2016 - (ARTIGO) - Structural Performance of Steel Pile Caps Strengthened With Perfobond Shear Connectors Under Lateral Loading

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Structural Performance of Steel Pile Caps
Strengthened with Perfobond Shear Connectors
under Lateral Loading
Young-Ho Kim 1 , Jae-Yoon Kang 2 , Sang-Ho Kim 3 and Dae-Jin Kim 4, *
1 Institute of R&D, Ji Seung Consultant Co., Ltd., Seoul 06128, Korea; steelkyh@hanmail.net
2 Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Goyang 10223, Korea; jykang@kict.re.kr
3 Hyundai Engineering Co. Ltd., Seoul 03058, Korea; skim21@live.com
4 Department of Architectural Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin 17104, Korea
* Correspondence: djkim@khu.ac.kr; Tel.: +82-31-201-3329

Academic Editor: Stefano Invernizzi

Received: 7 September 2016; Accepted: 19 October 2016; Published: 26 October 2016

Abstract: The conventional strengthening strategy on the connection between the steel pile cap and
reinforced concrete footing requires a series of complicated processes such as the distribution of
reinforcing bars, their anchorage into concrete, and the usage of shear keys. This study investigates
the structural performance of steel pile caps strengthened with newly proposed perfobond shear
connectors subjected to lateral loading. Test parameters include the type of perfobond shear
connectors, infilled concrete depth, and the number of L-shaped steel plates. The applied load versus
deformation curve is plotted for all specimens, and their failure modes are identified. The effects of
the test parameters on the peak load are examined in this work. From the results of this study, it can
be confirmed that the proposed perfobond shear connector can be utilized as an alternative to the
conventional steel pile cap strengthening method using steel rebars.

Keywords: steel pipe pile; perfobond connector; concrete footing; pile cap; bending resistance

1. Introduction
In case the reinforced concrete footing does not have enough bearing capacity to support various
types of loads transmitted from the upper structure, steel pipe piles can be used to provide additional
bearing capacity to the foundation. In order to guarantee the safe load transfer from the upper structure
to the supporting layer of rocks, it is highly important to integrate the steel piles into the concrete
footing slab. This can generally be achieved by the use of steel reinforcing bars (rebars) embedded into
the concrete footing. However, it is not easy to retain a sufficiently high level of bond strength between
the reinforcing bars and surrounding concrete due to their limited rib size and small cross-sectional
area unless a large number of rebars are used at the pile cap connection. This may complicate the
processes required with the use of rebars, such as their distribution into concrete footing and the usage
of shear keys, and become a critical issue when designing a pile cap connection subjected to seismic
loads as discussed in [1,2].
In order to address this issue, the perfobond shear connector illustrated in Figure 1 was proposed
in [3]. This type of perfobond shear connector can guarantee an excellent composite behavior among
the structural components at the steel pile cap. This device is basically a steel plate with holes and
embedded into concrete to ensure the perfect integration of steel members and surrounding concrete.
As external loads are applied, the dowel action of concrete inside the hole is activated and enables
the load from the upper structure to be safely transferred to the steel pipe piles. This perfobond shear
connector was originally developed to ensure the composite behavior of steel beams and slab concrete

Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317; doi:10.3390/app6110317 www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

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by [4]. Since then, it has been extensively utilized in the construction industry and developed
concrete by [4]. Since then, it has been extensively utilized in the construction industry and developed 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317  2 of 11 
various forms by many researchers [5–9].
into various forms by many researchers [5–9]. 
concrete by [4]. Since then, it has been extensively utilized in the construction industry and developed 
into various forms by many researchers [5–9]. 

(a)  (b) (c)
Figure 1. Perfobond shear connector for steel pile cap strengthening. (a) Perfobond shear connector 
Figure 1. Perfobond shear (a)  connector for steel(b)
pile cap strengthening. (c)
(a) Perfobond shear connector
with closed holes. (b) Perfobond shear connector with open holes. (c) Connection between the steel 
with closed holes; (b) Perfobond shear connector with open holes; (c) Connection between the steel
pile and perfobond shear connectors. 
Figure 1. Perfobond shear connector for steel pile cap strengthening. (a) Perfobond shear connector 
pile and perfobond shear connectors.
with closed holes. (b) Perfobond shear connector with open holes. (c) Connection between the steel 
The proposed perfobond shear connector can be installed at the pile cap connection by following 
pile and perfobond shear connectors. 
The proposed perfobond shear connector can be installed at the pile cap connection by following
the four steps illustrated in Figure 2. In the first step, the unnecessary portion of the steel pile cap is 
the four The proposed perfobond shear connector can be installed at the pile cap connection by following 
removed via gas cutting with the help of a guide supporter as shown in Figure 2a. Then, bolting holes 
steps illustrated in Figure 2. In the first step, the unnecessary portion of the steel pile cap is
the four steps illustrated in Figure 2. In the first step, the unnecessary portion of the steel pile cap is 
are punched at the upper locations of the steel pile cap using a punching machine in Figure 2b. As a 
removed via gas cutting with the help of a guide supporter as shown in Figure 2a. Then, bolting holes
removed via gas cutting with the help of a guide supporter as shown in Figure 2a. Then, bolting holes 
are third step, a bottom circular form is installed inside the steel pile, and the perfobond shear connectors 
punched at the upper locations of the steel pile cap using a punching machine in Figure 2b.
are punched at the upper locations of the steel pile cap using a punching machine in Figure 2b. As a 
are connected into the steel pile using high‐tension bolts as illustrated in Figure 2c. In the last step, 
As a third step, a bottom circular form is installed inside the steel pile, and the perfobond shear
third step, a bottom circular form is installed inside the steel pile, and the perfobond shear connectors 
steel rebars are distributed in the concrete footing, and penetration rebars are put into the holes of 
connectors are connected into the steel pile using high-tension bolts as illustrated in Figure 2c. In the
are connected into the steel pile using high‐tension bolts as illustrated in Figure 2c. In the last step, 
the perfobond connectors as shown in Figure 2d. After all of these steps are completed, concrete can 
last step, steel rebars are distributed in the concrete footing, and penetration rebars are put into the
steel rebars are distributed in the concrete footing, and penetration rebars are put into the holes of 
be poured into the footing. It can be noted from this that the construction procedure of the proposed 
holes of the perfobond connectors as shown in Figure 2d. After all of these steps are completed,
the perfobond connectors as shown in Figure 2d. After all of these steps are completed, concrete can 
perfobond connector is much simpler and less time consuming than that of the strengthening method 
concrete can be poured into the footing. It can be noted from this that the construction procedure of the
be poured into the footing. It can be noted from this that the construction procedure of the proposed 
using steel rebars. 
proposed perfobond connector is much simpler and less time consuming than that of the strengthening
perfobond connector is much simpler and less time consuming than that of the strengthening method 
method using steel rebars.
using steel rebars. 

(a)  (b)
(a)  (b)

(c)  (d)
Figure 2. Perfobond shear connector for steel pile cap strengthening. (a) Cutting of steel pile cap. (b) 
(c)  (d)
Hole  punching  on  the  steel  pile  cap.  (c)  Installation  of  perfobond  shear  connectors  by  bolting.  (d) 
Distribution of steel reinforcing bars at concrete foundation. 
Figure 2. Perfobond shear connector for steel pile cap strengthening. (a) Cutting of steel pile cap. (b) 
Figure 2. Perfobond shear connector for steel pile cap strengthening. (a) Cutting of steel pile cap;
Hole  punching  on  the  steel  pile  cap.  (c)  Installation  of  perfobond  shear  connectors  by  bolting.  (d) 
(b) Hole punching on the steel pile cap; (c) Installation of perfobond shear connectors by bolting;
Distribution of steel reinforcing bars at concrete foundation. 
(d) Distribution of steel reinforcing bars at concrete foundation.
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Continuing the research in [3], the structural performance of the steel pile cap strengthened with 
the  proposed 
Continuing perfobond 
the researchconnectors 
in [3], theunder  lateral 
structural loading  were 
performance of theexperimentally  investigated. 
steel pile cap strengthened A 
the proposedtest  perfobond
was  conducted  on  seven 
connectors under specimens 
lateral loadingby were
considering  the  type 
experimentally of  perfobond 
investigated. shear 
A bending
connectors, infilled concrete depth, and the number of L‐shaped steel plates as test parameters. The 
test was conducted on seven specimens by considering the type of perfobond shear connectors, infilled
failure characteristics of the test specimens were examined, and their load‐displacement curves were 
concrete depth, and the number of L-shaped steel plates as test parameters. The failure characteristics
analyzed. We also investigated the effects of the test variables on the bending resistance capacity of 
of the test specimens were examined, and their load-displacement curves were analyzed. We also
the  test  specimens 
investigated in  of
the effects order  to  demonstrate 
the test variables on the the bending
effectiveness  of  the 
resistance proposed 
capacity of theperfobond  shear 
test specimens in
connector.  From  the  results 
order to demonstrate of  this  study, 
the effectiveness it  can 
of the be  confirmed 
proposed perfobondthat  the  proposed 
shear connector.perfobond  shear 
From the results
connector can be utilized as an alternative to the conventional steel pile cap strengthening method 
of this study, it can be confirmed that the proposed perfobond shear connector can be utilized as an
using steel rebars. 
alternative to the conventional steel pile cap strengthening method using steel rebars.

2. Experimental Program 
2. Experimental Program

2.1. Test Specimens

2.1. Test Specimens 
For this
For  this study, a total
study,  of seven
a  total  specimens
of  seven  were manufactured
specimens  and tested.
were  manufactured  and Among
tested. the seven specimens,
Among  the  seven 
six were strengthened
specimens,  with the newly
six  were  strengthened  with proposed
the  newly perfobond shear connectors,
proposed  perfobond  and the remaining
shear  connectors,  and  the 
specimen with conventional steel reinforcing bars. Figure 3 illustrates the details of the
remaining specimen with conventional steel reinforcing bars. Figure 3 illustrates the details of the  two types of
test specimens, including their geometrical configurations and infilled concrete depths. The perfobond
two types of test specimens, including their geometrical configurations and infilled concrete depths. 
shear connectors were connected to the outer surface of the steel pile cap by bolting. In addition,
The perfobond shear connectors were connected to the outer surface of the steel pile cap by bolting. 
a number of L-shaped steel plates were connected to the inner surface of the steel pile cap by bolting.
In addition, a number of L‐shaped steel plates were connected to the inner surface of the steel pile 
They play the role of shear keys and provide additional shear resistance. The center of the steel pile
cap by bolting. They play the role of shear keys and provide additional shear resistance. The center 
cap coincided with that of the concrete block in all specimens.
of the steel pile cap coincided with that of the concrete block in all specimens. 




Infilled concrete depth



Infilled concrete



A-4 A-1
A-4 A-1

B-4 B-3 B-2 B-1

B-4 B-2 B-1

C-4 C-3 C-2 C-1

C-4 C-2 C-1

D-4 D-3 D-2 D-1

1400 1400

(a)  (b)
Figure  3.  Details  of  test  specimens.  (a)  Specimen  strengthened  with  conventional  steel  rebars.  (b) 
Figure 3. Details of test specimens. (a) Specimen strengthened with conventional steel rebars; (b) Specimen
Specimen strengthened with perfobond shear connectors. (unit: mm). 
strengthened with perfobond shear connectors (unit: mm).
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The details of the seven test specimens are summarized in Table 1. In all of the specimens,
The details of the seven test specimens are summarized in Table 1. In all of the specimens, the 
the diameter of the steel pile (D) is 400 mm. The main test parameters include the type of perfobond
diameter of the steel pile (D) is 400 mm. The main test parameters include the type of perfobond shear 
shear connectors, infilled concrete depths, and the number of L-shaped steel plates. Two types of
connectors, infilled concrete depths, and the number of L‐shaped steel plates. Two types of perfobond 
perfobond shear connectors were used in the test specimens. The first type (PO) has open holes,
shear connectors were used in the test specimens. The first type (PO) has open holes, while the other 
while the other (PC) closed holes, shown in Figure 4. They all have sectional dimensions of 100 mm by
(PC) closed holes, shown in Figure 4. They all have sectional dimensions of 100 mm by 8 mm and a 
8 mm and a length of 620 mm. The reference specimen strengthened with conventional steel rebars
length of 620 mm. The reference specimen strengthened with conventional steel rebars (SB) had the 
(SB) had the infilled concrete depth of 700 mm, which is greater than the diameter of the steel pile
infilled concrete depth of 700 mm, which is greater than the diameter of the steel pile and satisfies the 
and satisfies the requirement of the development length for the rebars suggested in [10]. In contrast,
requirement of the development length for the rebars suggested in [10]. In contrast, the specimens 
the specimens strengthened with the perfobond shear connectors had two different infilled concrete
depths with  the toperfobond 
corresponding the diameter shear  connectors 
(D10) had  two (D05)
and half diameter different  infilled 
of the concrete 
steel pile, depths 
Three to  the  diameter 
different numbers (D10) 
of L-shaped and 
steel half  diameter 
plates, which are(D05)  of 3the 
0 (NL), steel 
(L3), andpile,  respectively. 
6 (L6), Three 
were installed in
different numbers of L‐shaped steel plates, which are 0 (NL), 3 (L3), and 6 (L6), were installed in the 
the specimens strengthened with the perfobond connectors. The effects of the test parameters on the
bending strengthened 
resistance with 
capacity the strengthened
of the perfobond  connectors.  The 
steel pile cap effects 
are of  the 
discussed intest  parameters 
Section on  the 
3 in detail.
bending resistance capacity of the strengthened steel pile cap are discussed in Section 3 in detail. 
Table 1. Details of test specimens.
Table 1. Details of test specimens. 
Infilled Concrete Number of L-Shaped
Specimen Name Type of Strengthening Infilled Concrete 
Depth (mm)
Number of L‐Shaped 
Steel Plates (EA)
Type of Strengthening 
Name  Depth (mm)  Steel Plates (EA) 
SB_D10_NL Vertical rebars 700 (≥1.0D) -
SB_D10_NL  Vertical rebars  700 (≥1.0D)  ‐ 
PC_D05_NL 0
PC_D05_NL  200 (=0.5D) 0 
PC_D05_L3 Perfobond shear connectors  200 (=0.5D) 
PC_D05_L3  Perfobond shear connectors
3 3 
PC_D10_L3 with closed holes
with closed holes 
400 (=1.0D)
400 (=1.0D) 
PC_D10_L6 6 6 
PO_D05_L3 Perfobond shear connectors 
Perfobond shear connectors 200 (=0.5D) 
200 (=0.5D) 3 3 
PO_D10_L3 with open holes 
with open holes 400 (=1.0D) 
400 (=1.0D) 3 3 

(a)  (b)
Figure 4. Types of perfobond shear connectors. (a) Perfobond shear connector with closed holes. (b) 
Figure 4. Types of perfobond shear connectors. (a) Perfobond shear connector with closed holes;
Perfobond shear connectors with open holes. (unit: mm). 
(b) Perfobond shear connectors with open holes (unit: mm).

The compressive strength of concrete was measured in accordance with the standards of ASTM 
The compressive strength of concrete was measured in accordance with the standards of ASTM
C39 [11], and the measured average strength was found to be 31.9 (MPa). Five different sizes of rebars 
C39 [11], and the measured average strength was found to be 31.9 (MPa). Five different sizes of rebars
such as H10, H13, H16, H19, and H22 were used in the test specimens. The steel types used for steel 
such as H10, H13, H16, H19, and H22 were used in the test specimens. The steel types used for steel
piles and steel plates are SPS490 and SS400, respectively. Their yield strength, ultimate strength, and 
piles and steel plates are SPS490 and SS400, respectively. Their yield strength, ultimate strength,
maximum  strain  at  fracture  were  measured  per  ASTM  A370  [12].  The  summary  of  the  measured 
and maximum strain at fracture were measured per ASTM A370 [12]. The summary of the measured
properties is provided in Table 2. 
properties is provided in Table 2.
Table 2. Material properties of test specimens. (unit: MPa (strength), % (strain)). 
Table 2. Material properties of test specimens (unit: MPa (strength), % (strain)).
Rebars Steel Pile  Steel Plate
Title  Concrete  Rebars Steel Pile Steel Plate
H10 H13 H16 H19 H22 SPS400  SS400
Properties Concrete
compressive strength  31.9  H10 ‐  H13 ‐  ‐ 
H16 ‐ 
H19 ‐ 
H22 ‐ 
SPS400 ‐ 
yield strength 
compressive strength 31.9‐  607.5 
- 524.4 
- 490.1 
- 475.7 
- 579.6 
- 242.1 
- 321.4 
ultimate strength 
yield strength - ‐  707.1 
607.5 650.9 
524.4 584.9  581.8 
490.1 475.7 569.2 
579.6 418.8 
242.1 441.5 
ultimate strength
maximum strain at fracture  - ‐  707.1
17.2  650.9
18.1  584.9
18.1  581.8 569.2
18.3  17.3  418.8
‐  441.5
maximum strain at fracture - 17.2 18.1 18.1 18.3 17.3 - 33.7
2.2. Testing Equipment and Procedure 
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2.2. Testing Equipment and Procedure

Figure 5 illustrates the setup of the test performed in this study. Lateral load was applied to the 
test specimen by an actuator with a maximum capacity of 500 kN, which allows displacement‐based 
Figure 5 illustrates the setup of the test performed in this study. Lateral load was applied to the
test The  rate 
specimen of actuator
by an loading with
was  a0.5  mm/min, 
maximum and  its of
capacity magnitude  was  allows
500 kN, which measured  by  the  load  cell 
attached  at  the  end  of  the  actuator.  Five  linear  variable  differential 
control. The rate of loading was 0.5 mm/min, and its magnitude was measured by transducers  (LVDTs) 
the loadwere 
installed atto the
attached measure  the 
end of the deformation 
actuator. of  the 
Five linear specimen 
variable at  various 
differential locations. 
transducers The were
(LVDTs) load‐versus‐
displacement data were recorded throughout the entire loading history using a computer‐aided data 
to measure the deformation of the specimen at various locations. The load-versus-displacement data
acquisition system. 
were recorded throughout the entire loading history using a computer-aided data acquisition system.

Figure 5. Test setup. 
Figure 5. Test setup.

3. Test Results and Discussion 
3. Test Results and Discussion

3.1. Failure Modes

3.1. Failure Modes 
Table 3 summarizes the test results such as peak loads, displacements at peak loads, and loads
Table 3 summarizes the test results such as peak loads, displacements at peak loads, and loads 
corresponding to several crack propagation phenomena occurring in the concrete block. All of the
corresponding to several crack propagation phenomena occurring in the concrete block. All of the 
test  specimens
specimens  basically showed very 
basically  showed  very similar
similar  crack
crack  propagation
propagation  patterns, which are 
patterns,  which  are illustrated
illustrated  in
Figure 6. Cracking first occurred on top of the concrete block in the direction perpendicular to the
Figure 6. Cracking first occurred on top of the concrete block in the direction perpendicular to the 
lateral load
load (Stage 1) 1) 
(Stage  and then
and  propagated
then  into its
propagated  side
into  its surfaces (Stage 2).
side  surfaces  As the
(Stage  2). load
As  further increased,
the  load  further 
cracks were developed in the direction parallel to the lateral load appearing on top of the concrete
increased, cracks were developed in the direction parallel to the lateral load appearing on top of the 
block (Stage 3), and concrete crushing occurred on its compression side (Stage 4). In all of the test
concrete block (Stage 3), and concrete crushing occurred on its compression side (Stage 4). In all of 
specimens, where the proposed perfobond shear connectors were installed, the crack pattern of a half
the test specimens, where the proposed perfobond shear connectors were installed, the crack pattern 
circle shape wasshape 
of  a  half  circle  observedwas on top of the
observed  on concrete block,
top  of  the  as shown
concrete  in Figure
block,  6a. in 
as  shown  This phenomenon
Figure  6a.  This 
was not observed
phenomenon  was innot 
specimen SB_D10_NL,
the  reference  specimen  where the steel pile
SB_D10_NL,  was strengthened
where  the  steel  pile with
conventional steel rebars.
strengthened with conventional steel rebars. 

Table 3. Summary of the test results.

Table 3. Summary of the test results. 

Cracking Load (kN)
Cracking Load (kN) Peak Load
Peak Load Displacement
Specimen Displacement 
at Peak Load
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Lateral Load Bending 
Bending Moment
Specimen  Lateral 
(kN) (kN · m) at Peak Load 
Stage 1  Stage 2  Stage 3  Stage 4  Moment 
SB_D10_NL 99 99 192 277
Load (kN) 
342 308
PC_D05_NL 82 108 164 239 279 251 32.2
PC_D05_L3 58
99  79
99  150
192  227
277  262
342  308 
PC_D05_NL  82  108  164  239  279  251  32.2 
PC_D05_L3  58  79  150  227  262  236  33.2 
PC_D10_L3  72  86  193  265  286  257  68.6 
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Table 3. Cont.

Cracking Load (kN) Peak Load Displacement

Specimen Lateral Load Bending Moment at Peak Load
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Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 6 of 11 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317  (kN) (kN·m) (mm)
6 of 11 
PC_D10_L6  72 69  86 78  193 187  265 235  286303  257
273  68.6
PC_D10_L6 69 69  78 78  187 187  235 235  303 
303 273 273 48.0  48.0
PO_D05_L3  62  84  217  273  319  287  39.2 
PO_D05_L3 62
PO_D05_L3  62  84 84  217 217  273 273  319
319  287 287 39.2  39.2
PO_D10_L3  74
PO_D10_L3 74  153  262  287  326  293  43.6 
PO_D10_L3  74  153 153  262 262  287 287  326
326  293 293 43.6  43.6


(a)  (b) 
Figure 6. Typical cracking patterns of test specimens. (a) Top surface of the concrete block. (b) Side 
Figure 6. Typical cracking patterns of test specimens. (a) Top surface of the concrete block. (b) Side 
Figure 6. Typical cracking patterns of test specimens. (a) Top surface of the concrete block; (b) Side
surface of the concrete block. 
surface of the concrete block. 
surface of the concrete block.
Figure 7 shows the cracking pattern of the reference specimen SB_D10_NL on its top and vertical 
Figure 7 shows the cracking pattern of the reference specimen SB_D10_NL on its top and vertical 
faces. Cracks started to develop on the top and side surfaces of the concrete block in the direction 
Figure 7 shows the cracking pattern of the reference specimen SB_D10_NL on its top and vertical
faces. Cracks started to develop on the top and side surfaces of the concrete block in the direction 
perpendicular  to  the  applied  load  at  the  load 
faces. Cracks started
perpendicular  toapplied 
to  the  develop on the
load  at  the  andlevel 
topload  side (P) 
of  99  kN. the
(P)  of  99 of
As concrete
kN.  As 
the  load  block
further inincreased, 
the  load  further  the direction
additional cracks were propagated on the top surface in the direction parallel to the applied load at 
perpendicular to the applied load at the load level (P) of 99 kN. As the load further increased,
additional cracks were propagated on the top surface in the direction parallel to the applied load at  additional
P = 192 kN. Finally, concrete crushing occurred in the compression zone of the top surface at P = 277 
cracks were propagated on the top surface in the direction parallel to the applied load at P = 192 kN.
P = 192 kN. Finally, concrete crushing occurred in the compression zone of the top surface at P = 277 
kN, and the developed cracks were further propagated until the test specimen reached its complete 
Finally, concrete crushing occurred in the compression zone of the top surface at P = 277 kN, and the
kN, and the developed cracks were further propagated until the test specimen reached its complete 
failure stage. 
developed cracks were further propagated until the test specimen reached its complete failure stage.
failure stage. 

Figure 7. Failure mode of Specimen SB_D10_NL.   

Figure 7. Failure mode of Specimen SB_D10_NL. 
7. Failure mode of Specimen SB_D10_NL.
Figure 8 shows the cracking pattern of Specimen PO_D10_L6 on its top and side faces. This type 
of  crack  patterns  was  observed  in  all  of  the  test  specimens,  where  the  proposed  perfobond  shear 
Figure 8 shows the cracking pattern of Specimen PO_D10_L6 on its top and side faces. This type 
connectors were installed, although their peak load values were slightly different from each other. 
Figure 8 showswas 
the cracking
observed pattern ofthe 
Specimen PO_D10_L6
test  specimens,  onthe 
where  its top and side
proposed  faces. This
of On the top surface of the concrete block, cracks started to develop in the direction perpendicular to 
crack  patterns  in  all  of  perfobond  type
of connectors were installed, although their peak load values were slightly different from each other. 
crack patterns was observed in all of the test specimens, where the proposed perfobond shear
the applied load at P = 69 kN and then were propagated into the side surface of the concrete cube at 
connectors were installed, although their peak load values were slightly different from each other.
On the top surface of the concrete block, cracks started to develop in the direction perpendicular to 
P = 78 kN. Top surface cracks were developed in the parallel direction to the applied load at P = 187 
Onthe applied load at P = 69 kN and then were propagated into the side surface of the concrete cube at 
the top surface of the concrete block, cracks started to develop in the direction perpendicular
kN. Concrete crushing happened on top of the concrete cube at P = 235 kN. The test was over at P = 
the applied load at P = 69 kN and then were propagated into the side surface of the concrete
to P = 78 kN. Top surface cracks were developed in the parallel direction to the applied load at P = 187 
303 kN, when half‐circle shaped cracks were intensively formed on the tension side of the top surface 
cube at P = 78 kN. Top surface cracks were developed in the parallel direction to the applied load at
kN. Concrete crushing happened on top of the concrete cube at P = 235 kN. The test was over at P = 
as shown in the figure. 
P =303 kN, when half‐circle shaped cracks were intensively formed on the tension side of the top surface 
187 kN. Concrete crushing happened on top of the concrete cube at P = 235 kN. The test was over
as shown in the figure. 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317 7 of 11

at P = 303 kN, when half-circle shaped cracks were intensively formed on the tension side of the top
surface as shown in the figure.
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317  7 of 11 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317  7 of 11 

Figure 8. Failure mode of Specimen PO_D10_L6. 
Figure 8. Failure mode of Specimen PO_D10_L6.
Figure 8. Failure mode of Specimen PO_D10_L6. 

3.2. Effects of Test Parameters on the Bending Resistance Capacity of the Strengthened Steel Pile Cap 
3.2. Effects of Test Parameters on the Bending Resistance Capacity of the Strengthened Steel Pile Cap
3.2. Effects of Test Parameters on the Bending Resistance Capacity of the Strengthened Steel Pile Cap 
This  section  discusses  the  effects  of  test  parameters  such  as  the  type  of  perfobond  shear 
This section 
This  section discusses 
discusses the the effects 
effects of 
of test
test  parameters such as 
parameters  such  as the
the  type
type  of
of  perfobond
perfobond  shear
connectors,  infilled  concrete  depths,  and  the  number  of  L‐shaped  steel  plates  on  the  bending 
connectors, infilled
connectors,  infilled concrete
concrete depths, andand 
depths,  the number of L-shaped
the  number  steel plates
of  L‐shaped  steel onplates 
the bending
on  the resistance
resistance  capacity  of  the  steel  pile  cap  strengthened  with  the  proposed  perfobond  connectors. 
capacity ofcapacity 
resistance  the steelof  pile
the cap strengthened
steel  with the proposed
pile  cap  strengthened  perfobond
with  the  proposed connectors.
perfobond  Figure 9a,b
Figures 9a,b show the load‐displacement curves of the D05_L3 and D10_L3 specimens to investigate 
show the load-displacement curves of the D05_L3 and D10_L3 specimens to investigate the effect
Figures 9a,b show the load‐displacement curves of the D05_L3 and D10_L3 specimens to investigate 
the  effect  of  perfobond  shear  connector  types  on  their  peak  strengths,  respectively.  Here,  D05_L3 
of perfobond
the  shear connector
effect  of  perfobond  types on their
shear  connector  types peak strengths,
on  their  peak respectively. Here, D05_L3
strengths,  respectively.  specimens
Here,  D05_L3 
specimens refer to the specimens with concrete infilled depth equal to the half of steel cap diameter 
refer to the specimens with concrete infilled depth equal to the half of steel cap diameter (D05) and
specimens refer to the specimens with concrete infilled depth equal to the half of steel cap diameter 
(D05)  and  three  L‐shaped  plates  (L3).  Hereafter,  this  notation  is  used  throughout  the  section  for 
three L-shaped
(D05)  and  three plates (L3). plates 
L‐shaped  Hereafter,
(L3). this notationthis 
Hereafter,  is used throughout
notation  is  used the section for
throughout  convenience.
the  section  for 
convenience. The load‐displacement curve of the reference specimen SB_D10_NL is also plotted in 
The load-displacement curve of the reference specimen SB_D10_NL is also plotted in the two figures
convenience. The load‐displacement curve of the reference specimen SB_D10_NL is also plotted in 
the two figures for comparison. The peak strengths and peak strength ratios of D05_L3 and D10_L3 
for comparison. The peak strengths and peak strength ratios of D05_L3 and D10_L3 specimens are
the two figures for comparison. The peak strengths and peak strength ratios of D05_L3 and D10_L3 
specimens are listed in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. 
listed in Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
specimens are listed in Tables 4 and 5, respectively. 

(a)  (b) 
(a)  (b) 
Figure 9. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods. (a) D05_L3 specimens. (b) D10_L3 specimens. 
Figure 9. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods. (a) D05_L3 specimens. (b) D10_L3 specimens. 
Figure 9. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods. (a) D05_L3 specimens; (b) D10_L3 specimens.
Table 4. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods for D05_L3 specimens. 
Table 4. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods for D05_L3 specimens. 
Table 4. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods for D05_L3 specimens.
Peak Strength  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%) 
Specimen  Peak Strength  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%) 
Specimen  (kN)  Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
Ratio of Peak Strengths (%)
Specimen (kN) (kN)
Peak Strength Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
SB_D10_NL (•)  342  100.0 
by (•)
Divided100.0  ‐ 
Divided by (#1)
SB_D10_NL (•)  342  ‐ 
PC_D05_L3 (#1)  262  76.6  100.0 
PC_D05_L3 (#1) 
SB_D10_NL (•) 342262  100.076.6  - 100.0 
PO_D05_L3 (#2) 
PC_D05_L3 (#1) 319 
262319  93.3 
76.693.3  121.8 
100.0 121.8 
PO_D05_L3 (#2) 
PO_D05_L3 (#2) 319 93.3 121.8
Table 5. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods for D10_L3 specimens. 
Table 5. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods for D10_L3 specimens. 
Peak Strength  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%) 
Specimen  Peak Strength  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%) 
Specimen  (kN)  Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
(kN)  Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
SB_D10_NL (•)  342  100.0  ‐ 
SB_D10_NL (•)  342  100.0  ‐ 
PC_D10_L3 (#1)  286  83.6  100.0 
PC_D10_L3 (#1)  286  83.6  100.0 
PO_D10_L3 (#2)  326  95.3  114.0 
PO_D10_L3 (#2)  326  95.3  114.0 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317 8 of 11

Table 5. Effect of steel pile cap strengthening methods for D10_L3 specimens.

Ratio of Peak Strengths (%)

Specimen Peak Strength (kN)
Divided by (•) Divided by (#1)
SB_D10_NL (•) 342 100.0 -
PC_D10_L3 (#1) 286 83.6 100.0
PO_D10_L3 (#2) 326 95.3 114.0
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317  8 of 11 

From these 
these results, 
results, it 
it can  be  seen
can be seen  that
that  the
the  specimens
specimens  strengthened
strengthened  with
with  the
the  open-hole
open‐hole  type
perfobond  connectors  have  higher  bending  resistance  than  those  with  the  closed‐hole 
perfobond connectors have higher bending resistance than those with the closed-hole type connectors, type 
connectors, and almost equal strength to that of the reference specimen. For example, the ratios of the 
and almost equal strength to that of the reference specimen. For example, the ratios of the peak
peak strength of the open‐hole type perfobond specimens PO_D05_L3 and PO_D10_L3 to that of the 
strength of the open-hole type perfobond specimens PO_D05_L3 and PO_D10_L3 to that of the
reference  specimen are
reference specimen are  93.3% 
93.3% andand  95.3%, 
95.3%, respectively. 
respectively. This 
This is is  remarkable 
remarkable considering 
considering that the that  the 
concrete infilled depths of these specimens are only in the range of 200 mm and 400 mm, while that 
infilled depths of these specimens are only in the range of 200 mm and 400 mm, while that of the
of the reference specimen is 700 mm as indicated in Table 1. Furthermore, as can be seen from Figure 
reference specimen is 700 mm as indicated in Table 1. Furthermore, as can be seen from Figure 9,
9, their initial stiffness is almost equal to that of the reference specimen, and they retain the level of 
their initial stiffness is almost equal to that of the reference specimen, and they retain the level of
ductility comparable to that of the reference specimen. In addition, Tables 4 and 5 show that their 
ductility comparable to that of the reference specimen. In addition, Tables 4 and 5 show that their
peak strengths are approximately 15% to 20% greater than those of the closed‐hole type perfobond 
peak strengths are approximately 15% to 20% greater than those of the closed-hole type perfobond
specimens.  This seems
specimens. This seems toto  happen 
happen since 
since the  open‐hole 
the open-hole type  perfobond 
type perfobond connectors 
connectors have  a  cross‐
have a cross-sectional
sectional area larger than the open‐hole type connectors as illustrated in Figure 3. 
area larger than the open-hole type connectors as illustrated in Figure 3.
In order to examine the effect of concrete infilled depths on the bending resistance capacity of 
In order to examine the effect of concrete infilled depths on the bending resistance capacity of the
the specimens, the load‐displacement curves of PC_L3 and PO_L3 specimens are plotted in Figures 
specimens, the load-displacement curves of PC_L3 and PO_L3 specimens are plotted in Figure 10a,b,
10a,b,  respectively. 
respectively. The load‐displacement 
The load-displacement curvecurve 
of theof  the  reference specimen is also included in 
reference specimen is also included in the plot. the 
plot. Tables 6 and 7 provide the peak strengths and peak strength ratios of these specimens. 
Tables 6 and 7 provide the peak strengths and peak strength ratios of these specimens.

(a)  (b) 

Figure 10. Effect of infilled concrete depths. (a) PC_L3 specimens. (b) PO_L3 specimens. 
Figure 10. Effect of infilled concrete depths. (a) PC_L3 specimens; (b) PO_L3 specimens.

Table 6. Effect of infilled concrete depths for PC_L3 specimens. 
Table 6. Effect of infilled concrete depths for PC_L3 specimens.
Peak Strength  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%) 
Specimen  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%)
Peak Strength (kN)
Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
SB_D10_NL (•)  342  by (•)
Divided100.0  Divided by (#1)
PC_D05_L3 (#1) 
SB_D10_NL (•) 342262  100.076.6  - 100.0 
PC_D05_L3 (#1)
PC_D10_L3 (#2)  262286  76.683.6  100.0 109.2 
PC_D10_L3 (#2) 286 83.6 109.2
Table 7. Effect of infilled concrete depths for PO_L3 specimens. 

Peak Strength  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%) 
(kN)  Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
SB_D10_NL (•)  342  100.0  ‐ 
PO_D05_L3 (#1)  319  93.3  100.0 
PO_D10_L3 (#2)  326  95.3  102.2 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317 9 of 11

Table 7. Effect of infilled concrete depths for PO_L3 specimens.

Ratio of Peak Strengths (%)

Specimen Peak Strength (kN)
Divided by (•) Divided by (#1)
SB_D10_NL (•) 342 100.0 -
PO_D05_L3 (#1) 319 93.3 100.0
PO_D10_L3 (#2) 326 95.3 102.2

It can be noted from these results that the peak strength of the specimen is increased with
increasing concrete infilled depth. For example, in the case of PC_D10_L3 specimen, its peak strength
is increased by 9.2% due to the increase of concrete infilled depth from 200 to 400 mm, while that of
PO_D10_L3 specimen only by 2.2%. Therefore, the increase of peak strength due to increasing concrete
infilled depth is more pronounced with closed-hole type perfobond specimens. As already9 of 11 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317  observed
previously, the open-hole type perfobond specimens have an approximately 10%–20% higher peak
strength than previously, 
those with the  open‐hole 
closed-hole type 
type perfobond connectors,
perfobond specimens  have 
and an  approximately 
almost 10%–20% 
the same initial stiffness
higher peak strength than those with closed‐hole type perfobond connectors, and almost the same 
as the reference specimen.
initial stiffness as the reference specimen. 
Figure 11a,b show the load-displacement curves of PC_D05 and PC_D10 specimens, respectively,
Figures  11a,b  show  the  load‐displacement  curves  of  PC_D05  and  PC_D10  specimens, 
and the effects of the number of L-shaped plates on the bending resistance capacity of the specimens
respectively, and the effects of the number of L‐shaped plates on the bending resistance capacity of 
are investigated. The load-displacement of the reference specimen is also included in both figures.
the specimens are investigated. The load‐displacement of the reference specimen is also included in 
Tables 8 and 9 list the peak strengths and peak strength ratios of these specimens.
both figures. Tables 8 and 9 list the peak strengths and peak strength ratios of these specimens.   

(a)  (b) 

Figure 11. Effect of the number of L‐shaped plates. (a) PC_D05 specimens. (b) PC_D10 specimens. 
Figure 11. Effect of the number of L-shaped plates. (a) PC_D05 specimens; (b) PC_D10 specimens.
Table 8. Effect of the number of L‐shaped plates for PC_D05 specimens. 
Table 8. Effect of the number of L-shaped plates for PC_D05 specimens.
Peak Strength  Ratio of Peak Strengths (%) 
(kN)  Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
Ratio of Peak Strengths (%)
SB_D10_NL (•)  Peak Strength
342 (kN) 100.0  ‐ 
Divided by (•) Divided by (#1)
PC_D05_NL (#1)  279  81.6  100.0 
SB_D10_NL (•)
PC_D05_L3 (#2)  342262  100.0
76.6  -93.9 
PC_D05_NL (#1) 279 81.6 100.0
PC_D05_L3 (#2) 262 76.6 93.9
Table 9. Effect of the number of L‐shaped plates for PC_D10 specimens. 

Peak Strength 
Table 9. Effect of the number of L-shaped platesRatio of Peak Strengths (%) 
for PC_D10 specimens.
(kN)  Divided by (•) Divided by (#1) 
SB_D10_NL (•)  342  100.0  ‐ 
Ratio of Peak Strengths (%)
PC_D10_L3 (#1)  Peak Strength
286 (kN) 83.6  100.0 
Divided by (•) Divided by (#1)
PC_D10_L6 (#2)  303  88.6  105.9 
SB_D10_NL (•) 342 100.0 -
It  can PC_D10_L3 (#1) Figure  11a  and 
be  seen  from  286 Table  8  that  the 83.6 100.0
specimen  with  three  L‐shaped  plates 
PC_D10_L6 (#2) 303 88.6 105.9
(PC_D05_L3)  has  a  slightly  smaller  peak  strength  than  the  one  with  no  L‐shaped  plates 
(PC_D05_NL). In contrast, Figure 11b and Table 9 indicate that the specimen with six L‐shaped plates 
(PC_D10_L6)  has  a  slightly  higher  peak  strength  than  the  one  with  three  L‐shaped  plates 
(PC_D10_L3). As a consequence, it can be concluded that the number of L‐shaped plates does not 
have a high impact on the bending resistance capacity of the specimen, and it may be impossible to 
install any of the L‐shaped plates with the proposed perfobond shear connectors. Nonetheless, if L‐
shaped  plates  are  installed,  it  is  suggested  that  a  number  of  the  L‐shaped  plates  should  be 
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317 10 of 11

It can be seen from Figure 11a and Table 8 that the specimen with three L-shaped plates
(PC_D05_L3) has a slightly smaller peak strength than the one with no L-shaped plates (PC_D05_NL).
In contrast, Figure 11b and Table 9 indicate that the specimen with six L-shaped plates (PC_D10_L6) has
a slightly higher peak strength than the one with three L-shaped plates (PC_D10_L3). As a consequence,
it can be concluded that the number of L-shaped plates does not have a high impact on the bending
resistance capacity of the specimen, and it may be impossible to install any of the L-shaped plates with
the proposed perfobond shear connectors. Nonetheless, if L-shaped plates are installed, it is suggested
that a number of the L-shaped plates should be symmetrically distributed with respect to the direction
of lateral load.

4. Conclusions
In this study, an experimental investigation was performed on the structural performance of the
steel pile cap strengthened with the proposed perfobond connectors under lateral loading. A bending
test was conducted on seven specimens by considering the type of perfobond shear connectors,
infilled concrete depth, and the number of L-shaped steel plates as test parameters. The failure
characteristics of the test specimens were examined, and their load-displacement curves were analyzed.
The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:

(1) All of the test specimens basically showed very similar crack propagation patterns. Cracking
first occurred on top of the concrete block in the direction perpendicular to the lateral load and
then propagated into its side surfaces. As the load further increased, cracks in the direction
parallel to the lateral load appeared on top of the concrete block, and concrete crushing occurred
on its compression side.
(2) In all of the test specimens, where the proposed perfobond shear connectors were installed,
the crack pattern of a half circle shape was observed on top of the concrete block. In contrast,
this phenomenon was not observed in the reference specimen, where the steel pile was
strengthened with conventional steel rebars.
(3) The specimens strengthened with the open-hole type perfobond connectors have almost the same
bending resistance capacity as the reference specimen although the concrete infilled depths
of the former are only in the range of approximately 29%–57% of the latter. Furthermore,
their initial stiffness is almost equal to that of the reference specimen, and they also retain
a level of ductility comparable to that of the reference specimen. The advantage of the proposed
perfobond connectors mainly lies in its enhanced constructability although they did not show
a significantly greater improvement in structural performance than the conventional rebar
strengthening method.
(4) The open-hole type perfobond specimens have approximately 10%–20% higher bending
resistance capacity than those with closed-hole type perfobond connectors. The increase of
peak strength due to increasing concrete infilled depth is more pronounced with closed-hole type
perfobond specimens.
(5) The number of L-shaped plates does not have a high impact on the bending resistance capacity of
the specimen; thus, it may be impossible to install any of the L-shaped plates with the proposed
perfobond shear connectors.

Acknowledgments: The corresponding author of this paper acknowledges support from the Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science,
ICT & Future Planning (Grant number: 2013R1A1A1076011).
Author Contributions: In this paper, Young-Ho Kim proposed the main concept of the new perfobond shear
connector and prepared the experimental program to investigate its structural performance when subjected to
lateral loading; Jae-Yoon Kang made a contribution to the implementation of the experimental program and
discussed the test results; Sang-Ho Kim provided a suggestion on the overall organization of the paper and
prepared the tables and figures included in the paper; Dae-Jin Kim provided the interpretation of the test results
and wrote the entire manuscript.
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 317 11 of 11

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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