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The Success of Peruvian Food

For long years Peru has found itself in a rather relegated place; little competitive
and without representation and identification of any kind; In this way, the
productive sectors of the country were unsustainable for a third world economy.
However, currently things have changed in Peru and one of the potential sectors
that has been representing us with great success is Peruvian food. Indeed, it
would be worth asking ourselves why gastronomy today becomes one of the most
successful potential sectors in Peru? Hypothetically we can affirm that its
success lies in the diversified gastronomic culture that exists in the country;
added to this we have the support of other variables that have influenced this
culinary boom, such is the case of the growth of tourism and also the recent name
of the country brand that identifies our varied cultural potential.

As mentioned, the success of Peruvian gastronomy is not properly due to the

diversification of dishes that are cooked in the different regions of the country;
and if we analyze the interior of Peru, we see that each region has a broad
identification either by the popularity of a dish or any other attraction. Thus, it
should be noted that the increase in the country's tourist flow has a very
significant influence on the entire production chain that is generated, and one of
them is the outstanding participation of restaurants that have seen a business
opportunity in Peruvian gastronomy and in order to consolidate themselves as
such, they have innovated in the kitchen, creating a varied and attractive number
of representative dishes from traditional dishes; Tour operators currently build
the so-called gastronomic tours where the food of our ancestors has become
today the so-called gourmet gastronomy.

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