Kanwar Break - 9 - 12 2023

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Nehru World School, Ghaziabad

9th July 2023

Dear Parents,

RE: Online Learning from 10th July 2023 – Water logging and Kanwariya Movement and Safety -
Grades 9 – 12

1. Introduction
We hope that this circular finds you and your families in good health.

2. Online Classes
On account of a directive received from the District Magistrate’s Office on account of water logging
and In the scenario of vehicular movement restrictions on account of the Kanwariya Movement and
with the safety of your children as our number one priority, all learning will move to an online mode
from Monday 10th July 2023 until Friday 14th July 2023 for students in all classes. We are, therefore,
ensuring the ongoing progress of your children.

3. Timetable Arrangements

All the classes, except the library and game period will be conducted online using Google Classrooms
as per the current class timetable. Support classes for will also take place according to the current

4. Offline Classes – resumption date

Offline classes will resume from Monday 17th July 2023.

5. The Administration office

The Administration Office will remain open 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.

6. In conclusion

We appreciate your support and cooperation. Please contact the Wing Head if there are any matters
arising from this circular.

With best regards,

Susan Holmes
Executive Head

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