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DS 510 – Week 7


In class, we used R to investigate the LungCapData.csv dataset and calculate the

simple linear regression of the Lung Capacity vs Age. We also created several
graphs to help visualize the errors and residuals of this model. We ended class
after creating a successful multiple linear regression model for Lung Capacity vs
Age + Height.

As a continuation of that lesson, please find the following information of the new
multiple regression model:
1. You must split the equation with 80% - training and 20% - test. Please give me
the multiple linear regression model training set equation of Lung Capacity vs
Age + Height. (10 points)
2. Please predict the lung capacity of a person of the age of 13, with a height of
50 using your training set equation. (10 points)
3. Please compare max and minimum values of the error from the simple linear
regression model vs the error from the multiple linear regression model. (10
4. Please give me the screenshot of the residual scatter plot of the multiple linear
regression plot with a red guideline to show the 0 error guideline – please use
proper labels and make your name the title of the screenshot. (10 points)
5. Please give me the screenshot of the residual histogram of the multiple linear
regression plot with a red guideline to show the 0 error guideline and a blue
guideline to show its normal distribution – please use proper labels and make
your name the title of the screenshot. (10 points)
6. Extra: Please give me the correlation of Lung Capacity vs Height. (10 points)
Please put all your answers into a document and submit it.
Please submit the r codes that you used for this assignment.
Good luck!

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