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Confidential ay ce No/GIDC/ENGIEE/ / LU GIDC, Gandhinagar Date: 22 /06/2023 To, Manager (EST) GIDC, Gandhinagar Sub: C.R. of 1. Mr. Abhishek Landge, Executive Engineer (Project) (A-159) Please Find Enclosed the CR of above for the Period of 2019-20 duly reviewed by Chief Engineer. Encl — As Above G fine GIDC, Gandhinagar LEONE .090012226308-21/06 2023 GUJARAT INDUSTRIAL DEVEL! Sy # DC S TIVI Department / Office of: Project Branch Report for the Year: 2019-20 OPMENT CORPORATION GANDHINAGAR PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FORM FOR INE! Period from:01-04-19 to 31-03-20 ‘A_[ GENERAL Name & Employee Code ABHISHEK K LANDGE Designation Birth Date /Age Executive Engineer 22-10-1983 Period of Appraisal (01-04-2018 TO 31-03-2020 Place of Posting & Department PROJECT BRANCH- HEAD OFFICE | Date of appointment in present cadre/Grade 'AS PER OFFICE ORDER | Period of absence from duty including EL / SL ‘AS PER TSP. Present Pay (Basic) = [69700 B_| SELF APPRAISAL 1 | Name of Officer ‘ABHISHEK K LANDGE | 2 | Job Description in brief. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER [ PROJECTS) [3 | What were your major contributions in work in | Preparation and evaluation of Tenders for GIFT te yard? ype at areas) ‘of Surat Apparel park SEZ. Tn what areas did you achieve/not achieve ‘ALL TARGETS ACHIEVED your target? If not, then why? 5 | What is your work planning for the coming Tender for Appointment of Consultant for SEZ, year2(To be filled by Class-! Officers only) Drone Survey Work. % | Which of the following factors proved to be an opportunity or a threat to your working? | 4) ] Organization structure’ ‘OPPORTUNITY 2) _| Organization Culture ‘OPPORTUNITY al 3) _| Delegation of Powers OPPORTUNITY 4) | Organization image. OPPORTUNITY 8) | Functional distribution of work OPPORTUNITY 6) | Role of Government. OPPORTUNITY 7)_| Communication with Organization ‘OPPORTUNITY - S @) | Decision making with Organization — ‘OPPORTUNITY 8) | Role of Entrepreneurs / Association ‘OPPORTUNITY | 10) | Personalities in Organization. ‘OPPORTUNITY al 7_| Any other factor that you may wish to add _NO’ [8 | What was your strength and what are your ‘STRENGHT- COMMUNICATION SKILLS |__| weakness. (Please list out) | 9 | In what areas would you feel that you need | PROJECT. MANAGEMENT C | ASSESSMENT BY REPORTING OFFICER Name of Officer SHRI A. K. LANDGE- XEN(PROJECT) 1A | Job Description in brief Works related to Project Branch 1B | Seif appraisal review and interview report. 2 | JOB KNOWLEDGE iz | ) | Directly relating to the job. 2 3 4 b) | Other related subject knowledge - “ome 3 4 ©) | Noting and Drafting in Gujarati, = 2s [anes a | 4) | Noting and Drafting in English 4 2 3 4 3 | JOB PERFORMANCE i m= = | |) | Quality of Work accomplished uw 2 ») | Volume of work/cost consciousness. Ae Ree ei ©) | Performance consistenoy. Improving / Deteriorating / Maintained 4) | Recovery performance (applicable) | 80% & abovel 60-80% / 40-60% 7 below-40% |e) | Inspection of office entrusted & carried Regularly /Mostly / Irregular. out. 4) | Participation in discussion. list 52 3 4 | see 2 | 9) | Submission of CRs/Other Report 1 2 3 [be required. | Rae Z ‘ [4 | METHOD OF WorK : a) | Planning of day today activity. ae 2 T 'b) | Distribution of work amongst 1 Ve 4 subordinates. 5 | COMMUNICATION SKILLS : | a) | Oral clarity of expression Rey ee b) | Written clarity of thoughts on paper wy = ¢) | Ability to draft notes /Tetters. ee { 6 | SUPERVISORY SKILLS : a oe | a) | Leadership qualities Aan 3 4 |b) | Capability to organize and get work 1 Ue a4 5 done from subordinates. pict ele Use : ©) | Enforcement of discipline on self & wre 3 IE subordinates. | | 4) | Objective judgment of Subordinales Teme 3 | e) | Development of subordinates. We 2 = | (7 [ANALYTICAL SKILLS: a) | Ability to understand date alae 3 b) | Ability to analyses and solves problems Toes | DECISION MAKING : 1 ‘@) | Ability to exercise powers Delegated. | era 4 ») | Capacity to take quick and sound 1 a | decision c) | Performance or responsibility assumed. VY 2 3 4 | e a | | d) | Dependability and Co-Operation with Yes / No / Tosome extent 10 | CUSTOME! LO’ RE a) | Dealing with Customers/ Public ele pe 3 b)_| Relationship with Supervisors 7 ial peeeles Subordinates. 11 | PERSONAL TARIFS | a) | Integrity Doubtful / beyond doubt. (if anything adverse is noticed, please give details in an Annexure. which may be! enclosed ») | Personality. [wature 7 Immature | ©) | Temperament. Short tempered Can Control himself | @) | Ability to withstand stress And strain in | Yes / To li tense situations. 12 | ACHIEVEMENTS : fed extent No. | (Brief mention outstanding and notable work done, meriting special commendation) 13 |TRAININGNEEDS: (Nature of inputs required for improving the performance.) 14 | Whether the statement of immovable property has been submitted in the prescribed Time-| Limit for the last Calendar Year or not? If yes, Yes . the date of such submission and if not, reasons for the same. 45 | Whether he/she has brought any political pressure for influence his/her transfer! No appointment/promotion. 16 | OVERALL RATING: [See 2 Outstanding/Very Good/ Good/ Unfit | i Date: SIGNATURE OF REPORTING OFFICER NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS: ...$¥2.,.0.¥ Paee DESIGNATION: .... 2uPBRiwtenoy -Ho (Remarks of the Reviewing Officer) (The Reviewing Officer should carefully consider and state whether he accepts the assessment fecorded by the Reporting Officer in all respect including Grading. If he differs from the Reporting Officer in any respect of the fact should be clearly stated.) aqeot OW) ROSS Omncrey Date: SIGNATURE OF REVIEWING OFFICER (NAME IN BLOCK LETTER): ..S4@):.9:6, WGC! Se eee

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