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Meaning and Definition of Training Zein ic setae fnction adi one of he ince opera tllsing# systematic and organised procedure by whies som matee] personnel sequre technical Knowledge and sills for defeie pee Pennine. finite porpose. fers to instructions in technical and iechanial operstices ies ‘operating a specific machine. is a process of leaming a sequence of programmed bebviow. It is the application of knowledge and giver people am awareness of rules and procedures to guide their ehaviout I belps in bringing abot! postive change in the knowledge skills and atitudes of employees towards the requirements of te job and organisation. ‘Thuy it bridges the differences between job requirements and employee's present spectfieations ~Acording to Dale S. Beach, “Training isthe organised procedure by ‘Which people leam knowledge andor sil fora definite purpose”, According to H. John Bernardin, “Teaining is any attempt improve ‘employee performance on a curently held jo or one related 10 ~Kecording to Edwin B. Flippo, “Tesining isan act of increasing the nowledge and sils ofan employee for doing a particular job” According {0 M.C Cord and Efferson, “Training is the continuous, systematic’ development among all levels of employees of that Knowledge and ther skills and attitude which contribute to their welfare and that ofthe company” _ 41.2. Characteristics of Training ‘Characteristics of taining are explained below: \D--Gleary Dated Paramsers Trning isa process with ceay ‘defined parameters. I as a beginning and a definite end until the process Sars all over again are-subseqhen a probaly, in [nother setting Planned Sequence of Events: Training activities are a planned Zune oftovents carefull’ orhestated and blended” nto 8 "ing ad Deveapmet Chg 4) ws rocess is underpinned ty the programme snd earning objectives Makes ‘Use of Opportunities for Learning? © Sinsiicey ol cppenement oft prim in es imal se of the opportuciin provided for learning he flning Programine. We ime to" promote heir partcieeten’ tk talning activites = 8 ‘OrInauees, Behavioural Changes: Tring inves tehavourl haras lnihe arses of kode and competencies that ae pl ‘Bisov peiormance in work stoners. Taso ee oy {octal and petal li which tn tens iy aod int otiseassractag™ me Mune oe Dnt <5 Tet about ‘how to improve and adept sing his Ingenuity, in caying-out assigned tks ina efficent metas JF Removes Mental Blocks: Training also assists in removing mental blocks, ‘dispelling those doubis or misconceptions eaarers mi that tay Be ee Be Sl soem om Ts sl a cancel em, At: =o as ee “OF Establishes between S crcope an ited as ey a imine Howie, at sls in poeple an fea Behaviour or actions, and vie versa, Tht Beis in establishing ‘working elationship between theory and practic, . a iia Trin se Detpment Cape) yemih a : Br Sammie is product or erie? piace. we mtg be HACE: parting. new skis help in ee oa ‘sooner wl Se a 2 Scie so oe een ot ~2Updating Employee Myth Gn changeg sovonan ‘ctpologal ches aw Se pu mers crvemme_ | cployees to update he silies ndtnepms ee ‘hangs stccsfly to orpnistonal pues eee 3) Avolding or Delaying Managerial Otsotscene: A manages inability fo cope with technological ivancenets tee Sok tansgevial obsolescence, asf the managements Blow iesapt dew methods and. processes The wajer purpose of welsag | Feedback improving, avoiding managerial abeolescence, preparing fr Promotion and satisfying personal growth needs ~4)- Preparing for Promotion and Managerial Succession: An employee acquires new sills erartaining prgramine; 0 can a manager Heth accepts challenging tasks and does not hesitate to assume higher responsibilities ‘Training makes the trasition ofthe employee from the present job to the next job easier, faster, and smoother. ‘set ebems a fie caenes t mak ~S} Motivating and Preventing Employee Attritic \n employee ‘and development. Onganisatidins : ese aane af Goo a ep enantio |e a Secure pane: Taking melvin end Sess cried | ~~ Seong ey hag ee Sasate e a Sarnia et Rage dequnte racing heiiewts | scthokungeets st coplpee all the employees, particularly to the promising ones. 2)-Establishincat-of Training Goals: Once taining needs ate 6) Gaining Organisational Excellence: A trained person needs fess ‘assessed, taining, and development goals must be established. ‘ine and attention from the supervisor a training makes hiw/ber Ww diya gals tpi oS = ag Trinieg’ saeately sve Ge tine. of cclopmentprogarane ad fe hs era implemented eleropeled. Ts ne ay acide mice tes | il be no Yay of meng ts elictvenss Go abe down of machines and facilities, rejections and wastes, and a es Se cc bour and mate proc. These fcr improve organisational stabi ble and ski ‘rough the creation of a reservoir ofa Designing Training and Development Programme: The acts rath ies wha can ip em orpmiocicn | © Goags of pegamees ls te foision wo efecive turing wx ‘evelopment. Without~solid and relevant content, taining and ‘Sipps tc Teta see ; + |) GVSczeen ‘sane ‘wid atnng” pepe: sense (presi otto —— la oe J Process otra tape nomintesress: | | | Spe in io fly nes "Organisational Objectives and Sealer, Ts 8 ys | rer ae ved in desing taming regan: Si regis, Wt buses ae we in? At wha , IO —— i> Monitoring the progres of eines, ‘managers area problem Dae O Sevclopen jon-oriented and fequentysxy they are os bey ing efforts. Secondly, availablity of wanes 9 | 4 mm of Results: The last stage in the taining Sane eat proces isthe evaluation of results Since huge sts of money are, spent on taining and development how fine Brogramme hasbeen usefl mist be determines Evsuaton helps determining the results ofthe waning and deysopmeat programme {In practice, however, organisations ether oyeoak or lack facies | ‘Training Methods ~ A mate sf meth cs of waning are used to tn ‘rplayees The most commonly ted neti areas flows 7 were tecegu gt oasing ee mat eects Ty becont | Bi clive Sate Sra — ee Shc o ee eee es, oem Eeones Sty Amer ede lo mony .mentovundertudy arrangement! where ecaching is. only ob Inco Tring OTT) Conch Uae (nll 5 -the-Job mathe-job methods of training are very popular and are used widely by majority organisations. It is a type of taining me — 2.nvzaganres 39 +9) Apprenticeship: Apprenticeship is « Soumal asrecment individual who want to learn a skill Set mreeplonee tetwecn an ‘skilled worker. Apprenticeship taining is an “es be! i. learning” srmagement fer 8 roqired tom Tithing Soe ae the sipervision wf an exirincnd pesen an wht alee ‘owlcge and develops als sstiatd with © designed de through en-tojob tang. The silt appece Warns oo job ae splemented wit egured mune of meks each Year of technical waining. 4.1.52. _Oft-the-Job Methods Under off-the-job taining method, the principe of ing knowledge rather than by doing is adopted and the employees are va fom teeta a ty mye be a, ihe job pressure and Job demande ring raining pevod. Location offine-job methods may be a company casvoa an eu: aor ‘owned ‘by the organisation, an educator sta Which is nota per ofthe company"The Txponantofte-ob tuning Imethods ae a follows: Tris very popular and simple method. The conecp lin on Deen Chapa 6) more sence a ‘roblemslving and rn ‘SCate Study: Under this technique the cases ‘Shotons we prpued: ond gen ie te eames (6) Role-Playing: Is also simulated exercise. The rete for developing ceave ston robes work by ‘ing ont problem en hen deters coming op wih many solutions as possible and by pushi eae 4 tapes, a Soa re ewe | 2 a wishes nnabs pts Tag hte es com siectsons with other people's ins by deeoping [| Ot Tiong _—|_—_—SeisosFaing ing ha De a ee maa a ais a ase rs pons eae to pr an i, el et a= ‘environment. The purpose of the trip is usually observation for a Combination of Training Methods should e Used | DA Lopleal Sequence of Auteude Knowledge Skil: The content of inteasive DPTrere should ‘This neces 9 ot ae tobe ulead for Sth ot tis ‘The waning Sarmray, beau the percentage of paints wile ow fr he aso that it wl hamper he oly break indivi fm uring ie week = SSteHs in Designing and Administering eee a i D-Preparing Lesson Plan: After selecting trainer the next step is to. 2 Sa Tae foe DB "Gontet wo be Covered r T lid. Selection or design of waning media, fe Bnoen sateen ae = i es area c eh wD Seecton of te manatees tb me, ‘ee 30 Nee atte —— “ {ar Sstetaing Training Programme Tiwi ng Interventions: Training objectives expected to learn or do asa result of Participating in waning programme and ae esentil to the soccer guch endeavours. Therefore, esablshing objectives the Hist spe , | D-Eraring Training Miteriae: One the tiers ve decided on Ra ea inten ion |e mete or methods oe ea ere tng wa freed upon sstabaied Tr mee 20x step in design sprang the ining nese comes ‘hore inpertant for should sate the outcome the programme of leaing miteane ‘open prove fear escentind hse han Sr ng intended to produce including the spate arbres ee pe fon ‘cnet Pogname, onaiions under whch t wil be perfomed, and he elke sn Handa Ce, a tbc oa ey TE Ss ‘edo judge winter the objective hasbeen acho aoc ene Selecting Trainer: Onoe the organistion hs made decision Ws cae csign is own wrure,o ht arched programme | \6Y Seedling Traning Programmes: Ia anelpaion of ihr wlan eet Bese roe Implementiton the taining programme must also be very carefully ; organised and scheduled. Trning schedules otge or is an important person inthe Waning process. Selecting orean oe ae ee Pain eas gettin fat awe, mated | Shy wi vin at eae ting wat with he amrivocis and ses mar expertise to | ding peseai inne programe Ts, ho eens tran in high demand areas. "el pe oper Fell aa ant, Ay schedule conflicts can be worked cay sare the visible outcome mothaid coca ik nope scaly, ied opomaly, |). Stag ak alla tees re usally worked-out by motivated enough with proper service candlons provided with} {he trainers and announced atthe bepinning ofthe programme in e, form of tine tables, Cg ee, ‘Training ="feassigned employees perfornance Al procs at te ning ready expendéa by the cremation, i signer ‘hat organisations are Wiling tbe patent, to give tot workers tne ‘acquire the skills they need to do a good job. it ensures that employees have the right knowledge and als and they se epulafly plaids Seon ofeslakacwargane aetna In addition to pay, the training investment inchides raining reagurees during the first 811. weeks of baste training followed by period of Advanced individual waning. od nally of thejob taining a the wait Tevel. Costs that could be considered as pat of the taining lesen ‘nchude the following: PASSES, oc unre ee a Ne eet hing al fv, lt Seite eae wld ca als » Soares lg spn Fe ee peace snd nt a ees cpa nf a oor coma ee 4) Messy nowing. sat rein and lundy cos for staff and a eet : i et ld a wh oe ee -P Course resource costs, such as marketing guides and promotional fod “ay eatonppesion tie, » Delivery of course materials, including reproduction cos Per PaGkase. Eee eerie sof ma sips css 2H Baigent io te average slay pa ay OF tal a 1 Da ee comparing on-steversis fst facies ayes, ghar orl rvesent in training leads to better-taind ent Investment 2 son ete nd ck of ves seniSning leads to shoriages of skilled worker, It ls wel Mae ese ining ne a ea opportunites. “Tring spe (hag 6 J4.8. Importance of Traini tmprance of tang tows ‘>? iednction a otf Preto: ent woes do ale mera Init et possble marr Tey wa i an oo ‘materia machin Tn como roeron eae B-Masiom Usain of Matera and Machine: Tring teaches the employee of te ete he meno ing et bm te'bem en manne A's seo thy mabe bs ‘enti ato of he my machine otrroe 9 Minimo Ponty of Acidets Tined worker knw the Meds of ding eof heteqeed ante They tare Mow | TNS macnes kn fw best pombe mamer redaces Posty ofaclart toe min, Sait i Organtatin: Training bring say in organisation ‘SESS wredcas hee fsbo an hour toe Stubles the yortam to tw moa inthe sbeence Of SY Steric, Tings abit nthe opinion. sii Stig Mora: Aste ined workers re apale in doing elo [Brom tatabe mamer and con undertand the rocedures aod ‘ehods ean «teres aie mora gies Gam sation Tnthei wore " in Quatity and of Production: Taning 1 perenaes t "oC employees which increases the quay ‘of production and improves its qui. , ‘supervision to minimum. As thei minim ned of spent ORBEA Tate of he ence to concent open he ‘of enterprise. ‘They have not to waste their valuable time on supervising the workers. A419. _Lientations of Training Dr Time-Consaming” Traming it 4 vme-contoming_sctviy, ‘expecially nthe absence ofs planned, formal tuning rogram >> Incremes Competition: Tring so facet competion BF Increase in Responsibility: After traning the responsibility on the shoulder of crplayees increases a they have to face tough terest ‘Since the Gaining programme, makes the tained employees responsible, the working time i organisatlons may also SF Creates Feeling of Boredom: Repetton of work creates the Loss of Investment to Organisation: Sometimes employees afer ‘ing tained foe! dissatisfied wth their Job, switches over © nother job. In this case, the organisation bes the lows of investment done on employees Goring the process of rang but on the eter side, ts beni forthe employees in he way, that afer being ‘tained their skill improves and they got betier job ‘opportunites with increased salary. Develops Feeling of Jealousy and Competition: Trining also develops a feeling of jelousy and competion among employees ‘wien an employer praises an employee for bis good work. It can be more clarified in way that tining does not develop the sis mong employses at 2 smlar rat as every individual's bility, talents and skis varies with each othe. 18) Restricts Job Switching: The disadvantage of taining onthe pat Of employees is that before giving Ualning to the employees, the Grpanisation esk the employees to sign the bond which hurdles the Train en Destipm(Cap a taste jo prong ch reared salary oe oe Pat fod dun to bond he employee cannot leave the J unl the ond i efecto. PF satura Sie of Employes Remains Unexpaced: Arter ‘dandeantage of tallng tat ke given for a specie purpore dae {0 which eter ew of employees il romain unexplored ad hence some employees do not get chance to develop het tral ‘ils whi may be productive othe organisation 20) Sometimes Leads to Frustration: When an employee is rained Specialy form specific ob, he has to work ost patra which frente a. dicipined "sopecpsere inthe orgacation, which Sometimes fener employees and thar their morale declines Sometimes tained employees generally don't have someooe 10 rmotvate them wen they fel lagi Reape _42.1._ Meaning and Definition of TNA. “A “imining need assesment, or “vaining needs analysis", Is the ‘Sjstematc method of determining if trsining nocd exe and iit dos, ‘what taining is required to il the gap between the standard and the ctl perfomance of the employee ‘Training needs assessment i. tol wllsed to denty what efcaionl courses of activities should be to management and employees {o improve their management sills and werk prosuctiviy. Foes should be placed on neds as opposed to desires. For example, a new manager {at ving oul ing ts caplyes woul be eter sted by improving various management sills ae opposed to learning free ‘asks about technical sde of his job, which might be more interesting ‘but less effective in improving morale and productivity. ‘According fo Kauffman ef aly “Need assessment can be defined 88 8 roces retin nd prising gaps between cen end eed eeee Sa MOA Second Semen) M04) 34.2.2. Levels of TNA: The ere ce ees CaN aed PBs refining ned mame wih a ws ‘Ceuenisation Anaiyis: Trinng neo ana w opinion cuss on sag paming Dunes mad a Sears, with he asesmment of tang) cavemen of he SS, Pocediurs shetres, oles soe and reaknewes, nd xia emlzsament much a oppress thrga After doing the SWOT sons, weatnesee ar Be dont ‘with the ‘ainng intervenions whe" stngia ca father te Srengthened wit continoedtisng, Tat canbe reduced by idendiying the ares where taining it egal td oppor can be expoied by balancing agai coo For this approach t be successful, the HR department of te company requires to be invalved io sraegic paming, Im this Planning, HE develop sratgis to be sure thatthe employes the orparisation have te required Knowledge, Sil and Ate (KSAS) based onthe fire ESAs requromentateach eve AF Task Analysis: Task analysis provides data about a job or a group Gf jobe and te Knowle, sll titades and while needed to ‘Schleve optimum performance. It focuses onthe wodc has bing Signed tothe employees. The Job anayat intrmaion ‘Sn whether the jb ie cealyundertod by an employee or not. The Job analyst also pathr information on the tas needs to be done Dus the tks that wil be requ In the fte, Based 00 the [formation collected, Training Need Analysis (TNA) dove ‘Individual Analysis: Individual analysis involves deciding which ae iy need to participa a taining . The formation needed t make tls dolsion cat variety ‘Stone pei a Os ere hporant to make sur tha alning s what is needed to ares any ‘Tring nd Drea (Chap 6) Employees who are tiny have the nigh Used in TNA oe sertids hat an be ed to ater dt Metts Ud nA me aaa Seco] {area Asie Oasis Py (9 Observation: In this approach, an employce's performance fui the sept, He can ask for clarification of comments and examples of ‘what they mean In this way, be obtains e full understanding of thei ‘performance deficiencies. ana See Sem (HRS MOU! ‘Tring nt Dermat (Cag “i 3} Analyse of Organteational Policy: Organisation policy wi ‘the'amount of taining offered. An explanation of various poli ‘Should be covered in the taining programme. Of particu Concer” 37 Questionnaires: Questionnsres may be used for eiting opinions ‘of the employes on topes Tike commit, saison, Job Sooaee eae sak eae soe fraction pati cu ta STN menos aft irae pages mate sitaion and noe SSereen woeigevs aired ieeviodp rece iors foe ee 7 Sivas multe ae Tinos amps shes oaghwwty 42-4. Process of TNA ai sepsis of the reese ee Aer he jos amas TA al be Ina eves of wolldefined spe, shown. os tron compe. ie wing cf} depen ondmocas MFO ——— Eiwaberineysimeas Jae 3 1033 Diewmtoms wt |e ERR Ss y Sector Management sev that snr anagenet personnel [aaa ADs a ae ‘When an employee's job description ts been defined, the tne an easily tallr his traning curcutum ta vey close poximaly of| ‘hot will be expected ofthe employees SP Dilhcaty Analyse: Dilicty analysis establishes which of the ‘utes eae the employee the pres amount af oubles and how thir rouble canbe ced through beter waning. By Problem-Solving Conference: Anctbertinetested technique for {utering neces unas maria! fom employes is to conduct Seni pretem-solvng Snfonces wich’ may take the form of Eris peso plan for new prooacs sk or ecimolgy, oF ed het Penining rowan eis always helpful to lise an outside consultant to moderate such ‘cisions is use spony hss sendeney of tein the Sone expen thir fenings about te orpaniaion, and the ‘Sason can fen be geared to ining needs D Appraisal Reviews: During te periodic counseling performance itterview, an employee shouldbe questioned repading the dues ad tainiog of worker. Comments rendre ding the eppralal ittervews normaly are genio, tod can fequenly ait ‘stalling he ogi sation and pentraons Ct» tai programme should fciod. Feedback a appraisal nerve tie 1 faltmble since i sine nformadon 8) Drive Pattern Identity: The extent ofan employee's developmegs | ‘pends on his motvaions. deafg he ores that ate at employee 1 Behave in certain way may be useful in determining his individual training needs snd how o stimulate bs dese ofl that need. ears fn | ‘Eh ap Gen Mets most effective and informed way te Samet Collection Methods: Having Wend fourees which can provide input, te methods o fp S: Collet the Information: Sufficient time must be allowed to collect the information and thst where careful day ody schedlng ‘essential. Time must be allowed! for each of the information gathering techniques tobe plane, implemented and completed Step 6: Analyse the Data and Ideotily Training Needs: Tis i the

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