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Today I would like you to start the Academic and Career Plan Mentioned in the course outline .

The plan MUST be submitted BEFORE the due date or penalties will apply.

“For the capstone project in this course, students will complete an academic and career plan. This
will involve completing a draft of their academic plan that must be approved by the course
instructor. Additionally, students will research a career of their interest and demonstrate how they
will work towards achieving this career through their academic, professional, and personal goals.”

I would like you to draft a Ten Point Plan of how to achieve you chosen career on ONE SIDE of A4
double spaced, font size 12 Calibri or similar 250 words MAX.





                                                      My Chosen Career is:

I will achieve this by following these ten bullet points:











These will be used in discussions about your chosen career path. Please submit the first 3 steps in
detail for discussion before the end of class.

You: Sony Sing

Me: Nanna Leegaard Kruse 

Course: Educ 101

Date: 29th of June 2023

                                                      My Chosen Career is: Field Geologist

I will achieve this by following these ten bullet points:

1. Continue studies at Coquitlam College in Chemistry 101, Earth Studies 102, Physic 202 and Math

2. In my next semester (here or elsewhere) I will study: Psychology 201 ( Wayne Smith), Criminology
201 (Suzy Soil)

and Geography 201 Max Webber.

3. I will transfer my credit to UBC Earth Studies Dept (check actual web sites)

 EOSC 222 - Geological Time and Stratigraphy

 EOSC 211 - Computer Methods in Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
 EOSC 221 - Introductory Petrology
 EOSC 220 - Introductory Mineralogy
 EOSC 223 - Field Techniques

4. In the final year I will specialize in 

 EOSC 424 - Advanced Mineral Deposits

 EOSC 422 - Structural Geology II
 EOSC 432 - Fossil Fuels

 With a view to becoming a Field Geologist

5. I will then apply to a Geology firm such as 

Palmer as a 
Geological / Forestry Field Technician (Entry)Palmer
Vancouver, BC
via Just Geology Jobs

6. Here my duties will include.................

7. I will then try to advance in the company by.....

8. Take further studies at........

9. Develop research in........

10.  Begin my own Field Geology Exploration Company in XXXXXXXX where we will specialize in

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