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Om Ganeshay ; Om Sai : Om Namo Narayanaya:

As usal wishing his holiness since then 2019 November 2015,
is my regular routine while usual conversation Lord
Venkateshvara Perumal revealed some important
information and instructed to get the same in shape of a
tine book as Name “ Kaliyuga Ananda Nilayam” especially
on (1) 27-2-2022, (2) 30-2-2022 (3)28-3-2022 and 29-5-2022
Lord revealed some important and notable communication
which be notified to his devotees in possible language apart
from Telugu, and I have stunned that “Lord Srinivasa
perumal” also feel pain of certain things around .
Coming to the matter in 1980 one I have visited
TTD. By through recommendation letter by the station
master then the “Tirupathi East” railway station. Rest all
times I had darshan only in general darshan.
But most of the visits I always astonish seeing
the old people, children, tootlers, ladies, and their efforts to
have Darshan. At the same time some Soore Badabus,
political people, Dignitaries , Aristocrats ,chamchas, and
burocarate having Darshan right Royal thir TTS in all the
inlans houses. Most of the liners is enjoy the Dharshan
toeallong, the members, TTD employees action which in the
Dharshan byVIPs I do not catagorise then here.
Because there is no good of dealing such things, Because
they are the people made TTD Dharshan as a resting place,
toun’st place, I need not incorction the attitude of Mafia
bellons,Bussiness people. Because their main weapon is
wealth, they can do anything.
Coming in the same cenitograpty celebraties
oh! These people are contry of attraction . They do lot of
undue things and wash their soon over the hills. While some
undue photon through out , maketheir level of notice this.
We known as hindu can not furstrion in administration
lower level to upper level in TTD. But TTD is so, such a place
a happy of other religion people try their level best to
destroy the Hindu culture and honorly, while receiving
salary of TTD management. No need to say in side some
Pandits, monke TTD as their business hub in possible help.
Finest thing most of the natsty fellows, and
rowdies fellows,and other prohibited business people keep
their meetings over hill. More to question them the thracey
is such, a devotee just after visit and sprituels should vacate
the hills and go down instead the se people stay here in
days soontions weeks, No chance in such case. Finest thing
one way centre ruling govt.,chemchas are posted in high
position to safe guard the interfy ruling controls and save
our hills, from north to south India.
In many case meat, Alchohal, drugs also
possible over hills if you pay filth money 1:10 ratio.
Keeping all these above distortion in
mind, I have distortion with his holiness. Which the
conversation on above said dates, was made to print this
book today.
My ambition the same devotees should
must known the commandrants by lord Srinivasa. So that
they are saved.
Any conversation next hike this.
1) Swamy! Due to me humpty of donbte, above TTD I am
promise to ask the questions. My heart goes to some
of the future coming residents over hill past 20 years I
am not interested to new TTD. Due to the above things
which I have enlisted in “Forwords” so you are kind at
me endorsuts
2) Ravi! My instruction to print a book of our
conversation and a list all devotees. If is like
“Kaingkarya” that you are doing for me all days.
3) While you are distruction in TTD hills I donate thing if
will gno sundder “grara”to my devotees, but atleast
they arrang my desire.
4) Swong as I heard and studied the Kalyayana of Sri Sri
Sri virat pothuluri veera brm hem dra prection that.
5) “ Tirumala hills grooy ways will get closed, and the
dicts goes dilapileted condition and you are joing to be
submerged in water, insit true my lord? As per
talapatras of Beranayana pathi , Then bynors we will
be fared at that entrostrops, if so Tirumal devotees in
dvasands at that time will Die in your presence, how?
Does it possible?.
6) Ravi ! look you know my “Kaikariya” as per Agamana
sastra is lot being fullowed. I feel pain to say this sort
of irregularty being continued from the past 10 years.
Other religions are encroaching in the TTD in difrent
forms. As potuluri swamy prediction this Kaliyuga my
hills will take lotof changes on anyone of Kainkarya,
since as basement.
7) Yes Ravi, while floots in boon our hills who remains
with me everybody runs for their lives, who take care
of me. I too fednp with helps of “sin” around me. What
to do the Kainkarya is being done by in an uncondtion
way like the cigirattee smoker directly after smoking
starting lighting my lamps.The smoking is lored in
greater than my feet in such nasty, unpions situation I
submerged by gang(water blood) I feel relif after the
hills. I have insulted inmany way they make me mp in
celecstion manner and offer Dharshan to sinners as a
show peace, what to do ?. They do fecilitation of
people in front of me, I question you the socalled vips,
vips solbcde designation are greater to me? You fill
me?is it not insulting one. I am the nature and in every
iyota I am existing in this 7+7 worlds. How these insects
are greater to me? And are the TTD big wings are
Headless to insult me in such manner?
8) Swamy! After his being your pain I asked me and
worried how to get rid of all these things over hills!
May I shearch ourgurus and people around absent
these feeling by you swamy?
9) Yes Ravi! You have to announce in possible assistance
my blessing on this for you goahead and it is respori
situation of every true devotee to have a debates and
conversation. I am like a turent over TTD hills. The
devotees give me some time to vcroin over hills by their
respect and devition on my feet. The devoteeswho
chants “Om namo Narayana” exeting my food, and
Oxegen to my stay all there. After from that the nature
calamity over hills can be post phored for soone more
period by their chants and etraroter not their gifts and
arrival at me.
10) Swamy! I hve been reqesting you to change me to
stay over Hills for atleast sweep your “Mada Veedhulu”
every day why? This my big complaint against you?
11) I assure you think you have it self “Vaigunta” and
do penames, you are blessed . I do not desire my
devotees should not clean the Alohohal bothles ,
cigirattes these just making my stotran and offering
little sugar chips is enough , but I give the same
blessing you had over hills whithout visiting TTD, You
“Govinda” chants me itself “Naivedya” to me Ravi! I
am respected .
12) Swamy VIPS, VVIP, Politicale people, celibraties,
film actors, Dignatories visit hepthy of times as their
inlaws have the TTD. What you say about them ?
13) Ravi! Do not think that politicle people are above
prohibicients. But over TTD my own pandite inside TTD
are also politicle minded. The politicle people
swallowing the contemntrys health Here the Archakas
are swallowin the Hundi gifs as their patlers property.
The sin saround them, I wash rinse and keepthem by
14) Note I wish the spiritual discaneere, in the states
who give lectueres epical stories tellers,
trditionalrevcales to annaure these things openly in
their lecturares to public and make the contemtory
people alert effects their funty…..! and social media is
a big platform these days to reach masses Why do not
you try ! My brake Darsens of to use to the people,
these so called big people are doing sins and receiving
ourself by general Darshan devotees always. The
politicle in “Archakas” will be destrid today by my
Sudharshang ehakara!
15) Swamy ! what about the true devotees who kept
their panchaprans on you abode and Hoili feet? To
that effort what we have to do for you or your desire ?
16) Ravi! Still Dharma is existing. Because devotees
since prayers still I am existing in Anantah Nillayam.
The natural clamity of Kaliyuga yut due the siners
heap is running to touch the skies Nosooner touches
its sure the AAnantha Nilayam drowns in floods
17) Swamy! Till past 10 years our “ Yadagiri gutha” is
fahrans for Tadi drinking , debatching , speenlation
transations. Dispite of all there since then decades
innecent dedicated devotees also these in our
Telengana. During KCRregime if is fecon stored by full
Agama Rules and regulations. And KCR renamed the
places “Yadadri” earliest thocu is no “Silasasanas” and
“Sthalapuranas. Now those things sp printing Rapidly.
Maney temples in Telengana ok with “siilasasanas”
and “sthala puranas “ can you please hint about
yodudri History , Because its upcoming Rapdly.
18) Look Ravi compitation , fase pristage you take
one, I built one is policy now. Entire earth filled with
“Srimannarayana” form Here the heads are full of ego
and valour on the base of these things the “Yadadri”
reconstructed further , Alchohal, meat,dispatching
speculation articles our “ Yadadri”is standing first in
India. This is any Kaliyuga glani.
19) Swamy ! in TTD executives recomandation
Candidales are dumped from other states, statues,
employments being done by central goverment.
Whoever is in power. This irregulation being done ,
while local people not allowed in other states, temple
employments what is good opinion over this ?
20) Ravi ! Actual devotus Nitya Anustam people, Who
any way in my seva are eligible in work in TTD asper
my opinion But recommendation cadidates from
different or local people are not suitable in my seva,
you know that political, money, Bussiness reded people
will be furnished.
Their family and dynashal people will undergo all
curses and finishment by me which I ensure to undergo
in that farl
The official who make hurdle to actuval suitable
candidates in appointment are cented for SIN
Who sunders in tolo to me are saved at any stage.
The eansting temples though I accord my devotees for
my seva the inmates shening their power and ruthi
flying actual devotion trant. I am sure such sortof
inmates will be punished 100% without fail for births
and Births
Swamy ! Guest house, rest houses beging constructed
over TTD Hills May I know your opinion about such thinks
?so also in 1980 I have seen some logos of you face alone
with shanku and chakkara . Rest of the body ……
appeared by TTDantrootus since .
Ravi ! amoung all my pictures , images are hills. Mostly I
like Lakshmi over chest . My images without my nives is
eandth a coloum paper that’s all ! Meaningless images
being printed by TTD authorities I can not appreciate the
administration .
While coming to you print about Rest homes guest
houses are waste over hills these are provided for their
private achivities and pleasere . It is TTD peoples come
and have Dharshn and push out why they stay over hills
and purpose ! Neither the donors norpeople utiliting them
are not blessed by me in all cases , TTD are celestrial
their on completion of your job should vocate and go
down to Thirupathi insteated erawing over hills days
10. Swamy ! Befor the “Jalapralayam” or flood are hills
happen may I know the symtoms to you “ True devotees
“ how we have know in advance ?

A ) Ravi ! still due to my true devotes, dedication

Dharma still alive all over that is the reason still available
over hills ! The end of the Kaliyuga arrived is subject to
you all dedications and Agama Kaikariya in execution.
Compared when there is News all over that people
become sick after LADDU eating prasadam and people
fear to eat LADDU is the indication that floods are going
to down TTD incomplete
11) Swamy ! last and final question to you sofar you have
given Diyasan desans pertaining to devotees allow and
Nitya Kaingkarya devotees.
May I know what is your desire or further message to
your devotees in detailed like Rules and regulations of
divinal root ( if smiled and gave 14 commandments )
Ravi ! you have asked a best question.
I never bless here over hills, people making loans, details
and do my pilgrimage.
I am always interested in wandering the surround of
Thirumala , colleges, Madaveethi and watch my devotees
problems and help them , arrest them in many ways this
is my essential duties
So I request you devotees please no smoking , Drinking,
Alchohals, playing cards are any speculation transtraction
on hills. The restricted talks only chant “ Govinda Govinda
“ but the earisting fenamina the hilarious and
unbearable the high time now
I does not mean VIPs are frudent people , prohibited
people, Corrupted, cinema people. I am not comfort with
those people,and never I bless them.
Finniest thing how a salaried person become political
leader. Like the Mps, MLA, and political status are called
“Priya sevaks” then thay are called. They are looters in
feet the treating for politicle people is compleetly
Old people, children, criplled, deceased people be given
priority in my Dharsan. And I never consider the break
Dharshan devoteeare are real devotees I fact due to their
wealth and position ,status they are dumped in break
Dashan I can not bless them, they cause incervent to
general, ordinary devotees and they are crused by many
Debatching be wiped completely on my hills steps be
6. people in lines should mind to behave as human beings
instead of can rising inconvinient to other devotees
which I dislike . They should be desipilned
7. Other religione people should not be allowed over hills
for my seva and they should not appear in my
saroundings of “ Sanathadharma “.
8. Some half backed Hindus debates that wear human
beings and “if we are cut same blood in all of us “ such a
useless debates should not be entertained over Hills in all
corner this does a dog’s blood is the same with blood of a
human being. So there is no debates religion .
9. So by you all doings the bioths are given. Human
beings birth is very high , serve poor oripled, orphans,
deceased , helpless people which I am in every human
10. Regarding Hundi utility all gifts by one destroy to be
used properly, in may cakes the in mates swallowing for
their personel purpose ……. Is if just friend ?
11. Annathanam should be done restless and the devotee
be given respect and fed . They are not dependente on
inmates and administration . They are the sole owner of
Thirumala and inmates should idiot forget that, the food
is served to me by me in many forms.
12. Actually the temple lamps oil of pooja be fresh and as
per Agama Sastra. Adeltreated and duplicated oil be not
to be used.
13. AS the name “ Ananthanilayam “ you all be happy
with each other and singing my glory of me. Do not
forget I am watching every indujuval achivety . So no
anreels, no debate fo useless things
Over Hills
14. Always mind that I am limited to only a statue, idol,
photos, etc. I am in every atom of this world . No such
place without my Hills. Always my eyies watch you all at
all the times.
You all should get good names to me. As good children
got Lauds to their father.

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