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Boolean Algebra

Course Code: CSE125

Course Name: Discrete Mathematics

Rishad Amin Pulok

Lecturer, Dept. of CSE
Fundamental Concepts of Boolean Algebra
Operator Precedence
Operator Precedence Cont.
Some Important Theorems of Boolean Algebra
Boolean Functions
Standard Forms
Sum of Product(SOP) Form
Product of Sum(POS) Form
Representation as an Algebraic Expression
Representation as a Truth Table
Logic Gates
AND Gate
OR Gate
NOT Gate
NOR Gate
Finding Boolean Expression of a Logic Circuit
Finding Boolean Expression of a Logic Circuit
Constructing a Logic Circuit from a Boolean Expression
Constructing a Logic Circuit from a Boolean Expression
Universal NAND Gate
Implementation of NOT, AND and OR Gates by NAND Gates
Universal NOR Gate
Implementation of NOT, AND and OR Gates by NAND Gates

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