Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis: Case Report and Review of The Literature

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Continuing Medical Education

Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis:

Case Report and Review of the Literature
Amy Y-Y Chen, MD; Matthew J. Zirwas, MD

RELEASE DATE: April 2009

The estimated time to complete this activity is 1 hour.

To understand steroid-induced rosacealike dermatitis (SIRD) to better manage patients with
the condition

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, dermatologists and general practitioners should be able to:
1. Explain the clinical features of SIRD, including the 3 subtypes.
2. Evaluate the multifactorial pathogenesis of SIRD.
3. Recognize the importance of a detailed patient history and physical examination to
diagnose SIRD.

Intended Audience
This CME activity is designed for dermatologists and generalists.

CME Test and Instructions on page 195.

This article has been peer reviewed and approved Einstein College of Medicine is accredited by
by Michael Fisher, MD, Professor of Medicine, the ACCME to provide continuing medical edu-
Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Review date: cation for physicians.
March 2009. Albert Einstein College of Medicine designates
This activity has been planned and imple- this educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA
mented in accordance with the Essential Areas PRA Category 1 Credit TM. Physicians should only
and Policies of the Accreditation Council for claim credit commensurate with the extent of their
Continuing Medical Education through the participation in the activity.
joint sponsorship of Albert Einstein College of This activity has been planned and produced in
Medicine and Quadrant HealthCom, Inc. Albert accordance with ACCME Essentials.

Dr. Chen owns stock in Merck & Co, Inc. Dr. Zirwas is a consultant for Coria Laboratories, Ltd, and is on the
speakers bureau for Astellas Pharma, Inc, and Coria Laboratories, Ltd. These relationships are not relevant
to this article. The authors report no discussion of off-label use. Dr. Fisher reports no conflict of interest. The
staff of CCME of Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Cutis ® have no conflicts of interest with commercial
interest related directly or indirectly to this educational activity.

Steroid-induced rosacealike der matitis (SIRD)

Accepted for publication March 6, 2008.
Dr. Chen was a transitional intern, MetroWest Medical Center– is an eruption composed of papules, pustules,
Framingham Union Hospital, Massachusetts. She currently is a fel- papulovesicles, and sometimes nodules with tel-
low in dermatology clinical research, Department of Dermatology, angiectatic vessels on a diffuse erythematous and
Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine, Dayton, edematous background. It results from prolonged
Ohio. Dr. Zirwas is Assistant Professor, Division of Dermatology,
topical steroid use or as a rebound phenomenon
The Ohio State University School of Medicine, Columbus.
Correspondence: Amy Y-Y Chen, MD, 1 Elizabeth Pl, Suite 200, after discontinuation of topical steroid. There are
Dayton, OH 45408 ( 3 types of SIRD that are classified based on the

198 CUTIS®
Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis

location of the eruption: perioral, centrofacial, presentation, the patient used betamethasone valer-
and diffuse. Diagnosis of this disease entity ate ointment daily. Five days prior to presentation,
relies on a thorough patient history and physical he ran out of betamethasone valerate. The rash
examination. Treatment involves discontinuation began to appear the day after the steroid was stopped
of the offending topical steroid and administra- and progressively worsened on a daily basis.
tion of oral and/or topical antibiotics. Topical Based on the patient’s history and physical
calcineurin antagonists should be considered as examination, steroid-induced rosacealike derma-
alternative or adjunctive therapies for patients titis (SIRD) was diagnosed. The patient was
who do not respond to traditional treatments. counseled on the expected course of the disease.
Dermatologists may need to provide psychologi- Treatment was initiated with doxycycline 100 mg
cal support during office visits for patients who twice daily, clindamycin phosphate lotion 1% once
have difficulty dealing with the discontinuation of daily, and tacrolimus ointment 0.1% once daily. On
topical steroid and/or the psychological impact of follow-up a month later, the eruption had decreased
a flare. Epidemiology, pathogenesis, histopathol- in intensity by approximately 50%.
ogy, and differential diagnosis of the entity also
are reviewed. Comment
Cutis. 2009;83:198-204. The development of topical corticosteroids in
the 1950s opened new doors for dermatologists
Case Report previously faced with treating intractable dermatoses.
A 42-year-old man previously not seen by a der- Since then and with the introduction of high-potency
matologist contacted our office for an emergent corticosteroids in the 1970s, a new dermatosis related
appointment. The patient reported having an to the application of topical steroids to facial skin,
excruciating facial eruption of several days’ dura- given several different names, has been described in
tion that his primary care physician was concerned the dermatology literature. As Weber1 reported, the
might have been a serious infection. Because of the first cases of rosacealike dermatitis in the United States,
urgency of his presentation, the patient underwent Great Britain, Scandinavia, and West Germany each
immediate evaluation. appeared years after the first publication on the clini-
On examination, there was diffuse background cal use of steroids in the respective countries. The
erythema on the chin, cheeks, and forehead with first case was reported in 1957. Frumess and Lewis2
superimposed erythematous papules and pinpoint described a dermatosis of unknown etiology that
pustules (Figure). On further questioning, it was resembled seborrheic dermatitis, which they named
discovered that the patient had been prescribed a light-sensitive seborrheid. In 1964, the term perioral
topical steroid for a facial rash more than a year dermatitis was coined by Mihan and Ayres.3 Sneddon4
ago. The steroid initially worked well, but stron- used the term rosacealike dermatitis in 1969 because
ger formulations had been necessary to progres- the eruption resembled rosacea, a well-established
sively control the eruption. In the month prior to entity. Leyden et al5 named the disease steroid rosacea

Diffuse background erythema on

the forehead with superimposed
erythematous papules.

VOLUME 83, APRIL 2009 199

Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis

in 1974. In 1976, the term steroid dermatitis resembling The diffuse type affects the entire face, forehead,
rosacea was introduced.6 Numerous other terms have and neck.9
been used to describe this disease entity including but Pathogenesis—The pathogenesis of SIRD and
not limited to rosacealike eruption from topical steroid its rebound phenomenon is multifactorial but can
and steroid-induced rosacealike dermatitis. We prefer the be partially explained by several hypotheses. After
latter because it not only indicates the morphology of prolonged application of a topical steroid, functional
the lesions but also points out their relationship with and anatomic cutaneous changes begin to occur.
topical steroids. Steroid-induced rosacealike dermatitis has been
Epidemiology—Steroid-induced rosacealike der- described as an intolerance reaction of seborrheic
matitis results from repeated application of a topical skin to topically applied steroids. The seborrheic
steroid to the face. The duration of use necessary to type of skin seems to be an essential factor because
produce SIRD can vary from days to several years. in some experimental studies, application of potent
Two months is the average, but 6 months or more of steroids to healthy skin rich in sebaceous glands has
application is common.6-9 Although it was believed resulted in typical rosacealike symptoms.1,5,9,20,21
that only high-potency topical steroids could pro- Topical steroids may inhibit collagen synthesis,
duce SIRD, it is important to note that topical leading to dermal atrophy. The decrease in support-
hydrocortisone 1% also can cause such an eruption ing connective tissue allows for the passive dilation
after prolonged use.8 of blood vessels and easier visualization of dermal
The exact incidence of SIRD is not known, but capillaries that clinically manifest as prominent tel-
it is believed to affect women more than men. The angiectases and background erythema.22,23
most common age at presentation is 40 to 50 years1,9; The immunosuppressive effects of topical steroids
however, it also has been described in infants, chil- may facilitate the overgrowth of various bacteria,
dren, and elderly patients.10-17 Despite its morpho- yeast, Demodex mites, or other microorganisms in
logic resemblance to rosacea, SIRD currently is not pilosebaceous glands, resulting in inflammatory reac-
considered a variant of rosacea.9,18 tions that produce papules and pustules.22,24 How-
Clinical Features—Steroid-induced rosacealike ever, no specific organisms have been identified as a
dermatitis typically is an uncomfortable and painful definite causative agent.25-28
condition. Patients experience a sensation of tight- The role of Demodex mites in the pathogenesis
ness, moderate stinging or burning, and dryness that of SIRD has remained controversial.9,29 It has been
can be intensely pruritic.9 The primary lesion in reported that there is a significant increase in mite
SIRD consists of pinpoint, red or flesh-colored pap- densities in patients with SIRD (P,.001).30 It is pos-
ules, pustules, or papulovesicles. Further application sible the Demodex mites can cause an inflammatory
of the topical steroid leads to a gradual spread of the or allergic reaction by blocking the hair follicles or
lesions. The papules then dry up and are replaced acting as vectors for other microorganisms.31 How-
by erythema. Eventually, patients develop persis- ever, it is important to remember that Demodex
tent and diffuse erythematous and edematous skin mites also are present on the skin of many healthy
with numerous telangiectatic vessels as well as deep individuals and may only have a pathogenic role
follicular papules, pustules, and firm nodules.9,19 There when present in high densities.32
is a lack of comedones, which is an important differ- The immunosuppressive effects of topical steroids
entiating feature, especially from steroid acne.20 also may contribute to the rebound phenomenon.
Based on the location of the eruption, there Although no specific organisms have been identi-
are 3 types of SIRD: perioral, centrofacial, and dif- fied as a definite causative agent, some researchers
fuse. The perioral type is the most common and believe that topical steroids facilitate the overgrowth
presents with discrete papules and pustules with of various bacteria, yeast, or other microorganisms
moderate erythema around the mouth, 3 to 5 mm on treated skin. These microorganisms may subse-
around the vermilion border.9 This type of SIRD quently act as superantigens.22,24 Withdrawal from
can be considered a subset of perioral dermatitis use of topical steroids and their immunosuppres-
that is induced by topical steroid use. However, sive effects then enables a superantigen-mediated
the percentage of cases of perioral dermatitis that immunologic response with an accompanying proin-
result from a topical steroid versus being idiopathic flammatory cytokine release.24,33
is not clear. Children often present with the classic Steroids also inhibit the release of a natu-
perioral type as well as perinasal and periocular erup- ral dilator called endothelium-derived relaxing
tions.9,13,14 The centrofacial type of SIRD involves factor. Vasoconstriction leads to a buildup of mul-
the cheeks, lower eyelids, nose, forehead, and glabel- tiple metabolites, such as nitric oxide (a potent
lar region. The perioral region usually is unaffected. vasodilator). When steroids are no longer present,

200 CUTIS®
Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis

Differential Diagnosis of Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis9

Disease Differentiating Clinical Features
Rosacea Rhinophyma, centrofacial region, flushing

Steroid acne Papules and pustules are monomorphic in appearance,

no background erythema

Acne vulgaris Younger population, comedones

Seborrheic dermatitis Scaling, no pustules, retroauricular, nasolabial region,

eyebrows and scalp involvement

Systemic lupus erythematosus No papules or pustules, systemic symptoms

Discoid lupus erythematosus No papules or pustules, erythematous patches and plaques

Sarcoidosis Violaceous plaques or flesh-colored nodules mostly on

cheeks or nose, no pustules

Polymorphous light eruption Specifically related to sun exposure, extrafacial involvement

Tinea faciei Raised pink scaly edge, skin at lesion center is normal,
usually unilateral and asymmetric

Lupus miliaris Eyelid involvement

Acute eczema Acute onset, no papules or pustules

Dermatomyositis Eyelid involvement, extrafacial findings (eg, Gottron papules,

macular violaceous erythema), systemic symptoms

the vasoconstrictive effect ceases. As a result, the based on physical examination, which leads to
diameter of blood vessels enlarge beyond their origi- obtaining a detailed patient history revealing topi-
nal presteroid diameter because of the accumulation cal steroid use. Biopsy features are not diagnostic
of nitric oxide, which potentiates the erythema, and are not helpful.
burning, and pruritus seen in SIRD.24 It can be challenging to diagnose SIRD for sev-
Histopathology—Histopathologic features of SIRD eral reasons. First, patients may not admit, recall,
are similar to rosacea, though there is some variation or even know that they are using a topical steroid
depending on the stage and severity of the disease.9 on their face. The topical steroid initially may
In general, the epidermis shows eczematous have been prescribed for use on other body parts,
changes consisting of edema, acanthosis, and para- or the patients may have obtained topical steroids
keratosis. The histologic changes observed in the that had been rightfully prescribed for friends and
follicular epidermis indicate that SIRD is provoked family members for treatment of other dermatoses.
by an external irritant.9,34 There are ectatic venules The “magical effect” of topical steroids can lead
and a sparse perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate in patients as well as their family members and friends
the dermis. Sometimes follicular abscesses contain- to believe that it is a panacea for all skin ailments.4,9
ing polymorphonuclear leukocytes can be seen. Second, it takes time for patients to recognize the
There also is diffuse hypertrophy of the connective cutaneous changes of SIRD. By the time the patient
tissue accompanied by sebaceous hyperplasia. Occa- presents to a dermatologist, it is difficult for the
sionally, noncaseating epithelioid granulomas with patient to pinpoint the exact temporal relationship
multiple foreign body–type multinucleated giant with topical steroids or to describe the initial mor-
cells are observed.9,35,36 phology of the lesions.1 Third, if there is another
Diagnosis—Steroid-induced rosacealike derma- simultaneous inflammatory dermatosis present, the
titis often is diagnosed only after clinical suspicion morphology of SIRD becomes even more difficult,

VOLUME 83, APRIL 2009 201

Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis

if not impossible, to appreciate. Therefore, it is for 3 to 4 months. Longer duration of treatment

extremely important to perform a detailed patient rarely is needed.9 Oral metronidazole also has been
history and physical examination. used in patients who are unable to tolerate tetra-
Differential Diagnosis—The differential diagno- cyclines. If there is no improvement with a full
sis of SIRD includes but is not limited to rosacea, dose of tetracycline, clinicians may attempt treat-
steroid acne, acne vulgaris, seborrheic dermatitis, ment with low-dose isotretinoin. An average dos-
systemic lupus erythematosus, discoid lupus erythe- age of 2 to 5 mg daily (often given as a 10-mg dose
matosus, sarcoidosis, polymorphous light eruption, 2 or 3 times weekly) for 3 months has been found
tinea faciei, lupus miliaris, acute eczema, and derma- to be effective. As always, precautions must be
tomyositis (Table). Although a biopsy of a suspected taken for females of childbearing potential who are
SIRD lesion is not diagnostic, a biopsy may be receiving isotretinoin.9
needed in certain situations to exclude other condi- In addition to oral antibiotics, topical clindamy-
tions. Under these circumstances, biopsy specimens cin, topical erythromycin, topical metronidazole,
should be taken from the chin or nasolabial groove and sodium sulfacetamide 10% and sulfur 5% lotion
and should include at least one papule.9 all have been used as part of the treatment regi-
Treatment—The first and most essential step in men.9,37,40,43-46 There have been no studies directly
the treatment of SIRD involves discontinuation of comparing monotherapy with oral antibiotics versus
all topical steroids, which usually leads to a flare a combination of oral and topical antibiotics in
of the eruption.9,18,37 Patients must be told that the treating SIRD. In less severe cases, topical therapies
rebound phenomenon is to be expected and the can be used alone, while in severe cases, oral and
disease regresses slowly, even after the exogenous topical antibiotics often are used concomitantly.
factors have been removed and the appropriate Oral antihistamines, such as cetirizine or fexo-
treatments implemented. fenadine, and/or topical antipruritic agents, such as
Without any treatment, the severity of the pramoxine hydrochloride, also can be prescribed for
initial rebound tends to subside after 10 to symptomatic relief.9,37,41
14 days.38 However, to avoid the rebound phenom- More recently, topical calcineurin antagonists,
enon and/or decrease its severity, some clinicians such as tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, have been
ask their patients to gradually taper the frequency used in the treatment of SIRD. Compared with
of topical steroid applications, while others switch traditional treatments using oral and topical anti-
their patients to intermittent use of topical hydro- biotics, topical calcineurin antagonists may offer
cortisone 1% before discontinuation of all topical quicker initial improvement and more rapid eventual
steroids.9,38-40 Goldman24 has found that varying resolution of SIRD based on several small case series
doses (20–60 mg) of prednisone, tapered over 1 to in the literature.22,24,37,47
2 weeks at most, can be helpful in treating the initial In children, the treatment of SIRD is similar to
flare-ups of SIRD. For patients who have difficulty adults and involves cessation of topical steroid use
dealing with the discontinuation of topical steroid as well as therapy with oral and topical antibiotics.
and/or the psychological impact of a flare, derma- As tetracyclines are contraindicated in children
tologists need to provide emotional support. In cer- because of discoloration of teeth, oral erythromycin
tain situations, additional referrals for psychological is the antibiotic of choice. A dosage of 30 mg/kg
counseling may be needed.9,11,41,42 daily every 12 hours for 4 weeks has been recom-
Although SIRD is not a subtype of rosacea, mended.9,48,49 There have been no case reports
avoidance of all rosacea-aggravating foods, such regarding the use of tacrolimus and pimecrolimus in
as caffeine, alcohol, hot fluids, spicy foods, and the treatment of children with SIRD.
fluoride, has been advocated.24,37 In addition, some
investigators encourage patients to wash their face Conclusion
with water only and to abandon the use of all cos- Steroid-induced rosacealike dermatitis is a symptom-
metics, soaps, moisturizers, lotions, astringents, and atic eruption composed of papules, pustules, papulo-
day and night creams.9 vesicles, and sometimes nodules with telangiectatic
Anti-inflammatory oral antibiotics have vessels on a diffuse erythematous and edematous
played a prominent role in the treatment of background. The disorder results from topical steroid
SIRD. It is unknown if the antibacterial or anti- use and can occur from prolonged use or as a rebound
inflammatory effects are primarily responsible for phenomenon after discontinuation of topical steroid.
the clinical benefit. The preferred oral antibiotics Both high- and low-potency topical steroids are
are lipophilic tetracyclines, such as doxycycline known to cause the eruption. Diagnosis of this dis-
and minocycline, in dosages of 100 to 200 mg daily ease entity relies on a thorough patient history and

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Steroid-Induced Rosacealike Dermatitis

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