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Short answer questions (3 marks)

1. Why is space so integral to the survival of capitalism as an economic

2. What is the distinctive role of geography in the global configuration of
transnational corporation (TNC) production networks?
3. What difference does logistics make to the nature and operation of
production networks?
4. Why is consumption such a geographically variable process?
5. Why are there growing tendencies for the recentralization of retailing at the
urban scale?
6. How are the causes and impacts of climate change uneven across space?
7. Is global finance placeless? Briefly discuss about your answer.
8. What are the risks that may limit the global reach of transnational
corporations (TNCs)?
9. Are there cultural limits to global reach of transnational corporations
(TNCs)? Briefly discuss about your answer.
10. Briefly describe the bid-rent curve and how it is applied to land use.
11. Briefly describe the nature of core and periphery economies.
12. Briefly describe just-in-time production.

Discussion questions (5 marks)

1. Using examples in the real world to discuss about the End-of-the-State
thesis in the era of globalization.
2. Discuss how the motion of capitalism has made economic growth so
3. How does the emergence of a post‐carbon green economy reshape
existing economic geographies?
4. In what ways, and to what extent, is spatial proximity important to economic
5. Using examples in the real world, explain why transnational corporations
organize transnational activities differently across different industries and
host regions.
6. Using examples in the real world, explain the risks that may limit the global
reach of transnational corporations (TNCs)
7. Using examples in the real world, explain how the territorial state produce
uneven rights for labour migrants
8. Using examples in the real world, explain how the patterns of retail
globalization evolving
9. Using examples in the real world, explain how individuals use consumption
to develop place‐based identities
10. Using examples in the real world, explain why global standards important in
addressing major development issues

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