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Nguyễn Bùi Minh Châu

Vũ Diệu Hoa

Phạm Thanh Phong

Nguyễn Phương Uyên


1. CAN YOU PLEASE CHOOSE 3 SITUATION FOR US???? => You need to work in
team and make decisions! You can work on all three problems.



I.                    Company background???

II.                 Current problems

1.      Internal situation: The Korean manager of the center is lack of listening skill who
hardly listens to his staffs’ opinions. Also, Korean has high power distant. 

From this situation, I would like to analyze it and study about more about soft skill and team
work in workplace. 


I can analyze this problem based on Chapter 2 of unit 1: (Developing team, listening and
etiquette skill. Beside the different culture, Korean manager is not well in cooperating with
his staff.)

a. a.      Current issue: The manager is a conservative and hot-tempered person in

the company. Korean tend to holds a gap in hierarchy, so he often
underestimates young and low position employees. Therefore, Vietnamese
employees are not free to raise idea and to ask.

=Provide specific situation in which problems occur and figure out what are its consequences,
what can be done to improve the situation.

b.      Explanation the importance of listening skill and teamwork 

c.       Consequences of the issue: bypassing; lack of creative idea

d.      Reasons:  Korea is high power distant nation; boss has poor listening skill
e.        Solution: 

-          Appointing a whistleblower who can ensure ethics in business communication

-          Creating a place where employees could raise their feedback indirectly 

-          Encourage employees to be involved in the meeting

-          Employees should accomplish their tasks precisely to please the manager

-          Organizing events for better understanding between managers and subordinators. 

-          Manager should develop listening habit: giving more attention to all employees’
opinion, avoid interrupting his employees

f.        Lesson: To achieve success, listening habit and teamwork is needed. Also, I expect to
gain more of my knowledge and experience for future job, how to handle with this kind of
problem, how to build a good teamwork behavior, communicate and cooperate more easily. 

2.      Internal situation: Another problem is the cultural difference between Korean superiors
and Vietnamese employees. Korean shows high formality.

The reason for choosing this topic is because cultural conflict is a typical problem that
happens in not just Korean companies but also other intercultural workplaces in Vietnam.


a.      Current issue: In Korean culture, great importance is placed positional hierarchy, and
people of lower position are obligated to show formality and obey the higher-ranking people
with no questions asked; while Vietnamese people prefer a more casual, friendly and intimate
approach between superiors and subordinates. That is why Korean managers consider some
behaviors of employees to be rude and disrespectful, thus creating disputes between them.

=> Be more specific in your report! Provide evidence to show how formal are they? How
casual are they? What is considered rude or disrespectful?

b.      Explanation the importance of being award and accepting different cultures at work 

c.       Consequences of the issue: unnecessary conflict

d.      Reasons: Korea pay much attention on formality in communication

e.      Solution: organizing meetings or workshops to learn about Korean and Vietnamese

workplace culture and how to accept the differences

f.        Lesson: Through this assignment, we hope to learn more about Korean culture as well
as form an open mindset to accept different cultures. This will help us gain the necessary
knowledge and skills to work and communicate effectively in a cross-cultural environment.

3.       Internal situation: Despite working under the supervision of Korean managers,
Vietnamese subordinates do not have any understanding of Korean non-verbal etiquette. This
leads to internal conflict among leaders and employees.

Reason for choosing this issue: Communication problems occur frequently in multinational
companies due to differences in non-verbal communication. However, people often take this
problem lightly.


a. Current issue: A communication breakdown has occurred because of differences in

nonverbal communication. For detail, although Korean bosses stay in their chair,
Vietnamese employees leave the office after work. This attitude made Korean
managers angry because they think that Vietnamese subordinates do not respect them.
b. Explanation of the importance of understanding nonverbal etiquette in countries
c. Consequences of the issue: internal conflict, dissatisfaction at work
d. Reasons: Korean business etiquette attaches great importance to nonverbal
communication. In Korean working culture, subordinates are expected to interpret and
comprehend the superior’ thoughts, intentions and desires before he says it.

It is the reason why in Korea, employees cannot leave their office without the permission of
their superiors even when it is very late and not working time anymore. 

e.         Solutions:

-          A small talk should be arranged between bosses and their subordinates so the two
parties can discuss the differences in business culture of the two countries.

-          Mandatory training courses for employees to understand Korean business etiquette

and a diversity training for managers to ensure they can effectively deal with issues in a
cross-cultural working environment.

f. Lesson: Understanding the partner’s business etiquette is important for smooth

operation of multinational companies. Companies should pay attention to cultural
exchange and training courses for managers to ensure they can effectively solve
problems in a multicultural work environment.

4.       External situation: Customers are unsatisfied with the service since they do not get
adequate information about the procedure  

I want to study about this problem because many Vietnamese candidates have to suffer with
this circumstances. Therefore, I desire to seek the reason and solution to overcome this issue.


a.       Current issue: Staffs from Korean Visa center do not explain obviously steps, at the
outset, for customers to apply Visa, also, information in the website is absent, so it irritates
customers, since they have to re-prepare the procedure and come back for many times.
b.       Consequences: customers lose their time for re-preparation which abate their
satisfaction about the service; creating bad impacts to reputation of company

c.         Reasons: 

-          Lack of communication skill both in oral and written communication Based on chapter
1, unit1

-          Because Vietnamese labors hide in Korea illegally. 

d.          Solution: 

-          Information should be displayed precisely and sufficiently in the website

-          Staffs should be trained to please the customers and to distinguish between innocent
customers and illegal crime.

e.       Lesson: External communication is properly prominent in business.   

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