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Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

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Laser cutting of thick steel plates and simulated

steel components using a 30 kW fiber laser

Koji Tamura, Ryoya Ishigami & Ryuichiro Yamagishi

To cite this article: Koji Tamura, Ryoya Ishigami & Ryuichiro Yamagishi (2015): Laser cutting of
thick steel plates and simulated steel components using a 30 kW fiber laser, Journal of Nuclear
Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/00223131.2015.1080633

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Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2015


Laser cutting of thick steel plates and simulated steel components using a 30 kW fiber laser
Koji Tamura , Ryoya Ishigami and Ryuichiro Yamagishi
Department of Research and Development, The Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center, 64-52-1 Nagatani, Tsuruga city,
Fukui prefecture, 914-0192, Japan
(Received 30 June 2015; accepted final version for publication 3 August 2015)
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 22:19 13 September 2015

Laser cutting of thick steel plates and simulated steel components using a 30 kW fiber laser was studied
for application to nuclear decommissioning. Successful cutting of carbon steel and stainless steel plates
up to 300 mm in thickness was demonstrated, as was that of thick steel components such as simulated
reactor vessel walls, a large pipe, and a gate valve. The results indicate that laser cutting applied to nuclear
decommissioning is a promising technology.
Keywords: laser cutting; fiber laser; decommissioning; stainless steel; carbon steel

1. Introduction 2. Experimental procedure

Laser cutting is highly efficient, low-maintenance, Figure 1 shows the experimental setup for the laser
safe, and remote controllable technology that features cutting. A high-power fiber laser (IPG YLS-30000) was
a low amount of secondary waste, low running cost, used as the laser source. By combining outputs from the
and few repair parts. Recent improvements in the per- modules, a maximum output power of 30 kW was avail-
formance of fiber lasers as a laser source include high able. The central laser wavelength was 1070–1080 nm
output power, beam quality, and reliability. Therefore, with typical line width of 3 nm. The beam-parameter
laser technology is a promising dismantlement method product at the entrance and the exit of the fiber coupler
for nuclear decommissioning [1,2] among other conven- was 4.0 and 10.0 mm∗ mrad, respectively. The laser out-
tional technologies such as mechanical cutting, plasma put had top-hat beam profile. Cutting was performed at
arc cutting,[3] and abrasive water jet cutting.[4] a continuous wave operational mode. The laser output
Cutting technology for steel plates up to approxi- was delivered to the laser head by a process fiber 20 m
mately 50 mm thick using a 10 kW fiber laser has been long with a core diameter of 0.3 mm, collimated with
developed at the Wakasa Wan Energy Research Center a pair of lens with fc = 600 mm, and irradiated to the
(WERC). However, considering its applications to the workpiece surface. The focal position was 12 mm out-
dismantlement of nuclear power plants that contain steel side of the nozzle tip.
components more than 100 mm thick, cutting technol- Workpiece specimens were set in a holder for cut-
ogy for thicker steel components is desirable. Based on ting. Cutting began at the edge of the specimens and was
recent advancements in high-power fiber lasers, increas- aided by moving the holder with a linear translator. The
ing the incident laser power applied to the workpiece penetrated laser and the sputtered metal particles were
may be an appropriate alternative. blocked using a wall of refractory bricks. Assist gas used
In this study, the cutting conditions of thick steel to blow off the molten metal was collinearly injected to
plates as well as simulated structural objects with thick the workpiece through a nozzle similar to a Laval nozzle
steel plates of a power plant using a 30 kW fiber laser at the tip of the laser head. In these experiments, air was
were examined for the application of laser cutting tech- used as the assist gas with a supply pressure of approxi-
nology to nuclear decommissioning. The conditions re- mately 1 MPa. The cutting processes were monitored by
quired for cutting 300 mm steel plates were investigated a video camera (JVC, GZ-E565) using an infrared cut-
because the thickness of most of the reactor internal off filter.
steel components is within this value.

Corresponding author. Email:

Present address: Quantum Beam Science Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 2-4 Shirane, Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun,
Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan.

C 2015 Atomic Energy Society of Japan. All rights reserved.
2 K. Tamura et al.

Figure 1. Experimental setup.

The cutting conditions required for the nine speci-

mens of this study are summarized in Table 1. For spec-
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 22:19 13 September 2015

imens 1–4, stainless steel (SUS304) and carbon steel

(SM490A) blocks were examined. The block size was
70 × 50 × t mm3 , where t is the thickness. The maxi-
mum thickness of the tested blocks was 300 mm for both
types of steel.
Specimen 5, a carbon-steel specimen 200 mm long, Figure 2. Top view of setup for oblique incident angle
was fixed at an incident angle of 37◦ , and the laser and cutting.
the assist gas to the workpiece was applied obliquely.
Figure 2 shows the top view of the cutting setup. The
specimen was transferred linearly while the laser beam
was irradiated.
For specimens 6 and 7, two different composite parts
were put together as simulated clad plates used in a
pressure vessel wall. In this experiment, stainless-steel
(SUS304) and carbon-steel (SM490A) plates were used
as easily available simulants. The two types of steel used
for each of these specimens were assumed to simulate
the pressure vessel of the boiling water reactor (BWR;
specimen 6) and pressurized water reactor (PWR;
Figure 3. Composition of simulated large pipe (a), (b) ar-
specimen 7). The thicknesses of the stainless steel plates rangement of plates as a projection of large pipe structure, and
and carbon steel plates were 9 and 170 mm for specimen (c) appearance of the prepared specimen 8.
6 and 6 and 290 mm for specimen 7, respectively. Both
plates were secured with tight bolted rather than being
cladded. In this setup, the side faces of both metals were of a large pipe corresponding to 350 A (Sch 160)
cut simultaneously by the laser irradiation. with an outer diameter of 355.6 mm and thickness of
For specimen 8, a simulated pipe was tested. 35.6 mm as shown in Figure 3(a) were assumed to
Figure 3 shows a composition of the simulant. Parts be compactly aligned using plates with approximately

Table 1. Summary of cutting conditions for specimens 1–9.

Workpiece Thickness Power Flow rate Stand-off Speed

No. (mm) Material (kW) (l/min) (mm) (mm/min)

1 230 SM490A 30 514 60 8

2 300 SM490A 30 1000 20 8
3 230 SUS304 30 750 60 10
4 300 SUS304 30 840 60 8
5 SM490A 30 470 88–125 20
6 9 + 170 SUS304, SM490A 30 700 20 12
7 6 + 290 SUS304, SM490A 30 1080 20 8
8 SM490A 30 1000 60 23 (B), 34 (A, C)
9 FC200 30 404 >35 8
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 3

equivalent thickness and distance from the laser head

tip. Plates of carbon steel with 36 mm thickness were po-
sitioned as specimen 8 as shown in Figure 3(b), where
plates A and C (70 × 36 mm2 ) set 360 mm apart corre-
sponded to the front and the rear parts of the pipe, and
plate B (36 × 100 mm2 ) corresponded to the side part
of the pipe wall with an approximately equivalent max-
imum cutting length. The cutting speed was 23 mm/min
when cutting part B and 34 mm/min when cutting parts
A and C, which varied according to the total thickness
of the workpiece to reduce the transmitted laser intensity
and subsequent damages to the wall.
For specimen 9, a commercial gate valve (KITZ,
5FCM-100A) was set under the specimen holder and
was examined. Figure 5. Observation of the side faces of stainless steel
blocks after cutting for specimens (a) 3 and (b) 4; (c) front and
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(d) rear face of specimen 4.

3. Results and discussion
3.1. Carbon steel plates
Successful cutting of stainless steel plates up to 300 mm
The conditions required for cutting the thick carbon- was also achieved under these conditions. The observed
steel plates are discussed in this section. Figure 4 shows kerf widths at the front and the rear faces were approx-
the side views of carbon steel specimens 1(a) and 2(b) imately 6 and 7 mm for specimen 3 and 5 and 8 mm for
and the front (c) and rear (d) view of specimen 2 after specimen 4, respectively.
cutting. The thickness was 230 mm for specimen 1(a)
and 300 mm for specimen 2(b)–2(d). By applying the cut-
ting conditions summarized in Table 1, successful cut- 3.3. Oblique incident angle cutting
ting of carbon steel plates up to 300 mm was observed. For the practical and flexible applications of laser
The kerf widths at the front and the rear faces were ap- cutting technology to the target objects in various en-
proximately 6 and 9 mm for specimen 1 and 0.8 and 8 vironments, cutting was examined in which the incident
mm for specimen 2, respectively. angle of the laser beam as well as the assist gas to the
workpiece were considerably oblique. Figure 6 shows the
specimen after cutting. The kerf widths for the front and
3.2. Stainless steel plates
the rear faces were approximately 5–7 and 7 mm, respec-
The cutting conditions for thick stainless steel plates tively. Although the stand-off distance varied from ap-
were also investigated. Figure 5 shows the side views of proximately 125–88 mm as the cutting proceeded by the
specimens 3(a) and 4(b) and the front (c) and the rear linear translation of the specimen, successful cutting was
(d) views of the specimen 4 after cutting. The thickness observed.
was 230 mm for specimen 3 and 300 mm for specimen 4.

3.4. Simulated clad plate

The cutting of a composite component was exam-
ined. Specimens 6 and 7, in which two different com-
posite parts were put together, were also considered as
simulated clad plates used in a pressure vessel wall.
Figure 7 shows the side views of specimens 6(a) and
7(b) after cutting. The kerf widths for the front and the

Figure 4. Observation of the side faces of carbon steel blocks

after cutting for specimens (a) 1 and (b) 2; (c) front and (d) rear Figure 6. Observation of the front faces of carbon steel
face of specimen 2. blocks after oblique cutting for specimen 5.
4 K. Tamura et al.

Figure 7. Observation of the side faces of blocks after cutting

for specimens (a) 6 and (b) 7.

rear faces were approximately 1 and 7 mm for specimen 6

Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 22:19 13 September 2015

and 1 and 8 mm for specimen 7, respectively. The results

demonstrate successful laser cutting of two compos-
ite components simulating clad plates with a maximum
total thickness of approximately 300 mm.

3.5. Simulated large pipe

The application to plate cuttings was then extended
to structural objects. Although large pipes are used for
various parts in plants and its application is important,
a large pipe was not applicable in our experimental setup Figure 9. Observation of (a) the cutting process and (b) the
side view after cutting of specimen 9.
because the specimen holder space in the linear transla-
tor was limited. Therefore, a simulated pipe was tested
instead as specimen 8 to represent the cutting of an ac- 3.6. Structural object
tual pipe. Next, to examine the applicability to the actual struc-
Figure 8 shows the side view of specimen 8 after cut- tural objects, the cutting of a commercial gate valve
ting. The approximate kerf widths for parts A, B, and (specimen 9) was examined. Figure 9 shows specimen
C were 5, 6–15, and 12–15 mm, respectively. Despite the 9 during (a) and after (b) cutting. Successful cutting
distance of approximately 384 mm from the nozzle tip to was observed, and the kerf widths at the front and the
the surface of the rear plate C, plate C was cut through rear faces of the valve flange were approximately 3 and
the narrow kerf width of plate A. Cutting through a nar- 13 mm, respectively.
row distant slit is, in general, difficult to achieve using Laser cutting of steel components up to 300 mm in
conventional methods. For plasma cutting, the plasma thickness using a 30 kW fiber laser was successful. Be-
potential for reaching the distant plate C might be low cause the thicknesses of most of the internal compo-
because the near plate A is grounded. For mechani- nents and vessel wall used in a nuclear reactor are within
cal cutting, it may be difficult to approach and process this range, cutting conditions for steel components cor-
plate C through the narrow slit width of plate A. Both responding to the dismantlement of a reactor were ex-
faces of the simulated pipe, A and C, were cut by the amined. The results indicate that the dismantlement of
laser irradiation from one-directional irradiation on the a reactor is possible using a high-power laser and that
plate A side. This feature facilitates the approach of laser cutting technology is quite promising for nuclear
the laser head to the target in an actual environment and decommissioning applications in association with devel-
is one of the advantages of laser cutting technology when opments made in remote cutting technology.
applied to decommissioning.

4. Conclusion
Laser cutting of thick steel plates and steel compo-
nents using a 30 kW fiber laser was studied for nuclear
decommissioning application. Successful cutting of
carbon steel and stainless steel plates up to 300 mm in
thickness was demonstrated, as was that of compo-
Figure 8. Observation of the side faces of specimen 8. nents consisting of thick steel parts such as simulated
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 5

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[3] Yanagihara S, Ashida S, Usui H. Dismantling of JPDR
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Disclosure statement [4] Tezuka M, Nakamura Y, Iwai H, et al. The devel-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the opment of thermal and mechanical cutting technol-
authors. ogy for the dismantlement of the internal core of
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ORCID 1054–1058.
Koji Tamura
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