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Biofouling, 2003 Vol 19 (Supplement), pp 197–205

The Development of a Marine Natural Product-based

Antifouling Paint
School of Life Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK; bKristinebergs Marine Biological Station, P1 2130, S-450, 34
Fiskebäckskil, Sweden; cX-Gnat Laboratories Ltd, Cumbernauld, Scotland, UK; dDepartment of Chemistry, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton,
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK

(Received 29 August 2002; in final form 28 October 2002)

Problems with tin and copper antifouling compounds have in Europe, Canada, and Japan. Copper-based paints
highlighted the need to develop new environmentally are currently used as an alternative to TBT-contain-
friendly antifouling coatings. Bacteria isolated from living ing paints, however, the toxicity of copper to some
surfaces in the marine environment are a promising source
of natural antifouling compounds. Four isolates were used species of marine algae and the ability of shellfish to
to produce extracts that were formulated into ten water- accumulate the metal has increased calls for
based paints. All but one of the paints showed activity legislation against the use of such paints (Claisse &
against a test panel of fouling bacteria. Five of the paints Alzieu, 1993; Batley et al., 1994). Another widely used
were further tested for their ability to inhibit the settlement co-biocide is the herbicide Irgarolw (2-methylthio-4-
of barnacle larvae, Balanus amphitrite, and algal spores of
Ulva lactuca, and for their ability to inhibit the growth of tert-butyl-amino-6-cyclopropylamino-s-triazine)
U. lactuca. Two paints caused a significant decrease in the (Thomas, 2001), however there is growing concern
number of settled barnacles. One paint containing extract over its possible impact on aquatic and saltmarsh
of Pseudomonas sp. strain NUDMB50-11, showed excellent plants (Gibbon, 1995).
activity in all assays. The antifouling chemicals responsible Fouling may be controlled by foul-release coat-
for the activity of the extract were isolated, using bioassay
guided fractionation, and their chemical structures ings, which have low surface energies and do not
determined. contain biocides. Attached organisms are removed
from vessels as a result of frictional forces caused by
Keywords: antifouling paint; marine bacteria; natural products their motion through the water (Bultman & Griffith,
1994; Kavanagh et al., 2001 and references therein).
While effective on fast-moving vessels, these coat-
ings are not suitable for use on the majority of
vessels. Electrochemical technologies have also been
INTRODUCTION examined but are expensive to apply to large
structures (Nakasono et al., 1993).
The effects of metal-based antifouling paints on the Natural products from marine organisms can be
ecology of the marine environment have been the used as replacements for the chemicals commonly
subject of intense debate (Foster, 1994). The most used in antifouling coatings (Clare, 1996a). Many
widely used chemical antifoulant, tri-n-butyl tin sessile marine animals are free from biofouling and
(TBT), accumulates in marine sediments and a produce metabolites that demonstrate antifouling
number of studies have demonstrated its properties, presumably as a means of protection
negative effect on several marine species (Stewart from colonisation by fouling organisms or to reduce
& Thompson, 1997; Hashimoto et al., 1998; Grinwis competition for space in highly competitive environ-
et al., 1998; Matthiessen & Gibbs, 1998; Fisher et al., ments (Wahl et al., 1994). Some seaweed species can
1999). As a result, the use of TBT has been restricted also interfere with bacterial colonization on their

*Corresponding author; fax: þ44-131-451-3009; e-mail:

ISSN 0892-7014 print/ISSN 1029-2454 online q 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/0892701031000061778
198 J G BURGESS et al.

TABLE I Marine organisms used a source of epiphytic bacteria been determined. The development of large-scale
fermentation conditions for production of these
Sample Species antifouling extracts is also reported.
Alga Fucus serratus
Fucus spiralis
Laminaria sp.
Corallina officinalis
Chondrus crispus
Poryphera umbilicas
Isolation of Epiphytic Bacteria
Ulva lactuca
Codium fragile sp. atlanticum
Seaweed surfaces were thoroughly washed with
Mastocarpus stellatus sterile seawater, so that only bacteria with a strong
Leathesia difformis affinity for the host were sampled (Gil-Turnes et al.,
Himanthalia elongata
Delesseria sanguinea
1989; Cheng et al., 1999; Jiang et al., 1999). Seaweed
Dilesia carnosa fronds were swabbed with a sterile cotton tip to
Halidrys siliquosa obtain epiphytic bacteria (Boyd et al., 1998; 1999a).
Nudibranch Archidoris pseudoargus
Sponge Haliclona viscose
Marine agar (MA, DIFCO), seawater agar and
Halichondria bowerbanki seaweed agar were used for cultivation. In order to
Myxilla incrustans better reflect the nutrients available to algal-
Halichondria panicea
Pachymatisma johnstonia
associated bacteria in their natural environment, a
Featherstar Antedon bifida range of media were also made to mimic the
Starfish Asterias rubens chemical composition of particular seaweeds from
Bryozoan Membranipora membracea
Flustra folacia
which bacteria were isolated. These media were
Sea anemone Actinia equina incorporated with commercially available sugars,
Tunicate Ascidia mentula such as fucoidan, mannitol, galactose and glucose
Botyllus schlosseri
Ascidiella aspersa
which were added after autoclaving to a final
Sea hare Aplysia punctata concentration of 0.1%. Media incorporating alginate
and carboxymethyl cellulose were also prepared by
incorporating these materials prior to autoclaving. In
surfaces by the release of antifouling compounds addition two other gel-forming polysaccharides,
(de Nys et al., 1995; Dobretsov & Qian, 2002). carrageenan type I and carrageenan type II, extracted
In addition, recent studies have highlighted import- from red algae, were used to make agar plates. Plates
ant roles for bacteria colonising the surfaces of were incubated at either 13 or 208C. Colonies were
marine organisms. Bacteria growing on the surfaces selected to make pure cultures by re-streaking. Six
of larvae of some crustaceans produce antimicrobial hundred and fifty isolates were obtained from the
compounds which protect the developing larvae surfaces of a range of marine algae and invertebrates
from fungal infection (Gil-Turnes et al., 1989; (Table I).
Gil-Turnes & Fenical, 1992). Biofilms of the
bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas tunicata, isolated from Antibacterial Assays
the surface of a tunicate, showed antifouling activity
against Balanus amphrite and Ciona intestinalis larvae Antibiotic assays against nine fouling bacteria were
( James et al., 1996; Holmstrom & Kjelleberg, 1999). carried out using either a standard disk diffusion
Bacteria isolated from the surface of seaweeds have assay (Mearns-Spragg et al., 1998; Boyd et al., 1999a)
also been shown to release compounds that repel or a well assay. For the well assay, 10 mm diameter
other fouling bacteria, suggesting that they may wells were cut in MA plates that had been freshly
protect the seaweed from fouling by other organisms swabbed with a lawn of each fouling strain. To these
(Boyd et al., 1998; 1999a; 1999b; Burgess et al., 1999). wells, 100 ml of the cell free supernatant were added.
Incorporation of natural products into antifouling The plates were incubated overnight at 288C. Strains
paints is an approach that has been tried by a number giving inhibition zones greater than 11 mm were
of groups (Willemsen & Ferrari, 1993; Armstrong considered to be antibiotic producers. Forty two
et al., 2000b; Peppiat et al., 2000). However, there have (6.5%) of the 650 isolates exhibited antibacterial
been few attempts to define the chemistry of the activity against at least one of the fouling strains.
extracts used. This paper reports the development of
an antifouling coating incorporating extracts from a
Preparation of Antifouling Extracts from Marine
marine bacterium as the active principal. The coating
exhibited good activity against marine bacteria,
barnacle larvae and algal spores, which suggests Of the forty two antibacterial compound-producing
potential use as an antifouling paint. Moreover, the isolates, strains FS55, NUDMB50-11, MAI-11-01-CP
chemical structure of the active compounds has and II-111-5, exhibited antibacterial activity against

more than two marine fouling bacteria. They were

Overall antibacterial activity of paint
compared with resin controls

therefore selected to provide active extracts, from

supernatants and cell extracts, for addition to paints
(Table II). These four isolates were grown in either
marine broth or SM9 media (Stead et al., 1996).
Supernatant extracts were prepared by chromato-


graphy on Amberlite XAD16 resin and eluted with a

gradient of increasing acetonitrile in water. Active
fractions were combined and the acetonitrile evapo-
rated. The aqueous solutions were then either
extracted with dichloromethane or freeze dried and
resuspended in methanol. Cell extracts were pre-
pared by extracting cell pellets with methanol. In the
bacteria killed by the paint

case of a Pseudomonas sp. NUDMB50-11 (Peppiatt

The number of strains of
a panel of 9 fouling

et al., 2000), a portion of the cell extract did not

solubilise in methanol and this was dissolved in
TABLE II Summary of antibacterial activity of paints formulated from bacterial extracts


Extraction and Characterisation of Antifouling

Metabolites from Pseudomonas sp. NUDMB50-11
þ ¼ significantly different compared with the resin negative controls; 2 ¼ not significantly different compared with the resin negative controls

A Pseudomonas sp., NUDMB50-11, was grown in 5 l

of SM9 medium at 288C with shaking for 5 d. The
culture was centrifuged (2500 rev min21, 1 h) and the
Type of extract used in the paint

H2O soluble residue of cells

supernatant extracted with 5 l of chloroform.

The chloroform extract (2.0 g) was subjected to
silica gel column chromatography and eluted
with a chloroform methanol gradient (0 , 100%
methanol). Fractions with similar patterns on TLC




were combined and 15 fractions were obtained.

Further silica gel column chromatography and




crystallisation, combined with comparison of their

2D NMR spectral data with literature values, were
used for identification of the chemical structures of
these metabolites.
Archidoris pseudoargaus (Nudibranch)

Determination of Minimum Inhibitory

Palmaria palmata (Red alga)
Fucus serratus (Brown alga)

Laminaria sp. (Brown alga)

Concentration (MIC)
Isolated from

The five metabolites isolated from the NUDMB50-11

culture were dissolved in methanol. The methanol
solutions were applied to antibiotic assay discs to
give a series of discs containing 50, 10, 5, 1, 0.5 and
0.1 mg of metabolite. Marine agar plates were
inoculated with the target bacteria and the disks
applied. MIC values were determined from the
minimum concentration giving a zone of clearing
MAI-11-01-CP (Bacillus licheniformis )

around the disk, as described previously (Brown &

Wallace, 1992).
NUDMB50-11 (Pseudomonas sp.)

II-111-5 (Bacillus subtilis )

Incorporation of Bacterial Extracts into Paints

FS55 (Bacillus pumilus )

Supernatant and cell extracts (Table II) from FS55,

NUDMB50-11, MAI-11-01-CP and II-111-5 cultures
were dissolved in minimal volumes of either
methanol or dichloromethane. The solutions were

mixed with a water based paint resin, Revacryl 380

(Harlaw Chemical Company Ltd). The concentration
200 J G BURGESS et al.

of the cell extracts was 28 mg ml21, while that of the cups (diameter 40 mm, height 35 mm) containing
supernatant was 20 mg ml21. All paints were applied painted test panels and 6 ml of filtered seawater. The
in the same manner and thoroughly dried prior to use. spores were allowed to settle for 2 h in darkness after
which the filtered seawater was exchanged for 10 ml
of fresh culture medium. The spores were left to
Antibacterial Assays on Paint Formulations
germinate at 198C under fluorescent lamps at an
The assay was carried out as described by irradiance of 50 mmol m22 s21 (PAR) and a photo-
Armstrong et al. (2000b). Fouling bacteria, 5.1, 4.2, period of 16 h light per day (Nordby, 1977; Hattori &
5.4, 132-10, 132-11, 134-15, 137-5, 137-8 and 137-9 Shizuri, 1996). After 6– 7 d, the test panels were
were used as target strains. Significant differences observed microscopically (320 £ ) using UTHSCSA
ðp , 0:05Þ between the effects of each paint were (Image Tool for Windows version 2.00) for result
determined using Kruskal – Wallis One Way ANOVA analysis. Three images were randomly selected from
ranks followed by Student –Newmann –Keuls all each replicate image covering about 4.5 mm2. Images
pairewise multiple comparison procedure. were analysed for the number of algal germlings per
mm 2, the relative size of the germlings and
percentage cover.
Barnacle Settling Assay
Larvae were obtained from adult barnacles collected
from the Swedish west coast (April –September). RESULTS
They were continuously fed with the microalga
Isochrysis galbana and the fairy shrimp Artemia salina. Purification of Antifouling Metabolites from
Newly settled barnacles were kept in aquaria with Marine Epibiotic Bacteria
flowing, filtered seawater. Larvae were collected by
Over 650 isolates of marine epibiotic bacteria from
a filter system consisting of four filters of decreasing
different sources were screened (Table I). Four of
mesh size (450 –490 mm), connected to the outlet of
the aquarium. The method of rearing larvae was
modified from Clare et al. (1995) and Clare (1996b).
Larvae were transferred to a 1.5 l flask with aerated
seawater (278C) and fed with a mixture of I. galbana
and Thalassiosira weissflogi. After 10 –12 d, the larvae
had reached the cyprid stage and were ready to
settle. Settling tests were performed using plastic
Petri dishes (Bibby Sterilin, diameter 50 mm). The
inside was painted with three layers of the test paint.
A drying time of 24 h was allowed for each layer.
After drying, the painted Petri dishes were filled
with filtered seawater to remove any possible toxic
residues from the paint itself. After 3 d, the Petri
dishes were replenished with 5 ml of fresh filtered
seawater and 25 –35 cyprids transferred to each and
settlement assayed after 12 d.

Macroalgal Settling Assay

Mature spore-producing fronds of the green macro-
alga Ulva lactuca were collected and incubated in
aerated seawater (178C) at an irradiance of approxi-
mately 100 mmol m22 s21 (PAR) for 16 h per day.
Roughened PVC test panels ð30 £ 30 mm2 Þ were
painted with three layers of test paints containing the
different extracts.
Zoospores of U. lactuca were released and
prepared as described by Callow et al. (1997). The
spores were counted by means of a Coulter
Counterw (MODEL ZF) and diluted with fresh
medium to 30,000 cells ml21. The test procedure
FIGURE 1 Metabolites with antifouling activity isolated from
modified from Fletcher (1989) was used. Spore a culture of the nudibranch-associated Pseudomonas sp.,
suspension (300 ml) was added to plastic settling NUDMB50-11.

TABLE III Minimum inhibitory concentrations of individual compounds isolated from NUDMB50-11 against a panel of fouling bacteria

Fouling bacteria (strain designations)

4.2 5.1 5.4 132-10 132-11 134-15 137-5 137-8 137-9
1 , ¼5 , ¼5 , ¼5 , ¼5 , ¼ 10 , ¼1 , ¼5 , ¼5 , ¼5
2 , ¼ 10 , ¼ 10 , ¼ 10 .50 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 10 .50 .50 .50
3 , ¼5 , ¼5 , ¼5 , ¼5 , ¼ 0.5 , ¼ 10 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 50 .50
4 , ¼ 0.5 , ¼1 , ¼ 10 , ¼5 , ¼ 0.5 , ¼ 10 .50 .50 .50
5 , ¼5 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 50 , ¼ 50 .50

Unit ¼ ug

the most active were used to produce extracts that a pronounced effect in inhibiting the growth of the
were incorporated into antifouling coatings (Table other strains. Almost all of the coatings were more
II). One of the most active isolates was a Pseudomonas active than the commercial antifouling paint. None of
sp., strain NUDMB50-11. Five metabolites were the paints were active against fouling strain I-137-9.
isolated from a 5 l fermentation of NUDMB50-11 in However the NUDMB50-11 extract was active
MSM9 medium (Figure 1). Of 15 fractions, fraction 3 against the strain before incorporation into the
gave phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (185 mg) (Stead paint base. Additionally, FS55 extracts were no
et al., 1996). Sep-Pak silica gel cartridge column longer active against strain 5.1 once incorporated
chromatography (chloroform-methanol gradient) into the paint (Table II).
and reversed phase preparative TLC (methanol/- In order to compare the bacterial extracts used in
water: 60/40) of fraction 4 gave 2-n-hyptyl quinol-4- each paint, the results were calculated to give a
one (8 mg) and 2-n-nonylquinol-4-one (5 mg) (Deb- measure of the zone of clearing obtained per mg of
itus et al., 1998). Silica gel preparative TLC (chloro- pure extract. The NUDMB50-11 and methanol
form/methanol: 95/5) of fractions 5 and 6 gave soluble cell extract and supernatant extract were
1-hydroxyphenazine (20 mg) and phenazine-1-car- the most active, being significantly better than all of
boxylic acid (Fernandez & Pizarro, 1997). Sep Pak C18 the other extracts against strains 5.4 and I-137-9. The
cartridge column chromatography (water-methanol NUDMB50-11 water-soluble extract was more effec-
gradient: 0 , 100% methanol) and crystallisation tive than that of FS55 when tested against 4.2, but the
(acetone and methanol) of fractions 10 and 11 gave reverse was true against strain I-137-8.
pyolipic acid (25 mg) (Itoh et al., 1971; Syldatk et al., In the second set of assays another five paint
1985). The spectral data of pyolipic acid were formulations were tested. FS55 supernatant and cell
assigned in detail using 2D NMR. extracts were again tested as well as cell and
supernatant extracts of MA 11-01-CP and the cell
extract of II-111-5. The supernatant extract of FS55
Determination of MICs
was active against 4.2 and I-137-5 and the cell extract
Phenazine-1-carboxylic acid showed the most from FS55 was active against I-137-8 (compared with
marked activity with an MIC of 5 mg against seven the previous batch of paint made from FS55 which
of the nine strains, and values of 1 and 10 mg against was active against 4.1 and I-137-8). The paint made
strains 134-15 and 132-11 respectively by the from the supernatant extract of MAI-11-01-CP was
standard disc diffusion assay. In contrast, 1-hydro- active against I-137-8, I-137-9 and 1-132-11 and the
xyphenazine proved to be less active, only showing cell extract paint of the same species active was only
activity against five of the nine strains and MIC against I-137-9. The paint made from II-111-5 was not
values were more than 10 mg. Both the quinol-4-ones significantly more active than controls against any of
showed similar MICs. Pyolipic acid had an MIC the fouling strains. From overall results pooled
approximately of 50 mg against all of the strains across all nine fouling strains, the FS55 supernatant
(Table III). and both supernatant and cell extract paints from
MAI-11-01-CP were significantly more effective than
all the negative controls and the commercial Marinex
Antibacterial Activity of Paint Formulations
marine antifouling paint. There was no significant
All the resin paint-extract preparations were active difference among these paints (Table II).
against fouling strain 4.2. The cell and supernatant
extracts of FS 55 were not significantly more active
Barnacle Settlement Assay
than the controls of resin alone or resin with
methanol when tested against strain 4.2. All Five of the paints exhibiting antifouling activity in
NUDMB50-11 extracts were significantly more active the antibacterial assays described above were used in
than controls against strain 4.2 and extracts had barnacle settlement assays. Two of the paints showed
202 J G BURGESS et al.

FIGURE 2 Settling frequency of barnacle larvae in Petri dishes treated with antifouling paints. Settling frequency is expressed as a
percentage of the negative controls. Vertical lines ¼ 95% confidence limits. NUD S ¼ NUDMB50-11 supernatant extract paint; FS55
S ¼ FS55 supernatant extract paint; MA S ¼ MAI-11-01-CP supernatant extract paint; FS55 C ¼ FS55 cell extract paint; 111-5 ¼ II-111-5 cell
extract paint.

a significant decrease in the number of settled inhibition of the settling frequency compared to the
barnacles in comparison with the control (Figure 2). negative control.
The paints of interest were those formulated from the
NUDMB50-11 supernatant ðp , 0:05Þ: All other
paints showed no significant antisettlement activity. DISCUSSION

The first stage of biofilm development is the

Algal Settlement Assay
adsorption of organic macromolecules to form a
Of the five paints described above, the paint conditioning film (Wahl, 1989). This is closely
containing NUDMB50-11 supernatant showed a followed by the attachment of bacteria and other
significant inhibition in the settling frequency and unicellular organisms. It has been suggested that
also the growth rate of U. lactuca compared to the effective inhibition of biofilm formation at this early
control (Figures 3 and 4). Paint containing super- stage would lead to a surface that lacks the necessary
natant of MAI-11-01-CP showed a significant characteristics to permit the settlement of larvae of

FIGURE 3 Settling frequency of algal spores in Petri dishes treated with antifouling paints. Settling frequency is expressed as a
percentage of the negative controls. Vertical lines ¼ 95% confidence limits. NUD S ¼ NUDMB50-11 supernatant extract paint; FS55
S ¼ FS55 supernatant extract paint; MA S ¼ MAI-11-01-CP supernatant extract paint; FS55 C ¼ FS55 cell extract paint; 111-5 ¼ II-111-5 cell
extract paint.

FIGURE 4 Area covered by algal spores in Petri dishes treated with tested antifouling paints. The areas are expressed as a percentage of
the negative control. Vertical lines ¼ 95% confidence limits. NUD S ¼ NUDMB50-11 supernatant extract paint; FS55 S ¼ FS55 supernatant
extract paint; MA S ¼ MAI-11-01-CP supernatant extract paint; FS55 C ¼ FS55 cell extract paint; 111-5 ¼ II-111-5 cell extract paint.

macrofoulers (Satuito et al., 1997; Wieczorek & Todd, activities have been documented (Leisinger &
1997). Therefore, the development of a paint with Margraff, 1979; Turner & Messenger, 1986). Pyolipic
antibacterial activity may disrupt the early stages of acid has also been reported to exhibit mycoplasma-
biofilm development, and provide an effective cidal and antiviral activities in vitro (Leisinger &
antifouling coating for the protection marine struc- Margraff, 1979), and was reported as a biosurfactant
tures. In addition, the use of a water-based paint, with potential for application in combating marine
Revacryl 380, would overcome the adverse environ- oil pollution (Vandyke et al., 1993; Lang &
mental and health impacts of solvent based paints. Wullbrandt, 1999). However, this is the first report
The study of natural product antifoulants has describing the antifouling activity of these com-
included the assessment of the activity of crude pounds. The compounds represent three diverse
extracts or isolated metabolites in antifouling assays classes of molecule with different physical properties
(Armstrong et al., 2000a; 2000b). Although there are and antimicrobial activities. This range of physical
some reports of paint formulations incorporating properties and activities may, when the extract is
characterised natural products (Shin & Smith, 2001), incorporated into a paint, give active components
studies using microbial extracts are rare. Extracts of that are released at different rates from the painted
the sea pansy, Renilla reniformis, added to commer- surface and have differential activities against a
cially available paint and encapsulated in metallic range of target organisms.
microtubules (Price et al., 1994) were effective in Clare (1996a) reviewed antifouling natural pro-
controlling biofouling over short periods in the ducts from marine sources identifying a number of
marine environment. Paint formulations incorpora- compounds with antifouling activities. However, the
ting extracts of sponges were also active in barnacle vast majority of these were classified as antifoulants
settling assays (Willemsen & Ferrari, 1993) and in a on the basis of a single assay. The antifouling activity
separate study, extracts of sponges and a gorgonian of one bacterium has however been studied in some
were shown to be active against tube worms when detail. Pseudoalteromonas tunicata, isolated from the
mixed with abietic acid and coated onto panels surface of the tunicate Ciona intestinalis, produced at
(Bakus et al., 1994). However, no attempts have been least five extracellular compounds which inhibited
made to identify the active compounds in these the settlement or development of a range of surface
coatings. colonising species (Holmstrom & Kjelleberg, 1999).
Most of the bacteria isolated in the present study The compounds, which have not been identified,
which showed good antifouling activity were species inhibit the settlement of invertebrates and algal
of Bacillus and Pseudomonas. This may reflect the spores, growth of bacteria and fungi and surface
culture methods used rather than be an indication of colonisation by diatoms.
species diversity in the natural surface films. Five In addition, sea trials were also conducted in two
compounds exhibiting antifouling activity were different locations, one in Scotland and one in
isolated and characterised from a culture of the Sweden (data not shown). In contrast with the
most active strain, NUDMB50-11. All five com- laboratory assays, the field trials showed the paints
pounds have been reported to be secondary had little effect on either the onset or degree of
metabolites of Pseudomonas and their antimicrobial macrofouling. This appears to be a common theme in
204 J G BURGESS et al.

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