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 We are transformed by what we love


Personal Information of St. Augustine
ARISTOTLE – Friendship (Philia) is a virtue or it
Real Name: Aurelius Augustinus involves virtue.

Mother: Monica CICERO – Friendship (Amiticia) is agreement on

the divine and human affairs accompanied by
Father: Patricius benevolence and charity.
Brother: Navigius


Son: Adeodatus At first. He followed Cicero’s thoughts on the
positive contribution of friendship to a virtuous life, but
later, found it to be incomplete.


LOVE) Christian Authors

I. Love as Eros in Classical Mythology a. AMBROSE - Friendship is a virtue

b. PAULINUS OF NOLA – Spiritual Friendship
a. HOMER - eros means love or desire
b. HESIOD – along with Chaos and Gaia, Eros is
a primordial element.

II. Love according to Ancient Philosophers Four Great Rules of Church

a. Rule of ST. FRANCIS - Being always subject and

a. EMPEDOCLES - Love is a universal force that
submissive at the feet of the same holy Church,
binds together the primordial elements.
grounded in the Catholic faith, we may observe
b. PLATO – The soul’s longing for the eternal, poverty and humility and the holy Gospel of our
the human aspiration to immortality and Lord Jesus Christ, which we have firmly
the likeness of the Divine. promised.
c. ARISTOTLE - Love as philia, “good”, closely b. Rule of ST. BASIL - Love was the guiding rule for
connected to virtue, necessary for life and all the Christian life.
for the attainment of happiness.
c. Rule of ST. BENEDICT – Organizes the monastic
day into regular periods of communal and
III. AUGUSTINE’S Teachings about Love
private prayer, sleep, spiritual reading, and
 Love is a craving (appetitus) – a motion
manual labor.
towards something.
 The object that we love could either lead d. Rule of ST. AUGUSTINE - All members are to
towards Good or Evil share what they have, and are to receive only
 Two types of Love; CUPIDITAS – worldly according to their need. All works is to be
love; CARITAS – right love that seeks for accomplished for the common good for all. All
eternity. members are to exercise mutual care and
 Right love consists of right object vigilance over one another.

1. ST. ALYPIUS - St. Augustine called him "the  Love of God

brother of my heart"  Love for Neighbor
2. THAGASTE - Birthplace of St. Augustine.
3. 354-430 - St. Augustine lived in these years. CHRISTIAN CONCEPTS OF LOVE
4. RHETORIC - A subject or discipline fundamental  Filial Love for God
to any professional career, such as law and  Brotherly Love
public life.  Love of Ourselves
5. CARTHAGE - The place considered as a
“seething cauldron of shameful sex".
6. MANI - Founder of Manichaeism who believed
that knowledge is the salvation of the soul.  Love that which is above us
 Love that which is beneath us
7. DUALISM - It is a belief in two supreme  Love ourselves
opposing gods, that caused the world to exist.  Love that which is on a level with us
8. ROMANS 13: 13-14 - Bible text was read by St.
Augustine that says, " put on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to BOOKS WRITTEN BY ST. AUGUSTINE
gratify its desires".  Tractatus
9. THE CONFESSIONS - book written by St.  The Enchiridion
Augustine that details his spiritual conversion  Soliloquia
 City of God
10. FRIENDSHIP - best way to express the love for  The Confessions
11. EMPEDOCLES - He says that love is a universal
force that binds together all the primordial
12. CARITAS - A right love which seeks for eternity.
13. DISINTERESTEDLY - a love without expecting
praises or material gifts in return
14. LOVE - is the most defining aspect in our
15. CICERO - says that friendship is an agreement
on the divine and human affairs accompanied
by benevolence and charity.
16. CHURCH - A communion of souls, a theological
and sacramental family, where deeper
relationships take root and flower.
17. PURE FRIENDSHIP - It occurs between humans
when we love the other because of the good we
see in them.

Beloved LCUP! Beloved LCUP!

Alma Mater dear, we hail Alma Mater dear, we hail

And we shall sing her praise, Sing her praise to the sky. And we shall sing her praise, Sing her praise to the sky.

As faithful sons and daughters, Your torch we’ll carry As faithful sons and daughters, Your torch we’ll carry

As we shall raise your flag up high, Beloved LCUP! As we shall raise your flag up high, Beloved LCUP!

Guiding star of our future, Guiding star of our future,

Give us strength forever more Guide us in our constant Give us strength forever more Guide us in our constant
journey As we commit ourselves to oneness, A call for journey As we commit ourselves to oneness, A call for
love... love...

A call for justice... A call for justice...

A call for peace... A call for peace...

A call for freedom... A call for freedom...

Beloved LCUP!

Alma Mater dear, we hail

And we shall sing her praise, Sing her praise to the sky.

As faithful sons and daughters, Your torch we’ll carry

As we shall raise your flag up high, Beloved LCUP!

Guiding star of our future,

Give us strength forever more Guide us in our constant

journey As we commit ourselves to oneness, A call for

A call for justice...

A call for peace...

A call for freedom...

Alma Mater dear.

We pledge to be true Consolanians. Your ideals will be

our guide Where’re our searching may take us.
Faithfully we’ll proclaim

The lessons of faith and love Imbibed from your


Of truth and wisdom

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