CH-1 HW 1

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1. What is electric charge? Is it a scalar or vector quantity? Name its SI unit.
2. What does q1 + q2 =0 signify in electrostatics?
3. Name the experiments which established the quantum nature of electric charge.
4. Can a body have a charge of 0.8 x 10-19 C? Justify your answer.
5. If the distance between two equal point charges is doubled and their individual charges also
doubled, what would happen to the force between them?
6. The electrostatic force between two charges is a central force. Why?
7. How is the coulomb force between two charges affected by the presence of third charge?
8. The dielectric constant of water is 80. What is its permittivity?
9. Give SI unit of electrical permittivity of free space.
10. Write down the value of absolute permittivity of free space.
11. Write the dimensional formula for the permittivity constant ε0 of free space.
12. State Coulomb’s law of force between charges at rest. Express the same in SI unit.
13. In Coulomb’s law, F=k , What are the factors on which the proportionality constant k
depends? What is the value of k in free space?
14. Define dielectric constant of a medium in terms of force between electric charges.
15. How does the coulombic force between two point charges depend upon the dielectric
constant of the medium?
16. What is the force of repulsion between two charges of 1C each, kept 1m apart in vacuum?
17. What happens to the mass of the body when it is positively charged?
18. Name the basic properties of electric charges?
19. What do you understand by quantization of electric charge?
20. Why does an ebonite rod get negatively charged on rubbing with wool?

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