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How to skydive

Do you want to know what it feels like to live on the edge of life? To be airborne, weightless and

at the same time safe? Well it’s not as hard as you think. All you have to do is go sky diving!

Now first you’re probably asking: How can this be safe? Falling out of a plane heading towards

the ground. Well before you even go sky diving you have to choose what type of sky diving you

want to do!

There are two different types of skydiving. Tandem skydiving is the most popular type for

beginners. Tandem sky diving is when you are attached to a professional and he controls when

the parachute will activate and all you do is stay attached and have fun! The second way to

skydive is called an accelerated free fall which is when you sky dive by yourself alongside two

sky diving instructors. With this you have complete freedom! Now you can’t just go skydiving

without any training. In order to go on a tandem skydive you must complete one and a half hours

of training. For Accelerated sky diving you must complete 4 to 6 hours of training in order to do


Skydiving safety has increased dramatically over the years.  One fact that surprises many

non-skydivers is that most skydiving fatalities are attributed to jumper errors.  Sometimes such

errors are made while dealing with an otherwise minor mid-air emergency, and even sometimes

while flying beneath a fully-inflated parachute.  Rarely ever is it really and truly a case of a

properly maintained, packed & deployed parachute failing to open. A key safety device made for

skydivers is called an Automatic Activation Device (AAD). What an AAD does is it activates the
parachute in case the jumper becomes disorientated, or has just lost track of his/her altitude.

Skydiving is so safe that there are only 30 deaths per year from skydiving accidents. Compare

that to car accidents and that’s nothing. So remember don’t listen to someone who says skydiving

is the most dangerous thing to do in the world. That’s definitely not the case. Technology and

times have changed, so don’t knock it before you’ve tried it!

There are a couple of places close to Austin where you can go skydiving. Skydive San

Marcos is located 13 miles south of San Marcos, and is the closest place to Austin to skydive.

You have to be at least 18 years old to jump here. They charge $199 for a tandem jump. You can

get a video of your jump for an extra $99.00. Their ground school, which is required for

Accelerated Free Falling (AFF) is $70.00, or you can get one jump and ground school for $295.

Another choice near Austin is Texas Skydiving Center located one hour to the east of Austin,

right outside of the small town of Lexington. You only have to be 16 years old to skydive here.

At Texas Skydiving Center, the Tandem jump is $199 for your first jump and only $149 for a

second jump. The AFF is $265 for the first jump and only $165 for a second jump.

Wherever you decide to go for your jump, you need to make sure to wear clothing that is

comfortable and loose fitting. You also need to make sure you wear tennis shoes. Both of the

skydiving places above provide any gear you will need to jump with.

In Texas after you do a dive for your first time you’re eligible to get a license. As you

can tell by the information I’ve given you skydiving is FUN, SAFE, and at the same time

EXTREME! So go find a skydiving school near you and get to having the time of your life!

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