In 2002

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In 2002,From October 2 to 22, , two people participated in a series of shootings in

Washington DC, Maryland and Virginia, which killed 10 people and left three
seriously injured. They became known as the Beltway Snipers. As a result, 27 local
and state police departments, seven federal agencies, and the US Department of
Defense began working on the case, but didn't know where to start. [1] The local
police had no leads and very little evidence. Because the shootings occurred
randomly and the victims were not connected, police had to rely on witness
testimony. Those proved to be inconsistent and inaccurate at times.
By the time police finally arrested Muhammad and Malvo ,as many as 1,000 law
officers were on the case.
Last fall, the court heard arguments in the case after a lower court ordered a new
sentence for Malvo, who was 17 when the crimes were committed in 2002 and was
originally sentenced to life without parole. In court, lawyers for Malvo said his
sentence deserved a fresh look because the Supreme Court had issued new guidance
on juvenile offenders in recent years. At the time, Virginia argued against Malvo.
As we can say, solve this case were nothing easy , I think one of the main reason of
why the officers weren´t able to avoid the crime was because it was extremely
unexpected,since Montgomery County had an annual homicide rate of 15 to 20
murders a year, so this city probably wasn´t consider as dangerous and people and
officers weren´t aware that this could happen.
If the police had noticed since first day the murders of people in the supermarkert,
he could had helped and aware people and they will have avoid deaths of innocent
Maybe if there were had CCTV cameras everywhere,the crime and criminals could
had been arrested by the police more easily.
By the way,we can´t deny that the officers did a very good job in the process to solve
the crime, I think if the police hadn´t been very involved in the discover of the case,
things could have went very wrong.and they weren´t had solve the crime
It´s good to see that now many people are more aware of this, preventing crimes and
catching criminal it´s all that matters. Maybe things might have been improved and
avoid if people had been more informed about how to prevent and act in shootings.
If people were more concious of the situation,things might not have turned out so

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