
4th: Errant Toughness
5th: Defensive Formation
6th: Honor and Glory
7th: Blood Oath
8th: Improve Weapon
9th: Knight’s Edge
10th: Weapon Training
11th: Knight’s Code
12th: Mounted Charge

Primary Attributes: Dexterity, Charisma, Strength

Combat Skills
Unarmed Combat: Brawler +2
Weapon Proficiency: Projectiles
Weapon Proficieny: Artillery
Weapon Proficiency: Throwing
Weapon Specialization: choose wpn specialization +1

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Chosen Weapon (power 1): the knight chooses their Blood Oath (power 2): The knight may emanate an aura
primary weapon and grants that weapon a +2 to damage per rating. with a 2.5 radius around the soldier that is helpful to only his or her
They keep their chosen weapon in great shape when they can, for it allies. This ability takes 1 SP to activate and 0 actions. They sacrifice
is their tool of the trade. If this weapon is used by another charac- their saga to grant their leadership skill roll in hit points. Each ally
ter it does keep this same damage for only awhile, until the knight within the aura gains the Hit Points for a period of 30 minutes as
chooses a different weapon, or dies. MR: 3 long as they were present for the oath at the time of its use. These
Oath Maker (power 1) When assigned a quest, the knight hit points can allow the allies to go over their max HP. This roll is
may commit to a specific deed for the proprietor by giving their word multiplied by the knight’s rating in the Blood Oath ability. These hit
of honor. If the deed is completed, the knight will gain an additional points are slowly lost at the end of this duration. MR: 3
3 saga points and 5 reputation points for the success. At rating 2 the Improve Weapon (power 2): This allows the character
knight gains an additional 4 saga points and 8 reputation points. to add +d6 damage to any weapon the character uses at all. The
Finally, at rating 3 the knight will gain an additional 5 saga points and weapon is only improved while this character uses it, if they hand it to
10 reputation points. MR: 3 another character, they do not gain the bonus. For every rating this
Errant Toughness (power 1): For 0 actions and 1 frenzy the ability is increased by a new die rank; d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5
knight may roll their body attribute or endurance skill check if they Knight’s Edge (power 2): The knight must spend 1 unarmed
gain that skill. For every 5 that is reached on the target number roll, or melee attack to roll either their strength, body, or dexterity check
they gain 1 toughness for the remainder of the combat. For every versus the same of an enemy. This may be used with the knight’s
rating in this ability, multiply the result of the gained by the rating. frenzy as well. If the knight succeeds, they will force the victim to
Thus, if you roll a 12 on your check you gain 2 toughness for the suffer the knight’s edge. The victim rolls 2d20 on their very next
remainder of the combat. Yet, if you are rating 2 in this ability, it defense roll, even if it is against another foe, and must keep the roll
would be 4 toughness until the end of the combat (2 x 2). You must that the knight wishes them to keep. This is once per combat. MR: 1
burn 1 frenzy to attempt this once per turn, but once it is used suc- Weapon Training (power 3): the roll of a natural 1 on the
cessfully you cannot use it again until next combat scenario. MR: 3 d20 to attack can be re-rolled once per combat. However, it does
Defensive Formation (power 2): The knight calls out to require the knight to burn 1 saga point to get this re-roll. This may
all allies within their charisma in inches (x5 ft”) for 2 open actions, only be used once per combat. MR: 1
using their Leadership skill roll. For every target number of 5 reached Knight’s Code (power 3): the knight may use their law skill
they may toss a d6 into the Defense Pool. All of those allies that are roll to help the fallen or their own skin if the time comes when they
within 2.5” inches of the knight as well as the knight themselves are reach 2 HP or lower. The knight rolls their law skill and spends one
able to burn 1 SP (OOT) in order to pull a d6 from the Defense Pool magic action to grant an amount of hit points back. Even if in the
and use this d6 to add to a single defense die roll, even after they story it will appear as though the knight is shouting at their ally
fail to defend on their normal d20 roll. This may only be used once to “stand up and fight” they have the power to protect the fallen
per combat. An ally is only aloud 1 die from the pool per defense roll due to their swearing in of the old code. The knight may spend 2
and the d6 allows continuum. This defense pool can be utilized for magic actions to multiply the result of the roll by x2. If the knight is
physical or mental defense. MR: 1 unconscious, they cannot use this ability, they must be between 2 HP
Honor and Glory (power 2): When seeking an audience and -2 to use this on their own character. However, they may use this
with a chieftain, lord or lady, king or queen, one usually needs to on an ally at 2 HP or lower. Knight’s code may only be used once per
have enough Glory to do so. Glory is your percent chance to be combat. At rating 2 it may be used as: ally at -4 HP or lower and on
known. This ability allows the knight to burn 1 frenzy and raise the their self at 4 HP to -4 HP. At rating 3: 6 HP and lower on an ally, or
rank of one of their social dice (d8, d10, d12). If they have no social 6 HP to -6 on their self. MR: 3
pool to begin with this ability will not give them this upgrade to add Mounted Charge (power 3): The knight gains the ability to
to their charisma or skill roll when seeking an audience. Yet, this improve upon the use of a mounted charge. Anytime the knight is
ability always adds 10% to their Glory (% chance known) for every mounted and charging, they can add x1 power damage to the charging
rating in this ability. This bonus is only granted during the scene in attack per rating. Normally mounted charge attacks to infantry cause
which the knight is seeking the audience. For every rating increased x2 power damage. This ability adds x1 more per rating, thus at rating
it also changes the rank of the die up one more step (d10, d12). MR: 3 1 a mounted charge for the knight errant will deal x3! MR. 3

S outh W e s t K o th

Skald Berserker
Weaponry: 1 (int)
(Skill Slots: 1)

The skald is much like the bard of most northern Starting Equipment
civilizations. In the northwestern part of Koth in lands such Bone Axe (weapons) 2d6
as Thead and Baleklade they are often times referred to as Sack (equipment)
skald, over a bard. Yet, in the southern lands of Valhagan, Waterskin (equipment)
the country of the dwarves the skald berserker became ever Musical Instrument: choose (equipment)
more famous by the conquests of their battle tactics. Even (Starting Pay: d6 Copper)
the goblins and orcs of the Crow Wilderness have skald ber-
serkers who can whip troops into a frenzy with their songs Spiritual Influence: 2%
and music. While bards tend to be more versatile, they seek
out to defeat challenges in more methods than just fighting,
the skald berserker is all about the war. Even their songs are
primarily about battle. Some famous skald berserkers are Mol
Garbak Hammaker of Stonegrowl, Hiltok the Toothless of the
Crow Goblins, and the Sirens of Valhagan. The Sirens have
grown in popularity since their discovery after the Battle of
Oakfall Bridge, where these female skald berzerkers carved
a path through a gang of trolls to save the dwarven caravan.

Character Class Abilities

2nd: Fury Song
3rd: Echoes
4th: Blood Hymn
5th: Rip and Tear
6th: Dirge of Terror
7th: Berserker’s Lust
8th: Ballad of Bravery
9th: Battle Psalm
10th: Iron Blood
11th: Blade Song
12th: Mystic Skill

Primary Attributes: Strength, Charisma, Perception

Combat Skills
Unarmed Combat: Brawler +2
Weapon Proficiency: Throwing
Weapon Specialization: Choose Weapon +1

Character Skills
Singing: 1 (chr)
Story Telling: 1 (chr)
Music (choose instrument): 1 (per)

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Fury Song (power 1): The skald may spend one unarmed resist the roll once every other turn. The target number falls by 1
action granting all allies temporary frenzy with their song. The skald point after each attempt. At rating 2, enemies also suffer the same
must make a singing or music check. For every 5 rolled on the target negative to their defense rolls. A victim that botches their resistance
number 1 frenzy is added to a party pool of frenzy. All the group may roll by rolling a 1 or all 1s must make a roll on the Fear Table. MR: 2
burn from this pool instead of their own. Once the combat is over Berserker’s Lust (power 2): each successful kill adds a +1 to
the frenzy pool fades away. This bonus is gained by all allies who can hit with any attack. The berserker must continue to kill at least one
hear at a range of charisma x 5’ feet. This ability can only be used enemy per round to keep the lust powered. The lust is only gained
once per combat. For every rating you may multiply the amount of after the first kill and once three kills are reached, they max their
frenzy gained by the rating. Thus, at rating 3, a roll of 16 would grant bonus to hit, but additional kills add x1 to their power dmg or
9 frenzy to the party pool (3 for the 16 roll, then x3 rating = 9). MR 3 x1 to their combo dmg. They max at +3 to hit and the power or
Echoes (power 1): this ability boosts the result of the music combo dmg will also max at x3. The berserker gains this until all of
or singing skill by burning 1 SP to add +d6 to the result. This bonus their enemies have fallen. If the berserker does not attack or misses
may be activated after a roll has been made. For each rating in this an attack for a full round the bonus is lost and must start over. MR: 1
ability you may raise the die up one rank: d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5 Ballad of Bravery (power 2): The skald spends 1 open action
Blood Hymn (power 1): the skald uses 1 open action and to make a storytelling skill check. For every 5 reached on the target
rolls their singing or music check. The song is meant to incite the number they gain a d6 to throw into the brave pool. At which time
blood flow and keep allies fighting. The allies are given a blood pool that pool can be utilized by any player who wishes to make a resisted
from which to draw from. The pool is for hit points equal to the check versus a fear attack. The ally may burn 1 saga point per die,
skill roll made by the skald. The skald is able to spend more open even OOT to use for the resisted willpower or skill check. For every
actions to multiply the result of their skill roll by the amount of added rating in this, the die moves up 1 rank: d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. MR: 5
actions that are spent. They are even allowed to spend their attack Battle Psalm (power 2): make a singing or music skill check
frenzy on this ability. Thus, if the skald rolls a 12 and chooses to for 2 open actions. For every 5 reached on the target # you gain a d6
spend their second action and 2 frenzy on the blood hymn then the into the Battle Pool. Each ally, even the skald may utilize these d6
result is 48 hit points in the blood pool (12 rolled x 4 actions). An ally to add to their + to hit or + to defend for 1 SP and before they make
may burn 1 frenzy OOT to take as many of the HP as the roll allows. their attack or defense roll. At rating 1 gain a +1 on a roll of 1-3, +2 at
The skald may use this ability once per combat, per rating. These 4 or 5, and +3 on a roll of 6. At rating 2: gain a +1 on a roll of 1-2, a
HP are available until the end of a combat, at which time they slowly +2 on a roll of 3-4, and a +3 on a roll of 5 or 6. At rating 3: gain +1 on
bleed away within 10 minutes after the battle is over. MR: 3 a roll of 1, +2 on a roll of 2 or 3, or a +3 on a roll of 4 to 6. They may
Rip and Tear (power 2): if the skald deals damage that beats only use 1 of the dice per attack or defense and the buffer lasts for an
the armor rating of an enemy, they may burn 1 frenzy in order to entire round. There is no continuum rule for maxing the die. MR: 3
degrade the armor rating by 1 point. If they deal double the armor Iron Blood (power 3): The berserker’s burns 1 saga point to
rating in damage, they may destroy 2 points of the enemy’s armor roll their strength attribute and gain the result to their toughness for
rating for 1 frenzy. This may be used once per turn. At rating 2 the 1 round per rating. This may be used OOT and before dmg. MR: 3
ability may be used to degrade 3 and 4 armor ratings as long as the Blade Song (power 3): the skald may burn 1 frenzy point to
dmg triples and quadruples the Armor Rating of an enemy. MR: 2 add a singing or music skill check to their base damage roll. This is
Dirge of Terror (power 2): The skald’s dirge strikes a cold added before any multipliers are made. If the skald has used a sing-
and clammy terror in the hearts of their victims to all within 2.5” ing check this round already then this must be a music check and
B.R. This costs 2 open actions. The area of effect can be focused as vice versa. This may be used once per combat per rating, so at rating
far away as the skald’s charisma attribute allows. All enemies within 2 the skald may use this once on two separate attacks. MR: 2
the AOE must make a willpower check or fear resistance versus the Bardic Magic (power 3): music is known to be a method
skald’s music or singing result. Any who fail are struck by this fear of awakening magic. When the method works they become Spell
and will suffer -1 to hit for every 5 met on the Skald’s skill check. Songs. It takes the skald berserker longer to learn Spell Songs, but
Thus, a roll of 15 to 19 would cause the enemy to suffer -3 to hit, up this ability grants the skald a proficiency in Bardic Magic. Now they
to a max of -4 to hit. This lasts for 4 rounds at which time it may be can learn spell songs from the school of yellow Magic. This does not
used again. The enemy may attempt to break the fear by trying to make them a spell caster. MR: 1

S outh W e s t K o th

Creatures of the
unlike many to flee if they are outnumbered, scared by magic
or fire, or even light.

Tortured South
Many of Koth’s creatures possess enhanced vision or
senses that help them find prey and enemies. Some possess
vision that can break through the power of invisibility, even
Many creatures are native to certain areas of the magical invisibility. Astral vision, as in the type that undead
world just as races are more prominent to different climates or spirits use, can see spiritual essence and a character would
that they deem suitable for their kind. The few monsters that require some form of astral invisibility to defeat this type of
are within this book are meant to give you an idea of what sight and become hidden from it. Ultraviolet vision, which
types of creatures find the warmer climates more adaptable. is used by a lot of beasts and animals cannot see normal
However, this doesn’t mean that you are required to only invisibility, while those who use infravision can. These are all
use these creatures within these specific lands. The south- covered in the Demon Gate Core Rulebook if you need more
ern realms are enormous and there are all kinds of reasons information.
in which these creatures could have migrated north. Some
could have been captured and taken to the north before they Abbreviations
escaped back into the wild. Natural disasters can drive crea-
tures from their normal habitat as well. Lack of sustenance # AP (# of Action Points), Bod (body), Chr (charisma), Dam-
may also be a factor to force them to seek food or comfort age (unarmed damage), + D (+ to defend), Dex (dexterity),
elsewhere. Vengeance is even a possibility. Perhaps a hunt- Fort (fortitude), + H (+ to hit), HP (hit points), +MD (+ mental
er killed their mate and now they travel north in search of defense), Mov (movement), Per (perception), Str (strength),
this murderer to devour their brains! Certain reasons will of TAV (total armor value), Tuff (toughness)
course not work for all these beasts on why they have chosen
to relocate, but the possibilities are limitless.
Many creatures evolve with or share the same special
abilities, weaknesses, and vulnerabilities. These will also be
listed at the end of the creature section within these pages.
The stats listed here are meant to be changed or manipulated
at times to fit your game and situation. The common name is
the first thing to be listed for the creature and then the level.
This is considered more the level of the creature at the point
these stats are taken, not so much the level in which players
should encounter the creature. Feel free to modify the stats
of any of these creatures as you see fit, for these are simply a
base to give you an idea of what this level or version of this
creature is like. Some are much larger, some are faster, some
are stronger, and some are higher or lower level, so you will
want to modify accordingly. You will sometimes want to ad-
just these stats to fit the level of the characters in the game
that they are fighting. This is sometimes a difficult thing to
do correctly for so many different variables can take place
in combat. The exploding dice for damage can sometimes
make a weak creature’s attack a deadly one with the right roll.
Then again, all fights are not meant to be fair. The players
should be aware that sometimes they might have to flee. Try
to remember as well that creatures will try to survive, it is not

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Blood Vines (4th lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
20 18 20 12 3 3 3 d6 +2* +1
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
50 2 2 0 1 none 2d8+3 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Blood Drain, Camouflage,

Entangle, Entrapment, Random Attacks
Description: Some can be as small as a few vines with roots that look
like red veins. The blood vine has beautiful broad leaves of green
backing, yellow fans, and red tips with crimson veins throughout.
Blood Vines also possess sharp thorns that are used to feed the
carnivorous plant. The tiny holes between the vines constricting
fibers are used to drain the blood of victims that are cut by the thorns.
Abbathor (4th lvl) As the vines constrict the body, the vine drinks from the victim.

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D

22 12 10 20 5 10 3 3(5) +1 +1
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
60 5 4 0 3(6) Cold: 20 2d8+4 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Bury, Entangle, Sonic Sight,

Sonic Vulnerability, Trap
Description: these carnivorous creatures wait in hiding within their
holes that they dig, to snag victims with their barbed tentacles and
drag them down to devour them. These are difficult to crawl out of
once you have fallen into it (T# 12+). These creature sense tremors
of prey walking above their den. Their strong carapace can often be
used for beast plate armor and their teeth for bone knives.

Bandergath (7th lvl) Crow Orc Warrior (8th lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D

26 20 22 24 12 12 10 3 (5) +2 +2 22 20 24 22 12 15 12 3 (5) +2 +2

HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +Md

100 7 4 0 6(12) Toxic: 20 3d6+6 0 160 10 6 1 5(10) none d10+4 +1

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Fury, Great Leap, Spider Climb Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Aggression, Agony, Dauntless,
Description: these yeti-like, bipedal creatures are found in the Catch Scent
swamps or the forests of the south and are much more agile than Description: The Crow Orcs are said to be savage beings that
their winter born cousins. They are a bit shorter and tend to spend worship giant beast gods and eat the flesh of their enemies as well
more time in the trees yet are very aggressive for omnivores. They as their own dead. These warriors, hunters, or scouts are often found
hunt in packs of 2d6 and can be identified by their reverberating in parties of d10. They do use weapons of bone, stone, and steel but
hunting call. The bandergath offer fur hides to hunters and their their weapons are often crude. They are sometimes found travelling
bone powder can be used in alchemy. Some have an accute fear of with at least one shaman in their party. These dark orcs are very
fire or magic, if you wish they can make a willpower check to attack. aggressive and untrusting of humanoids especially. On rare
occasions they will trade with non-humanoid outsiders.

S outh W e s t K o th

Hraesvelg “Corpse Eater” (16th lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
42 34 32 40 16 21 15 4(6) +4 +3
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
700 15 7 7 6(18) Sonic: 20 d20+d10+14 +2

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Fly, Engulf, Sonic Burst

Description: These giant vultures are legends passed down from the
Oldyn tongue. They have been known to fly away with cattle, horses,
or even humanoids at times. The shadow appears and then there is
not much time to react. They are called corpse eaters as well due to
the fact that they devour the dead bodies of soldiers and feast upon
the remains of the dead scattered over battlefields.
Goblin Shaman (3rd lvl)
Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
16 22 10 16 18 22 15 2 (4) +1 +2
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
45 4 0 4 6(12) none d6+1 +2

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Blood Scent, Sorcery

Description: There are many types such as the dungoblins,
knockers, and mungreel. If you use the mungreel from the Crow
Wilderness, their savage teeth deal d12 damage. Dungoblins are
more common on the surface, they are more intimidating to their
species. The knockers dwell deep and can climb walls like spiders.
Goblins are quite vicious for their size. Goblin shamans often
travel with bands of 2d6 soldiers in their war parties. Some towns in
human lands offer money for their large pointed ears.

Gortog (6th lvl) Kobold (2nd lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D

22 17 20 21 12 12 10 2 (4) +2 +1 12 14 10 12 10 10 8 2 (4) +1 0

HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +Md

100 8 4 0 4(8) none d10+4 0 16 1 0 0 3(6) Fire: 10 d6+1 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Blood Scent, Gouge, Iron Hide, Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Catch Scent, Spider Climb,
Pig-Stick Swarm Attack
Description: These beastmen are a primitive race of therians that Description: The kobolds are quite rampant in the Underworld.
usually have one shaman as a tribal leader. The head is pig-like with They are said to have their own villages and even cities within the
tusks and thick manes. They have four fingers on their hairy hands, deep. Some have been known to create their dwellings on the surface
each capped with thick nails and their hooves are strong. They often world especially in the country of Zawan. These reptilian creatures
craft crude weapons of stone and bone. They highly mistrust spell use weapons like daggers, spears, and bows and are known to live
casters that are not their god-king and have been known to try and freely amongst the saurian race. They also prefer to raid caravans
hunt witches to eat their power. Their tusks and hooves are worth and travelers for their food and do not mind eating humanoids that
coin when powdered. are well cooked.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Noktule (4th lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
20 18 20 12 3 3 3 d6 +2* +1
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
50 2 2 0 1 Sonic: 20 2d8+3 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Breathe Water, Electrical Vulner-

ability, Entangle, Entrapment, Smoke Screen, Sonic Blast
Description: Hundreds are born in the ocean in translucent sacs, yet
normally only a few survive the predators of the sea. When grown,
they are near to 15’- 20’ feet from barbed tentacle to spear-like torso.
They resemble the squid in many ways and even share some of their
abilities. These are only a taste of the nightmares found beneath the
Mahamba (9th lvl) waves that cover the deep. Their ink is worth coin and they’re edible.

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D

38 22 40 26 7 7 3 4 (6) +3 +2
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
600 15 11 0 3(6) Toxic: 30 3d12+12 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Consume, Electrical

Vulnerability, Engulf, Infravision, Iron Hide, Tail Flail
Description: These fierce reptilian monsters normally reach close to
30’ feet in length. There are stories of them attacking canoes and
splitting rafts in half with their tails before devouring those in the
waters. These resemble the crocodile in most ways but the mahamba
is a beast that hunters rarely go looking for. Their tough hides are
difficult to pierce and are worth some good coin if you are able to
defeat one. Their claws and teeth can be sold to alchemists.

Mammoth (8th lvl) Rakka (8th lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D

46 16 42 26 6 7 8 2 (4) +2 +1 25 20 24 22 10 12 10 2 (4) +2 +2

HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +Md

700 10 8 0 4(8) Cold: 30 2d20+16 0 150 10 6 1 8(16) Fire: 20 2d8+6 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Gouge, Iron Hide, Trample Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Blood Scent, Cold Weakness,
Description: Mammoths, often called mastodons or wooly mam- Maw, Pounce, Shred
moths. They are large quadrupeds that carry massive tusks that they Description: These bipedal reptiles are fast and deadly, with teeth
use only as protection for they are usually docile unless provoked. like daggers and claws for pinning and tearing meat. It is no wonder
They will aggressively protect their children though and often those that their eggs are worth a great deal to beast riders and handlers. To
who get too close. These great beasts have very large hides and their breed them in captivity and train them to be mounts of war has been
meat is sought after by hunters for they can feed an entire tribe quite popular by the dark elves and within the Seran borders. Their
for weeks. These beasts are found all over the realms and different hides are tough and in the wild they hunt in packs of 1d6+1. The
breeds dwell in different climates. The dune mammoths of the desert rakka do not do well in the cold terrain but prefer the warmer
wear short fur on their hides, while snow mammoths wear it long. climates.

S outh W e s t K o th

Saurian (7th lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
22 18 20 16 12 12 13 3 +3 +1
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
140 10 5 0 4(8) Fire: 10 d10+6 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Cold Weakness, Infravision, Iron

Hide, Regeneration
Description: This reptilian race stands close to 7’ feet in height and
normally weighs around four to five hundred pounds. The saurian
are well known in the southern country of Zawan and are thought
to inhabit all of the surrounding islands. They keep kobolds around
and live among them. They are a very savage race and attack most
outsiders but on rare occasions have traded. They have grown in
technology over the years and many fear when they will make ships Tarasque (20th lvl)
to raid the north. Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
74 48 44 22 15 20 14 4(6) +5 0
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
2K 20 10 6 7(14) All*: 20 3d20+30 +2

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Consume, Engulf, Enormous,

Iron Hide, Maw, Smash, Tail Flail, Trample
Description: This massive reptile is the king of the jungle. It is
worshipped in the Crow Wilderness and those of the Zawani
rainforest as a god. The beast god has teeth like swords made for
tearing chunks of flesh and it can swallow men whole. They have an
enormous tail that can swipe several enemies with one move. The
sheer size of this monstrosity will let you know it is coming so there
is little chance of stealth. It resists all but electricity.
Shadow Spider (8th lvl)
Troglodyte (5th lvl)
Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
26 20 25 25 13 14 8 3 (5) +3 +2
18 24 22 22 12 15 7 3(5) +2 +2
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +Md
160 12 6 0 6(12) Toxic: 20 3d8+6 0
80 8 4 1 6(18) Cold: 20 d10+2 +1
Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Chitin Armor, Cold Weakness,
Entangle, Entrapment, Shadow Bite, Spider Climb, Trap, Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Electrical Vulnerability, Glide,
Venom (3d8* special) , Web Great Leap, Sonic Sight, Tongue Grapnel
Description: The bite of the shadow spider is just one of the reasons Description: Also called trogs by many, these black-eyed creatures
it is given this name. The venom deals damage and is blinding and live in underwater sea caves. One subspecies, the tree trogs dwell in
disorienting, creating strange hallucinations. Some say it grants the forest caves near lakes and swamps. Most resemble mutated human-
vision of the Shadow Plane yet it really causes blindness. These pure oids mixed with amphibious additions, webbed digits, fins, and gills.
black spiders are giant, not as large as the tyrant spider yet they are These tribal creatures live in oval, mud huts, underwater, and sleep
faster. They wear strange designs that glow in the dark to attract in beds of seaweed. They are a vicious race that normally hunt land
prey. They also possess claws for stabbing on their front legs. mortals with crude weapons and armor of coral, bone, and shell.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Upathic Tree (1st lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D
7 0 10 6 1 16 15 0 0 0
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
35 2 2 0 0 Toxic: 20 special 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Allure, Cold Vulnerability,

Confuse, Fire Vulnerability, Upa Poison
Description: These poisonous trees hold very dangerous sacks of sap
that are held within beautiful flowers. Even getting near to the tree is
dangerous due to the noxious aroma it releases, that can knock many
mortals unconscious or cause dangerous delusions simply by breath-
ing it in. Once the sap is harvested from the sac, one can use the
Tyrant Bat (6th lvl) poison or sell it. It is a moderately dangerous poison simply called

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D Upa. Tribes have been known to use these trees as traps or guards.

20 32 12 30 8 17 8 2(4) +3 +3
HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD
75 1 1 1 9(18) Electric: 10 d12+d6+3 +1

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Blood Drain, Fire Weakness, Fly,

Sonic Blast (d12+d6+6 x2), Sonic Shock
Description: The tyrant bat gets its name from its giant size. Their
claws and teeth are large enough to sever a limb due to their speed
and strength. They are blood drinkers much like the blood bat, but
do not attack in swarms like blood bats do. Tyrant bats normally
attack in smaller groups of 2d6. Contrary to some old wives’ tales
they do see using ultraviolet vision and also possess sonic abilities
that can disorient prey. The larynx of the bat is worth some coin.

Umberlax (9th lvl) Veridian Viper (2nd lvl)

Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D Str Dex Bod Per Int Will Chr # AP +H +D

26 22 28 25 23 36 15 4(6) +2 +2 18 19 12 22 3 6 7 2(4) +2 +1

HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +MD HP TAV Tuff Fort Mov Resistance Damage +Md

300 16 7 10 6(12) Sonic: 30 3d10+6 +3 40 1 1 0 5(10) Toxic: 40 2d10+2 0

Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Chitin Armor, Confuse, Mind Special Abilities & Vulnerabilities: Camouflage, Cold Weakness,
Blast, Mind Leech, Psionic Shield, Spider Climb Confuse, Entangle, Infravision, Venom, Viper’s Kiss
Description: These arthropods possess six legs, a long neck extends Description: These green scaled serpents are not feared for their
from the back that is armored by chitin plates. The strange, squid- giant size like some of the more awe-striking constrictors found in
like tentacles crown a flat head that is adorned with many eyes. The the jungles of the Crow Wilderness. Yet, these deadly snakes are
mouth is round at the center of these squirming, barbed tentacles known for their poisons. They constrict their prey and hold them for
that hide the jagged teeth which resemble the mouth of a lamprey. precise strikes. The scales exude a dangerous hallucinogenic poison
These creatures tend to dwell in dark caves and have strange psionic called Veridian Haze (BS or -4 a/d d4 hours), sometimes used as a
abilities that attack the mind of victims to disorient them before narcotic. On an entangle the victim must save versus the haze. The
latching on and feeding off the brain before devouring the body. Viper’s Kiss though, is a deadly venom injected from their fangs.

S outh W e s t K o th

Special Abilities
completely engulf the victim under the ground or within a
substance, therefore allowing them to gain a great advantage.

& Vulnerabilities
The creature can not only deal massive damage (x4 combo
damage), the victim is also severely held and suffers -6 to
attack and defend while buried.

Aggression: if insulted, taunted, or struck the Camouflage: this ability allows the creature to
creature must make a willpower check in order to suppress become nearly invisible while sitting still they gain +10 levels
anger. If failed, or they do not wish to hold back the anger to their concealment, or perception attribute. This defense
they burn 1 point of frenzy to gain the aggression bonus. For mechanism makes them very dangerous and able to ambush
1 round they gain an additional +1 to hit any enemy with rage their victims or sneak attack them gaining x2 power damage
attacks or combo attacks. from any sneak attack.

Agony: gain +1 to their Body Save versus trauma Catch Scent: add +2 to perception results if it is
checks and body saves versus pain damage or effects due to possible to smell the target they are searching for.
their high threshold for pain.
Chitin Armor: this carapace type of layered, natural
Allure: this creature possesses something that armor is often worn by many different types of creatures. If
entices its victims into coming closer, smelling, touch- the creature has this as one of their abilities, it offers enough
ing, or even tasting the product of interest. The product of armor to take note of. Some of this can even be broken down
allure must possess a target number versus the willpower roll and used by enchanters or armorers to create chitin armor
of the victim, or the GM can simply make the object sound or beast plate. Some alchemists are able to extract useful
interesting enough to have a starving, thirsty, or interested properties from the fibers. The total armor value will of
creature want to know more. The target number is usually course show the sum of the creature’s armor and toughness.
found by rolling the creature’s charisma check or using the If the creature is slain and the chitin is harvested the GM
rank of its charisma as a base, and then this is resisted by the may determine the units gathered by creature size (look to
victim’s willpower check. Once the object is handled the trap the Demon Gate Core Rulebook for more info).
is sprung and the creature attacks gaining a sneak attack on
the unaware victim. Cold Weakness: the creature takes x2 power damage
against cold based attacks.
Blood Drain: this creature can feed on the blood of
victims and any unarmed damage that they drain from the Cold Vulnerability: the creature suffers x3 power
victim will therefore transfer back to the creature’s hit points damage to cold based attacks.
if they are lacking any of course, they will not go over their
max. Confuse: for 3 attacks the creature can use a
mental attack that deals a single attack worth of mental
Blood Scent: the creature may burn 1 frenzy to add damage (unarmed dmg unless otherwise noted), but if hit the
+d6 to perception or tracking to gain the scent of blood in victim must make a resisted willpower check versus the
the air. creature. If they fail, they must attack the closest target for
4 rounds, yet they may gain a resisted willpower check each
Breathe Water: this creature has the ability to breathe round to break free. If the creature is killed that confused the
underwater without the need for air. victim, they are set free.

Bury: this special ability is usually made with 4 un-

armed attacks unless otherwise noted. The creature is able to

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Consume: during a bite attack and a roll of natural 19 part die to see what part of the body is entangled unless it
or 20, this critical hit will activate the consume ability. If this was a called shot to begin with. The victim usually suffers
is not defended the victim becomes engulfed in the mouth normal unarmed damage and is also entangled now which
of the creature automatically. If the damage does not kill the also means that they are held and suffer -4 to attack and
victim, they are also held at -6 to attack and defend. If they do defend. If the attacker has a victim entangled then is hit with
not escape the consuming or the engulf, check out the rules enough damage to throw the creature to the ground, they
for engulf. The victim will eventually be swallowed if they do often will let go of an entangled victim. If they are
not escape. If enough damage is dealt to knock the creature determined to keep a hold of the victim a resisted strength
down, they will let the victim drop from their mouth in most check may be necessary.
Entrapment: this ability is reserved for those
Dauntless: the creature gains +1 to willpower rolls creatures that have the power to entangle enemies to the
versus fear attacks. point of them being totally pinned. Each time an entangle hit
is made the attack and defend modifier of the pinned victim
Electrical Vulnerability: the creature takes x3 power is given a cumulative -2, with it starting at -4. Thus, a second
damage from any electrical damage. entangle would bring the victim’s held modifier to -6 to hit
and defend. A third would move it to -8 to hit and defend.
Engulf: this ability allows the creature to swallow a When -10 is exceeded the victim is totally pinned and cannot
victim whole or enshroud the victim within their body to move without the help of an ally.
deal massive damage. This damage is sometimes listed next
to the ability, yet if not, it is considered x4 power damage Fire Weakness: this creature suffers x2 power
(unarmed) and costs 4 attacks to attempt. Once engulfed damage from fire-based attacks.
the victim is severely held at -6 to attack and defend and
usually only has one round to escape before being swallowed. Fire Vulnerability: this being takes x3 power damage
The next round, if the victim is still within the creature, from fire-based attacks and fire damage. Their frailty to fire
they take an automatic hit on the creature’s turn and take x4 can be exploited if a character knows this or has the creature
power damage again for only sacrificing 2 actions. If the victim lore skill.
remains within the creature for another round, they are
considered swallowed which deals a cumulative x4 power Fly: this simply means the creature has the ability
damage per round without any actions from the creature or to fly. The creature has a movement of x3 to their normal
any need for an attack roll. So, by the 3rd round the victim movement while in flight.
suffers x8 power damage, 4th round is x12 power damage, etc.
Fury: this ability is a bonus to hit for creatures that
Enormous: this ability may actually be seen as a are very aggressive. The creature spends one action going
vulnerability for one the creature is giant sized and thus into a rage and then for every attack that is dished out they
it is much easier to strike. This normally takes -4 from the gain a +1 bonus to hit for each attack on top of their normal
defense modifier of a being in many cases but this should to hit modifier. Thus, if a creature has 3 actions and 2 frenzy,
already be configured into the defense modifier. Enormous it can use one to activate Fury, then four attacks to grant it
creatures can not sneak up on an enemy either, for obvious an additional +4 to hit while dealing x4 combo damage if the
reasons, but if someone happens to stumble upon one as it attack is successful.
rests that is another story.
Glide: this ability gives those creatures who have the
Entangle: an attack roll of 15+ (that is 15 to hit or ability of flying or swimming an additional +3 levels to their
higher) means that the victim is entangled by a limb, ten- skill or attribute when trying to pull off special maneuvers in
tacle, etc. You may wish to roll the hit location die or body mid swim or flight.

S outh W e s t K o th

Gouge: the creature gains +1 to hit during rage Mind Blast: the creature has psionic powers that can
attacks using their special horns or tusks to rip into an affect the mind of enemies. Most creatures that attack with
enemy. They may burn 1 frenzy to gain this +1. psionic powers will use their normal unarmed bonus and
damage x2 for 2 actions. This is not a magical attack after all;
Great Leap: the creature can leap its entire running it is a natural ability of the creature. The defender must roll
movement with a successful dexterity or acrobatics check. their mental defense against the attack, and only fortitude
will soak any of the damage.
Infravision: the creature sees infrared radiation or
in the infrared spectrum. Things that are colder are seen as Mind Leech: the creature is able to deal combo
darker colors like blue and purple while things that are warm damage for every action spent on the mind leech. This
like a living humanoid are red, orange, and yellow. Some mental attack must be made within melee range as the
races that have this ability have an evolutionary trait to see psychic pull drains the life force from the mind. The
like this once their eyes adjust to total darkness, but once out creature also heals itself with this psychic energy that is
of total darkness their eyes adjust back to chromatic vision. drained from the subject. This can also be transferred to
Not all creatures can do this. Most animals are simply stuck mana or chi for creatures that possess those pools within
with this type vision for good but that is fine since it helps their body. The creature calls the amount of action points
them hunt and see living creatures easily. This type of vision they will spend before the attack roll is made.
also defeats invisibility type magic or camouflage.
Pig-Stick: the creature has the ability to charge and
Iron Hide: this ability allows a creature to possess an gain x1 power damage to any rage attack by burning 1 point
armor rating due to their tough hide or scales. It is a natural of frenzy, as long as they are able to reach their running
type of armor, yet it is not toughness. If there is a way to get movement on an enemy. This power damage may be added
a weapon passed the iron hide with a precise attack one could to unarmed or melee damage, but not shooting or magic. The
bypass the iron hide just as if it were wearing armor, thus frenzy is burnt before the attack is attempted.
the creature can suffer an armor defeating hit. This can often
be harvested after killing a creature with iron hide to create Pounce: The creature may pounce on a victim by
beast plate or hide armor. This is up to the GM as well as how jumping and landing on them, this requires a dexterity check
many units may be collected, which is usually relative to the which is resisted by the target. The creature that is pouncing
creature’s siz. This information can be found in the Demon gains a +1 to their dexterity roll for every hex (5’ feet) away
Gate core rulebook in the section on hunting. they were when successfully jumping. This can only go as
high as normal movement though. A successful pounce will
Maw: this creature may use maw and combine all drag a victim to the ground for a pinning maneuver which
of their heavy attacks into one roll. This is a type of combo leaves any remaining attack and defense by the victim to be
attack, yet the creature is combining several heavy attacks. done at -4 to attack and defend while under the creature.
They must at least have 4 actions to use this ability (2 rage When pouncing on a victim that is already on the ground, a
attacks). They get to roll a d20 for every rage attack attempt- successful pounce will cause an automatic x2 power damage,
ed and pick the best one out of the rolls. The damage is also making a rage attack pounce very dangerous.
x2 power damage then x2 combo damage in the case of 4
actions being utilized. In the case a creature has 4 attacks and 2 Psionic Shield: this ability allows the creature to
frenzy they could call maw for 3 rage attacks, roll 3d20 and pick place a mental shield around itself for 2 actions to activate
the best one. If the attack hit the damage would be x2 power it and it lasts for 4 rounds. The mental shield gives it a +4
damage, then x3 combo damage. This not only gives them additional defense against mental attacks and an addition
an edge, but it divides the power and combo damage fortitude of 10.
allowing other abilities like destruction to be added for
devastating attacks.

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Random Attacks: some creatures have a random Shred: this ability allows the creature to add a bonus
number of attacks each round due to their form or shape. of +1 to their damage per inch that they charge on an enemy.
Such as oozes, mists, or creatures with tentacles. The # of If the creature charges for 6” inches (x5’ ft in live range) then
attacks will be rolled each round. add +6 to the base damage.

Regeneration: this power allows the creature to heal Smash: this ability makes any attempt to smash
itself at a very rapid rate. Although all creatures have a very an enemy by stepping on them or crushing them into the
slow form of normal healing, those with regeneration powers ground x3 power damage for a rage attack by spending an
have a much faster healing rate. Most creatures with regen- additional frenzy point before the attempt. The smash attack
eration powers are different so the regen die or dice should is 2 action points, the creature must burn 1 frenzy point and
be listed next to this ability or you can use the same dice that the attack is made at a -1 to hit modifier but if it is a hit the
the creature uses for its body attribute check. Some crea- damage is x3 power damage.
tures have slow regeneration powers that allow you to roll
HP every hour while some have rapid regen which is rolling Smoke Screen: this creature has an innate ability
each round. You will roll the creature’s regeneration dice at to create a cloud-like substance in order to hide within it,
the beginning of each turn in the case of rapid regen. One disorient attackers, or to use it to vanish from pursuit. This
thing about regeneration powers though is that elemental grants the creature a bonus d20 to their concealment or per-
damage causes these powers to slow to a normal rate of heal- ception roll by using 1 shooting action to activate it. Those
ing. Damage such as fire, cold, or electricity is called elemen- who are within it, if it is used as an attack, they are partially
tal damage. Those with regeneration cannot regenerate this blinded at -4 to attack and defend.
kind of aggravated damage. If a creature is killed, it is killed;
regeneration will not save them unless they are able to regen- Sonic Burst: the creature can use some of its natural
erate enough hit points in that round that it brings them to abilities to create a sonic attack that resembles a burst weap-
a descent hit point status. If not, they are killed when taken on or breath weapon. You may use a flame template of about
below negative 15 just like anyone else. 8 inches long and nearly 2 ½” inches wide. The blast usually
deals damage equal to the creature’s unarmed damage with
Shadow Bite: the creature has the ability to cause any shot damage added due to perception. Some creatures
blindness from its bite. If a victim is bit they must make a may use song skill dice and their shot damage modifier as
body save after damage is taken or suffer slight blindness their sonic burst damage. Then, depending upon how many
and shadowy delusions instantly causing -2 to attack and de- actions the creature makes the burst determines how much
fend for the first round. On the second round the victim of a combo damage is dealt. A short burst takes 1 attack and deals
shadow bite must make another body save or the delusions (x2 combo damage), a heavy burst is 2 attacks (x5 dmg), a full
and blindness worsen taking -4 to attack and defend for the burst is 4 attacks (x10 dmg). Refer to the combat chapter in
round. This will continue each round all the way up to -10 the core rulebook for more instructions on burst damage if
or until the victim makes a body save. If they do not make a you need to find out how this works.
body save at all within the 5 rounds the victim is totally blind
at -10 to hit and defend. The victim also takes both a physical Sonic Shock: the creature may spend 2 shooting ac-
and mental fatigue point while suffering from the shadow tions once every other round to fire an 8” burst template of
venom for hours equal to the creature’s body attribute that sonic energy used to stun a creature. If the victim is hit, they
bit them. The blindness slowly fades away and the venom must make a body save or suffer a roll of the stunned table.
damage only lasts for rounds equal to the body attribute. Un- If the body save is made the victim does not lose any actions
less of course an antidote can be administered. If at anytime but suffers -1 to attack and defend for 1 round from being
there is a natural 1 rolled on the body save during the venom slightly disoriented.
this has a chance to cause permanent blindness.

S outh W e s t K o th

Sonic Sight: these creatures can see by creating pat- point to attack and rolls the perception of the creature. The
terns in their mind with the smallest of sounds. Every sound target must make this perception roll as well and if failed the
that is created sends an image instantly back to them about very next attack at them causes them to suffer a -2 to defend
what their surroundings look like. They can add a d6 to their due to the feign attack and distraction. If the tail flail is used
perception checks when a constant sound is made. to knockback, an attack roll is made as normal, but the crea-
tures uses 2 actions points for a heavy attack. If the victim is
Sonic Vulnerability: if this creature is hit by any hit the unarmed damage x2 is rolled. If the damage is enough
type of sonic damage it will suffer x3 power damage from the to knock the victim to the ground, they are also thrown 1d6
attack. This is usually because the creature has powerful inches (x5’ feet) in the direction the creature wishes.
hearing or senses. A critical hit can cause deafness if a body
save is not made; this will drop their perception down -4. Tongue Grapnel: this creature can throw their tongue
out to grab a hold of a target or item and pull it back to them,
Sorcery: a creature with this ability is able to cast or use it to trip an enemy, with a resisted strength check after
spells and utilize the schools of magic. You may grant them a successful hit. This type of attack is an unarmed attack and
magical spells from the core rulebook according to the level it costs 1 to grab a target as well as 1 to pull.
of the caster.
Trample: this character is able to charge over smaller
Spider Climb: this ability allows a creature to climb creatures during their movement phase if they fail to move
much like a spider, they can still move their max movement out of the way of a resisted dexterity check. This will not
while doing so, even upside down on the ceiling. This gives work on creatures larger than them. The charge must be
the creature a +10 lvls to their climbing skill which if the dice during running movement thus the second half of movement
are not listed and you need to roll it for some reason you may and is activated by spending 1 frenzy. It does not cost any
add +10 levels to the dexterity rank to find the dice. actions to attempt and may be attempted once per round.
Damage is unarmed + strength damage modifier of the
Swarm Attack: this is an attack form that is creature. If they possess abilities or talents to buff the
accomplished with many creatures that will attack a single damage of their trample, they may use them to do so.
victim all at once. Many creatures can swarm attack some-
one especially when there are quite a few that are normal- Trap: these beings usually possess a way to trick
ly weak by themselves, they gain the advantage of numbers. or trap a creature. This is done by the creature making a
They gain a +1 bonus for every single creature that is attack- perception check to create their trap at x2 the result to the
ing, therefore if they have 10 creatures in the swarm attack roll. Then, the victim must make a resisted perception check
then they gain +10 to hit. There is only one single die to hit as they approach the trap. If the victim has the skill traps they
during a swarm attack. If it is a single attack by all of the may use this instead of their perception roll. The victim must
creatures the damage rolled is multiplied by the number tie or beat the result rolled by the beast or they very well
of creatures. Yet, if all 10 are able to do heavy attacks, the fall victim to this trap. If the victim falls into the trap, they
damage will be x2 power damage for the rage attack and then often suffer the damage of the trap or they suffer a sneak
x10 combo damage for how many creatures are involved in attack from unarmed damage which is x2 power damage.
the swarm attack. Swarms are very dangerous, and it is easy Unless they are able to notice the beast in hiding which is not
for any creature to get overpowered for there is strength in normally the case.
Upa Poison: the Upa Poison is from the Upathic Tree
Tail Flail: once per turn or once per round, the and it is both the noxious aroma of the tree that surrounds
creature may use their tail as a weapon of distraction or to it, as well as what is kept within a sac or pod. The plant
throw a target several feet and to the ground. If tail flail is protects this liquid with its toxic aroma. Those who do not
used for distraction the creature only spends one action take precautions to cover their mouth to filter out the pollen

T h e T o rture d S o uth

must make a body save or start to see horrible hallucinations the viper’s body attribute. They also take 1 point of physical
that often make them confused and sometimes attack their and 1 point of mental fatigue while suffering the Veridian
allies or those closest to them. Depending on their failure of haze effects of -4 to attack and defend. This haze induces
their willpower check the GM may determine the severity of nightmare like hallucinations for the time of the poison. If
this delusion. The actual sacs of Upa poison allow mortals to bitten and the body save is made the victim suffers from the
utilize this gift and create a maddening salve that can send 2d10 poison damage only for 1 round and only a d4 rounds of
victims into a frenzy of confusion. The actual poison from half the haze effects (-2 attack and defend).
the salve if injested or injected is far more dangerous than
the fumes. The victim must make a body save when injested Web: this ability is created to catch its victims un-
or they will take 2d6 damage per round that is multiplied by aware. The web must be made beforehand and is often put
each round. The poison will last for 4d6 rounds (continuum over a passageway or over the opening in a large grotto, even
applies) and it will cause the victim to try and violently kill sometimes high above where the creature can hang their vic-
any living being nearest to them at -2 to attack and defend. tims. If caught in the web the victim must make a resisted
One can tell they have been poisoned by their bloodshot eyes strength check, normally with the creature’s roll for one ac-
and the green liquid running from their nose and or mouth. tion to break an arm free in order to attempt to cut them-
selves loose. Each strand of a web might have around SHP:
Venom: the creature’s bite is poison and will cause 25. Fire deals x3 power damage to the web. These webs are
toxic damage per round if a body save is failed. The exact often nearly invisible to normal chromatic vision and infravi-
damage is usually listed and different for each creature. Some sion. You may add +5 to the creature’s perception roll to con-
creatures have mild toxins, and some have deadly. The victim figure the concealment of the web. Once the web moves with
gains a body save each time they are bit and if it is made, they a victim within it, this sends out tremors to alert the maker
do not suffer from toxicity. A victim quite often will have to of the web that prey has been caught.
roll any time they take damage from a bite and it can become
cumulative if bitten many times with a failed body save. If the
damage is not listed use the unarmed damage of the creature
without the strength modifier, this will be the damage per
round if it is not listed otherwise. More often than not this
will also cause a point of both physical and mental trauma
to be taken until the poison leaves the body. Venom usually
lasts rounds equal to the creature’s body attribute for mild
poisons. It can last the creature’s body attribute in hours for
moderate poisons, or the body attribute in days for deadly
poisons. Yet this can be left to the GM unless the specifics of
the poison are left for you. Poison damage is also toughness
defeating. Once it has passed into the bloodstream of a crea-
ture poison damage can only be soaked by toxic resistance.
Once the resistance has soaked its rating in damage though
it does not soak anymore. For instance; toxic resistance does
not soak every round, it only soaks once.

Viper’s Kiss: the Viper’s Kiss poison is a deadly tox-

in, that if a body save is not made the victim takes unarmed
damage (2d10) per round for rounds equal to the viper’s body
attribute. Yet, it isn’t over. After this they continue to take the
unarmed damage every hour, for an amount of days equal to

S outh W e s t K o th

A Polite Fiction
am growing tired from detailing the next few days in the
upper districts, and I cannot imagine the boredom you are
suffering. Let me get on with it.
From the notes of Marvo the Scribe
On the fifth day I bade Riza bring me to the lower
If you think of a trustworthy and genteel sort, districts. I wanted to smell the grime and grit of the dark and
perhaps the face of Riza is not what readily comes to mind. dangerous places. I wanted to speak with people who had
And yet, I found him both trustworthy and kind, as I would a story to tell; these people have stories of hardship and
have found myself a stranded calf if it were not for his guid- loss. The alternative was to twirl about dancing at a party
ance. I hired Riza for a reasonable sum, thinking it better and drink Bloodvine! No thank you! Never again! After
to overpay than play the miser. A man well paid makes him some convincing, there we were, outside the Red Alley. Riza
loyal, loyal enough that he might not double cross me for and I visited a few local luminaries, Drake the Red Handed,
a pittance at the very least. If I had a sense of humor about Bart the Red Bladed, Miz the Red Blooded. Do you see a
the whole thing, I might give a chuckle at the irony of it pattern? These cutthroats and thieves may have told me many
all. A good mugging would have maybe scared me straight. interesting tales of Darkrest, but they won no prizes for
Although I have friends that claim Darkrest and Icobor hold originality. That night Riza and I stayed in the only private
many great wonders, I find it ill suits my tastes for personal room in the only lodge within Red Alley. Perhaps that was
safety. But, all this complaining will get us nowhere without a mistake? Either way, I awoke to being roughly handled by
understanding the root of my dissatisfaction; a root gnarled a brute of a man. He smelled of piss and stale beer, that is
and ugly. what I remember the most. He grabbed me, hauling me over
his shoulder. With a sack over my head, I could see nothing.
Riza seemed to have far more interest in the upper Abducted! Can you believe the audacity of these miscreants?
district of Darkrest than I did. Everything seemed a proper
city district, where people with the coin to pay for a pam- The road was long and arduous. I must have been
pered life got every got that and more. They called this the slung over a mule or ass. My ribs ached as the thing slowly
Vault District, though I cannot understand why. I saw no made its way along the Red Alley and into a building only
vault while I was there. I have seen many such places and the Gods know. I could barely walk when they pulled me to
they bore me to tears, truth be told. My young guide, Riza, my feet. Stumbling, they guided me into some building that
a boy of sixteen, had not seen much of these streets himself. smelled of death. There I sat, tied to a chair, for what felt like
Instead, I found myself giving the directions! Preposterous, an eternity. They never removed my hood save for placing a
I know, but I have seen many such places throughout Koth. gag into my mouth. I saw nothing but darkness. I felt nothing
They seem all the same, boring, as I said. I would have been but cold. And I thought my life was forfeit. I do not wish to
well within my rights to dock his pay or find a new guide. describe the simple punishment of sitting in one spot for
Alas, I thought my guide would be more useful in the dark- days. I shall let you use your own imagination. At the end I
er, stranger, and more interesting parts of the city. It must could have drank even Bloodvine and ate worse. I remember
have been the Bloodvine Tea I drank at a party when I first the rumble of my stomach protesting so loudly I hoped it
arrived in Darkrest. I swear upon the stars it is the most would gather the attention of any passersby that might aid
powerful intoxicant I have ever consumed! I saw through my plight. Screaming, alas, wasn’t an option with the tight
clouded eyes and a slowed mind for weeks afterward. My close gag they had placed in my mouth. But, before my hunger
confidant Malfant will hear of my displeasure when I see him pangs could bring anyone to my rescue, a man that smelled
again. A poor recommendation, indeed. As I was saying, I saw of sickly sweet perfume visited my small, solitary, prison.
nothing of interest. I took in a play at an ancient theater,
where attendants shuffled me into the very back of the room. “Where are you from? What is your income? Who are your
I could barely make out the actors and the story was, well, friends?”
let us say very underwhelming. The next … excuse me, I

T h e T o rture d S o uth

Did they want money? Did they want to sell me into I was foolhardy, not brave. My mind was still clouded
slavery? All these thoughts crossed my mind. I answered from the drink, I suppose, and I asked the innkeeper his part
truthfully. I had no real income besides what was on my in this. He would not answer, not completely. Someone paid
person. I had paid Riza a fair sum, and the rest I spent on him good coin, he said, but never gave their name. I could
lodging and meals. I had no great fortune, though a fortune believe that. What choice did I have anyway? Was I to press
is subjective. And my purse full of coin might have turned my luck before leaving this place and returning to the relative
heads to the poorest of the poor. I knew that, but I did not safety of the Vault? No I would not. The innkeeper asked for
want to believe someone would go to all this trouble for my nothing from me, and I did not press the matter. I wished
paltry purse. Why not bop me over the head, steal my money, to be gone. I left, slowly, and near crippled, but found the
and go about robbing and raping? Plus this man smelled like familiar face of Riza serving as my escort once more.
a whore, not a robber. Little made sense at the time.
My questions shifted to him. “Where were you?” “What
For all their questions, they never resorted to happened?” “Why was I cared for?” I found Riza’s
violence. Though, I say starving a man may be worse. And that demeanor completely changed. He did not seem like the
was not all, as I mentioned before, as nature called though I awestruck young man. He seemed cold and perhaps cruel.
could not move. It made for a sad scene in my mind’s eye. I He laughed when I told him of my circumstance! I hoped he
dreamt of what freedom would taste like, and revenge, if I am would abandon me, not murder me before we returned. As
being forthright. The third time they came I was delirious. I we made our way from that place I began to wonder if Riza
had not eaten or drank in days. My mouth was so dry I could could have been complicit in my capture.
barely speak. My lips so cracked they shot painful dagger
strikes into my skull. Did their questions change, or can I not I smelled deceit in the air. It took hours to get back.
remember? To this day I am unsure. If what I remember is I did not move quickly and I had no purse to rent a mule. I
true, these questions changed and became very specific. leaned against my walking stick, and Riza did not lend aid.
Paranoia filled every step of the prolonged journey. Everyone
“Tell me of your dealings with the shadulyn eldrynn. I saw plotted against me. Everyone wanted me caught or dead,
Tell me about the secrets of the Library of Mysticism. Who and Riza was leading me there. I was at his mercy. I could
do you know that are a member of The Blood Bound?” barely walk, let alone flee. But after near a day of walking, he
delivered me into the upper district and a soft bed. So
I do not remember my answers. I could have told fatigued a fearful was I that I passed off Riza’s agreed pay
them my mother was a wererat and I could not confess it to without a word. I was numb to hate and suspicion as my
this day. The next day, I think, they cut my bonds and took head laid upon the pillow and slumber took me. I slept long
me back to the inn and tossed my frail body in a bed. The and still that night. I would have slept another day if I was
innkeeper tended to me, he fed me, bathed me, and nurtured not disturbed. This time it was not an abduction, but instead
me back to health. I was weak as a bane during this time, you an invite to another party. I attempted to decline, I assure
see, and had no strength to perform a full investigation of you. My escort would not arrive until the following day. I
my horrible treatment. I had not the sense to consider it fully had to endure one final day and night in Darkrest, much to
until later, but the innkeeper was no great hero or my displeasure. I wanted to wait for my guard, their swords
philanthropist. Someone paid him to bring me to health. and axes ready to protect me, but the local magister had
Eventually, I was well enough to plan my escape from this other ideas. The local magister summoned my presence at a
city. I hated every moment of it, and so would you if treated gathering that night. A great honor they said. I did not wish
in this manner. I knew my way back to the Vault and I was to give offense, and I thought under such company at least I
eager to get back, boring or not. Being tied up and made would be safe. I would spend my last night in the company of
to suffer was all the excitement I could stand. I would have rich fools. It was better than tied to a chair or worse.
bought protection on my way from the inn, but my purse
was light.

S outh W e s t K o th

Luckily, this gathering was not too far from my current I soon took my leave, angry and afraid. I did not sleep until
lodging, and the streets were well lit. The estate had a gate my escorts arrived. Friends all, but they could not stay with
and walls, and I felt safer than I had in some days. When I me forever, watch me sleep, bathe, shit and piss. I kept myself
arrived, Bloodvine was not on the menu, and I took a dry quiet, fearful of the end, until now. I finally have the courage
red wine instead. The food was good, the harp pleasant, and …..
company entertaining. I felt myself wondering why I had -Marvo the Scribe
eschewed the comforts of nobility so quickly. To say I was
the guest of honor might be an exaggeration, but many *** Omit this story. Paint Icobor and Darkrest in a relatively
sought me out to speak of my travels. I rarely refuse such positive light. ***
conversations, as you already know. It was near the end of
the night when I smelled it, a perfume I would not forget.
I turned to a fop, bouncing about and speaking to every
woman he could find. He ate cakes. He laughed. I wanted to
kill him then and there.

With renewed strength I walked swiftly toward him, but

when I got within reach I could only stare. When he stared
back, he smiled and then bowed.

“Count Elerio the Fourth, Master of King Owlrec’s

Ministry of Defense.” I was speechless, not initially due
to shock, but because rage filled me so that I did not
comprehend his speech. I said nothing, and so he repeated
himself. He did not seem surprised.

“I hope you have had a pleasant stay in Darkrest. I know

your accounts of our city and kingdom will be gracious and

There was no time to debate, I had a choice. I could accept

this insult, my torture, and capitulate. Or I could rebuff him,
speak up to his ploy and expose his crimes. I am no brave
man; I am a sensible man.

“But of course, the Vault, the King and his servants are most
gracious and wonderful. I shall ensure to speak the truth
of the great nobility of this land. Exaggerations as to the
criminal elements of Darkrest will be refuted. Can you
believe I swallowed my pride? My hate? I am a coward.

“Good. For Icobar is a big place. They say you can hire
assassins that will journey through all nations of Koth. They
find their prey, always, so long as you have the coin to spare.”
And then he smiled, “And the King’s treasury is overflowing.”

T h e T o rture d S o uth

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