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1. A branch of biology that classifies all living things.
Ans. Taxonomy
2. A branch of science, including human science, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere.
Ans. Ecology
3. Life start
Ans. Protoplasm
4. Protoplasm which makes____?
Ans. Cell
5. A group of cells carrying out specific functions form.
Ans. Tissue
6. A group of tissues.
Ans. Organ
7. A group of organs.
Ans. Organ System
8. Made up of organ system.
Ans. Organism
9. A group of organisms of the same kind.
Ans. Population
10. A group of populations living together in a given place.
Ans. Community
11. Interaction between the organism and environment.
Ans. Ecosystem
12. Sequence in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten.
Ans. Food Chain
13. A system of interlocking and interdependent food chains
Ans. Food web
14. A change in position with respect to a reference point.
Ans. Motion
15. A place or object used for comparison to determine if something is in motion.
Ans. Reference point
16. A measure of how far.
Ans. Distance
17. Standard unit of measurement for distance.
Ans. Meter
18. Distance traveled over a certain period of time.
Ans. Speed
19. A rate of change in an objects positions.
Ans. Acceleration
20. A push or a pull on an object.
Ans. Force
21. The rubbing of two surface when they contact each other.
Ans. Friction
22. It is the layer of the sun, we can see from the outside.
Ans. Photosphere
23. Allows heat to move from the sun’s heart to its outer surface.
Ans. Convection zone
24. Hot core of the sun.
Ans. Core
25. The outermost of the sun.
Ans. Corona
26. Lowest layer of the sun.
Ans. Chromosphere
27. It is the movement of air.
Ans. Wind
28. The amount of matter contained in an object.
Ans. Mass
29. Made of hydrogen gas
Ans. Radiative zone
30. Changes from time to time.
Ans. Weather
31. It is a condition for a particular location over a long period of time.
Ans. Climate
32. They have backbone.
Ans. Vertebrates
33. It is anything that take up space and can be weighed.
Ans. Matter
34. They have definite shape and volume.
Ans. Solid
35. They have definite volume but not definite shape
Ans. Liquid
36. They have no definite shape and volume.
Ans. Gases
37. It is the process by which genetic information is passed from parent to child.
Ans. Inheritance
38. It is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere.
Ans. Astronomy
39. The smallest planet in our solar system and closet to the sun.
Ans. Mercury
40. It is the hottest planet in our solar system, spins slowly.
Ans. Venus
41. Inhabited by living things.
Ans. Earth
42. It is a dusty, cold, desert world with a very thin atmosphere.
Ans. Mars
43. It is the giant planets.
Ans. Jupiter
44. It is the complex system of icy rings.
Ans. Saturn
45. Rotates at nearly 90 degree angle from the plane of its orbits.
Ans. Uranus
46. Most distant major planet orbiting our sun.
Ans. Neptune
47. What is the 4 Terrestrial planet?
Ans. Mercury, Venus, Earth, mars
48. What is the 4 Jovian planet?
Ans. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
49. It is an object that orbits a planet or another celestial body and the brightest and largest in our night sky.
Ans. Moon
50. It is the building blocks for all the rest of matter.
Ans. Elements
51. It is the number of protons in each atom.
Ans. Atomic number
52. An animals without backbone.
Ans. Invertebrates
53. It is the living things.
Ans. Biotic
54. It is non-living things.
Ans. Abiotic
55. World of life
Ans. Biosphere
56. A German zoologist, coined the word “OECOLOGIE” he is ______?
Ans. Ernst Haeckel
57. Who is the father of biology?
Ans. Aristotle
58. Who studied plant type and form?
Ans. Theophrastus
59. Who is the father of medicine?
Ans. Hippocrates
60. Who is the naturalist?
Ans. Albertus Magnus
61. Who is the first modern chemist?
Ans. Robert Boyle
62. He create the first modern telescope.
Ans. Galileo
63. Who revolutionized modern physics with his general theory of relativity. Won Nobel Prize in Physics (1921) for
his discovery of the Photoelectric effect, which formed basis of Quantum Theory.
Ans. Albert Einstein
64. He developed theory of evolution against a backdrop of disbelief and scepticism. Collected evidence over 20
years and published conclusions in On the Origin of Species (1859).
Ans. Charles Darwin
65. Work on electro-magnetism and AC current. Credited with any patents from electricity to radio transmission.
Ans. Nikola Tesla
66. Great early Greek scientist who made many researches in the natural sciences including botany, zoology,
physics, astronomy, chemistry, and meteorology, geometry.
Ans. Aristotle
67. A Polish mathematician and astronomer, challenged the Ptolemaic model.
Ans. Nicolaus Copernicus
68. Tiny particles that are electricity neutral, spherical entity composed of positively charged central nucleus
surrounded by one or more negatively charged electrons.
Ans. Atom
69. This law states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed in any physical or chemical process just
Ans. The law of conservation of mass
70. It is an attractive force that exists between all objects in the universe.
Ans. Gravity
71. An element or compounds that occurs naturally on earth.
Ans. Minerals
72. It is a voluntary muscle.
Ans. Skeletal muscle
73. The most common force that shapes Earth.
Ans. Gravity and erosion
74. A unifying explanation for a broad range of hypotheses and observations that have been supported by testing.
Ans. Theory
75. Can sound travel the fastest.
Ans. Solid
76. It is the process by which rocks break down and change.
Ans. Weather
77. It is a dynamic mass of water
Ans. Hydrosphere
78. The process of mountain building is known as______?
Ans. Orogenisis
79. These are seen as a flash of light, sometimes called a falling “falling star”.
Ans. Meteors
80. The outside of the human body is covered by skin.
Ans. Integumentary System
81. Enable us to move our body parts to perform various task.
Ans. Muscular system
82. The food in our body need must be broken down before it can be used by our cells.
Ans. Digestive system
83. The heart is the most active part of the body.
Ans. Circulatory system
84. Our ability to do things is coordinated functions of the different organs system.
Ans. Nervous system
85. It is the science that studies the structure of body.
Ans. Anatomy
86. It is an organism that makes their own food.
Ans. Producers
87. It is an organism that can’t produce its own food and must eat other plants or animals to get energy.
Ans. Consumer
88. An organism that eat producers.
Ans. Primary Consumer
89. Eat both the secondary and primary consumers.
Ans. Tertiary consumer
90. Eat the primary consumers.
Ans. Secondary consumer
91. Plants: producers; Goat:_____
Ans. Primary Consumer
92. When 2 forces acts on an objects away from each other.
Ans. Balanced Force
93. When one force acting on an object is stronger that another force it causes an object to move.
Ans. Unbalanced Force
94. Animals that eat plants.
Ans. Herbivore
95. Animals that eat both plants and meat
Ans. Omnivore
96. Animals that eat meat.
Ans. Carnivore

97. It is thing or person.
Ans. Noun
98. An action or state.
Ans. Verb
99. Describe a verb.
Ans. Adverb
100.Describe a noun.
Ans. Adjective
101.Replace a noun
Ans. Pronoun
102.Links a noun to another words.
Ans. Preposition
103.Join clauses or sentence example but, while.
Ans. Conjunction
104.Short exclamation
Ans. Interjection
105.A word phase that has the same or exact meaning as another word or phrase.
Ans. Synonym
106.The act of transferring information from one place, person, or group to another.
Ans. Communication
107.It is a more highly structured form of writing than an essay.
Ans. Report
108.It can come in a variety of forms making up.
Ans. Word
109.One of a set of explicit.
Ans. Rule
110.It is a piece of writing in which the words are chosen.
Ans. Poem
111.It is a short well known
Ans. Proverbs
112.A word or phrase that isn’t mean to be taken literally.
Ans. Idiom
113.A relations between them is compared to the strong.
Ans. Simile
114.It is a concept based on analogy.
Ans. Metaphor
115.It is give a human property to non-human beings.
Ans. Personification
116.It is the art of telling the idea that is meant to be.
Ans. Hyperbole
117.A words that are inspired by the sounds of living.
Ans. Onomatopoeia
118.It is the repetition of the same sound or syllables within a phrase or sentence.
Ans. Alliteration
119.It is a statement which conveys the exact opposite meaning of what is literally being said.
Ans. Irony
120.When a word is repeated multiple times within a phrase.
Ans. Anaphora
121.Speaking to an object or item that is not alive as if it were in fact, alive.
Ans. Apostrophe
122.When two words in a phrase contradict one another.
Ans. Oxymoron
123.It is a statement in which only part of something expressed to relate the words.
Ans. Synecdoche
124.It is statement which contradicts itself.
Ans. Paradox
125.When a phrase is replaced with another which has a similar meaning, used to describe something in an indirect
Ans. Metonymy
126.He’s a walking calculator.
Ans. Metaphor
127.You have egg on your face.
Ans. Idiom
128.These waves attack you.
Ans. Personification
129.She sells seashells on the seashore.
Ans. Alliteration
130.She is beautiful like a rose.
Ans. Simile
131.The wave of the sea did not go as far as my heart.
Ans. Hyperbole
132.The fire station burn to the ground.
Ans. Irony
133.Come on trousers, you have to fit me.
Ans. Apostrophe
134. Can you hear the clicks coming from the roof?
Ans. Onomatopoeia
135.All hands on deck!
Ans. Synecdoche
136.Alone together
Ans. Oxymoron
137.Go big or go home.
Ans. Anaphora
138.Don’t cry over spilt milk.
Ans. Proverbs
139.The beginning of the end.
Ans. Paradox
140.The white house.
Ans. Metonymy
141.This is my cat. What is the noun in a sentence?
Ans. Cat
142.Come in please. What is the verb in a sentence?
Ans. Come
143.May cat eats quickly. What is the adverb in a sentence
Ans. Quickly
144.We like a big cake. What is the adjective in a sentence?
Ans. Big
145.He is very clever. What is the pronoun in a sentence?
Ans. He
146. She was hiding under the table. What is the preposition in a sentence?
Ans. Under
147. I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty. What is the conjunction in a sentence?
Ans. But
148. Wow! What a beautiful car! What is the interjection in a sentence?
Ans. Wow!

149.Adding a group of numbers and then dividing by the count of those numbers.
Ans. Computing average
150.Adding all the products of all courses grades, we divide that sum by the total number of units
Ans. Computing GWA
151. It is a central or typical value for probability distribution.
Ans. Central Tendency
152.It is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100.
Ans. Percent
153.It is a 2 dimensional shapes.
Ans. Polygons
154.How many sides of pentagon?
Ans. 5
155.How many sides of hexagon?
Ans. 6
156.How many sides of heptagon?
Ans. 7
157.How many sides of octagon?
Ans. 8
158.How many sides of nonagon?
Ans. 9
159.How many sides of decagon?
Ans. 10
160.How many sides of hendecagon?
Ans. 11
161.How many sides of dodecagon?
Ans. 12
162.It is a sequence in which number is the sum of the two preceding ones.
Ans. Fibonacci sequence
163.It is the smallest multiple that the two or more numbers have in common.
Ans. Least Common Multiple
164.A number is made simpler by keeping its value intact but closer to the next number.
Ans. Rounding Off
165. How many inches in 1 foot?
Ans. 12 inches
166.How many feet in 1 yard?
Ans. 3 feet
167.How many yards in 1 mile?
Ans. 1760 yards
168.How many meter in 1 kilometers?
Ans. 1000 meter
169.How many millimeter in 1 centimeter?
Ans. 10 millimeters
170.Computing GWA;

Subject Grades Units

SOC SCI 1.50 3
MATH 1.25 3
ENGLISH 1.75 3
TOTAL 7.75 5
Ans. 1.55
171. Computing Average;

Subject Grades
Total 471
Ans. 94.2
172. Given 4, 5...... What is 8th sequence?
Ans. 97
173.What is the mean of 4, 5, 6, 9, 4, 3, and 6?
Ans. 5. 28
174.What is the median of 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6?
Ans. 4
175.What is the median of 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7?
Ans. 4
176.What is the mode of 1,3,4,5,5,6,7 and 8?
Ans. 5

177.Salitang tinutukoy ang ngalan ng tao, bagay, pook, hayop o pangyayari.
Ans. Pangngalan (noun)
178.Uri ng pangngalan na tumutukoy sa karaniwang ngalan ng tao, bagay, pook, o pangyayari.
Ans. Pambalana
179.Uri ng pangngalan na tumutukoy sa tiyak na ngalan ng pangngalan.
Ans. Pantangi
180.Bahagi ng pananalita na inihahalili o pinapalit sa pangngalan upang mabawasan ang paulit-ulit.
Ans. Panghalip (pronoun)
181.Bahagi ng pananalita na nagsasaad ng kilos.
Ans. Pandiwa (verb)
182.Ginagamit para ipakita ang relasyon ng mga salita sa pangungusap.
Ans. Pang-ukol (preposition)
183.Bahagi ng pananalita na ginagamit para maging maganda pakinggan.
Ans. Pang-angkop (ligature)
184.Naglalarawan ng katangian ng pangngalan o panghalip.
Ans. Pang-uri (adjective)
185.Naglalarawan sa pang-uri, pandiwa at kapwa nito pang-abay.
Ans. Pang-abay (adverb)
186.Tinutukoy ang relasyon ng paksa at pang-uri sa pangungusap.
Ans. Pantukoy (article o determiner)
187.Nagpapakilala ng ayos ng mga bahagi ng pangungusap.
Ans. Pangawing (linker)
188.Mga salita o mga pahayag na gumagamit ng mga salitang matalinghaga.
Ans. Tayutay
189.Direktang naghahambing ng dalawang bagay.
Ans. Simili o pagtutulad
190.Pagsasatao ng isang personal na kalikasan.
Ans. Personipikasyon o pagsasatao
191.Isang salita o parirala ay inilipat sa isang bagay o aksyon.
Ans. Metapora o pagwawangis
192.Kung saan ang isang taga- pagsalita ay direktang tumutugon sa isang tao.
Ans. Apostrophe o pagtawag (apostrophe)
193.Inuulit ang parehong tunog sa isang grupo.
Ans. Pag-uulit
194.Paggamit ng pagmamalabis bilang isang retorika.
Ans. Hyperbole o pagmamalabis
195.Proseso ng paglikha ng isang salita na ginagaya.
Ans. Onomatopeya o panghihimig
196.Kung saan ang isang komento ay sinadya upang masaktan.
Ans. Pang-uyam o Irony
197.Kung saan ang isang salita o parirala na tumutukoy sa isang bahagi ng isang bagay.
Ans. Pagpapalit- saklaw o sinekdoke
198.Tumutukoy sa proseso ng paglilipat ng mga katangian ng tao sa mga bagay na walang buhay.
Ans. Paglilipat-wika
199.Isang tayutay kung saan ang isang bagay o konsepto ay tinutukoy sa pamamagitan ng pangalan ng isang bagay.
Ans. Pagpapalit- Tawag
200.Kung saan ang mga sunod-sunod na salita, parirala, sugnay o pangungusap ay nakaayos.
Ans. Pasukdol o climax
201. Naglalahad ng salungat sa likas (o karaniwan) na kalagayan o pangyayari.
Ans. Paradoks
202.Nagtataglay ng mga salitang nagsasalungatan upang lalong mapatingkad ang bisa ng pagpapahayag.
Ans. Oksimoron o Pagtatambis (Oxymoron)
203.Ayos ng pangungusap kung saan ay nauuna ang panaguri sa simuno.
Ans. Karaniwang ayos
204.Ayos ng pangungusap kung saan ay nauuna ang simuno sa panaguri.
Ans. Di- karaniwang ayos
205.Isang paraan upang sumagisag ng pandiwang komunikasyon sa pamamagitan ng paningin.
Ans. Sistema ng pagsulat
206.Ang lumang sistema ng pagsulat na ginagamit na noon.
Ans. Baybayin
207.Ay ang bansag na nilikha ni Dr. Paul Rodrigez
Ans. Alibata
208.Isang sistema ng mga sagisag na binubuo ng mga tunog o kaya ay mga pasulat na letra na inuugnay natin sa
mga kahulugang nais nating ipabatid sa ibang tao.
Ans. Wika
209.Pinagmulan ng wika.
Ans. Teorya ng Wika
210.Teorya ng wika mula sa bagay
Ans. Ding-dong
211.Teorya ng wika mula sa tao.
Ans. Pooh-Pooh
212.Teorya ng wika mula sa kalikasan.
Ans. Bow-wow
213.Ang wika ay galling sa ingay na nilikha ng taong nagtutulungan sa kanilang gawain.
Ans. Teoryang Yo-he-ho
214.Ang ibig sabihin ay “Paalam”.
Ans. Teoryang Tata
215.Naunag sumenyas ang tao kaysa magsalita.
Ans. Teoryang Yum-Yum
216.Seremonya at ritwal
Ans. Teoryang Tara-Boom-De-Ay
217.Ayon sa haring si Psammatichos, ang mga wika ay natutunan kahit walang nagturo. Anong kaharian ito?
Ans. Kahariang Ehipto
218.Di gaanong tanggap ng lipunang Pilipino.
Ans. Bulgar
219.Pinakamababang antas ng wika.
Ans. Balbal
220.Salitang katutubo
Ans. Lalawiganin
221.Pagpapaikli ng salita.
Ans. Kolokyal
222.Pagkakilanlan ng isang wika.
Ans. Pambansa
223.Pinakamayamang uri ng antas ng wika.
Ans. Pampanitikan
224.Sariling damdamin at pananaw.
Ans. Personal
225.Pinanatili ang mga relasyong panlipunan.
Ans. Interaksyonal
226.Nailapat sa pagsulat o pagbigkas.
Ans. Imahinatibo
227.Sa pangangailangang maipaalam ang napakaraming katotohanan.
Ans. Impormatibo/Representasyonal
228.Ginagamit ang wika ng tagapagsalita
Ans. Instrumental
229.Alalayan ang mga pangyayaring naganap.
Ans. Regulatori
230.Gamit ito ng taong nais matuto
Ans. Heyuristiko
231.Pagpaparating ng mensahe.
Ans. Kognitibo
232.Pag-uutos at pakiusap
Ans. Conative
233.Pagpapahayag ng mga saloobin.
Ans. Emotive
Ans. Phatic
235.Paglinaw sa mga suliranin
Ans. Metalinggwal
Ans. Poetic
237.Panrehiyon o heograpikal
Ans. Dayalekto
238.Personal na “Wika” ng isang tao.
Ans. Idyolek
239.Batay sa uri at paksa.
Ans. Register
240.Nauukol ito sa layunin at paksa.
Ans. Field
241.Tungkol ito sa paraan ng paghahatid.
Ans. Mode
242.Batay sa katayuan.
Ans. Sosyolek
243.Wikang umunlad
Ans. Pidgin
244.Kapag naging inang wika.
Ans. Creole
245.Ang wikang Filipino ay hindi Tagalog kundi sing wikang nabuo o?
Ans. Lingua Franca
246.Ama ng wikang Pambansa.
Ans. Pangulong Manuel L. Quezon
247. Ito ang aking pusa. Ano ang ginamit na pangngalan(noun)?
Ans. Pusa
248.Ako ang naghugas ng plato. Ano ang ginamit na Panao?
Ans. Ako
249.Sa amin ang puno na iyan. Ano ang ginamit na Paari?
Ans. Amin
250.Kalian ka aalis? .Ano ang ginamit na Pananong?
Ans. Kalian
251.Dito kami naglalaro. Ano ang ginamit na Pamatlig?
Ans. Dito
252.Ilan ang lapis na iyong dala?. Ano ang ginamit na Pamilang?
Ans. Ilan
253. Ang lahat ay dapat maging handa sa parating na bagyo. Ano ang ginamit na Panaklaw?
Ans. Lahat
254.Ang mga bata ay tumalon. Ano ang ginamit na Pandiwa (verb)?
Ans. Tumalon
255.Mag-aral ng mabuti upang makamit ang iyong gusto. Ano ang ginamit na pangatnig (conjunction)?
256. Ayon kay Jose Rizal “Ang kabataan ay ang pag-asa ng bayan”. Ano ang ginamit na Pang-ukol (preposition)?
Ans. Ayon Kay

257.Butas na malaki. Ano ang ginamit na Pang-angkop (ligature)?

Ans. na
258.Ang bag ni mark ay kulay asul. Ano ang ginamit na Pang-uri (adjective)?
Ans. asul
259. Niyakap niya nang mahigpit amg kanyang ina. Ano ang ginamit na Pang-abay (adverb)?
Ans. mahigpit
260.Ang pinuno ay palaging naglilingkod sa kaniyang mga nasasakupan. Ano ang ginamit na Pangtukoy?
Ans. ang
261.Ang babae ay umiiyak. Ano ang ginamit na Pangawing?
Ans. Ay
262.Ang mag-anak ay nagsisimba tuwing linggo.
Ans. Di- karaniwang ayos
263.Nag-aaral ng medisina si Julia.
Ans. Karaniwang ayos
264.Ang tawag sa naglalarawan sa simuno.
Ans. Panag-uri
265.Ang tawag sa paksang pinag-uusapan sa pangungusap.
Ans. Simuno
266.Paris ng malamig na kape ang pakikitungo niya sa akin.
Ans.Simili o pagtutulad
267.Ikaw ang ilaw sa madilim kong buhay.
Ans. Metapora o pagwawangis
268.Ang kapalaran mo ay handog sa iyo na langit sa itaas na tinitingala ko.
Ans. Metonimya o Pagpapalit-tawag (Metonimy) 
269.Hingin mo ang kaniyang kamay.
Ans. Sinekdoke 
270.. Bumaha ng dugo sa kapaligiran ako ang nagwagi sa aming labanan.
Ans. Pagmamalabis o  Eksaherasyon (Hyperbole)
271. O tukso! Layuan mo ako!
Ans. Apostrope o Pagtawag  (Apostrophe)
272.Hinalikan ako ng malamig na hangin.
Ans. Personipikasyon o Pagsasatao (Personification) 
273.Ang lagaslas nitong batis, alatiit nitong kawayan, halumigmig nitong hangin, ay bulong ng kalikasan.
Ans. Panghihimig o Onomatopeya  (Onomatopoeia)
274.Gumagalang gutay-gutay na gagamba.
Ans. Aliterasyon o Pag-uulit (Alliteration)
275.Ito nga! Ito nga! Itong nganga.
Ans. Repitasyon o pag-uulit ng mga salita
276.Malayo ma’y malapit pa rin.
Ans. Paradoks
277.Nalulungkot ako sa pananalo mo sa pagwawagi mo, hustisya’y natalo.
Ans. Oksimoron o Pagtatambis (oxymoron)
278.Napakalinis sa ilog na iyon, walang isdang nabubuhay.
Ans. Pang-uyam o Irony

279.Becomes a law.
Ans. Bill
280.Basically untouched
Ans. Unexpurgated
281.What is the full name of Jose Rizal?
Ans. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda
282.Birthdate of Jose Rizal
Ans. June 19, 1861
283.Who is the father of Jose Rizal?
Ans. Francisco Mercado
284.Who is the mother of Jose Rizal?
Ans. Dona Teodora Alonso
285.Who is the second father of Jose Rizal?
Ans. Paciano
286.Who is the first teacher of Rizal and thought him to pray?
Ans. Dona Teodora Alonso
287.What age he learned the alphabet?
288.Who is the first private tutor of Rizal?
Ans. Maestro Celestino
289.Who is the second private tutor of Rizal?
Ans. Maestro Lucas Padua
290.Who is the third tutor and honed his skills in basic latin reading and writing.
Ans. Leon Monroy
291.Age of Rizal when he left Calamba with his brother to study in Binan?
Ans. 9 years old
292.In Binan he exceled in ______ and _______ language.
Ans. Latin and Spanish
293.He followed the advice of his brother ________ to use the name Jose Rizal instead of ________.
Ans. Paciano - Jose Mercado
294.When did Rizal left the Philippines for Spain (1 st trip).
Ans. May 3, 1882
295.Rizal reached the Barcelona on _______.
Ans. June 16, 1882
296.The El Amor Patrio (Love of Country) was published on __________ in __________ using his pen name ______.
Ans. August 20, 1882 – Diariong Tagalog – Laong Laan
297.On __________ he enrolled in Medicine and Philosophy and Letters.
Ans. November 3, 1882
298.When Rizal went home to Calamba after 5 years in Europe to spend his time with his family.
Ans. August 8, 1887
299.He left the country for the second time on _________.
Ans. February 16, 1888
300.He decided to return to Philippines because of nationalism on_____.
Ans. June 26, 1892
301.Noli Me Tangere was published on _______ in________ with the help of his friend ________.
Ans. March 21, 1887 – Madrid – Maximo Viola
302.El Filibusterismo was published on______ in ___________ with the help of his friend _______.
Ans. September 18, 1891 – Brussels – Valentin Ventura
303.Rizal was accused on ________ for being the ________.
Ans. July 6, 1892 – organizer of revolution
304.Rizal arrived in Dapitan on board the steamer Cebu on ________.
Ans. July 17, 1892
305.Year when Dapitan became Rizal’s home.
Ans. 1892-1896
306.Date when Rizal arrived in Manila and was immediately brought to Fort Santiago.
Ans. November 2. 1896
307.______ when the trial ended.
Ans. December 26, 1896
308.Who signed the court decision?
Ans. Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja
309._______ in the morning of _________ Rizal died.
Ans. 7:30 – December 30, 1896
310.The first poem of Rizal.
Ans. Sa Aking mga Kabata
311.He is the supporter of propaganda movement and Rizal’s bestfriend.
Ans. Dr. Ferdinand Blumentritte
312.The best poem of Rizal and his farewell to Filipino people.
Ans. Mi Ultimo Adios (Ang Huling Paalam)
313.The book written by Rizal in defence of alleged laziness of the Filipinos.
Ans. The Indolence of Filipinos
314.Rizal’s pen name when wrote La Solidaridad.
Ans. Laong Laan
315.He made the December 30 as a Rizal day.
Ans. Emilio Aguinaldo
316.Place where Rizal decided his formal school.
Ans. Binan
317.They left an impression to Rizal about the sacrifice on one’s life.
Ans. GomBurZa
318.Rizal Law
Ans. RA 1425
319.Age of Rizal when he died?
Ans. 35 years old
320.Meaning of El Filibusterismo?
Ans. Subversive
321.Who is the main character of Noli Man Tangere?
Ans. Crisostomo Ibarra
322.Who is the main character of El Filibusterismo?
Ans. Isagani
323.Noli Me Tangere is about ________.
Ans. Religion, Love and Society
324. El Filibusterismo is about _______.
Ans. Politics and Revolution
325.Pilosopo Tasyo is character in Noli personified whom in reality?
Ans. Paciano
326.Rizal’s lawyer
Ans. Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade
327.Rizal name means?
Ans. Greenfield or Ricemill
328.Mercado name means?
Ans. Market
329.Rizal’s cause of death?
Ans. Gunshot to the head
330.Who killed Rizal?
Ans. Filipino Soldiers
331.The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an
academic discipline.
Ans. Philosophy
332.Study of the nature of value and valuation.
Ans. Axiology
333.Study of the fundamental nature of reality.
Ans. Metaphysics
334.Study of the nature, origin, and limits of human knowledge.
Ans. Epistemology
335.Study of what is right and wrong in human behavior.
Ans. Ethics Philosophy
336.Study of beauty and taste.
Ans. Aesthetics
337.Study of what is right and wrong.
Ans. Logic Philosophy
338.Study of government, addressing questions about the nature, scope, and legitimacy of public agents and
Ans. Political Philosophy
339.Can be defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. In a democratic state, they
masses have the freedom to elect their own leaders. 
Ans. Democracy
340.Is often authoritarian in its rule. Communism connotes public ownership and rule by single party, who is most
often authoritarian in its governance.
Ans. Communism
341.System of government, where the citizens commonly own the means of production and distribution of goods
and services, while the same means of production and distribution is managed by the government.
Ans. Socialism
342.Is another form of government where individuals with a particular skill set or quality govern the others.
Ans. Oligarchy
343. Is a form of government categorized by the rule by the elites. In aristocracy, the small elite known as
Ans. Autoracy
344.Systems of government, authority passes down through a succession line, that is persons related through
bloodline and birth.
Ans. Monarchy
345. The government is not based on the choice of the people, gender or class, but a specific religious ideologies
which determine the policies, rules, customs, laws and leaders that will govern the people.
Ans. Theocracy
346.This form of government as the name implies, vests total and absolute power in the ruling party.
Ans. Totalitarianism
347.A military government is also authoritarian and totalitarian in nature. Like totalitarianism, the ruling party rules
with absolute power and undemocratic principles.
Ans. Military Dictatorship
348.Located on the southernmost tip of ancient Mesopotamia. Also known for their high degree of cooperation
with one another and their desire for great things.
Ans. Sumerian Civilization
349.One of the major contributions of the Sumerians is the development of the first writing system.
Ans. Cuneiform
350.It is a great wonder not only because it is considered to be the first true city in the world but also for the way it
was erected.
Ans. Uruk City
351.It is called the mountain of god, was built in the same manner that they constructed the City of Uruk.
Ans. The Great Ziggurat of Ur
352.As population increased, so did the demand for food. The Sumerian were challenged to mass produce food
items but elements in the environment seemed uncooperative.
Ans. Irrigation and Dikes
353.Another challenge to the Sumerians was transportation. At that time, the wheel was not yet invented; the man
mode of transportation was through waterways such as rivers and seas.
Ans. Sailboats
354.In the latter part of their history, the Sumerians were able to invent the wheel since the specialized tools
needed to create it were already available.
Ans. Wheels
355. Another farm technology invented by the Mesopotamians is the plow. Humans evolved from being food
gatherers to farm cultivators.
Ans. The plows
356.In order to facilitate faster and easier travel, the Sumerians developed the first roads. With this work, the flow
of traffic became faster and more organized.
Ans. Roads
357.Emerged near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Babylonians were great builders, engineers, and architects.
Ans. Babylonian Civilization
358.Structure made up of layers upon layers of gardens that contained several species of plants, trees, and vines.
Ans. Hanging Garden of Babylon
359.Located in North Africa. Many stories tell about the engineering feats of the Egyptians especially regarding the
infrastructures established by the pharaohs.
Ans. Egyptian Civilization
360.The colonization of the Philippines contributed to growth of science and technology in the archipelago. The
Spanish introduced formal education and founded scientific institution.
Ans. Spanish Colonial Era
361.Who arrived in the Philippines in 1521 who are claiming the lands for Spain and naming them Islas de San
Ans. Ferdinand Magellan
362.Who is the ruler of Mactan and known as the first native of the archipelago to have resisted the Spanish
Ans. Lapu-Lapu
363. The first mass on Philippines soil is celebrated on____ or Masao in some reference book.
Ans. Limasawa
364.Magellan dies in a battle with ______, chieftain of Mactan an island near Cebu.
Ans. Lapu-lapu
365.He became a king of spain on January 16, 1556.
Ans. Philip ll
366.The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin, ____which means a “craft or specialized form of skill, like
carpentry or smithying or surgery”
Ans. Ars
367.A famous French philosopher the 20th century, described the role of art as a creative work that depicts the
world in a completely different light and perspective, and the source is due to human freedom (Greene, 1995).
Ans. Jean-Paul Sartre
368.Who had made significant and major contributions in science and humanity demonstrated that knowledge is
actually derived from imagination.
Ans. German physicist Albert Einstein
369.An English philosopher who is best known for his work in aesthetics, explicated in his publication.
Ans. Robin George Collingwood
370.Refers to the art of putting together successions of still images in order to create an illusion of movement.
Ans. Film
371.Is a live art and the artist’s medium is mainly the human body which he or she uses to perform.
Ans. Performance arts
372.Is an art form where the artist expresses his emotions not by using paint, charcoal, or camera, but expresses
them through words.
Ans. Poetry
373.Is the making of beautiful buildings.
Ans. Architecture
374.Is a series of movements that follows the rhythm of the music accompaniment.
Ans. Dance
375.Goes beyond the usual professional, academic, journalistic and other technical forms of writing.
Ans. Literary arts
376.Uses live performers to present accounts or imaginary events before a live audience.
Ans. Theater
377.Is incorporating elements of style and design to everyday items with the aim of increasing their aesthetical
Ans. Applied arts
378.Greek philosopher_____ claimed that every particular substance in the world has an end, or telos in Greek,
which translates into “purpose.
Ans. Aristotle
379.One of the most iconic and recognizable paintings all over the world is the "Mona Lisa" done by____?
Ans. Leonardo da Vinci
380.Probably one of the most famous works that expressed Filipino nationalism and stood against the colonizers
would be Juan Luna's.
Ans. Spoliarium
381.Can be defined as doing something without prior preparation.
Ans. Improvisation
382.Is a term used to describe a period of history when stones were used to make tools for survival.
Ans. Stone Age
383.Is a product of climate change.
Ans. Paleolithic Art
384.Was a period in art history, which was a product of the Renaissance Period.
Ans. Mannerism
385.Was a movement in Europe that transpired during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
Ans. Neoclassicism
386.As an art movement, used the central themes of Neoclassicist artworks as a springboard.
Ans. Romanticism
387.As a style of work focuses on the accuracy of details that depicts and somehow mirrors reality.
Ans. Realism
388.Movement started in France, which led to a break from the tradition in European painting.
Ans. Impressionism
389.The biological sense is a category for living beings specifically related to their reproductive function.
Ans. Sex
390.Is also based on how people see themselves and on their tendency to act along either the masculine or the
feminine line.
Ans. Gender
391.Is defined as the process of learning and internalizing culturally approved ways of thinking, feeling, and
Ans. Gender role socialization
392.Are a generalized view of traits that should he possessed by men and women, specifically physical and
emotional roles.
Ans. Sex stereotypes
393.Involve assumptions regarding a person’s sexuality that reinforce dominant views.
Ans. Sexual stereotypes
394.Encompass the roles that men and women are assigned to base on their sex and what behaviors they must
possess to fulfill these roles.
Ans. Sex-role stereotypes
395.Are assumptions about a specific group belonging to a gender.
Ans. Compounded stereotypes
396.Stands for sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.
397.Is defined as the notion that being heterosexual, or the attraction to the opposite sex, is the standard for
Ans. Heteronormativity
398.Refers to people who have sexual end romantic feelings mostly for the opposite gender—men who are
attracted to women, and women who are attracted to men.
Ans. Heterosexual, or Straight
399.Describes people who have sexual and romantic feelings for the same gender—men who are attracted to men,
and women who are attracted to women.
Ans. Homosexual
400.Is someone whose gender identity corresponds with his or her biological sex.
Ans. Cisgender
401.Involves the person to whom one is attracted and how one identifies himself or herself in relation to this
attraction which includes both romantic and sexual feelings.
Ans. Sexual orientation
402.refers to one‘s personal experience of gender or social relations. It determines how one sees himself or herself
in relation to gender and sexuality.
Ans. Gender identity
403.Determines how one expresses his or her sexuality through the actions or manner of presenting oneself.
Ans. Gender expression

404. It is the act of being sensitive to the ways people think about gender.
Ans. Gender Sensitivity
405.Is a set of social and behavioral norms that are generally considered appropriate for either a man or a woman
in a social or interpersonal relationship.
Ans. Gender role
406.Adheres to the structure of a typical city with a business district as its core or center.
Ans. Concentric zone model
407.Residences of a particular type and value tend to grow outward from the center of the city in wedgeshaped
sectors with the more expensive residential neighborhoods situated along the higher ground near lakes and
rivers or along particular streets.
Ans. Sector model structure
408.The city as having not only one but numerous centers of development.
Ans. Multiple Nuclei Model
409.Who developed the concentric zone model?
Ans. Ernest W. Burgess (1920)
410.Who developed the Sector model structure?
Ans. Homer Hoyt in 1939
411.Who developed the Multiple Nuclei Model?
Ans. Chauncy Harris and Edward Ullma (1940)
412.Who arrived in the Philippines in 1778?
Ans. José de Basco y Vargas
413.From 1565-1815, this was the form of trade between the Philippines and Mexico.
Ans. Galleon Trade
414.He established the Royal Philippine Company in 1785 to finance agricultural projects and manage the new
trade being established between the Philippines and Spain (and Europe) as well as other Asian markets.
Ans. José de Basco y Vargas
415.Was opened to world trade by 1834.
Ans. Manila
416. The French Revolution resulted in the toppling of the monarchy of?
Ans. King Louis XVI (1789)
417. In 1861, the year of Rizal birth, ________emancipated Russian serfs.
Ans. Tsar Alexander II
418.Was crumbling after the decade in Mexico.
Ans. Napoleon III
419. _________ abolished the Cortes, saying that the body encroached on powers he believe belonged solely to
Ans. King Ferdinand VI
420.After Ferdinand VII died, his daughter ________ ruled the country.
Ans. Queen Isabella II
421. The Spanish controlled the Philippines for more than _____?
Ans. 300 years
422. In the Ilocos, leading citizens there called ______?
Ans. Kailanes
423.In 1826, Mexican soldiers led by ________ mutinied.
Ans. Lt. Andres Novales
424.The last revolts series took place in 1841-1842 when _______ refused to disband his religious organization.
Ans. Apolinario De la Cruz
425.One measure implemented was the 1849 decree of ______that urged the people in the colony to adopt
Ans. Governor-General Narciso Claveria


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