My Experience With Advocates

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# My experience with lawyers/Advocates

These people are the worst creatures on this planet. Good for nothing black
sheep, these people only know how to extract money from ordinary gullible
people who thought intelligent and completely trust these black sheep in legal
matters. There was one guy, a black sheep named Soumajit Raha, and advocate
and his partner Sanjukta Sen from SRA Law Chambers, AC-120, Saltlake
City, Kol-64. Completely knuckle-headed and evil, these people are the worst of
the pack of flesh-eaters. Do you know they laugh at the misfortunes of their
clients? I saw them doing that. After the consultation is over, they laugh and
talk about the misfortune and discuss how to extract money from such
clients. 99.99% of the advocates are like that. Mysterious in their approach, their
money will dwindle and get lost in time. I am telling you, these black sheep will
perish in time and this applies to 99.99% of Advocates. Earn now and pay with
life and property later. It is just like a Karmic loan that they are enjoying
and they have to pay it back with huge interest in a few years. Already such
plans are made by the elites of the society and they will fruitify. One of my
advocate friends said about an incident that took place in Saltlake City. The
parties were asked for reconciliation of the dispute so the advocate asked
these parties to a restaurant. Nothing was achieved and the bill was huge
which the parties had to pay. These people or black sheep are poor and greedy
and lusty. I meet one advocate who said he will bribe the judges to get a
favorable order. I meet only 2 good advocates. One was an old man who treated
me like his son. He was well-behaved and used to tell me about his passion to
give and help clients in getting proper justice for his clients. Another was once a
professor but his son who was also an advocate understood that I can become a
good lawyer and he was malevolent against me. Moreover, the whole legal
system is black with most of the transactions being black. There is no tax on
cash transactions. It’s a black economy. Advocates are a bunch of demonic
people who can even get a rapist out of jail on bail by giving expensive dinners at
5-star hotels to the police and the judges. They are making society corrupt and
immoral. They don’t know their son and daughter can be murdered, raped, or
perish in an earthquake or some unnatural event. These demonic entities cannot
win against me in any way. I with all the occult masters will make them
perish completely in times to come. We have plans and already they are in
execution. Big things take time and execution has to be under the carpet.
Advocates don’t like me and I won't show them my foot as they are not even
qualified for it. I know how to destroy them and humiliate them so that it
hurts their core. Meow! Meu! Mrau!

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