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The company founded in 1989, went public in 2004 and underwent asset restructuring in 2015.
It has a wide business scope that includes internet advertising and developing a large number of
internet-based products and services. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, the
company has established itself as a leading player in the tech industry.

Lawrence Edward "Larry" Page and Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin are the co-founders of Google, the
world's largest search engine. They developed the search algorithm while studying at Stanford
University in 1998. In 2015, they created Alphabet Inc. as a parent company to Google. Pichai
Sundararajan, also known as Sundar Pichai, is the CEO of both Google and Alphabet Inc. He
joined Google in 2004 and played a key role in the development of Google's Chrome browser
and the Android operating system.

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