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Research is important in generating new knowledge and solving problems. In
this presentation, we'll explore the entire research process.

by Elims Principal
Research Objectives and Questions
1 Objectives 2 Types of Research Objectives

Your objectives should appear in the There are basically two types of objectives,
introduction of your research paper, at the end namely; General objectives. Specific
of your problem statement objectives.

For example, your general objective could

be, "Determine how work environment
affects performance." In this case, your
specific objectives might be, "Determine
whether sunlight improves performance,"
and "Measure how performance changes
when work environment
Literature Review

Summarize the existing literature relevant to the research topic.

Identify gaps or controversies in the literature.

Highlight key theories or concepts related to the research.

Research Design

Quantitative Qualitative Mixed-Methods

Data will be collected from a Structured interviews will collect Combines elements of both
representative sample using surveys data on the in-depth experiences quantitative and qualitative designs
to identify statistical relationships. and perceptions of participants. to provide a more comprehensive
Target Population and Sampling
1 Target Population 2 Sampling Technique

Individuals aged 18-35 who have started their There are four main types of probability
own business in the past two years. sample.

Simple random sampling. In a simple random

sample, every member of the population has
an equal chance of being selected.

Systematic sampling. ...

Stratified sampling. ...

Cluster sampling.
Data Collection Methods
Surveys Interviews Observations
Closed-ended questions Open-ended questions Direct observation of behavior
and attitudes
Standardized data collection Flexibility to pursue
method unexpected lines of inquiry Unobtrusive data collection
Better response rate Greater depth of
understanding High degree of accuracy
Ethical Considerations
Informed Consent

Participants will be fully informed of the purpose of

the study and their right to withdraw participation

1 2 3

Participant Confidentiality Assent and Parental Permission

Data collected will be anonymized to protect Special arrangements will be made for participants
participant privacy under 18 to obtain parental permission
Data Collection Process

Surveys Interviews Observations

Participants will complete online In-person interviews will be The researcher will observe
surveys at their convenience. conducted using a structured participants during work hours or
interview guide. business operations.
Data Analysis Techniques
Descriptive Statistics Content Analysis Regression Analysis

Using graphs and charts to Identifying patterns and Assessing the relationships
present summary statistics themes within narrative data between variables to determine
about the data cause and effect.

Two data analysis techniques for quantitative data are regression

analysis (which examines relationships between two variables) and
hypothesis analysis (which tests whether a hypothesis is true).
Results and Findings

Summary Statistics Content Analysis Regression Analysis

44% of startup founders reported The most frequently mentioned A positive correlation was identified
difficulties hiring and retaining barrier to entry was access to capital between the level of education and
employees entrepreneurial success.
1. Your results should always be written in the past tense.

2. While the length of this section depends on how much data you collected and analyzed, it should be written as
concisely as possible.

3. Only include results that are directly relevant to answering your research questions.
Discussion and Interpretation
1 Results Interpretation

The findings highlight the need for

Implications for Practice 2 government support for startups to address

the identified lack of access to capital.
Having identified the highly specialized skills
required to start a business, this study
suggests that mentorship programs should
3 Limitations and Future Research
focus on offering expert guidance in these
niche areas. This study was limited to a particular
demographic and geographic area, and
future studies should expand the scope to
gain a more comprehensive understanding.
Research Objectives Reflecting on the Recommendations
The study objectives have been Future research should aim to
fulfilled through the collection Some challenges were engage participants across diverse
and analysis of data. encountered during the data regions and cultural contexts to
collection process, but these were understand factors contributing
successfully addressed through to entrepreneurial success in
careful planning. those areas.

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