Story of Two Advocates

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Story of two advocates

Both were eminent criminal lawyers. One was a very corrupt lawyer but destiny
had a different path for him. He was a 3rd generation lawyer. His ordinary friends
took him to the Narmada valley and after reaching there this advocate had a
strong desire to take a bath in Narmada. Narmada is so pious and excellent and
my param guru saw a cow that looked divine and came and took a bath and
drink its water. My param guru with his diyva dristi saw that it was none
other than Ganga who took the form of a cow to take a bath in Narmada.
This advocate jumped into the river and the naga sadhus started laughing. As he
bathed tears rolled down his eyes and some black liquid oozed out of the pores of
his hair of his body. Suddenly he felt something and left his friends there and
walked away to the forest, shedding all his clothes. That’s the divinity of the
Narmada River. I wish to go to Narmada at the end of this year or early next
year. He became a Maha Siddha and joined the elite club later.
Another advocate from UP has excellent in his criminal practice. He was
enjoying his sadhana so much that he wanted his guru to open the highest
knot of the kundalini called Rudra Garnthi. His guru rebuked him saying
that if that knot is opened, he will mediate all the time and there will be no
time to practice his profession. After that, he practiced for many years and one
day his guru opened his rudra granthi and he left his family and meditated in the
Himalayas. What a fabulous life. The world of sadhana is not pleasurable and
enjoyable. It's a real joy. This is the reason the Param-Atma does not want all to
enjoy so much.
I enjoyed this state a few times. Everything is futile and it is like getting drowned
in the ocean of nectar. So my Gurus pulled me away from such an experience so
that I stay grounded on this earth and behave like ordinary people. The veil of
illusion is strong in everyone including me but everything has a purpose.
Everything needs to be enjoyed and suffered. Both experience is required.
The world economy will collapse and extermination of the population will
happen. Today's population is nothing but pests that need to be eliminated
through natural disasters, the spread of deadly viruses, and other deadly
spiritual events. No present money-making systems will remain and it is best
to do sadhana of the Istha Devata who can only save us from mass extinction.
Hopefully, you will understand. Modi ji was prepared by Maha Avatar Babaji
for many thousands of years and trained to do tasks that his party is doing
now. Yogi Adityanath is also trained for a much bigger role on the world
stage. Maha Avatar Babaji is none other that Shri Guru Goroknath.

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