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I. Identify the different tools/ instruments that are found in your OB/ Public Health Bag and describe the
purposes or uses of each tool or instrument in physical assessment.

__________ stethoscope- the device helps listen to the sounds generated internally by your heart,
lungs, intestinal tract and to check blood pressure

a. Sphygmomanometer- to measure blood pressure

b. Tourniquet- device that is used to apply pressure to a limb or extremity in order to stop the flow of

c. Micro pore tape- to secure bandages and dressings to skin without leaving a sticky residue,

II. Answer the following case study scenarios:

A. Case Scenario 1

Maria Ortiz, a 52-year-old Mexican American, who has a follow-up appointment related to type 2
diabetes mellitus, which was diagnosed 2 weeks ago during an annual physical assessment. Her primary
language is Spanish; while her English skills are good, she has difficulty understanding complex medical
terminology. Ms. Ortiz has been married for 30 years, and her three grown children live nearby.

Ms. Ortiz is 160 cm tall, weighs 75 kg (body mass index [BMI] 29), and eats a diet high in fats and
starches. Her blood glucose levels at home have been elevated. She has a history of obesity and
peripheral vascular disorder. Current vital signs are temperature 36.5°C tympanic, pulse 82 beats/min,
respirations 16 breaths/min, and blood pressure 138/78. Medications include an oral hypoglycemic and
a daily vitamin.

Mrs. Ortiz tells the clinic nurse that she is going to have a holiday dinner at her sister’s house and the
whole family will be there. She conveys concern about being able to follow her diet plan while eating
with the whole family.

1. What could the nurse do to help this patient?

2. How might Mrs. Ortiz plan for family dinners in her diet plan?

3. What would be the most beneficial interventions the nurse could do for Mrs. Ortiz?

4. What modifications of information might be helpful for Mrs. Ortiz to help her understand primarily
her condition?
5. Formulate 3 priority Nursing Care Plans for Mrs. Ortiz using the ADPIE format. (Assessment,
Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation)

B. Case Scenario 2

Emma Anderson, a 9-year-old African American girl who was diagnosed with asthma when she was 3
years old. Consider how things might be different if Emma lived in an apartment complex that was
newer and did not have mold, cockroaches, and dust and if her school was newer and did not have old
carpets and a rodent infestation.

1. Emma comes to the school nurse stating that because of the wind she is having an asthma
exacerbation and she thinks her inhaler is empty. What part of the health assessment should the nurse
reassess to help Emma?

2. Formulate 3 priority Nursing Care Plans for Mrs. Ortiz using the ADPIE format. (Assessment,
Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation)

III. Short Answer

1. Discuss how a nurse would make a genogram and why.

2. Nurses assess activities such as feeding, bathing, toileting, dressing, grooming, mobility, home
maintenance, shopping, and cooking. What is the purpose of these assessments?

3. List and explain the areas that are assessed according to Gordon’s functional health patterns.

4. What body systems does a complete review of systems include?

5. List the elements of a symptom that are assessed during the history of the present illness.

6. Explain where a nurse would gather primary and secondary data.

7. Briefly compare and contrast a focused assessment with a comprehensive assessment.

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