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Ray Epps Reveals He's Being Criminally CHARGED for J6 I Blames TUCKER

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e Benny Johnson 1.03M J) v

8:48 PM Fri Jul 14 9 © 77% t

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0 :01 foreign

0 :06 things are happening on the January 6th

o:oa front uh Christopher Ray was asked big

0 :09 time about January 6 and also Ray Epps

0 :12 has announced that he will now be

0 :13 charged three years later

0 :16 by the justice department and blames

0 :18 Tucker Carlson for that we're gonna look

0 :20 through the rayapp's lawsuit line by

0 :22 line and show you some fascinating

0 :24 things did Ray Epps admit to working

0 :27 with the federal government it seems

0 :29 like he just did

0 :30 and now the federal government is

0 :32 charging him this is going to be

0 :33 fascinating get ready baby some of the

0 :35 best questions from yesterday were not

o:3a necessarily about the Biden's

0 :39 criminality they were in fact about

0 :42 January 6th and the FBl's role in

0 :44 January 6th something that this show has

0 :45 not shied away from

8:48 PM Fri Jul 14 9 @ 77% !'_f ,

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0 :47 we have been upfront with you as to the

0 :51 information pursuant January 6 and

0 :53 what's happening there we always bring

0 :55 you the receipts Andy Biggs asked a

0 :57 great question about January 6 and

0 :59 caught Christopher Ray saying he didn't

1:01 know how many federal agents there were

1:03 at January 6. what hold on record

1:06 scratch watch and uh please don't don't

1:08 distract here because we're focusing on

1:10 those who were there in an undercover

1:12 capacity on January 6th how many were

1:15 there

1:16 uh again I'm not sure that I can give

1:18 you that number as I sit here I'm not

1:19 sure there were undercover agents uh on

1:22 scene

1:24 I find that kind of a remarkable

1:26 statement director at this point you

1:29 don't know whether there were an

1:31 undercover federal agents FBI agents in

1:35 the crowd or in the Capitol on January

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1:37 6th I I say that because I want to be

1:40 very careful there have been a number of

1:41 court filings related to some of these

1:43 topics and I want to make sure that I

1:45 stick within what's in 11 understand

1:47 that but I I just I thought I heard you

1:50 say you didn't know whether there were

1:52 FBI agents or informants or human

1:56 sources in the capital or in this in

1:59 vicinity on January 6th did I

2:01 misunderstand you I thought that's what

2:02 you said well I referred very

2:03 specifically to undercover Asians

2:06 so how you could okay listen show me I

2:10 don't know who I'm paraphrasing here

2:12 show me your bank statement I'll show

2:13 you where your values are if you're

2:15 donating to your church if you're

2:17 donating to philanthropy if you're

2:19 buying toys for your kids

2:21 the vast majority of spending in my

2:23 family has to do with my children we

8:48 PM Fri Jul 14 9 @ 77% "'t

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2:25 care about our kids and we care about

2:27 like providing a good life for them that

2:30 is that is what matters to me that that

2:32 is my legacy on this Earth

2:34 so that is that if you look at my bank

2:36 account that would be where that'd be

2:38 where you see the money going okay

2:39 so you can really tell someone's

2:42 priority based on where they're spending

2:43 resources where the FBI spent

2:46 probably not uh 90 cents out of every

2:49 dollar over the last two years was

2:51 Prosecuting uh little grannies who who

2:55 were ushered into the capital on January

2:58 6.

2:59 and he was called out to his face about

3 :02 that

3 :03 uh by Troy Niels who is a fantastic

3 :07 member of Congress also from Texas

3 :09 here's Troy Nails talking about how the

3 :12 FBI is Prosecuting little grannies

3 :15 um more than their Prosecuting child

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3 :17 predators

3 :19 disturbing because last month Steve

3 :22 friend he testified before the

3:24 weaponization committee Mr friend was a

3:26 domestic Terror of investigator for you

3 :28 and he was told by one of his superiors

3 :31 that January 6th was I quote a higher

3 :35 priority than pursuing child pornography

3:38 cases end quote And for those of you

3 :40 watching in America understand today's

3:42 FBI is more concerned about searching

3:45 for and arresting Grandma and Grandpa

3:48 for entering the Capitol building that

3 :50 day then pursuing the sick individuals

3 :52 in our society who prey on our children

3:55 and Mr Ray your priorities are flawed

3:57 but let's rehash what we know so far all

4 :00 right it's the largest investigation in

4 :02 FBI history and you don't mention it in

4 :04 your testimony agents have been

4 :06 reassigned from Child exploitation cases

4 :09 and so on
8:48 PM Fri Jul 14 9 © 77% ~f:

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4 :09 and so on

4 :11 so these are the receipts

4 :14 this is what the FBI prioritizes

4 :17 Troy Niels is saying yo you are

4 :20 reassigning child exploitation agents to

4 :24 work on January 6 cases Andy Biggs there

4 :26 of Arizona saying wait a second hold up

4 :28 you don't know how many agents were

4 :30 inside of the U.S Capitol

4 :31 Christopher Ray being like I don't know

4 :33 oh really well first off I find that

4 :36 very hard to believe and then

4 :38 secondarily you've been asked this same

4 :40 question by the great clay Higgins one

4 :42 of our favorite members of Congress

4 :43 Louisiana friend of the show

4 :45 who just delivered a barn burner the

4 :4a last time Christopher Ray was dragged up

4 :49 to Congress Christopher Ray sat and was

4 :52 asked a simple question how many

4 :55 class how many human informants or FBI

4 :58 agents did you have inside of the

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4 :59 capital

s:oo before the doors were opened such an

s:02 important way to frame that question

5 :03 because if you were to establish a fed's

5 :06 direction you would need to effectively

s:oa have already pre-planned dressed as Maga

5:11 supporters individuals inside the

5 :13 capitol

5:14 behind the police before the doors were

5 :17 opened

5 :18 that would mean that you are

5:21 already predicting what's about to

5 :24 happen and you had an entire mechanism

5:26 set up for people to enter the capital

5 :28 for you to charge them all with

5:30 trespassing

5 :31 now I have two pieces of two pieces of

5:33 video that I'm going to play here one

5 :34 Christopher Ray and then two Nancy

5 :36 Pelosi because Nancy blue is at the same

5 :38 time that this was happening said ooh

5 :41 trespassing at the Capitol I've been

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5 :42 waiting for this because she had a

5 :43 documentary film crew with her the whole

5:44 time hmm that's curious that why would

5 :48 Nancy Pelosi have a documentary film

s:so crew with her

5 :51 waiting to hit her marks things like

5 :54 that very curious Christopher Ray can't

5 :57 answer the simple question how many

5 :59 agents did you have inside the capital

6 :01 before the doors were open on January

6 :03 6th this gives gives away the game Watch

6 :07 does it does the FBI

6 :10 have a confidential human sources

6 :13 uh

6 :15 did the FBI have confidential human

6 :18 sources embedded

6 :20 within the January 6 protesters

6 :24 and on January 6 of 2021

6 :28 well Congressman as I'm sure you can

6 :29 appreciate I have to be very careful

6 :31 about what I can say about winning even

6 :33 mileage because that's what you told us

8:49 PM Fri Jul 14 9 @ 77% ""f

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6 :35 to go math finish about when we do and

6 :39 do not and where we haven't have not

6 :40 used confidential human sources but to

6 :43 the extent that there's a suggestion for

6 :4 5 example that the FBl's confidential

6 :48 human sources or FBI employees in some

6 :50 way instigated or orchestrated January 6

6 :53 that's categorically false did you have

6 :55 confidential human sources dresses Trump

6 :57 supporters inside the capitol on January

7:00 the 6th prior to the doors being opened

7:02 again I had to be very careful it should

7:04 be a no can you not tell the American

7:07 people no we did not have confidential

7:10 human sources dressed as Trump's

7:12 supporters positioned inside the capitol

7:14 gentleman's time has you should not read

7:16 anything into my

7:18 decisions not to share information

7:21 gentleman's time has expired

7:24 so that's a fact

7:25 right there that's effective questioning

8:49 PM Fri Jul 14 9 @ 77% -.:t

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7:27 no monologuing stop it this is what

7:30 always gets the super villains right at

7:32 the end of the movie they monologue

7:33 right the Heroes all trapped instead of

7 :35 just like blowing them away the

7:37 monologue no no no no don't monologue

7:42 ask questions get him to answer that's

7:45 so important clay Higgins came on our

7:47 show and said listen

7:49 I've seen the footage I've seen the

7:52 dudes I've seen these guys they were

7:55 standing Maga supporters were standing

7:57 there waiting Mega supporters federal

8 :00 agents were standing there pre-dressed

8 :03 as magazines inside the U.S Capitol clay

8 :05 Higgins he's on the Committees that have

8 :08 access to all the footage

8 :09 so where the hell were these guys why

8 :11 can't they release the footage oh uh

s :13 because it would

8 :16 unveil who was acting as an informant

8 :19 for the FBI that's what FBI said FBI is

8:49 PM Fri Jul 14 9 @ 77% ~f

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s :22 stopping the release of this footage

8 :23 thus proving that these were FBI agents

8 :27 you want further proof here's Nancy

8 :29 Pelosi as soon as the capital was

8 :31 breached Now reminder here according to

8 :33 the capital police chief Steven Sund

8 :34 Nancy Pelosi refused to take his call

8 :37 and refused to ask for backup

8 :40 for 80 minutes

8 :42 as the crowd moved closer edged closer

s :45 and closer to Capital and then once the

8 :46 crowd breaks into the capital

8 :49 not saying that they should have

8 :51 hooliganism should always be punished

8 :53 you hit a cop I don't care if you're

8 :55 wearing black block or Maga hat you go

8 :56 to jail you should go to jail for a long

8 :58 time

s :59 okay so the Hooligans deserve to go to

9 :01 prison but I'm talking about the people

9 :03 that were ushered in by the cops

9 :06 I'm talking about the vast majority of

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9 :08 people who are just like wandering

9 :10 around oh okay there's a sightseeing

9 :12 tour

9 :14 obey the obey the Velvet ropes

9 :20 ladies and gentlemen when those people

9 :22 were welcomed into the capital Nancy

9 :24 Pelosi had this to say watch

9 :26 Secret Service said they never just

9 :28 waited him for coming to Capitol Hill

9 :30 they told him they don't have the

9 :31 resources to protect him here

9 :34 so at the moment he is not coming but

9 :36 that could change

9 :38 I'm gonna punch him out

9 :41 waiting for this for trespassing on the

9 :44 capital ground I want to punch him out

9 :46 and I'm going to go to jail and I'm

9 :48 going to be happy

9 :50 Hold Up Wait A Minute something ain't

9 :53 right

9 :54 what did she just say what did she just

9 :58 say
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9 :58 say

10:01 I've been waiting for this

10:03 trespassing on the capitol ground

10:06 you know we pulled the records over 90

10:09 percent of j6ers are charged with

10:11 trespassing that's right trespassing

10:15 why did Nancy Pelosi wait for that what

10:18 was she

10:19 oh Nancy that's during the quote unquote

10:23 insurrection

10:25 Nancy Pelosi goes I've been waiting for

10:26 this trespassing on the capitol grounds

10:28 and then that's what they go ahead and

10:29 charge everyone with

10:31 why have you been waiting for it Nancy

10:34 but what what a curious thing what a

10:37 strange World we're living in now

10:40 raps who is suing Fox News for

10:43 defamation

10:45 has in his court filing which is

10:49 hundreds of pages long

10:51 admitted that he will be charged by the

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10:54 years

10:55 after the January 6. right

10:59 uh

11:00 say what now

11:02 according to the post millennial rayap' s

11:0 4 lawsuit against Fox News reveals he's

11 :06 being criminally charged by the

11:07 Department of Justice two and a half

11:08 years after January 6th right

11:10 interesting let's read

11:12 details of Ray app's civil complaint

11 :14 against Fox News revealed that he is

11 :16 being criminally charged by the doj

11:17 almost three years after fact finally in

11:20 May of 2023 the Department of Justice

11:21 notified apps that he would they would

11:23 seek to charge him criminally for the

11 :24 events of January 6. two and a half

11:26 years later the Relentless attacks of

11 :28 Fox and Mr Carlson resulting in

11:31 political pressure likely results in the

11:32 criminal charges complaint reads

8:49 PM Fri Jul 14 9' @ 77% ~f

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11:35 um okay

11:36 so talking about what the guy did on

11:38 camera

11:39 is a problem this is called reporting

11:42 the complaint continues that blaming Fox

11:44 News criminal charges it is difficult to

11 :46 believe that the Department of Justice

11:47 would have pursued this matter if Fox

11 :48 had not focused its lies on apps okay so

11:51 what what do they say here's the lawsuit

11:53 on screen you can see the the you know

11:56 you can see the uh

11:58 filed in the superior court of the state

12:01 of Delaware interesting

12:04 um

12:05 there's also where Dominion filed its

12:07 lawsuit uh there in the state of

12:09 Delaware

12:10 so what does the does the complaint say

12:14 super weird here man Julie Kelly who is

12:17 really good I mean the best reporting on

12:20 January 6. pulls out this fascinating

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12:23 quote from the lawsuit

12:26 Julie Kelly tweeting this is interesting

12:28 I have to look at all the interviews and

12:29 monologues but what is Ray up saying

12:32 here

12:33 here is on uh on I think paragraph 118.

12:37 paragraph 118.

12:39 Fox did not falsely assert that Epps was

12:42 an informant for federal agency instead

12:44 Fox falsely asserted that Epps was a

12:46 federal agent who was encouraging

12:48 inciting others in an unlawful activity

12:52 so are they saying

13:00 this is their words

13:02 Fox did not falsely assert that Epps was

13:04 an informant for a federal agency there

13:06 are questions to be asked on this man

13:08 Tim Poole saying are they implying that

13:10 fox is correct that absolute's either an

13:12 informant or a law enforcement officer

13:14 with a legitimate task

13:15 doesn't mean their only complaint is the

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13:15 doesn't mean their only complaint is the

13:18 implications of a false flag that's what

13:20 Tim's asking

13:21 uh the uh lawsuit is able to be read

13:27 it's available online

13:29 really really interesting uh but also uh

13:33 it's it's gonna be it's gonna be hard

13:35 here rayaps is now arguing

13:39 according to cernovich

13:40 uh that when he said we'll go inside the

13:43 capital

13:44 he claimed that he was just trying to

13:46 fit in

13:47 that he didn't mean it

13:49 I didn't mean nothing about it

13:52 just just for a reminder

13:55 this is raps in the flesh

13:58 uh

13:59 ordering people

14:01 to go inside of the capital

14:03 tell you what uh we've come through

14:06 thousands tens of thousands of hours of

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14:09 j6 footage I can't find you another

14:11 person that was ordering people to go

14:14 into the capital

14:16 save one

14:18 man

14:26 [Music]

14:27 [Applause]

14:29 all right no day but one more thing

14:32 no when we go in leave this year we

14 :37 don't need to get shot

14:41 thank you

15:00 so what were you doing man let's get

15:02 these answers I'm glad this loss is

15:04 going forward let's get the answers what

15:06 were you doing

15:07 let's be honest about everything

15:10 why why why is this the one person who's

15:15 being protected by all corporate media

15:17 why is every headline about him suing

15:19 Fox News not about him being criminally

15:20 charged what are the Charges going to be

15:23 what's going to happen here

8:57 PM Fri Jul 14 9@ 78% ""-+

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15:25 I mean obviously this is all on on video

15:27 this is all on camera

15:30 so don't come after us for noticing

15:34 same thing with uh the great Troy Niels

15:37 of Texas who asked Christopher Rey about

15:40 rayaps

15:42 there he is breaching the line going in

15:44 at the first breach into the capitol

15:46 into the capitol grounds a restricted

15:48 area Mr Ray you have arrested hundreds

15:49 of people related to January 6th and

15:52 there have been people arrested for

15:53 breaching Capital ground apps also

15:55 testified to the January 6 committee he

15:58 was back at his hotel when video Evans

15:00 showed that he wasn't he lied

16:02 he was on the capitol grounds just as

16:04 Brandon strecker was Epps even texted

16:07 his nephew at 2 12 p.m and said I quote

16:10 I was in the front with a few others it

16:13 was on the video I also orchestrated it

16:15 now look into the camera sir when you

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16:18 answer my next question are you going to

16:21 arrest Mr apps yes or no

16:24 I'm not going to engage here in a

16:26 discussion about individual people who

16:28 are or not my point is this you arrested

16:30 a lot of folks for unlawful activity you

16:33 just saw the video and I will tell you

16:34 what a mister if you don't arrest the

16:37 reason behind it I believe you know what

16:39 it is and it appears to me you are

16:41 protecting this guy I strongly recommend

16:44 you get your house back in order with

16:45 that are you back

16:48 not a great day Christopher Ray body

16:50 language experts will tell you that

16:51 Christopher Ray expected to go up there

16:53 and to do what he's always done be of

16:55 complete grieze ball and just be like

16:57 and that sure sources and methods

16:59 Christopher Ray was rocked yesterday he

17:02 was scared he was shaking at times he

17:05 was snapping at times his body language

17:08 was like angry and then perturbed and

17:11 then upset

17:13 oh he was not expecting this he was

17:16 expecting the Washington generals versus

17:18 the Harlem Globetrotters just the way

17:21 Republicans have always been just a

11:22 knock down team

17:23 just a joke a joke

17:26 and he didn't get that he actually got

17:28 people that swung

17:35 [Music]

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