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“Third places” as community builders

Stuart M. Butler, Carmen Diaz
September 14, 2016

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Building Healthy Neighborhoods

Urban planners seeking to stabilize neighborhoods are focusing on the critical role that
“third places” can play in strengthening our sense of community. Third places is a term
coined by sociologist Ray Oldenburg
gentrification/every-community-deserves-a-third-place) and refers to places where
people spend time between home (‘first’ place) and work (‘second’ place). They are
locations where we exchange ideas, have a good time, and build relationships.

For young Americans, many third places are now virtual – from Facebook and chat
rooms to group texts. But as Oldenburg notes, the most effective ones for building real
community seem to be physical places where people can easily and routinely connect
with each other: churches, parks, recreation centers, hairdressers, gyms and even
fast-food restaurants. A recent newspaper article on McDonald’s
us-physical-social-networks?CMP=share_btn_tw) found that for lower-income
Americans, the twin arches are becoming almost the equivalent of the English “pub,”
which after all is short for “public house”: groups of retirees meeting for coffee and
talk, they might hold regular Bible study meetings there, and people treat the
restaurant as an inexpensive hangout.

Third places build communities

Third places have a number of important community-building attributes. Depending on
their location, social classes and backgrounds can be “leveled-out” in ways that are
unfortunately rare (
these days, with people feeling they are treated as social equals. Informal
conversation is the main activity and most important linking function. One
commentator ( refers to
third places as the “living room” of society.

Many city planning efforts to reinvigorate metropolitan neighborhoods now include

specific steps to create third places, especially public spaces, to try and break down
social siloes. The greater Washington, D.C. area is an example. In an experiment in one
park in downtown D.C., for instance, office workers can now reserve tables and chairs
to meet or socialize. In nearby Silver Spring, Maryland, the OUTBOX
( is an experimental
outside and wall-less vestibule equipped with Wi-Fi and seating, available for people
to use throughout the day.

The elderly are at particularly high risk of being cut off socially, and that is attracting
the attention of third-place innovators. For instance, LeadingAge Maryland
, a research and advocacy organization, is working with wellness agencies and
architects to design senior housing within “common space” areas, situated near
transportation, nonelderly housing, and other community partners such as universities
and medical facilities. These efforts include cafe-style facilities targeted for seniors,
but that are also attractive to the broader public. This is in stark contrast to the
common pattern of creating self-segregated elderly enclaves, with elaborate services
but little contact with the outside community.

Third places at risk

But many brick-and-mortar third places are being lost as more Americans go digital for
social connections. Escalating real estate prices in many cities also make low-cost
informal meeting centers harder to maintain. This is not just a central city issue.
Suburban neighborhoods often overlook the importance of third places.

Oldenburg has blamed “unfunctional zoning

review.htm) ” that bans commercial establishments in residential areas, leading to
suburban Americans having to use their cars for everything they need, and malls and
box stores crowding out small businesses and hang-out places.  Research by our
Brookings colleagues Alan Berube and Elizabeth Kneebone
found that we are now experiencing higher rates of poverty in some suburbs than in
cities. A stronger network of third places in both cities and suburbs could help build
the social and economic connections needed to move out of poverty.

Reviving third places

Cities and suburbs can take steps to create more hospitable conditions for third places
to develop and thrive. One important step is to make sure zoning accommodates
mixed-use functions in otherwise residential areas. Bus routes and convenient
stopping points can also be critical to the survivability of a third-place. Free Wi-Fi,
provided by a city neighborhood, can turn many places into meeting points and draw
people together from a range of ages. Retrofitting public places and exploring new
architecture and use of space is also essential. Small design changes can encourage
interaction between groups that might otherwise be cut off from each other. For
instance, Gallaudet University, the Washington, D.C. university for the deaf and hard of
hearing, has launched a “DeafSpace (
design/deafspace.html) ” initiative and has been working with architects, students,
and community members to design spaces within the Gallaudet campus and the
surrounding neighborhood that are more accommodating and inclusive for those with
hearing loss.

More creative use can also be made of existing laws and regulations to encourage
such efforts. For example, a provision of the Affordable Care Act requires non-profit
hospitals, as a condition of their tax-exempt status, to analyze local health needs in
their communities and help address them using hospital resources.  Given what we
know about the importance of social interactions and community networks to address
certain mental health issues, hospitals could identify existing or possible third places
to help expand the availability of meeting places, walking spaces and public Wi-Fi
access. Hospitals are particularly well positioned to work with local businesses,
universities, senior centers, and local government agencies.

Strengthening social networks is a crucial step to reviving neighborhoods and

addressing social problems. Third places can do much to help stabilize communities
and reduce social problems.

Stuart M. Butler Senior Fellow - Economic Studies @stuartmbutler

CD Carmen Diaz Former Research Assistant - Brookings

Copyright 2023 The Brookings Institution

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