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Project on

Philadelphia Declaration 1944 - Features and Relevance in Current Times


Submitted by – Siddharth Dhabhai Submitted to – Ms. Astha Poonia

Roll no – 070

Semester – 6 B

Date of submission – 29th April 2023

University Five Year Law College,

University of Rajasthan, Jaipur


DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................3
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................................4
CERTIFICATE ...........................................................................................................................5
ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................6
Ch -1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................7
Ch-2 Aim of the Philadelphia Declaration 1944 ..........................................................................8
Ch-3 Relevance of Philadelphia Declaration in Present Times ................................................... 10
Relevance in India: ......................................................................................................... 10
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 11
Bibliography and other Websources .......................................................................................... 12


I, Siddharth Dhabhai hereby declare that this project titled Philadelphia Declaration 1944 -
Features and Relevance in Current Times is based on original research work carried out by me
under the guidance and supervision of Ms. Astha Poonia.

The interpretation put forth are based on my reading and understanding of original text . The
books , articles etc used by me have been duly acknowledged at the respective places.

For the present project which I am submitting to the university , no degree or diploma has been
conferred to me before , either in this or any other university

Date – 29th April 2023

Name – Siddharth Dhabhai


In the accomplishment of this project successfully many people have best uponed me their
blessings and heart pledged support , this time I am utilizing to thank all the people concerned
with this project.

First of all I would like to thank our Director Dr. Akhil Kumar for giving me an opportunity. I
would also like to thank our supervisor Ms. Astha Poonia whose valuable suggestions helped me
a lot .

Last but not the least I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped me in making of
the project

Siddharth Dhabhai


Ms. Astha Poonia.


University Five Year Law College

University of Rajasthan , Jaipur

This is to certify that Mr. Siddharth Dhabhai of semester 6 B of University Five Year Law
College ,University of Rajasthan , Jaipur has carried out the project entitled “Philadelphia
Declaration 1944 - Features and Relevance in Current Times” under my supervision and
guidance . It is an investigation report of a minor project. The student has completed research
work in my stipulated time and according to norms prescribed for the purpose.


Ms. Astha Poonia


The Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 is a historic document that was adopted by the
International Labour Organization (ILO) during its 26th session held in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA, on May 10, 1944. The declaration affirmed the commitment of the
ILO and its member states to the promotion of social justice, human rights, and the
creation of better working conditions and living standards for all

Research Methodology

 This research is based on doctrinal pattern. It is based on already available and analysed
information. This research involves secondary data.

Research Question

 Aim of The Philadelphia Declaration of 1944

 Relevance of Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 in current times

Ch -1 Introduction

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that
was established in 1919. The ILO is responsible for promoting social justice and promoting
decent working conditions worldwide. It brings together representatives of governments,
employers, and workers to develop and promote policies and programs aimed at improving
working conditions and Labour standards.

The Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 is a historic document that was adopted by the
International Labour Organization (ILO) during its 26th session held in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA, on May 10, 1944. The declaration affirmed the commitment of the ILO and
its member states to the promotion of social justice, human rights, and the creation of better
working conditions and living standards for all.

The Philadelphia Declaration declared that "labour is not a commodity" and recognized the
importance of social justice as a prerequisite for lasting peace. It called for the recognition of
workers' rights to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and social security, and the
elimination of forced Labour, child Labour, and discrimination in the workplace.

The declaration also called for the establishment of a minimum wage, maximum hours of work,
and improved working conditions. It emphasized the importance of education and vocational
training in promoting economic and social progress and recognized the right of all workers to
enjoy conditions of work that ensure respect for their health and welfare.

The Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 served as the basis for the establishment of the modern
international Labour standards system and is considered one of the most important documents in
the history of international Labour law.1


Ch-2 Aim of the Philadelphia Declaration 1944

The Declaration of Philadelphia, adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in

1944, contains several features that have helped shape the modern international Labour standards
system. Some of the key features of the declaration are:

1. Recognition of social justice: The declaration affirmed the importance of social justice
as a prerequisite for lasting peace and prosperity.
2. Workers' rights: The declaration recognized the importance of workers' rights to
freedom of association, collective bargaining, and social security.
3. Elimination of forced Labour and child Labour: The declaration called for the
elimination of forced Labour and child Labour, which are considered to be human rights
4. Non-discrimination: The declaration emphasized the importance of eliminating
discrimination in the workplace and promoting equal opportunities for all workers.
5. Minimum wage and maximum hours of work: The declaration called for the
establishment of a minimum wage and maximum hours of work to protect workers' rights
and promote decent working conditions.
6. Education and vocational training: The declaration recognized the importance of
education and vocational training in promoting economic and social progress.
7. Health and welfare of workers: The declaration affirmed the right of all workers to
enjoy conditions of work that ensure respect for their health and welfare.

Overall, the Declaration of Philadelphia established the fundamental principles of social justice,
decent work, and human rights that continue to guide the work of the International Labour
Organization and other international organizations today.

The Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 was a historic event that had a significant impact on the
International Labour Organization (ILO). The declaration was adopted at the end of the ILO's
26th session held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

The Philadelphia Declaration reaffirmed the ILO's commitment to the promotion of social justice
and the improvement of working conditions worldwide. The declaration recognized that social
justice is essential to lasting peace and that Labour is not a commodity.

It also emphasized the importance of freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining,
the elimination of all forms of forced Labour, and the promotion of social security.

The Philadelphia Declaration led to the adoption of the ILO's Constitution in 1946, which
established the organization's tripartite structure and set out its fundamental principles and

The declaration also paved the way for the adoption of a series of important international Labour
standards, including the Convention on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to
Organize, the Convention on the Abolition of Forced Labour, and the Convention on Social


Ch-3 Relevance of Philadelphia Declaration in Present Times

The Philadelphia Declaration is still relevant today. The principles and objectives set out in the
Declaration are still essential for promoting social justice and decent working conditions in
today's world. Some of the issues addressed in the Declaration that remain pressing challenges in
many countries are:

 The protection of workers' rights

 Social dialogue
 Fair wages
 Promotion of health and welfare of Workers


The Declaration of Philadelphia is also relevant in India. India is a member state of the
International Labour Organization (ILO), and the principles and objectives of the Declaration are
reflected in many of the country's Labour laws and policies.

For instance, India has ratified several ILO conventions that aim to promote decent working
conditions, protect workers' rights, and eliminate child Labour. The country has also introduced
Labour reforms, such as the recent Labour code reforms, to strengthen workers' rights and
promote employment opportunities.

However, despite these efforts, India still faces challenges in implementing and enforcing Labour
laws and ensuring decent working conditions for all. Issues such as child Labour, forced Labour,
and discrimination in the workplace continue to be a concern, especially in the informal sector.

Therefore, the principles and objectives of the Declaration of Philadelphia, such as the promotion
of full employment, social justice, and social dialogue, are still relevant in India. The country can
benefit from implementing these principles to improve working conditions, promote employment
opportunities, and protect workers' rights.


The Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 is a historic document that was adopted by the
International Labour Organization (ILO) during its 26th session held in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA, on May 10, 1944. The declaration affirmed the commitment of the ILO and
its member states to the promotion of social justice, human rights, and the creation of better
working conditions and living standards for all.

The Philadelphia Declaration declared that "labour is not a commodity" and recognized the
importance of social justice as a prerequisite for lasting peace. It called for the recognition of
workers' rights to freedom of association, collective bargaining, and social security, and the
elimination of forced Labour, child Labour, and discrimination in the workplace.

The Declaration of Philadelphia, adopted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in

1944, contains several features that have helped shape the modern international Labour standards
system. The Declaration of Philadelphia is also relevant in India. India is a member state of the
International Labour Organization (ILO), and the principles and objectives of the Declaration are
reflected in many of the country's Labour laws and policies.

For instance, India has ratified several ILO conventions that aim to promote decent working
conditions, protect workers' rights, and eliminate child Labour. The country has also introduced
Labour reforms, such as the recent Labour code reforms, to strengthen workers' rights and
promote employment opportunities. 3


Bibliography and other Websources



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