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"Nǐ hǎo (Hi/Hello). Nǐ (How) hǎo ma (are you)? Wǒ (I) méishì (am fine), xièxiè (thank you).

Nǐ ne (What about you)? Yīqiè (Everything) dōu (is) zài wǒ (at my) shēnbiān (side). Nǐ zhè
(How) biān tiānqì (is weather) zěnme yang (at your end)? Tiānqì (Weather) hěn hǎo (is
good), bù (not) rè (too warm), yě (not) bù (too) lěng (cold). Zhèxiē tiān (These days)
shēngyì (business) zěnme (how) yàng (running)? Shēngyì (Business) bùcuò (is good),
dàn (but) chángcháng (regularly) yòu (there are) yīxiē (some) zhèngyì (challenges) hé
(and) wèntí (issues). Wǒ (What) de (about) shàng cì (last) dìngdān (order)? Tā (It) hái (is
still) zài chǔlǐ (in process), yào (will) yìxiē (take few) rì (days) fāhuò (to ship it). Nǐ de (Your)
dìngdān (order) jīhū (almost) chūlái le (ready and will be) míngtiān (shipped tomorrow).
Nǐ de (Your) dìngdān (order) yǐjīng (already) fāhuò (been shipped), zuìduō (maximum)
míngtiān (by tomorrow) kěnéng (could be) dàodá (there). Wǒ (I) yǒu (have) yīxiē (few)
tuìjiàn (complaints) duì (about) shàng cì (last) dìngdān (order), nǐmen (what is your) chǔlǐ
(process of tackling) tāmen (them)? Wǒmen (We) hěn (very much) kāifàng (open) yú (for)
nǐmen (your) fǎnkuì (feedback) hé (and) jiànzhèng (constructive criticism) hé (and)
wǒmen de (our) tuánduì (team) yídìng (surely) huì (will) bǔquè (rectify) suǒyǒu (all) zhèxiē
(those) cuòwù (flaws). Wǒmen (When we) néng (can) yǒu yī (have our) xià (next) cì
(meeting)? Wǒmen (We) zǒng (always) kěyǐ (available) zài (at) nǐmen (your) fàngbiàn
(convenience). Xièxiè (Thank you)!"

Hi. How are you? I am fine, thank you.

Nǐ hǎo ma? Wǒ hěn hǎo, xièxiè nǐ.
What about you? Everything is great at my side.

Nǐ ne? Wǒ zhè边一切都很好.

How is the weather at your end? Weather is good, not too warm, not too cold.

Nǐ de zhè边 tiānqì zěnme yàng? Tiānqì hěn hǎo, bù tài rè, bù tài lěng.

How is business running these days? Business is good but regular challenges and issues
are there.
Zuì近 shēngyì zěnme yàng? Shēngyì hěn hǎo, dàn chángcháng yǒu tiǎozhàn hé wèntí.
What is about my last order/what is the status of my last order?
Wǒ de zuì hòu dìngdān zěnme yàng? Huòzhě shì zài jiānlì?
Your order is still in process. It will take a few days to ship it.
Nǐ de dìngdān hái zài chǔlǐ zhōng, xūyào jǐ tiān cái huì fādì.
Your order is almost ready and it will be shipped tomorrow.
Nǐ de dìngdān jīhū zhuǎnbèi hǎole, míngtiān jiù huì fādì.
Your order has already been shipped. It could be there, maximum by tomorrow.
Nǐ de dìngdān yǐjīng fādìle, zuìdà jiāngyú míngtiān.
I have a few complaints about the last order, what is your process of tackling them?
Wǒ yǒu jǐ gè yìjiàn guānyú zuì hòu dìngdān, nǐmen chǔlǐ tāmen de chéngxù shì shénme?
We are very much open for your feedback and constructive criticism, and our team will
surely work with you to rectify all those flaws.
Wǒmen shàng hěn kāifàng jiēshòu nǐ de fǎnyì hé jiàn yì, wǒmen de tuánduì huì quèrén
cǐwài yì jiàn, bìng qiě zhìlì xiūfù tāmen.
When can we have our next meeting? We are always available for the meeting at your
Wǒmen xià yīcì kěyǐ hé huì ne? Wǒmen yìzhí zài nǐ shùnlì de shíhou kěyǐ yùdìng.

yī yuè
èr yuè
sān yuè
sì yuè
wǔ yuè
liù yuè
qī yuè
bā yuè
jiǔ yuè
shí yuè
shí yī yuè
shí èr yuè

xīng qī yī (Monday)
xīng qī èr (Tuesday)
xīng qī sān (Wednesday)
xīng qī sì (Thursday)
xīng qī wǔ (Friday)
xīng qī liù (Saturday)
xīng qī rì (Sunday)

yòu (right)
zuǒ (left)
qián (forward)
hòu (backward)
shàng (up)
xià (down)
huán (circle)
duì jiǎo (diagonal)

Time-related words:
míng tiān (tomorrow)
zuó tiān (yesterday)
jīn tiān (today)

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